(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

Gd morning Ladies.

Nb01, welcome back. Ur flu & fever probably due to the climate changes when u bk from shanghai. Take care ya & hv more vit c.

Sleepygal, new cycle new hope. We need to maintain 快乐心情&平常心。dun be dishearten, it will be our turn coming soon.

morning ladies!!

sonel, welcome home! we were still wondering if you have successfully bfp... but new cycle new hope!

nb01, you are finally home!!!!!!!!! all the best ah for ur next cycle... heee.. u sound much more relaxed!

ecups, hugs.... u still have us... can understand how u feel... soon soon, this year we will all graduate!

sleepygal, new cycle new hope ok....

i find that it is much easier when we go on with life planning as if no baby... make life easier...

super sleepy this morning such that i couldnt even keep my eyes open... but i knock out flat last night at 11 and didnt even hear my hubby went toilet......

he was so funny yesterday... he dreamt that he went kayaking with our nephew and then he put our nephew into the water and let him float for a while before bringing him up and came back... strange dreams he has!
<font color="blue">morning ladies...
hope u gals still remember me after me disappearing for 4 days.. i was sick for 4 days.. very sick, got fever flu cough and sore throat

but now i am getting better so reporting to work...but i very SUPER EMO!!!

my sister in law confirm pregnant... which i am really very happy for her... but in another end.. my maid and father in law is saying me cant bear a kid

especially my maid... she said my father in law so old already till now dont even have a grand kid..

my hubby said i am going depression.. which i believe i am now especially i am so sick and he is not with me and with all this verbal attack i am really going mad...</font>
sjx, huh.. how come ur maid say you too.. that is so sad la!! and so unfair!! u have been trying so hard too lei.... i feel sad for u... hugs.....

remember our motto k... ping chang xin...
<font color="blue">peapea i really feel like crying...
my maid has been working for my hubby's family for 20 years... she is very straight-forward person...so cant blame her u see
but it is really very hurting

sjx, dont be so harsh on yourself k... i always feel for ttc, when we cant conceive yet, ppl will naturally blame us.... they will feel that we never try hard enough, we dont want to have bb, we want couple time, we are selfish etc...

but the truth is, they dont know how much we been through and how hard we are trying... how will they know that u had been taking ur bbt religiously (in the past), trying out red date tea, trying to read up whatever you can about whatever info that helps, that you invested so much time and energy into ttc-ing (not forgetting money). it is not as if we talk about such stuff with them...nor as if you dont want to keep your baby during your previous pregnancy....

we see your hard work and we see your pain... you are not alone k.... hugs....
<font color="blue">peapea..
i trying... but it just too depressing...
i already try very hard to cover myself, telling myself surrounding people get preggie mean anytime will be my turn..
but as days goes i feel like i am really lying to myself...
my hubby told me he feel very lost.. he dont know how to help me..
<font color="blue"> sorry ladies
i just need to vent out this emo... hope u all wont be effected by me... so sorry about it</font>
sjx, like you said, the maid talk in a very direct way.. she prob dont know how much her words have hurt you... same goes for your father in law.. sometimes their good intentions will turn out in wrong ways when they are unaware of the way they talk... i know you are very hurt... i will be too...

remember a while ago your hubby want to stop ttc-ing cuz he thinks it brings you much stress... you need to get hold of yourself ok... if not ur hubby will want to stop ttc-ing again... and u will feel even more sad then... your conscious is clear.. you tried so hard.... besides, this month is suppsoed to be your "relax" month right....

like what some of them said before, by the time your baby is created, it will be a very very special and precious gift cuz yours took so long to be done!

you are not lying to yourself k... we are just thinking positively... :D
SJX, ignore her la, one ear in and the other ear out.

thanks gals for the encouragements. i will not give up.

sunshine, i m currently on clomid to help on ovualtion. will be going for ovulation monitoring from 28-jun onwards. was previously on clomid on apr as well but din succeed and stop clomid for one month as dh was away for reservist for 3 weeks and there a possibility of missing the ovulation, so might as well skip that cycle.

we will all succeed soon. positive thinking, ping chang xin and inner peace. jiayou gals.
<font color="blue"> peapea
yesterday we spoke, he told me he thinking to stop knowing i got all this kind of pressure..
he scare i really going depression....
but i told him if he really want to stop will only make me even more depression..
so he willingly to compromise me

thanks.. i just need to vent out my emo only..</font>
SJX, hugs... your maid is bloody rude!! No respect..
tell her if she anyhow say.. u will kick her back to her country!

Welcome back to whoever just came back from trip..
Good morning, ladies!!!

sjx>> **sayang** dearie, pls dont get too affected by the comment from your father in law and the maid. First of all, as you mentioned, she has been working with your hubby family for over 20 years, cant blame she is straight. BUT, afterall, she is only an outsider, a helper for the house. She has no right to make sure a comment!! i will not tolerate this if this will to happen to me. I will swallow it if all the comment is from my hubby or my parents in law. No No from outsider.. As they do not know how much effort we have put to strike for bfp and also how disappointed we are when af reporting.. Go for a nice meal or do whatever thing to make your mood happy again.. You are not alone.. We are all here with you
My hubby also quite sad during last weekend. Asking me do he need to go see doctor? sigh....i guess we need to have inner peace and take it easy..dont stress yourself and also our hubby. I feel sad too when i see my hubby sad. It also give me the stress which i explain to him again, inner peace.
<font color="blue"> E-cups
i dont have the authority to sack her..

yes i guess we all need inner peace...
but sometime it just so hard...
coyote, im sorry about your loss.... do take care and do a mini confinement first... need to wait for your AF to regulate first??
oh ladies, i took teh o (i know i shldnt but im too tired) and my dang gui drink yet im still so sleepy and eyes is like closing.... lots of work to do somemore!!!

keep chatting can?? keep me awake...

nb01, pls wake up.... hahaha
Thanks folks. Did a really mini confinement as no one is looking after me. I tried to eat confinement food from hawker ctrs and drank cix essence + huiji waist tonic.

Now waiting for my m/c bleeding to stop, didn't do d&amp;c. Its expeling naturally.
<font color="blue">hi coyote...
sorry to hear that... hug hug
you need to do confinement first.. and rest for 3 months before trying again..
drink red date and longan to replenish ur blood and warm ur womb

it my hubby's family's maid lah.. so i have no authority to sack her lah...

shake shake!! wake up!!!!!
my nose is killing me..
i talk to my client and coughing at the same time!!! dying soon..
tonight going to see my TCM... must get her to help me to recover fast!

<font color="000080">Hello coyote! *hugs* We jiayou together ok?

SJX >> Wah lau why your maid and FIL bully you?! Seriously, some people never use their brains before they speak. Just ignore them lar... they don't understand and don't know how hard you're trying.</font>
Monday so many things to clear off my desk!!Sianz arr!!!

sjx>> cheer up, you have us. Dont bother abt the maid. Is good that your hubby so supportive toward you.

NB01>> Same as peapea, WAKE UP!!! chat with us here!!! wahahaha

Was thinking should i go gynae check for the size of egg this cycle? Really hope to get better chance this way. Praying hard to strike bfp!!!
sjx, thanks for the shake... hahahaha.... slightly more awake though eyes still closing.... zzzzzzzz

bearge, how you going to do it?? will it be ex??
peapea>> i guess around $100plus bah. i also not too sure abt the pricing. But i saw from our previous thread that the gynae will do a v scan and check for the egg and measure the size. must wait for professor nb01 to wake up and give more detail. lol... or tethysea you there?
SJX. i got the same feel like you two years ago when i start to TTC . Everytime when menses report ,feel upsad . My in law and parent keep on asking us why we still dont want bb . Friends and colleagues around us keep on pregnant for one to two bb. I feel so stress last time.Why ppl can so fast getting pregnant and i am not the luckly ones .

My hubby always 开导 me . Said is ok let try again and said maybe is not time yet so god wait till a good time to give an bb to us . You are not alone , still have us . PPl wont understand how we feel and how stress we are when TTC fail ..

Cheers up SJX:p
Let us all jia you together
<font color="green">SJX >> *Hugz* juz ignore them and turn on deaf ears .. dun forget we are here with u ...

Coyote >> Sorry for your loss, do recuperate ur health &amp; nurse urself back to health .. take more dang gui to build up ur blood &amp; avoid cooling &amp; cold stuff .. Shld b able to TTC after 2 - 3 cycles ..
chew88- same here, always got frds/relatives keep asking. Hubby will help to answer saying we are tying hard. But guess after 6yrs, many of the enquries die down already.

tethysea- Yes, let's jiayou tgth.

This afternoon I am seeing my TCM, will see what she says.
sjx, chin up.
At least you are kinder than me. You were happy for your SIL but Im not happy for mine. haha. Sometimes I wonder why old people are so particular about nei-sun, wai-sun etc etc. Shouldn't healthy grandchildren be the priority, whether if it's from the son or the daughter?

My MIL also has low EQ when she talks. So I have stopped going over her place for a few months le (ever since SIL announced her pregnancy). I find that I would get very depressed for a few days after visiting them and then when I finally felt better, I had to go visit them again. So in the end, I stopped going. And I think my MIL gets the hint too.
hello ladies

Sjx: hugs ignore them ok, sometimes these ppl says things bluntly
you have us with u, cheer up ;)

Coyote: sorry abt your loss, meanwhile pls take care n have more tonic..
<font color="blue">tethysea...
my sister in law said... they dont know my condition so cannot blame them for being so straightforward..
but it not easy to ignore u know...

my hubby is supportive as he worry about me... he so scare i go depression
BearGE... go go check!! it think it is good for gynae to determine for u

use toothpick!!haaaa

we are lucky that our hubby is standing at our side... yes we will jia you together

i feel better after venting my anger and emo. thanks to you all ladies... willingly to read my emo-ness
so worry that i will effect u all

i totally can understand how u go through..
but i very close with my SIL so i am really happy for her...as for ur MIL.. haiz...
we really need to face them no matter what... we have to wear a mask... no matter what... let jia you together

peapea, she didn't ask but not sure if my hubby mentioned anything to her as she didn't say anything about her daughter's pregnancy when I saw her at a wedding last Sat.

I guess she just wants to share her joy with others since this will be her first grandchild. But I just don't feel good whenever she started sharing every single bit of her daughter's pregnancy with me when she knows that we are trying too. Both my MIL and SIL will then go on to say, I must do this, do that in order to get pregnant. I was thinking to myself, as if I didn't know!
Ladies, I am here! Keep asking me to wake up! LOL... Woke up early coz keeping my dad company as he is hospitalized. Could only login now. Using iPhone so might be slower in response. Might go home and get my laptop later so will be faster.

Give me some time to read through k? Then will reply.
Tks for your concern ladies. He is sorta ok. Was having high fever, low blood pressure and massive vomitting on Sat night and was admitted till now. Think some infection so need to keep for observation and run tests. Now only still having fever.
nb01>> nowaday virus in the air. hope your dad get well soon.

sjx>> hahaha..your virus can spread through the thread de arr!!!

so sianz arr...till now my table still pile with so many stack of documents.. have been clearing but keep on coming more stack..**cry cry soon***
sjx>> lol..i know. now my eyes is only on the computer. i dont want to see my table...so messy!!! dont know when i am going to see my table surface**scratching my head**
Cheer up gal! Some pple are just like that. Like what the others say, maid is only outsider so just ignore. Last time when my sis's nanny made a similar comment, I was also very upset and so was my hubby. He says he wanted to tell her off but I told him not to as will cause friction coz still gotta face her for a long time. So just ignore and inner peace!

Yup, super enjoyable and now ready to chiong for next cycle! Take care and get well soon!

sunshine is the one who went HK and is sick. Not me. Hee..

I also want to strike this cycle! Let's work hard together k? Remember you only BD-Ed on 2nd day of +ve OPK right? Don't be siao siao again and BD on 1st night ok? Hee..
I mean Shanghai.

I am here! Wake up wake up!

Chin up too! Think positive and we will get there! Don't let these negative comments/pple affect us coz staying happy and relax is also key for TTC!

Sorry abt your loss. If you want to do a proper mini confinement, try ordering confinement food from Natal Essentials or Chilli Padi. Better than taking hawker food. Impt to take care of our body and get back into good health so better for next round of TTC.
<font color="blue">bearGE..
same here!! i looking at my time.. waiting for lunch! cant wait to get out of office... i need fresh air..
cant breathe well in office

sigh... i know.. i hope july, my birthday month will be my month

nb01, hope your dad recover fast ok.. Virus and bacteria are so deadly esp in hospitals.. &amp; do rememeber to frequent washing your hands whenever u go in &amp; out of hospital.. My friend ah ma admit to hospital due to some prob.. but in the hospital ken bacteria infection &amp; only found in hospital.. need to quarantine with those who kena.. so just be careful, ok..? cos the bacteria attacks on wounds..

Nb01, im not sure whether u read my posting.. last week.. i have really bad pain below my belly button (the womb part) im also not sure whether it is cramp or what.. the part was very very bad until i got to curl up a the side and sleep..Today is DPO7.. Went to see Dr Zou, she say is either the embryo is finding place to stick but seldom will have much pain (which i think is impossible) or maybe is UTI or other issues and ask me to scan if the pain persist...
nb01>> lol...you also know i am siao siao de ma... last cycle, i bd once before +ve and once after +ve :p have to work hard this cycle. JIA YOU!!!

i am lunching in. dont feel like going out.lazy

peapea>> you asleep liao arr? lol..wake up le arr..i am going to make myself a cup of kopi after my lunch to award my hardwork today in office. lol
yup yup! Jia you together! Apr is my bday month which will be the month for us if we strike in July! So got 2 birthday pple! Maybe more luck! Hee..

Btw for those thinking of going gynae for scan, it will cost abt $100+ depending on gynae. And you will need to know roughly when you will O as go too early, cannot see mature egg as need certain size and go too late, obviously useless right?
And my gynae also told me can use OPKs to test for O. And it was also quite accurate coz once he told me will O within 1-2 days, my OPK was positive that night and lasted for next 24-36 hours. So if you test positive on OPK, maybe can continue using this first. But of course if want to scan to double confirm, also good coz scan is always the best way to tell. Up to you...
nb01>> btw, can i ask...even when we detected +ve in the opk, can our egg release inmature? I mean not the correct size? or when we detected +ve in our opk, meaning the egg is ok de?

I don't think it is UTI coz I get UTI easily and at most it is burning sensation at V area and when pee-ing. I think it might be something else do you might see if you want to go for a scan. Coz not to scare you, it could be a cyst or fibroid. Or maybe Appendix problem? I had Appendix issue last time which caused sharp pain around tummy/womb area.

For best chance, BD on 1st night of +ve OPK and subsequent 1-2 nights with 24 hour interval. Not earlier than 24 hours coz sperms need time to rejuvernate. Try hard this cycle and let's strike together!
