(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

<font color="119911">It's "Monday blues" for me coz I just returned to work after a 2-workday break.

So, FB adding is in uh?</font>
Missy : haiz... oh Kisten is also like that. Cherish always likes to be hug and carried. And when we go out, sometimes I dun like to bring her stroller cos very heavy. SO put her in carrier instead. Thats a bad bad move too

Charlotte : Thanks.

Eliz : My girl is comeing 17months. Yes planning to go TCM maybe tomorrow. Today probably rest 1st. My girl is 11.5Kg. So carrying her is a strain...

Jaster : Thanks...
<font color="0000ff"> aiyo. ya. carrier no good. stroller better. get a light weight umbrella stroller ? nowadays a lot of brands that are light... esp now GSS.. can go take a look at kiddy palace...
<font color="0000ff">nowadays my girl quite zhi dong. wil auto go sit on stroller if going out. lol. sometimes hb doesnt wana bring stroller out. but she will sit there n refuse to budge if we dont push stroller -_-" buay tahan. this morning also. wana bring her down tk sch bus. then she wana sit on stroller. *faints*

eee once my girl hit 10kg i olredi feel like buay tahan.. now she is 13kg+ ... sigh...</font>
Megan is 18kg!!!
But luckily she will sit in the stroller so when out its good.. but if we don't bring the stroller, i'm deadmeat
missy : if hubby with us then will bring the stroller along. But usually if i bring her out alone i will just take the carrier.
The stupid jumbo stroller is super heavy. Already 15Kg w/o Cherish in it.
But then it is very stable, so if she is sleeping in it, will not feel the bumps and knocks lo.
I also tot of umbrella pram. But my hb say looks very uncomfortable...

Sweetie : Ya my girl same. Only wants mommy to carry and do everything else for her...
Missy, my boy also almost 14kg+ long time nvr weigh him after his last jab at 18mths..

as u can see tat day at City Square, almost all the time im carrying my boy..he only wants mummy..i really buay tahan carry him.,.,
my email flooded, my fb flooded..
whos not yet received my PM in FB, let me know..
oK when see me must pay me $$$$.

i will collect commision from you once i pay you all the school fees they pay me heee..

i really duno who is who, too many to catch up. If see me at Sg, please call me!!shout loud2 my name
jo's mummy, wah bian....18mths old at 14kg? sure bo? my gal 4 yrs old at 16kg I already complain she heavy n growing fatter.....really admire u, how to carry him? hands sure break liao....at his age, sure must carry!!!!

piggywiggy, wah...yr occupation sure 'chiam'....must be earning tons n tons....salute u
Charlotte, u misunderstood me! i mean since his last jab in 18mths i never weigh him until now..he is already 2yrs 6mths, so i guess he is abt 14kg...
what is ur nick in FB?? fb me inbox leh..

where are u??? u go Feb 2012 thread liao???

yours 4 is 16kigs, mine worst...5 liao now still 16kg..
i have to go, hungry. must go take my breakfast, and make appoinment with toyota, then come back cook lunch, packing..

whoever i never reply, please let me know in FB, not Forum..

Jos mom,
she super skinny la...worst is get skinny when she at Sg last year, golek jalan2 with me day and night..not enough sleep..
so this year canot let her like tat liao..
Airy like u slim gal....my gal like me, baba type haha....its in the genes:p

jo's mummy, my gal also picky eater but still fat...think she ate all the starchy food like bread, biscuits, noodles etc.....she dun eat vegetables n fruits only apples....damn choosy eater lei

mommytq, my email is [email protected]
high 5 eliz &amp; charlotte, me also ba ba type, no matter how slim, my arms, my thigh n my cheeks still ba ba...
jo's mummy
I'm big sized! consider tall also.. I put on 20+kg when i had my gal and still had 10+kg on me still!!
Don't see my FB pix.. i very good at hiding... there was once i met this mummy who just saw my photos on fb. She asked if those FB photos were taken long time ago. I was quite insulted lar but sigh... no choice, fat is fat..

same same.. baba everywhere... I like your hubby! so sweet of him..

hehe.. no hurry
happiness : thanks for the link. has bought the Makka Pakka, waiting for the seller to reply me for payment &amp; mode of delivery. Did u pick up the soft toy from the seller or get them or courier to you?
email me to my fb inbox.

Jo mums,
consider ok la..some foods she eat, some is not...maybe follow me lor skinny type.
Apple(babytiger) and sweetie(sweet_apple) - have added u in FB (2 sweet apples, hehe)

mommytq - after much effort, have added u too, pls accept hor

those who add me pls indicate who u are....if not very blur, add u as fren but dunno who u are!
canopyhaze, u are already my fren decades ago....u forgotten me or u dunno who I am in FB? u are I*** O* rite?

Eliz, u where got fat or baba? ok lah....me fatter than u but nvm lah as long as healthy fine liao....gave up dieting long ago, haha....
charlotte : sorry sorry, old liao, really duno who is who liao.

going home liao before the traffic builds up, talk to u ladies again.
<font color="0000ff">stares @ piggy..

I agree. Cheeeeeeeemmmmmmm! Lol. Title cheem. I searched in Wikipedia for meaning. Lol!!!

My girl same age as jomummy boy. He boy so heavier lo. Kirsten is 2yrs 3mths... Last visit to doc in Jan is 13.2 now I dunno... Heh...

Hmmm eliz me also fat no worries we can sit together lol! </font>
Eliz, really amazed by yr baking skills....u are really GOOD man! If only I have yr skills by half, sigh.....btw where u get those hello kitty cookie cutters? I wan to get them too, can get for me? can email me yr receipes for the cookies too, thanks
Wah how many of u know liao? U all ah.. so cute leh.. or shd i say so kaypoh? sad to burst ur bubble, i don't earn a lot lah.. :p may be i shdn't have told u guys lor..

Airy, how much commission did u make ah? hahaha...

Missy, u stare at me for what? do i look like an alien? heh..
Charlotte, yup yup !! Accept liao ! Keke !

Piggy, veryyy cheem! I had to google for the meaning. Learn sthg new today haa!
