(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

coyote, sorry to hear abt your loss.. I have been thru that...Take gd care. TCM will be able to assist you.

nb01, alamak me blur...pai seh ar..

I am not entirely sure abt your question coz never thought abt it. Hee... I guess once test positive, it means egg is ready for release which should mean it is of ok/mature size bah... Else why only positive at that time? Any other time when egg is not ready can also be positive.

The only thing I know which can be an issue with positive OPK is that the mature egg never rupture/release ie we never O even if test positive. Coz positive OPK means it detects the LH surge prior to ovulation but doesnt mean that we will definitely O. In this case, cannot get pregnant for that cycle.
nb01>> has been asking myself is it due to my health problem lead to ttc so long still bfn? although can detect O last cycle, but is the egg mature enough to produce result? thats why is hesitating should i go for a gynae scan for egg mature or not?

just had my lunch, so full...sipping my kopi in my cubical.SHIOK!!!lol
nb01>> hmm..i like your detail explaination. But if we had the pain during O together with +ve OPK leh? very ching hor...have +ve opk, still having the chance of not O.sigh.... why we need to face so many fear n obstacle de...
bearGe, u v bad...seduce me with your kopi.. i later going for a hot tea liao lor... lols
I also tabao in..

nb01, noted.. i just had a check up..so cyst fibroid are out.. only left appendix.. but possible is that the embryo is "swimming" lah...lols
ecup>> lol... i am a coffee lover leh, plus monday still work so hard. I must love myself in order to enjoy my time in office.
you still feel the pain now? is it meaning your embryo has stick to the wall? :p that will be a good chance for you.
No worries. It also happens to me. Hee..

Thinking back to what my gynae said, he saw the mature egg 18mm and then told me will O within 1-2 days and told me to test OPK and BD if I wanted. So I guess by this, it means positive OPK = mature egg? Other ladies, want to correct me if I am wrong?

You only tried OPK for 1 cycle right? So maybe other times you pinpoint O incorrectly coz I remember you tested positive quite early in the cycle when you weren't expecting it right? But of course could be other issues like egg not mature or egg mature but never release. If you haven't seem a gynae before, also good to see one just to check if you don't mind. No harm done.
<font color="green">E-Cups >> Probably .. relax &amp; breathe .. i do feel pulling sensation especially after my AF .. dunno y also .. sometimes the pulling feels like a the lower abdomen can rupture if i sneeze .. do any of u ladies get that b4 ..

nb01 >> do u tink i shld start testing OPK from nw onwards until my next cycle .. 2day i'm in CD10

Let's jia you together .. hope we'll strike in the coming cycle !
bearGe, my hot tea is LRD.. although tempted to drink those ang mo tea.. but still.. CONTROL!! lols
DUn think is the embryo sticking on the wall cos is really too painful that u can faint from the pain!

Mrs Ho, breathe in breathe out.. I dun wan to harbour high hopes then fall down.. pin chang xin pin chang xin..My situation is like that.. but i dun feel that when i sneeze.. (or maybe i nvr sneeze lah)
Even if we have O pains and +ve OPK, still doesn't guarantee we will O. All depends in our bodies. So yes, there are so many obstacles. Sigh... I think only way to confirm if we O is to scan. So pple do go for 2 scans - 1 before O to see mature egg and 1 after O to confirm egg got rupture/release.

Mrs Ho
Can't remember how long are your cycles but guide is to start testing from minus 17 days of shortest cycle length. ie if your cycle is 28-30 days, minus 17 from 28 and start testing from CD11.
ecup>> tonight go home will make myself the LRD. :p i cant drink english tea as too cooling for my body. but after taking the LRD and chicken essence for few cycles, i find my body warm. As as cold as before.
must JIA YOU!!

nb01>> yap.. good memory leh. that was my 1st cycle using opk. let me think think should i look for dr geraldine for this cycle or not. tonight will have a chat with hubby and see.. :p thanks dearie for your advice.

now i am going to in 3rd gear for my work le, if not, i cant go home on the dot liao. But i will confirm coming in to check check and see see..:p
nb01 and bear, si bei tired stilll!!!!! i had a cup of ang mo tea (as acc to ecup), my dang gui drink, a cup of chinese tea and now, LRD tea from gong cha!!! a bit better liao... but i think close eyes can sleep still =p
nb01, of cos think positive.. but just dun want to have high hopes... ya.. drill drill drill!!

Bearge, i think u meant NOt as cold before liao issit..?? lets jiayou together!!!
nb01:Hope ur dad get well soon .Now a days lot of viurs attack . My colleagues keep on sick and MC turn by turn .

SJX and Bearge : haha me cant wait to for 6pm off work . Super boring today in work . Boss not around so we went for long lunch time ..

coyote: Hope you recover soon and keep on trying . I believe one day ur wishes will come true .Me also been trying for 2 yr plus coming to 3 yr . But hubby and me never give up at all , we believe one day he/she will appear in our life :p Lets jia you ..
ecup>>lol..yap..sorry for my typo mistake again.

Mrs Ho>> if you are same as me 26 days cycles, you can start trying to test the opk in cd 8 once a day.But when you saw very faint 2nd line, you need to test twice a day.(in the moring and the other test night time) i got my 2 dark line on cd11. but can see faint line on cd 9 and 10.

nb01>> i guess i O quite early,thats why not able to catch the egg. :p Need to start doing the test again. But i love to see the two dark line. So shiok!! wahaha...was thinking if this 2 dark lines appears in my hpt. hahahaha...day dreaming again. bleh...
Yes we will try again. I feel tired very easily (esp now super sleepy) after m/c and no strength. Hopefully I will reover soon. I have skipped angmo tea since m/c, heard that is too cooling for ladies. Will give up this little joy.
bearGe, your body nvr give u your CM as a signal..??
normally monitor your CM to determine your O also..

peapea.. lets pin chang xin.. what ios your CD liao??
ecups, erm, im not sure... hahahahaahahahah i dont even know what is my DPO. i think CD 21 la.. i have even book 2 spa session soon.... cuz i told myself, life needs to go on la...
BearGE >> mine avg shld b 30 days cycle.. cuz i had 30, then 28 then last mth was 31. So i shld get the average rite ? Think i'll be damn shiok also if i see 2 lines on OPK, i've never seen that before yet ...
<font color="blue">nb01...
i going for my first gynae who willingly to give me discount price..hope my cycle will be accurate this time

for me i need to ensure my egg goes to the right tube...hope july is on the correct tube...pray hard

are u ok??!!!
sjx>> lol...of course!! day dreaming nia.. :p

Mrs Ho>> then i guess you use nb01 calculation to gauge the timing for testing. As i also use hers to track my double lines
ecups, opps i just realised i am in CD23 and not CD21... see la... so sleepy until count wrongly... see calendar also see salah month....
<font color="blue">BearGE
haaa... ok day dreaming huh..scare me..

do u go scan when u tested fainted line or obvious line?</font>
afternoon all...

i am super busy at work.. this cycle i am starting to use the opk too.. i am cd11 today... too early to test? hahaha...averagely my cycle abt 35-38 days
chew88 >> yes tis week is the week for us wahhaahaa

Starrie >> i tink i intend to test from today and continue until next cycle to play save heehee
Hi ladies, can I join you all? I m also TTC but unsuccessful!
I enjoy reading ur messages and in fact hv learnt alot of things. As I don't wish to tell anyone that I m TTC, I hv no one to ask or talk to about this stuffs. I don't wish to tell friends or family cos they will get excited n start wondering what is wrong with me if I m unsuccessful. This thread is awesome.

I m now taking royal jelly, zinc n this new supplement called Maca. Apparently is a fertility boost but more natural compared to Vitex I think. Just started taking all these cos desperate already! Anyways I wonder if taking all these extra supplements including Yam in diet will hv consequences..n will all these make u gain weight?? Sian la to put-on weight but no baby!
hugs girls. Im actually ok.
Just felt that I should protect myself first when it comes to facing insensitive remarks.

welcome happygolucky! Im taking Blackmores Conceive Well pills as it contains the basic vits for ttc-ers.
Hi PhyLee..I tried that too but I could not tahan the smell...after two strips I felt like throwing up after taking it..so I stopped.
Girls..for insensitive remarks..this is what I do..I usually tell people that my life is perfect without a baby and I am happy. When I decide to have 1, I will call them for advice or throw a party for all the KPOs. It really shuts ppl up and gives you less stress.

Whether or not I have managed to handle my -tive HPT, I hv learnt the art of shutting ppl up when they ask such things. So irritating!
happygolucky. hihi i been taking royal jelly for half a year and took clomid for almost one year ..

Phylee , you taking blackmore conceive . Hear from my colleague this is good but i dont know where to get it.
starrie>> I'm cd 11 today too!!! but i quite kiasu.. i started testing yesterday.. mine is 30 days cycle. do you test everyday? actually i dont test everyday.. i only test on the days i dont BD. cause i BD on alternate days since last thursday.. so on non BD then i'll test..
<font color="blue">starrie..opk..
should start at cd10 onward

Mrs Ho
heee JIA YOU good luck

Hi HappyGolucky!!
YAM if i not wrong is for hubby to eat...

yes yes happygolucky.. the conceive well pills are really hard to swallow but bobian lei. Have to eat for the sake of healthy bb. haha. I find that it helps in my EWCM. I used to have very little, if not none at all, before taking the pills.

chew88, you have been on clomid for almost a year? I thought clomid at most 6 months? Im on 5th month of clomid (with breaks in between)

You can get the Blackmores Conceive Wells pills from Guardian, Watson, Unity etc. I think Unity is having 20% off? Better go grab a box if you like to try! Retail at $46 per box (I think) for 28 capsules + tablets.
sjx: if dont get +ve opk, when to stop testing? lets say i dont even noe when is my O (assuming i do O at all)

u test every single day? even on BD days? cause i'm not using hte cheap opk, i using the clear blue one.. tot a bit xiong to test everyday..
sjx: if dont get +ve opk, when to stop testing? lets say i dont even noe when is my O (assuming i do O at all)

u test every single day? even on BD days? cause i'm not using hte cheap opk, i using the clear blue one.. tot a bit xiong to test everyday..
Happygoluckly , there are some so called friends or Colleagues whoever get pregnant easy like to said this ."you still dont want to have bb now , look your age is not longer young . What are you waiting for " That what i get from them . Some even said you see you marry early then me one yr . Now i am mother of two . You still dont want to try ...Last time i do take in words from them very hard and make my life depression .

Now if ppl ask me again , i will said soon soon bb is coming haha .
phylee: what is EWCM?

Chew88: Tell ppl 50 years also can give birth so they need not worry for you..N for ppl who tell you they are a mother now and they go married later..ask them " Won't you pay to be in my shoes..to have the freedom to do whatever you want? I can have a baby anytime but can you go back to the time you had as much freedom as I do now?" :)) Ppl are so insensitive these days and that includes my own sister. always say I m old and if I dun have a baby soon, my child might not be normal..argh!
Happygoluckly , Agree
My hubby always said this: have bb does not mean everythings/happiness and no bb does not mean that the end of life. He told me ,i have you by my side is more then everything . So he dont need others to care about our life hee
happygolucky, EWCM is eggwhite cervical mucus which is considered the most fertile cervical mucus in your cycle. This mucus resembles the eggwhite and is transparent and stretchy. Extremely friendly for the little spermies! You would usually have that cervical mucus before your ovulation so it's good to BD at that time.

Drink so much tea! Overdose lah...

Tks for your well wishes for my dad! Didn't spot you so might have "lost" you along the way. Welcome and join hands in TTC journey!

Yea.. I was thinking you probably O early and didn't know. Coz CD11 is very very early to O. Maybe this month you will see 2 lines in both OPK and HPT? After all, you got so many to play with right? Hee...

Mrs Ho
Can use average for OPK testing but I would advise to use shortest cycle length of 28 days if you really don't want to miss O. Coz like bearGE, her cycles were longer than usual so she thought might O later but turn out she O so early and her cycles are back to normal. Our bodies are strange creatures so better safe than sorry. But up to you.

Which tube is it? Right side? Right side = right tube for July = Strike! Haha...
I went for scan based on calculation of my dates. Coz I suspected I would O around those few days so I just scheduled my pap smear and scan and it was just so lucky that I saw the eggy! I didn't test any OPKs before that coz no point since I wasn't going to try that cycle.

35 - 17 = CD18 to start testing. CD11 is still a bit too early but if want to play, can try from CD15. Hee...

Advise is to test everyday and not skip days coz best time to BD and catch egg is to BD on night of +ve OPK and subsequent days. Anyway, 30 - 17 = CD13 so can start testing on CD11 if you want. You should be O-ing soon! Good luck!
Btw, use cheap OPKs to test daily and when you think positive, then use Clearblue to double confirm. Then not so xiong on you.
As to when to stop testing, I would say minus 10 days from AF due date coz anything less than 10 days from O to AF due date is considered luteal phase defect but doubt you will have it.

Welcome to HappyGoLucky!
