(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

thanks missycandy.
Ya try preseed.... see Lynzi also strike using that.
Hope u dun have the chance to use then strike liao

<font color="0000ff">jomummy - he is like that. suddenly will jump out with some funny joke. lol. even lynda also bth him. lol</font>
<font color="0000ff">my preseed still in the bubblewrap... havent open to see also.. wahahahaha! so jialat! and i bought it like few mths ago with the strips. zzz! horrible horrible me! ... becos hb say im already quite wet.. so im worried using preseed will make it even wetter then not so nice olredi... lol...</font>
Eliz > thanks!!
haha we like say until preseed is so wonderful like that. But i also see ppl strike using preseed then i go buy. So i think it did helps in one way or another.
Jia you!

Jo's mummy > thanks!!
U can get preseed at Guardian or Watson. I got mine from Guardian.

Mine is a princess.
Starrz...i want princess,,,pls quickly throw buckets n tonnes of Baby GIRL dust to me!!!!!

Ok ok shall go n buy today after work..shhh...

wew wit..missy, so wet..slurp...kekekek...ur hubby shiok ah...
<font color="0000ff">if shy to buy from guardian or watsons, then buy online. those blogshops. if not cn always get from guardian lor. </font>
oh..ya hor..then u no need use preseed lar..since ur hb say liao..means ngam ngam hor liao..kekekek...

i heard ppl rather go for c-sect bcos they wan their hb to feel the friction when bd..now i understand y...
congrats!!! weeEEee... princess can dress her up wor!!! hahaa.. i really n crossing my fingers that my 2nd one is a gal gal...

Jovan is doing great! hmmm... just that without me ard, it seems he can poo more regularly... with me, he poos as and when he likes sia!!! faint... and yeah lor... new house mean more expenses!! thank God that we're staying with bot side parents... saved a lot!

it's a small world yah!? heee... ai yah... i dun like to leave to chance.. so come here and do some homework first before we start trying for the next one mah...

heheee.. i hope so! now can sense that he actually prefers my mom when all of us are around! sad lah... hahaa... and dun diet to lose weight hor.. not good for our body lor...

when i strike with #1 i was also using presseed.. hahaa... perhaps it's one of the contributing factor... =P
<font color="0000ff">ehhhhhh friction then both shiok leh... too wet its like swish swish swish... not shiok leh... not sadistic la... lol!!! hmmm... wet got feeling meh???? hb also commented now i like very wet... maybe becos we dont do very often liao lol! so once in awhile do so get high.. wahahahah!!! TMI TMI TMI! </font>
Starzz, congrats! I also want a little princess!!!

Today is CD27 (DPO12) for me, I only BD once and I did use preseed. But then, I keep having cramps like the past few cycles, so I guess AF will be reporting soon.

Eliz, I will KIV on the cup cake baking course for kids. Need to check with my hb. Yesterday, I ask my boy if he want to go for cupcake baking class, he told me he can make cupcake at home, no need to go Auntie Eliz house (referring to playdoh cupcake) LOL.
<font color="0000ff">jaster, not very high hope. its been quite awhile and still dont get BFP means not possible. we did it on 27th. thats DPO1 if im not wrong. today is already 16th. thats like 19-20days DPO leh. if really have, by now it should show BFP lor...</font>
missy, didn't noe u like rough play, haha....but wet is better mah like what happiness said, if not pain very jia luck....I not that wet then HB gan cheong, wan to go in liao...I will scream very loud n say:" u wan to die ah...pain lei!!!" haha.....so now got to use preseed to avoid pain, so pathetic of me....

Starrz, so u got 2 princess now....so envy, when's my turn????
ladies, i addded some of u, all ur kids are cute.

Not to pour cold water, but i have been using preseed for 3 months still no sound no pic ler. But i going to buy second box lor.
My DH dont like i use it cos he find it too wet no feeling also, haha.

But really heard many of them use first time then strike.
maybe u o late this cycle? then maybe hcg level not high yet so still can't detect? so long no see red still got hope! that was what i told myself last time when i was ttc-ing...

hahaa... i'm the very dry kind now leh!!! dunno is it cos i'm still pumping bm... first time after giving tried i was screaming at my hubby lah!!! then told him must use lubricant if not cannot have bedroom activity liao!

hugs hugs... new cycle new hope ya! =)
<font color="0000ff"> if i O late is really no hope lor. becos we only did it on 27th. lol! anyway, see how la. hahaha. come back from my trip see TCM liao. heh must stop procrastinating!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Starzz,
Due in oct i supposed?
Ooh..i also want a princess but mine still not known yet.

new cycle new hope!

jovan knows with u he can teh a bit..haha
Wow..u mean for your new place u will move in with both parents??

wooohooo..so raunchy sia.
Lucky all here over age liao..haha

u know jean too?</font>
oops.. no lah.. as in right now we're staying with both side parents... wkday at my parents.. wkend at his... so we saved a lot on food.. utilities etc...

=) sperms can stay longer in us one leh.. how long is ur LP any idea?
Ladies, have been browsing thru yr Fb n realise most of yr kids are still young....think mine is 1 of the eldest age, like 4 years old, only a handful 4-6 years....really admire u ladies able to handle 2 young kids....

missy - maybe can put our #1 age on the table too, hehe, what u think? some of them looks n seem young too but some I dare not guess the age, haha.....
thanks all ladies here

Spraying princess babydust all over here...

Lynzi, ya due on Oct.
U in which week now... hmm now still not known..maybe is princess wor

Charlotte, ya going to have 2 princess.
Your turn is coming v soon.. :D
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Day1 Last AF</TD><TD>Date of Next AF</TD><TD>Cycle Days</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Age of #1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>eliz</TD><TD>17-May</TD><TD>13-Jun</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>Adrian Tan (TMC)</TD><TD>4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>sweetapple</TD><TD>21-May</TD><TD>19-Jun</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>airy</TD><TD>27-May</TD><TD>22-Jun</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>Chen Li Han</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>charlotte</TD><TD>13-Jun</TD><TD>13-Jul</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>Wong M T (TMC)</TD><TD>4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>canopyhaze</TD><TD>14-Jun</TD><TD>22-Jul</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>Paul Tseng (TMC)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font color="0000ff">u wana add in where u all stay as well? the area.. like yew tee.. bukit timah... clementi... woodlands... or north south east west central...</font>
missy - why u yrself not inside the table?

how abt the rest of the ladies? the table look so cold with just a few of us.....come come join in n make the thread 're re now now'
KK, later i pm u. Need to find recipe. If not, will go back send my home lappie.

Princess good good but sure spend more $. hahaha.
I guess its a hope.. Hubby also agreed to go see gynae.. he also sianz no news after trying so long.

Yesyes, cannot diet.. My mum giving me more tonic somemore coz nowadays i have backache.

Woohooo.. you good ah... I beginning to find it a chore.. just do to get preggie.. plus hubby work stressful.. guess that makes it harder to enjoy.. Booked a trip to japan, thinking to make it a "make bb holiday" but cannot go and change to HKG with my gal. Hahaha.. really 人算不如天算

yupyup!! 0ona get preseed and try harder this month..

My gal is turning 4 this july. Also old already. kept asking for a baby brother
<font color="0000ff">becos i dun wana be in the table lorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! =P

no one give me info how to put leh. lol.</font>
Do change my revised dates:
Day1 Last AF : 16.06.2011
Date of Next AF : 12.07.2011

I'm staying Simei

Thanks thanks
Back from lunch..the threaad moves really fast today hahaha. good

Starzz, congrts &amp; hv a smooth pregnancy ahead.

I tried preseed HB find too wet too din used last cycle but i tried 2-3times in previous cycles.

Preseed can try to buy from Unity cos it's cheaper than Watson &amp; Guardian think selling at $34-35.
thanks donkey for the info, shall get de preseed from Unity then...hehe...but scared hb don like n wasted the $$$
missy - since majority dun like the table then I think we dun wan to update lah....pressure too when see the table, hehe....keeps reminding me when AF comes....since just a few of us, dun wan to trouble u if thats the case!

pack up n going home now
Jaster : Ya I knw Fish from ROM 2007 forum, and Rach from AD 2008 forum.... hahahha I still join Rach sprees too ..hahaha

Jo : hahahah cos hor i heard many people say after natural birth, dwn thr will be "looser"... so i ask my hb lor.... my hb say "erm so far no difference"...hahaha maybe he dun wan to offend me, if not next time "no more" for him... wahahhahaha

MIssy : wah yr lucky hubby.... seldom got man kena rape by wife de... yr hubby must be one of the super lucky one... hahah
Jo : my back still pain lo... took pain killer so still can sustain abit... but in the office sit too long can feel strain on my back.
Maybe will go TCM tomorrow. Have to tahan these few days cos hubby has got training since MOn till tonite ... only back at 10plus... so i gotta rush home pickup my girl....
i am awake from cramp...arghhh...AF, please come ON time, dont come during Friday night and Saturday while i am taking flight to Sg!!!!
i want drugs free for 3 months..to seek TCM, to seek fertility doctor in Sg, i have book appoinment with LC Foong on July..

SAD:-( New cycle new hope

Congrats!! catch ur baby dust!!!

Age of no 1: 5
Stay: everywhere is my house lor hahaha...but my home sweet home is at Yishun.
wah u still can tong till tml??? back leh.. no joke... quickly go get it treated bah..

hugs hugs... use warm bottle on ur tumtum for the cramp?

<font color="0000ff">jo mummy how u knw i always rape my hb! u spy ah? =P i rather slp than rape! lol!

happiness - no la... i not so onz.. esp nwadays so tired looking after my girl is really no mood for anything else... lol!

airy - yes mam! shoo yr cramps away! BOOOOOOOOOOO

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Day1 Last AF</TD><TD>Date of Next AF</TD><TD>Cycle Days</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Age of #1</TD><TD>Location </TD></TR><TR><TD>sweetapple</TD><TD>21-May</TD><TD>19-Jun</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>airy</TD><TD>27-May</TD><TD>22-Jun</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>Chen Li Han</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>Yishun </TD></TR><TR><TD>charlotte</TD><TD>13-Jun</TD><TD>13-Jul</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>Wong M T (TMC)</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>Yew Tee </TD></TR><TR><TD>canopyhaze</TD><TD>14-Jun</TD><TD>22-Jul</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>Paul Tseng (TMC)</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>eliz</TD><TD>16-Jun</TD><TD>12-Jul</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>Adrian Tan (TMC)</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>Simei </TD></TR><TR><TD>missycandy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Sembawang </TD></TR><TR><TD>jomummy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Ang Mo Kio </TD></TR><TR><TD>donkeymami</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1+</TD><TD>donkeyland =x </TD></TR><TR><TD>happiness&amp;bliss</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jaster</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></font>
