(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

=P missycandy... Jasmine Lee... dunno if there are tons of Jasmine with the surname Lee out there! hahaa... cos is such a common name mah... or u wan me to add u?

added u!
<font color="0000ff">ive added some of you.. becos we have common friend.. lynzi.. wahahahahahha. not sure if correct one. lemme knw k ?
<font color="ff6000">I cant find megan's cuppies from FB, is my spelling correct?

Eliz &amp; Lynzi requested to added you.
Hey.. when you all post on my wall, will all my other friends see the post? I'm not very savy with FB. The problem is my boss and colleague is on my FB, I don't want them to know I'm TTC.
Go see your profile page. What u see there is what your other FB frds can see.
Think post in the group, others cannot see but on your wall, yes.
<font color="0000ff">yes post on yr wall ppl can see.
post in group pple cannot see becos its a secret group.

so try to refrain from posting my wall also. lol!</font>
mommytq, please PM me your FB user ID.

I just removed my colleagues &amp; boss from my FB, just to be on the safe side. If they ask, I just tell them my FB was hacked.
<font color="0000ff">sweetie - LOL!!!!!!!!!!

happiness - oh no ! wad happened? do take care ~ lie down more... dont sit too much...
Missy : haiz... I stretch to take something in the office on Mon then heard a snap sound on my back. Thought nothing about it..then came home I brought my daughter out and chase after her in shopping mall and carry her..think aggravate the condition...
Ytd was so painful i had to hold on to support to stand up... so go see doctor and was given MC for today... old liao.... so here pain there pain... must go overhaul already!! lol...
<font color="0000ff">wahseh. snap sound? diao. doesnt sound good. hmmm pls rest. dont carry her. if the pain travels down the leg to the toes and really cant stand properly, pls go a&amp;e. </font>
Aiyo.. "snap sound in my back" this sounds scary.

I have added all mummies who is in 2011 TTC#2 group. I'm so confused as I don't know who is who....

mommytq, didn't know I don't accept PM. Actually this is not the usual nick I use in this forum, but my colleague knows my nick so I had to change. I just PM you my FB user name.

My company is not exactly not pro-family. It's just that there are only 3 ppl in my department. 1 is already 11weeks preggy, the other one is TTC for dragon. My boss will be very stressed if she know I'm also TTC. I was actually trying for rabbit, then now dragon. I was contemplating if I should push back my TTC plans, but I'm not young anymore. I shouldn't push back just b'cos my colleagues is preggy or TTC.
Eliz : I had back muscle torn before. Thats y very easily strain the muscle now.... It's also amazing to my gynae how i manage to carry my girl till full term previously... Guess it's mommy's power huh!

Missy : Thanks. But the u knw la, she always very sticky de. I try teling her mommy pain pain.. Then her lips quiver and like want to start to cry so i quickly stop
eh, Dxxx Lxx is who ? :p

charlotte, add me too !

sweetie, just cheong ! don't push back own plans for convenience of others k !
<font color="0000ff">happiness i hear you! kirsten is the same. with my super bad back, she add on more. sigh. and its like only wan me is what gets to me... sigh...</font>
Jaster, I dun join that grp already cos most MIA, some strike, some give up.....

Happiness, do take care....sounds serious lei, dun carry heavy things if necessary....
I see. No wonder. Maybe try TCM? I have frds who went to TCM and they say it helps.
How old is your gal? Must try to explain to her and be firm.
My gal also likes to be carried but as she's older now, can explain to her why i cannot carry. She's 18kgs!!!

Cannot becoz of that then delay your ttc plans lor.. not fair to you also..

That's sweetie
<font color="ff6000">Sweetie, dun push back ur plans for other sake. Your children is urs for life, but colleagues is not.

jia you.
WIsh u and all here HUat HUat!
sweetie, i also agree wif the rest. dun push back ttc plans. many of us started mths/yrs ago now we still trying lo. like u said u started wif rabbit bb now drag till dragon also. TTC not tat u wan u will get it de.
mommytq, u add u if u can find me....btw some ladies added me previouusly from TTC thread but already MIA for long time or they have strike....shd I delete them cos I already forgotten who is who?

<font color="0000ff">yes. do wad u must for yrself. sometimes u think for others n they dont appreciate it. then u might regret lor. so just go ahead with yr own plans.
