(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

<font color="0000ff"> piggy lol... cheem lor... ahahaha... nvm la... maybe to us is a lot to u is not alot... hee heee...

im keen on the class... but simei is quite far for me... sigh... but i think have to have like limited numbers right ?

eliz - how old shld the child be to take part? i dont think my girl is ready for such a class yet.. think il go nuts and she will prolly mess up everything... but then again, she cannot take it when her fingers get a spec of dirt ... will show me then must wipe for her... if not she will make a lot of noise and not eat her food -__________________- irony of it is, if i do not clean for her, after awhile, she wil wipe it on the back of her hair -_-" out of sight out of mind? LOL!

charlotte !!!! she olredi said she wont share recipes.. if not not fair to her class attendees... so we must go for the class then can...

eliz - im not trying to burst yr business... but i wld like to share that for those staying in north area, there is this lady called Shinni who does it at her home in Yishun... her FB is called Bakincow if im not wrong... heh heh heh... if not we cn always pester lynzi... she like quite good in baking leh... heh heh heh heh...

*nudge nudge lynzi*</font>


Have these to clear:

High sensitivity LH ovulation strips - 20 strips for $10 (expiry 9 June 2012)

Clearblue smiley face ovulation digital test:
BNIB 7 tests - $40 (expiry Dec 2011)
Opened pack 5 tests - $20 (expiry Sep 2011)

All tests and strips are individually packed.

Bundle price $60 for all.

Pls PM me if keen. Thanks!
<font color="aa00aa">Missy,
u very notty hor..pester me ah? Hehe..
I have been ban from baking for the time being by my dh cos that day i made pineapple tarts n felt woozy.
Think i stand for too long.
But next week im making tiramisu for my big boss's farewell party..hee
And my hands are itching to make lapis n custard puffs for my grandparents housewarming next mth.
Hope i will be well enuf n dh will allow.</font>
Morning gals..

Long time no come in here liao.

Charlotte, i am here reporting liao
Still learning more to improve.
The Hello Kitty cutters i bought from cakediy in HongKong. Though these are actually from japan but i can't find the direct source

I'm doing a Bp which is closing today if you are keen.
Sorry ah, cannot share my cookie/cupcake recipes.

I still don't know what you working as ah.. can pm me? Hee...
Ya, i can organise a date. Just need 3 pairs of child/parent to start

I think the younger the child, the lesser they will enjoy. Abt 2+ onwards is good though i did started my gal at 18mths but of coz she made a huge mess! hahaha.
Good to share. You ladies can check her out. No worries to burst my biz, i can't take everyone ah! haahaa.

Lapis sure sounds so yummy! I have been waiting to try baking but my family's not a fan.
gd morning ladies... =) it's a brand new day and we're closer to wkend lor!!! UhHHHoooOOOoo...

it's going to be almost a wk at work after my maternity leave... very chiam... everyday @ work.. FB..watsapp..sms..msn.... not working leh!!! hahaa... later boss find out sure fire me one!

how's everyone today?
<font color="0000ff">lynzi - heh heh heh heh!!! pls share with me yr tiramisu recipe! many thanks! kekeke!

eliz - then i think i better wait. sigh. maybe next yr. heh. now she only 2+. but i think still cannot make it. lol! i wil go crazy! then u all will see how fierce i can be. muahahaha!

jaster - enjoy while you can. hehehehehe.</font>
good morning ladies.

Very tired.....just done with morning meeting, 8am till 10am. So nice weather, thought can sleep in; but dragged myself outta the bed this morning. =( Yawnz~

I like baking as well, but my house oven is still a virgin for baking. hahahahah
<font color="119911">Yes, new cycle, new hope. My AF also reported yesterday.

Has anyone tried taking "honey &amp; cinnamon" for fertility? I chanced upon this when googling for "honey &amp; dates".</font>
missy ur hb so funny lar, u warning ppl abt the fake fitflops he say he is selling fitflaps!! wahahah..cant stop laughing in front of the monitor..my colleague say i seow liao!!
piggywiggy, missycandy - ya I am very very keen but simei too far away for mummies like me who dun have a car n staying at the other end....ya its ok if she can't share her receipes....I can always look for u, hahaha.....can?

missycandy - u got update the table? can put up daily? thanks hor if u dun mind

Eliz, so meaning yr bp selling the hello kitty cookies cutters? if yes can order for me n pm me the details?

Starrz, finally see u here...where have u been? tot u given up already?

donkeymami, new cycle new hope(as usual) nvm, hold hands with canopyhaze n me for next cycle as we are very close for our cycle. So u be visiting Dr Wong again for advice?
<font color="ff6000">Good Morning.

Starrz darling, are you the Starrz I know. I use to be naivesg la.

Canopyhaze, I search a few times, cannot find u on fb.
<font color="0077aa">Hi,

Have requested to add some of u in FB (M***** G*). I'm a mom of a 5-year old boy. Had 2 MCs previously and would like to have another child.</font>
New cycle new hope!

Anyone try preseed?? I'm thinking to buy and try..

My AF still not here.. think too stressed... tmr gotta fly to Darwin somemore.. sianz!!!
Canopyhaze, not sure if i'm in ur FB. can add me? [email protected] FB Nick is J*E* WO** lol

Charlotte, dun thk going bck to Dr Wong again think he can do much unless i wan to take clomid. if i've no prob O think i jz cont'd to try.
Wah I din log in the whole afternoon ytd and so many posts... need time to catch up..

What did I miss? I also want to know what piggy is working as... would some kind soul PM me... I also want to kaypoh... heheheh...

Canopy : u bought the makka pakka??? hehehe.... cute hor. My hubby went to Hougang to collect from the seller.
donkey : just sent u a request thru' fb.

Happyiness : yup, bought it yesterday, has made payment and it will be sent to me via reg mail within these few days. Thanks.

Apple : My nick in fb is I***O*, you can go thru the gal's friends' list to look for me.
Eliz, yes been using preseed for the last few cycles, help to have smooth BD cos age catching up, realise not much EWCM....!!!

donkeymami, did he tell u that u have to try clomid if not successful this cycle? ya, since u are ovulating good then think very soon u will strike unless u are not ovulating which I suspect I am one....

My last 2 weeks working part time here.....after much discussion with hubby, will be SAHM to take care of my gal as she is attending K1 next year, HB wans me to help her in her studies....but kind of worried financially but he said dun worry...he will earn more to feed his queen n princess, haha.....
donkey : bingo!

Happiness : can't add u using email add as i'm using iphone, can only do so when home. Alternatively, r u friend with anyone here, then i can access their friend's list to add u.
Charlotte : Yr hb so sweet... But i think it's good for you to help your girl build her foundation too.
I also have the same plan. Work hard now and save enough and be SAHM when my girl starts school.
oh man.. all your hubbies very sweet! sigh... mine from day 1 told me not to be SAHM... cos he can't afford to support me and our future housing loan... sad lah!

thank u! =)
Happiness, yes a bit worried for her academic results as she dun like to sit down n write her ABC/123....reading is ok as she likes u to read to her stories but teacher say her writing not so good...esp chinese
arrgg.....going to enrol her to Berries to lay her foundation for chinese n CMA for mental arthimetic to help her maths since she's attending phonics now.....really not easy to be a kid nowadays.....
Charlotte, ya ur hubby vy sweet since u working part time all this way think the impact mayb not so bad esp ur hubby alr promised he will earn more to maintain ur current life style. SO ur hubby intend to chg job or work part time? i saw many young taxi drivers nwadays work as part-timer to earn for living too.
I agree.. not easy being a kid nowadays, esp in singapore!
My gal also don't like to sit and write.. though her teacher say she's doing ok.. but being the ks mummy here, can't help but be worried.
Happiness, have added u in FB, pls accept....

Jaster, have to consider a lot to be SAHM too, not that easy to have this decision....got to sacrifice a lot, can't spend like last time, have to save this n that esp everything going up nowadays! so dun envy me....next time yr hb earnings stable already then can plan n discuss further lor....we hope we can pay up our housing loan by this year end so we really can owe a property.....jia you!
Charlotte > ya ya i nearly give up then i strike!!
Didnt report in here coz a lot of prob here n there.. not stable...

Apple > Yes yes i know WHO u r !!!!
u back for how long liao huh??
donkeymami, ya he actually got think of driving part time taxi drivers....he apply already but must go for interview n tests 1st. He hope he can be promoted these 2 years n can stayed in office during working hours then nite time can drive taxi to earn extra cos his working hours is irregular now.....think a lot of ppl working as taxi drivers now, the thrend....
<font color="ff6000">I am donketmami's friend.
Will add you Canopyhaze once you friend with her.
oh oh, I am lynzi friends too.

Lynzi, u noe so many of my friends.
U know Jac, Jean &amp; Alison too.
Canopyhaze, I pm u my email add now. Thanks.

request to add some of you too. My nick is V.H.
Starrz, wow....congrats so how many weeks currently? never log in n share the good news with us, pls more more babydust for me n the ladies here.....catch catch CATCH.....I also wan to give up already so pls pray for me....
Jaster : i think i miss your earlier posts. Wah your son just delivered in March and u alr thinking of #2... *salutes*... We have common friends... Rachel and Fish Hu... Thou Fish is not in my FB... hahaha

Charlotte : Accepted u in FB. Yr girl really can post for pics man... should send her for some modeling photoshoots... :p

Eliz : Accept u in FB too. U are very pretty. Megan has luscious hair... *jealous...envy*.. my girl's hair just refuse to grow...grrrr... we shave her during her full month celebration till now 16+mths alr still hair so short
<font color="aa00aa">Jaster,
u different case.
U moving into new hse n will need to service the housing loan.
How is your cute Jovan doing?

i striked using preseed.

Not sure if its cos of preseed or the extras that me n dh been doing.

but mine never used alcohol leh.
Usual tiramisu got use.</font>
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Day1 Last AF</TD><TD>Date of Next AF</TD><TD>Cycle Days</TD><TD>Gynae </TD></TR><TR><TD>eliz</TD><TD>17-May</TD><TD>13-Jun</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>Adrian Tan (TMC) </TD></TR><TR><TD>sweetapple</TD><TD>21-May</TD><TD>19-Jun</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>Adrian Woodworth </TD></TR><TR><TD>airy</TD><TD>27-May</TD><TD>22-Jun</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>Chen Li Han </TD></TR><TR><TD>charlotte</TD><TD>13-Jun</TD><TD>13-Jul</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>Wong M T (TMC) </TD></TR><TR><TD>canopyhaze</TD><TD>14-Jun</TD><TD>22-Jul</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>Paul Tseng (TMC) </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font color="0000ff">whoever keen to have their details up do lemme knw.
Thanks Charlotte and canopyhaze!!

Charlotte, i am 23 weeks liao.
I wanted to login to share but on the other hand...i keep having complications.. so i v scared.
Sorry for not sharing.

Babydust to all here

Btw, just to share.. i strike using preseed. But not too sure if preseed is the 'gong lao' but tat monthe was the first time i use preseed.
<font color="0000ff">lynzi - its ok becos i dun have alcohol to use also. kua kua kua.

aiyo. donkey its ok! new cycle new hope! maybe u strike with canopy next!!!

sorry ah pls dun pin hope on me. i tested and still BFN. i have no symptoms nothing. i dont think i am like i said. only did it once. on the day after seeing smiley. so very low chance. and its been like 2wks already. still BFN. so probably is nothing liao. anyway, i will go see TCM to tiao my body once im back from my trip
Okok, preseed!! I will go buy once my AF reports. Still harbouring hope though i tested again today and still neg. Hubby say the cheapo test slip no good, told me to go get clear blue and test if by sat AF still not here.

*blush* thanks.. need to lose weight.. too fat!! ever since ttc for #2, my weight has been climbing!!

I got a easy tiramisu recipe if you keen to try
<font color="0000ff">wahseh! 23wks!!! congrats to u Starzz!!!!!!!!!!

ok! i shall use preseed this mth if my menses reports. zzz! lol!</font>
indeed it's a very big decision to have one less income supporting the family... and a lot of factors to consider too hor... heee... =) i just hope that me being a working mum, my son won't be distant away from me lor.. trying my best to spend quality time with him... but hor.. i dunno whether if he knows and understands and feels it... haaa..
Eliz : can i also have the easy tiramisu recipe?
I've tried making Tiramisu, but dun knw y it always turn out very soft... more to like soggy...
Ah, don't try to diet now huh. TTC must be in good health and eat nutritious food.. laster strike #2 liao, deliver alr then 1 shot lose weight. Better deal that way... hahahahah

Congrats!! You made me wanna cheong go buy preseed now!

Don't think that way... i'm sure he knows.. My gal spends more time with my helper too but once my hubby or i'm home, she's glued to us!
