(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

gingerbreadger >> me too using cheap strip so will be testing everyday from now ...

Starrie >> think test after work should be ok rite .. feels odd to bring to office to test leh ..

Chew88 >> ur hubby's so sweet ..

Thanks starrie , that how he always bring me to the positive side of my life
Yam = Tapioca or not? Coz I only know that Tapioca is for us ladies to take if you want twins! hee.. Dunno if it is all tapioca is the same but I only know take the Cassave tapioca increases chance of twins. Haha...
I tried taking this cycle and dunno if it is because of it that I O so early coz it helps to increase ovulation. Hee...
I never had a problem testing +ve OPK (fingers crossed) but like I said, I would stop testing -10 days from AF due date, i.e. if my cycles is 35 days, minus 10 days and stop on CD25. I am not sure how long your cycles are but can just use this calculation.
I think Yam oso can and Tapioca oso can even though they are not the same. I oso think yam helps O cos I get my period regularly whenever I take Yam.

Chew88:I like your statement too..

Nb01: Hi!!

Has anyone gained weight taking all these supplements?
Not those japanese tapioca. From what I read, only the Cassava tapioca that grows in Africa! I saw the pack of these Cassava chips being sold in 7-eleven. Later, all the ladies here chiong to buy. Haha...

Haven't put on weight from supplements. Only put on weight on my own when eat too much! haha...
Gals , This is what i found in yahoo.

There is a tribe in Africa who has the highest rate of twins on the planet. What's their secret? Primarily their diet. They consume cassava (a yam) regularly. The skin of cassava, or of yams contains a chemical which can cause a woman to release more than one egg. The yams cause the body to produce more progesterone, which is also essential in keeping a baby from miscarrying.

The women of this tribe will sometimes chew on the yam during their first trimester to help keep from losing their babies.

The tapioca mix is to make pudding and the vitamin C is made of the root as well.
gibgerbreadger, normally how long is your cycle? Like what nb01 said, 10 days before your AF is due is a good gauge. And how about other signs? Do you have fertile CM?
Argh... ladies! Help me! I need to lose weight but keep eating my Taiwanese titbits! But mainly coz these are fresh ones and not prepacked types with no preservatives so need to finish within 7-10 days from purchase. *trying to justify myself* Argh!!!!

Just finished the Tai Yang Bing and moved onto prawn crackers! Need to curb curb curb!!!
thanks gals, i know what is this le. this is the tapoica which we see in some supermarkets and the flour is used to make into the tapoica cakes (green or yellow colour ones) in those pasar malam ba. but eat the tapoica with the skin ah?

in chinese, its called 木薯.
chew88 and gingerbreadger
As I said, only saw the titbit form being sold in 7-eleven. Other than that, I also dunno where to get. Import from Africa??? Think sure got lots of business from ladies here. Haha...

Dun think those are the same right? Coz think there are many types of tapioca. Those we see locally should be local tapioca and not these Cassava tapioca. But I also dunno...
phylee> my cycle is 30 days. but i dint realy monitor my CM. the past 2 cycles i use bbt, which is quite difficult, so i gave up. this time i using the clearblue opk. (i'm gona invest in the fertility monitor nex cycle!!)

nb01> give them all away.
i dont have snacks at home.. cause i beleive when u stash some = someday u'll eat = weight gain.
A Big Hi to All on your TTC journey.
For all your Ovulation and Pregnancy needs, please visit <font color="0000ff">www.bbshop01.blogspot.com</font> or email <font color="0000ff">[email protected]</font>

High sensitive OPKs and HPTs @ <font color="0000ff">$0.50 to $0.60</font> per strip.
Clearblue digital ovulation <font color="ff0000">(smiley face)</font> 7 sticks @ <font color="0000ff">$45.90</font>
Clearblue digital pregnancy with conception indicator <font color="ff0000">(tells how many weeks pregnant)</font> 2 sticks @ <font color="0000ff">$27.90</font>
Clearblue Fertility Monitor and 20 sticks @ <font color="0000ff">$220</font>
Clearblue box of 20 sticks @ <font color="0000ff">$46.50</font> (with free HPTs)
Lucky packages incl Pre-seed/Conceive Plus, Basal Thermometer also available.

Fast delivery guaranteed and Next day delivery is also available.
**Special thanks to the ladies here for their positive reviews**

Hope to continue serving you well and BB dust to All!
Saw that! So the same as the tapioca we use for local desserts? I love those! Hee...

Give already, I will still buy. Really no willpower. Sigh... Need to control control control! Hee...
Yo ladies, milo reporting! Wah...got alot to catch up on all your posts. So what's this in thing about tapioca uh? :p

Any one here in 2WW like myself? Trying very hard to practice inner peace and ping chang xin. Keke...
ladies>> i finish clearing my work liao.. :p
as for the cassava tapioca, after reading more, you can only take it after you have O hor... as it will lead to no O if we consume early(before O)

nb01>> hahaha...my hse also have store lots of tibits. my hubby blame me as he said he dont have the habit to snack but after dating and married, he also same as me. munching and munching. lol... i love taiwan tibit!!! so cute and yummy!!
<font color="blue">PhyLee
i totally cannot swallow the conceive pills.. it a bit smelly ending up i puke
so i gave away my pills

rightfully should tests from CD10 all the way til u get positive
i used the strip cheaper...but i got buy fertility monitor so when the monitor told me to bd then i bd lor
i use the strip to test first as the fertility test very expensive haaa

okok.. tink i'll get the strip nex round aso.. together with the monitor.. hais hais.. big investment.. shldve goten the monitor for this cycle.. haha
E-cups, waves waves. How many days past O for you? Me DPO5 only...long way...

Actually didn't work very hard this cycle, only BD'ed on 2 days. Anyway, trying not to think so much and remain ping chang xin. Think I only got 10% since one side of my tube is blocked and only 20% of concieving...
haha.. ya.. i tink with the fertility monitor.. my hubby no need so xiong aso.. cause for the past 4 cycles, we BD alternate days since cd9, straight for about 2.5 weeks.. haha
<font color="blue">gingerbreadger..
for us we only bd when the monitor show peak haaa..and the monitor so far shown me 2 days of peak and 1 day middle peak
so far yes i have to agree it is less xiong also
but i still havent conceive haaa

<font color="ff6000">Hilo everyone...
I juz got up... YES...
Tis morn tried to get up n hv lunch but CMI.
After brushing teeth, took panadols n 迷迷糊糊 went bk to bed!
I got fever n sore aches n backache...
After that sleep and force sweating, I felt much better. I'm still a firm believer in sweating it out, ha!

*hilo* to those I hvnt met...

Gers, dun get into depression at this stage. Hv to think positive.
Easier said than to be done.
But, pls try yr best.

Negative emotions produce negative thoughts, thus making our body 'toxic'.

Not very good when we r TTC-ing.
We hv tried our very best to TTC and the outside world dun understand what we hv gone thru.
The stress of not hving O, the stress of BD not enuf, the stress of not taking care of our body, etc...

We dun hv to answer to them but to ourself.
If u hv tried yr best, no one is to be blamed.

Reading from all yr postings, this tapioca thingy sound interesting. Looks like indonesia oso got it frm Chew88 posting...

I'm in my 2WW now...

*envy* I oso want to munch tidbits!! Hope yr dad will get well soon.

Eh... U seeing Dr Tan SB ah? NTU told me she on leave till 26 Jun. That means she is still 'working' in Upper Cross St? I want to c her this wk b4 my trip on Sat.
Is it v difficult to make last minute appt? Do they entertain walk-in? Dun know she want to c me cos my record in NTU rather than in Chinatown...?</font>
Miloqueen, i also sama sama.. 2 days on top of yours.. DPO7 but i feel alot of pain this cycle.. im not sure whether u read my earlier post this morning.. not a good sign..
<font color="blue">sunshine!!
u got my virus!!!
yes later i am going to see her leh... u try to call and ask them to squeeze u in. i believe they allow...
they dont keep NTU record in Chinatown so u need to refresh her memory
<font color="ff6000">SJX
Haha!! Ya lor... Caught yr funnie virus, keke!!
Will try to squeeze myself in then..
U feeling better too? Emo-lly n physically?

Since u gg to start Clomid, ovulation is much easier to calculate. Wish U luck!!

U were saying u got lower pain at yr abdomen area...
Do u get sharp pain when u sneeze? I got it when I sneezed this morn...
Pain is not a good sign ah?

Sorry for yr loss...
Be brave and walk out of this failure...
Grieve as u may need...
Nurse yr body well and try to get nourish food.
Drink chicken essence if u can.
U said u got yr food from hawker centre, hawker centre sell confinement food meh?
If u need to 'tok', you hv us here...
WE will accompany u to walk this TTC path again..</font>
<font color="ff6000">Can I ask any 'guru' here...

How to calculate DPO1?
The day u detected yr O?
The day after u detect O?
The day after u stop detecting O?
The day yr BBT raised after dropped for a few days?

E-cups, I just read your earlier post. I also experienced some cramps at the sides of my tummy too. Don't know what's happening. When I bent down to soak some clothes last weekend, the lower back and tummy area got this strain. As I just recently did the hsg test, am quite worried it could be related side effects. Monitoring now to see if it stays like that.

Sunshine, we jiayou together.
Hi all ladies!!

Come in and say HIIIIII!!!!

This thread becomes so colourful ah...hehe...

I've not done any scan yet....so havent see beanie...hope everything is fine. Should be 5-6 weeks.

Hope to see more of you BFP...must be hardworking ok...no short cut ah...all your red dates drinks, no cold drinks and no liang stuff.

Jiayou all ladies and Baby dust to all of you!!
Hello ladies
just come back from holiday.

Was a good holiday finally. Feel much more relax

And the wonderful news of seeing a smiley face makes me smile more
) haha BD twice - first day of the holiday when it was -OPK and 2nd day when the OPK was +ve

Now all in God's hands

Jiayou all!!!
<font color="ff6000">Ladies... Hv u seen the news abt flying when pregnant?!!
Looks like its a taboo to fly when u r preggy.
Due to low oxygen supply in the cabin, it will cos MC or early labour!

Hihi there!!!
Grabbing yr bb dust!
How u feeling?
Hope yr beanie will grow strong n healthy!
<font color="ff6000">Happy
So happy for u too that u mge to get yr +ve O n BD when u detect it.
When u hv done yr best, leave the rest to God.
Hope good news will come after 2WW.

Now I'm hving my almond dessert wif tangyuan... Juz feel like hving sthg sweet now...
Hope my fever dun come bk...
