(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

1st day AF - 17th May
Expected next AF - 13th June
CD days - 28 days
gynae - Dr Adrian Tan (TMC)


Lynzi, i m looking for u.. have PM-ed u my msn add.

Charlotte, Missy, Canopy, why don't u guess what i work as.. mine is a super specialised field. as far as i know, there are only at most 5 ppl in s'pore in my area.. hahahaha.. :p i m not telling it here!

Donkey, pls test and let me know if ur trigger is out of ur body? U are abt 14 days past trigger right? trigger shd have left ur body. How many IUs did u receive? I kena poke by a 5000IU HCG trigger.
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>1st Day of Last AF</TD><TD>Expected Date of Next AF</TD><TD>Cycle Days</TD><TD>Gynae </TD></TR><TR><TD>eliz</TD><TD>17-May</TD><TD>13-Jun</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>Adrian Tan (TMC) </TD></TR><TR><TD>sweetapple</TD><TD>21-May</TD><TD>19-Jun</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>Adrian Woodworth </TD></TR><TR><TD>charlotte</TD><TD>13-Jun</TD><TD>13-Jul</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>Wong M T (TMC) </TD></TR><TR><TD>canopyhaze</TD><TD>14-Jun</TD><TD>22-Jul</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>Paul Tseng (TMC) </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
<font color="0000ff">i duno ma. anyhow hantam. LOL!!!!!!!!! u guess la!

*whispers .. means she earns a lot of $$$$$$$!!!* =x </font>
missycandy, ya ocviously mah....with this kind of sufferings n long hours, if not very high pay, u wan to suffer? she can't be a pilot rite? haha....really dunno lei, guess she won't disclose here....

Eliz, u ladies so super....can noe u preggie with just 1 day AF late....I dun even noe I preggie with my #1 till I'm 6weeks....can hear BB Heartbeat by then, stupid me cos no symptons except my missed period, tot its stress....
Thanks ladies for the cheers &amp; supports ya! Hope i wun disappointing u all ok.

piggy, i will be oli testing if my AF nv show up by this Sat. I took jab on 31 May evening. So it's abt 14days.
Charlotte : i used to work like from 8.30am to 2am before marriage but still get peanuts leh. =(

Ladies : I thought of putting my TTC on hold for a while as might want to change job. Still considering.
maybe female pilots mah....of course I noe more than 5 pilots in SAF....last time I worked in Air force Base before....

donkey, we all are pinning high hopes on u lei...pressure? u dun feel any difference? I be visiting Dr Wong next Fri morning, hope he can give me some hopes....
<font color="0000ff">canopy - if u wana change job, do it fast. so wont affect ttc and also bonus! hee.

charlotte - dun tink so. and its not super specialised field in sg... maybe jet plane! but cannot be la. if not how she work n msn haR? lol!!! anyway we guess also no use.. becos she wun mention it leh.. lol!

ehhh true last time i work 24hrs on call also get peanuts... i worked for 2yrs +... after i gave birth to my girl, i resigned.. .some more notice period is 3 mths lor... @#@#@#$</font>
Charlotte, ya stress man lolz but i knw u gals really hope i strike. I dun feel much diff except cramps. No sore boos too keep chcking on them alr hahaha.
hiya ladies,
im here to do some homework... hehee... intend to try for 2nd one maybe end of this yr... for my #1, i did track my fertile period by measuring bbt... but now with #1, i have disrupted slp. will taking bbt be accurate then? i had my first full af cycle... now 2nd... got observe CM... but hor i still feel if can roughly know when fertile period is, can increase the chance of conceiving cos can BD accordingly mah... if not darn tired lah...

any tips??? heheee...

your first one under Dr Wong is normal delivery or csect???? =) how old is your kid now?

waves!!! hehee...
Jaster, yr gynae also Dr Wong? my #1 is thru Csect cos silly me!!! Act my water bag leaking 1 week before but since no pain no leaking so I tot nothing serious....then I saw him for my last appontment...he checked n say water already leaking, scold me why I did not see him immediately cos loss of water may damage the baby brain....so he immediately send me to C-sect in the evening...my gal is 4 years old already.....
missy : cant get any bonus cos our bonus is in Feb. Might make the decision within these 2 months, cos still need to go on Garden Leave for 3mths. If tender in Sep, will only leave in Dec.
missy, notti ah you!

Jaster, my gynae also Dr Wong MT &amp; my #1 is natural despite her good weight 3.91kg men. But via assisted by vacumm.
Apple: wave** u ttc too? Hee.. Our thread many alr striked 2nd rite?

I'm planning to change job. Now looking for a new job...

Charlotte, Omg, water leaked for a week!! Actually I gave up my package with dr Wong and delivered in Nuh instead. :p
donkeymami, ya scare her brain be damaged n be 'bai zhi'....silly of me but 1st time so dunno mah....

tomato, ya but not gush out lah, its like a bit bit leaking....why u give up the package with Dr Wong? u are dissatisfied with him?
GULPED!!! u steady lah... hahaa... anyway, so long ur gal gal and you both sound n safe then good liao!!! hahaa.. i've been a very paranoid mommy since my pregnancy... every small little thing i worry like nobody's biz... then Dr Wong got to bear with my nonsense lor! hahaa... u intend to vbac for ur 2nd kid? going back to him again?

hi donkeymami!!! quite a few mommies here under Dr Wong MT hor... hahaa... yeah.. i just delivered this yr march...3.91kg!??? i salute you!!!!

me kinda upset that i had to go thru csect and not natural delivery... cos was so looking forward to the push push part and bb slides out mah... hahaa.. sigh...

any tips on how to track fertile period?
<font color="0000ff">meet up in north if u up for it!hee

charlotte u stay ard yew tee or cck right? cn also meet us .. hee</font>
tomato, yes shd be going bk to him again as I'm comfortable with him n his surgery skills not bad....I can walk abt the 2nd day of cutting up! U dun like him? my gal only 2.64kg, haha....all the weight on me, put on 14kg for my #1....

missycandy, yes I stay in yew tee....good memory
ehhh.. i know can try for vbac... but hor... if the gap is too close hard to rite? that's what most ppl tell me leh... sigh...

all of you are SAHM???
Jaster, wat's the reason for ur csect? cos i'm tall so dr wong kinda predicted my bb will be big bt nv expect tat big i thk so we push push push but not progressing at all &amp; also bb's head not decending correctly so hv to use vaccum i'm glad tat i dun nit to go thru e-csect.

I cannot take BBT cos too stressful &amp; i kept waking up in between. OPK so far works for me but Dr wong said not accurate jz tikam tikam. I thk monitor CM quite accurate too but hv to BD for more days cos after BD-ed CM mixed wif semen quite hard to tell alr.
Can create a secret fb group for Meet up updates? Hee..

Charlotte, luckily you n bb are safe! I gave up his package coz not v comfortable with him as he always don't know how to answer my questions.. Mayb my questions are too difficult to answer.
Jaster, your no. 1 what age now? I got a Fren also c-sect for no.1 then now she is pregnant again, her boy just turn 1 year old in may. I heard dr Lai F M is pro vbac and v encouraging.
overdue went for induce. then bb's hb irregular lor.. turn out that the umbilical cord was ard bb's neck! could be when the nurse inserted the pill and during VE, i was so tensed up and in pain lor!!! got my cervix quite high up.. maybe then he got distressed too! so he couldn't come down... stupid me lah.. bed rest for 2 days cos my hubby went overseas for biz trip mah... intially bb was quite low according to Dr WOng but not engaged...

tomato.. wah! as in he doesn't give a definite answer kind isit? my boi only 3 mths old lor.. by the time i wanna try he should be ard 6-9mths old liao.. heheee...
tomato, yes agree with donkeymami that he's a man with few words but he's patient with my questions so far n will explain in details to me...I also always asked him silly questions but dun care...yr questions must be damn 'chian' that he dun noe how to answer them....

donkeymami, act C-sect not that scary as u think it is....pain only comes when u wake up n the wound is bearable to me...not that bad like some cannot walk n lie down in bed.....yes hic clinic is much more comfortable than the cck Dr Adrian
<font color="0000ff"> jaster - same lorr.... financially also cannot... like i said lor.. unless i willing to cut out a lot of things.. and i mean a lot!!! no more shopping... sprees... online buying... arghhhhhhhhhh!!!! </font>
<font color="ff6000">Canopy Haze, Garden leave if I rem correctly is take money, do nothing?

tomato, only 2 strikes.
jo's mummy,
haaaa... i already quite obasan liao...heheee...

hahaa.. wah sounds like you are a shopping queen!!!

yah... Dr Wong everything also okok...haaa... and ya csect not as scary as i tot!!! hahaa. not as painful as i tot too...
<font color="aa00aa">Jaster!!!!
Aiyoh..so fast u trying for no 2 ah?
Really love babies rite?
So how is it being back to work?</font>
donkeymami, how much yr charges for yr last visit? I dun earn much so must spend wisely....part time basis only $400 per mth so Hubby ask me to quit as earn so little n ask me spend more time with my gal but worry financially lei...got to cut down many things....
Apple : yes garden leave is to deter u from joining the competitor immediately. Yes do get paid for the 3mths and also the balance leave of 28days i think. Am still contemplating, see first.
wow, this thread is happening! so many posts!

I cannot be a SAHM... hahaha... unless hubby can give me a nice allowance but tough lar.. so many expenses nowadays..

hihi! i haven't seen dr adrian for so long... how's he??
