(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

Girls: i have a question. i have to travel quite a bit for work as well. it didnt use to bother me at all, but now that i'm ttc-ing all this travelling during my fertile period is driving me crazy.

i'm overseas now during my fertile cycle 3 and initially wanted DH to fly up and impregnate me..but unfortunately, he has to travel for work elsewhere, so cycle 3 is out! And now my boss wants me to travel again during my fertile period for cycle 4! this really sucks. i was wondering if i should just tell him i'm ttc-ing and ask him to send somebody else instead, but worried about the repercussions at work.

any thoughts? or similar experiences?
Dear Ladies, pls do not give up hope....If doing all the tests, bbt charting is making u stress, den go stress-free without all those & enjoy BD. Who knows you will strike the following month?...

Let us all jia you together. We can make it de.
<font color="119911">Back fr lunch....

SJX-Then better dun do sit up or crunches...Wait till aft deliver baby, then one shot loses the tummy flab...

Carice-Dun worry, u will be fine...

Olivia- Tink u can share your thoughts with ur boss...If he is pro-family and understanding, tink he will find a substitute...</font>
Hi ladies! Posting a quick post from Fo Guang Shan. Waiting for hubby to climb down from the other temple. Too far and I am too lazy to hike cox too hot. Hee.. Bought a CD with kids singing and listening to it. Really giving me inner peace! Share more when back.

Jia you to all ladies!
olivia> i can understand.. i need to fly frequently for work as well. and i cant tell my boss.. cause she's not supportive.. but now its still managable thru lies. but i tink if it comes to a point where i realy canot take it.. for the sake of having a baby. i will quit my job. of coz i dont wish to come to that extend..
jus that mentally i have a breaking point.. if it reaches that point.
Happy : dont be upset ok... if you feel very uneasy then just ignore them... they may not be considerate to you then u be considerate to yourself... think they want people to share their feelings..

hello to ladies who i have not 'met'...;) last 2 days of holidays.. finally can come up and see all of you... miss you girls...

here's a picture of more water... for the dragons to swim to us...

dont fret ladies... sharing a joke to make you laugh... the last time i went taiwan and stayed in a hotel that faces the sun moon lake for our anniversary dh wanted to BD cos very romantic but i AF then this time in venetian, he got hotel staff to plan romantic things again, the same thing happen, dh thought i play him... sometimes funny... and say how come always like that one...

a picture of the canals in venetian for us (the dragons sure swim to us... it is in confined space...!!! jia u...)
e cups : tempt him with the pictures... would post a picture of the room for you later to entice him... ;)

think most guys would love the room... makes them feel like a king... ;)

well there is only so much quality time we have to spend together... go for a short trip... that's also good... spend time together... that's something money cannot buy... ;)
hello ladies, thanks for the encouragement

I just tested OPK and is negative. Just wondering is that possible we might miss the LH Surge and mistaken that we nv O.

I find the Clearblue OPK rather interesting. The device is to help us to see clearly if we O or not. When I eject the stick out, i seen clearly how the strip worked. So interesting :p
<font color="purple"> good noon ladies...had ur lunch?

hmmm if ur boss is those understanding kind.. mayhe u can share with him or her

that the thing i need to get pregnant!! so that i can really go on diet and slimming

so nice!!!! i wanna go there too!!
<font color="0077aa">SJX-Eating lollipop given by colleague now...Hope bfp prayer will be answered soon...

Jessica>The canal is so dreamy, peaceful &amp; romantic...how i wish to be there too...Ur af spolit brat, y always tag along...Shoo shoo it away for your next trip...</font>
hi peapea, i don't hv +OPK this cycle too n i'm in my CD43 (!). Basically i start test CD 22 (cos est 40days cycle) but stop testing +OPK around CD35 cos the line just get lighter each day but Clearblue no smiley at all. I think this looks like a long cycle cos no O, no trigger for AF. *sob* *sob*

hi Miloqueen, u went for a test? Where? Pte or in KKH via polyc referral? Can pass ur contact? I think i better go do check up once AF report. Looks no O for past 3mths.

hi tethysea, hey gal.. u hv completed 1 or 2 AF cycle? If no reason to wait till 3 cycles i suggest u start TTC soon. I regret that we r nt able to start earlier cos DH got open-cut appendix ops. My first 3mths after D&amp;C still got EWCM and regular AF. But when we are ok to BD.. no EWCM detected. My gynae did say dun wait too long. my new motto to ttc gfs.. it's nvr too early to ttc....
jessica, that's a nice picture. Let's just imagine the blue river as our fallopian tubes and those boats are dragon boats full of healthy handsome spermies, rowing furiously to our egg. hehee.. our fallopian tubes look so nice. hehe.
Just to check, after D&amp;C, we should wait for 2 cycles before try again? Or can I try again just after 2 months? I am going TCM now to regulate my AF but my 1st AF still not here yet after D&amp;C..
<font color="ff6000">Finally finish Part 1 of my household chores. After toking to u gers for awhile in the morning, I went marketing. Oh my, 1+ wk not ard, things in market is more expensive now!
Juz finish ironing my 2 basketfuls of laundry, now time for a break...

Re: my sensitive nipple head, its consider good sign too? Oh well, I'm not gg to read into all those symptoms n try to 'live normally' like when I'm hving my AF, haha!! 平常心。。

Yup, I'm gg to HKG wif my girlfren at end of this month
. From my last trip I hv put on alm 3 kg. I can't imagine after the nx trip. Think when I got bk frm HKG, I'm not gg to weigh myself till Aug, haha!!!

Thk U for explaining 'implantation' to me. How come it take so long to flow to the uterus to get itself implanted in the uterus? Tot usually it will take less than few days.</font>
lynn> u can call kkh they have this section call 'The Private Suite'. u can do ur test there.. no need referal one. jus book appointment, quite fast.. no need wait very long. i did mine there
<font color="purple">Mrs Ho.. u know what I got 2 pregnant ladies siting in front of me lor... plus my SIL may be pregnant, my best friend giving birth soon... and everyone ard me is pregnant..
i like ten times worst than u ... -___-"

no matter what.. no see red still got hopes

yes is it a good sign

yes inner peace and have pin chiang xin!! shoo shoo ur AF
sjx,, aiyoh, i think having relatives and best friends preg while we are not is more stressful ie!!

lynn, u also same boat as me!! sob sob sob
sjx, yayaya.. im feeling like rubbish too.. my preg SIL msn me just now and I told her im at a meeting and cannot chat with her :p i find that i cannot join in her joy at all. Maybe becuz I always didn't quite like her..
Hi all ,

I am new here just wanted some advice if anybody here is suffering from insomia? I am a TTC so not too sure if there is any better solution other than GNC Melatonin ?
<font color="purple"> peapea
it is very depressing.. as hor i am the first to marry then i am the first to get pregnant but baby die...after that all popping except me haiz.........</font>
<font color="ff6000">Phylee
That's a funnie description, haha!!!

Dun get disheartened, k?
I know it doesn't feel good to see all the preggies ard us... We will get there eventually...
*inner peace*
Now I wish BBT will remain high.
Anyway, today oni DPO2. I dun expect much lah. But thks for your encouragement...

That oso depend on when yr gynae give clearance. Once permission granted, u can start.
It all depend on individual.
Some can start as soon after 1st AF report.
The nurses at my gynae's clinic say beta start after 2 cycle of AF.
For me, my AF came abt 2 months after my D&amp;C. Hv tried to TTC again but all haywired. Need to b tiao then went bk to normal.
And that really depend on yr body....</font>
SJX, *hug hug* pls dun be.. me too.. from my latest cousin havent even get married already going to be a daddy liao.. and all around me are popping.. so be strong for yourself.. U are not alone, ok...??

I have even aunties joking telling my mummy say i must be very stress liao cos my cousins all around me are popping though im the first to get marry... WTH..!
sjx, now im worried that my friends and relatives will be faster than me too!! sometimes not that we dont want to be da fang. but it is just so hard to be
peapea, totally agree with you. It's not that we don't want to be da fang but it's really very hard lor. i have poor acting skills to begin with and yet still need to act happy in front of my in-laws
phylee, thats exactly how i feel at times... like im actually happy for who and who to get preg, but cant help but feel jealous at times... in a way, machiam like we no use like that.... esp if i tell ppl im trying, then their expression is like "is sth wrong with u, u try but still nth yet ah".

and my mom lives in the era that believes the moment u married u shld conceive...

my hubby and i like to poke fun at each other... is it his sperm useless or my womb useless.... hahahahha
<font color="purple">sunshine...
i am not lah.. if i am, i think i go depression liao lor...
dragon baby will be our!!!
stay positive gal!!

u know ah my aunty will ask me when is my turn why i so slow... u know wat i will tell her
i said to her GOD dont wanna give me what can i do... haaaa</font>
sunshine>> Thanks! My gynae just told me after two months, test positive then come back see her, say like confirm I after two months sure positive then can go back see her le.. My TCM doc also told me after 2 months can try le.. Hope my 1st AF report quickly so that I can return back to normal..
Sarah, I waited for months after D&amp;C for AF to report. That was after 2 rounds of 20 days med to induce AF cos gynea ask if I wan wait or take med.
<font color="0077aa">SJX-Tat's a gd reply to ur aunt...as ceive we can control...Alot of factors contribute...Maybe ur aunt era, many babies pop rapidly..like my mum era (~ 1950s...give birth to 3rd child onwards will tio summons...now is opposite...3rd child more baby bonuses</font>
SiuPing>> Oh dear, I din noe D&amp;C will have such a big impact on the body.. After your D&amp;C, did the gynae let you know if your body is back to normal after 2 weeks? My gynae tested my blood and gave me the test report, told me everything is back to normal and did not further tell me to take medicine to induce AF..
I guess we are so stress up and angry with pple have been feeing us alot of comments and giving us negative vibes.. thats y we didnt manage to get our BFP!! damn..!! so angry!!
<font color="purple"> SarahFaith...
as you are still consider very fertile...when u pregnant before then m/c , ur body still very fertile...

her reaction was like stuck haaaa so shiok to see that lor
she only got 2 children lah... just that my cousins all married one already popping 2 me still zero..
sjx, haha.. yeah. i used that to answer some of the irritating questions too. I will say, don't ask me, ask him (and point upwards). usually by then, those people who were asking will get slightly confused and i usually don't get any replies after that. better still. :p

now we know, next time when it's our turn to b happily pregnant and have beautiful kids, we have to be sensitive to others too. don't be like those kpo aunties. hehe.
<font color="ff6000">E-cups> Cool down...sometimes the thoughts of pros of not having a kid yet will make us less stress...Eg: Can travel overseas/party as and when we wish and the freedom to pursue wat we wanna do...

SJX-People juz like to compare...Juz filter the words and one ear in, one ear out...</font>
SJX>> Thanks! I hope can quickly get preggie again in August soon..

Don't need to worry what others say, people just like to talk and comment, just as long as you and your hubby stand strong together and encourage each other, don't need to care what others say!
<font color="purple"> PhyLee..
haaa same here!!! dont worry as what my best friend say our baby will be most previous to us as we go by a hard way to have the kid...

haaa not only me said u are stress... seee xiu03 also say u :p

i cant be bother.. i even have mean people purposely come to han lian me their pregnancy.. i cant be bother

yes u will!!!! in the meantime just prepare urself well before ttc!
Sarah, I went bk for review 2 wks after D&amp;C and gynea said womb is ok and said AF usually will report 6 wks after AF. But it didn't report &amp; thus I was given med to induce AF...

I waited for AF to report b4 trying again. I'm now seeing tcm &amp; taking the tcm med too.
<font color="purple">ladies
ask u all ah when u all O, do u have any symptoms? like pain, diarrhea, cramp or even hungry? or even fall sick?</font>
SJX>> Yes!! We will all get preggie soon! Gambatte!

SiuPing>> Oh, ok, I will observe for another 2 weeks first.. Hopefully my AF will report next week!
<font color="ff6000">SJX
Cos I juz O-ed, I can share with u what I experienced.
I did hv diarrhea but not sure is it becos of the food I ate. Maybe it was cos both DH n I fight for the toilet, keke...
I did hv slight swollen breasts and I developed tongue ulcer too...
I dun feel 'vain' cos on the day I O-ed, I dun even bothered to put up my makeup as I did for the past few days of my trip...
But I did feel the urge of BD even I'm exhausted. N most impt of all, CM is there...

I agree with u.. Traveling without kids is so different. So I told myself to enjoy my oversea trips as much as I can now, if not, instead of bringing back my shopping, I'll be carrying milk bottles, steriliser and diapers!
*trying v hard to console myself*

Now I busy with sorting out my pics taken on my trip... Pro of digital cam is can take as many shots as yr memory card can contain. Con is alot of time are consumed sorting them out, haha!!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Milo reporting, so busy at work today only got time to catch up on all your posts now.

Lynn, I did my hsg through gynae at TCM. I'm not sure if you need to consult the gynae first but if you're keen, you can make appointment through ACJ Women's Clinic at L3. My gynae is Dr Jocelyn Wong. Appointment for test will have to be made on the first 1-2 day of your AF and test will be scheduled sometime CD8-CD10. No BD during this period hor.

So envy those on holidays, enjoy yourselves ok? So nice of you to upload photos and still remember us while on trip.

Good luck to all in their 2ww and for the rest, continue to jiayou!

Hi all,

i have tested already its negative.

my fren ask me nt to test so early, ask me why dont i wait till next fri. if until next fri nv come i tink i will test again. time being juz rest n relax..
