(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!


Yes I told the Dr me ttcing...he said it is safe...so I guess I shall just trust the Dr. Sianz2..DH is oso not well..i think this month no hope already lor!

Ecups, the original price is $62.50. I bought the prenatal supplements for myself as well so got the supplements for DH at 40% off 2nd item. It's their GNC national promo.
<font color="000080">HappyGoLucky >> Never mind lar, better wait till both healthy. Dun kanchiong. Healthy parents make healthy baby!</font>
Check my thermometer, is 2 decimal from omron. So no need to buy liao.

I love teaching tuition but timing and attitude of students have change. Timing is getting later and later, some have to burn the weekend which is something I want to avoid.
Good morning ladies...

sooo quiet today???

Nb01, my DH low count, low motility, poor morphology.. sooo guess the argimax does not suit him as the 1st nutrient - Arginine might not be working on him liao.. did not meet the requirements.. lols
Now i also dun knw which vitamins to ask him to take.. haizz

Siu_ping, thanks for the info... wow.. 40%..!! got say offer when ending...:p
Good morning

Ytd tested opk -ve and this morning low temp still, I think something must be wrong with my homones. Getting many acnes at chin area too. Haiz. I shall not habour hope for this month so that I won't get dissapointment.

tethysea - Ur boss is gd to me, pity that ur big boss don't think the same. Get ur boss to back u up ;)
Hi Ladies, I am looking for mums with 13 to 36 weeks pregnant for a short 15 mins survey in our office on formula milk brand - Abbott, e.g. Similac or Gain IQ. Criteria : You must not reject this brand and may use this brand in future. Token: 30 bucks NTUC voucher. Kindly SMS me your Name, age, how many weeks pregnant to 97640028 ASAP.
<font color="0077aa">piky:</font> <font color="0077aa">am not too sure. tcm just said too much watery means 'liang'. you mised your AF? have you tested? good luck!
<font color="000080">piky >> Might be a bfp symptom. It's called leukorrhea - increased secretion of milky CM, the texture is like lotion. Good luck!</font>
Wah today so quiet ah? Where are all of u??? I am very sleepy leh *yawn*, how nice if my bed is just besides me right now?!!!

piky- time to test, good luck.
Attention ladies who go TCM (especially those who went to Tan SB Yi Shi),
Tan Yi Shi ask me to boil the herbs n drink, normally is one pkt &amp; boil twice. If AF comes then stop. I just boil one pkt ytd. today suppose to boil &amp; drink but AF come liao...Then how now? the herbs can leave to boil till my AF gone or i throw away? very ke xi to throw away leh....
please advice...thx...
Longtaizi - same thing happened to me b4, I just throw away. I feel that damp herbs cannot keep. But ur question is good, let's see what others say. I am keen to know too.

Piky - then u wait for few more days loh.
Morning Gals. It's mid-week....

Seeing pregnant around always makes mi wonder when will it be my turn....

This cycle I'm thinking not to use opk...just taking bbt &amp; CM and BD whenever we want to enjoy more of the process. Ppl always say less stress higher chance.

Btw, heard frm my DH's aunt that there is a temple in Tiong Bahru that had zhu shen niang niang, we can go pray. Bring flowers &amp; fruits there to pray can le. Thinking of going during one of the weekends.
Good morning girls. Ya loh, seeing big bellies walking ard makes me feel the same. I also find that using opk is adding stress. For the last few days I was worried that I didn't ovulate as my bbt didn't go up after opk tested +ve.

Here's my chart, meaning that I had ovulation on CD15 isn't it? One question, if I BD on CD16 is not helping right?

morning ladies,

coyote, i think it is ok to bd the day after O. in fact, they suggest to bd at least 2 days in a row after O.

longtaizi, the herbs my tcm gave me is suitable for my hubby too... so when my af came and i couldnt drink, my hubby had them instead...

in 2ww now =)

jia you to all!
peapea &amp; starrie - me 3. Anyone knows whether I can continue to take royal jelly in 2ww?

just read something interesting:

How can I conceive a girl?

To improve your chances for conceiving a girl, you should BD a 4 to 2 days prior to ovulation, and abstain two days before and day of ovulation. This will allow the slower, longer-lived, female sperm to be ready for fertilization when ovulation does occur. Conceiving a girl is more difficult since you are abstaining on your peak fertility day.

How can I conceive a boy?
Time BD to occur the day before and the day of ovulation. This will allow the faster male sperm to get to the egg first.
just went to gynae, diagnose with polycystic ovaries. Gynae said its mild case though. gave me 2 cycle of clomid to take. im thinking to go tcm as well to tiao body

hope it wun be a too big issue
minibunny, he first asked me basic questions like AF histroy, regular anot, how many days, heavy anot etc. Then ask if i got any operations before in womb.

then mentioned about pap smear but cos i just did mine in June so i brought along the report loh

after dat he did ultrasound scan.saw my womb said in good shape then ask me if im ok to go those probe inside scan. Cos i did b4 so i ok. Then saw the ovary. he pointed out the follicle to me oso.

Then he said i have polycystic ovary, how he determine i dunno lah but he see my ovary n follicle then diagnose.

then now gave me 2 dosages of clomid to take loh.
coyote &amp; tethysea> i throw away liao...my hubby asks me to...anyway, next visit to the TCM, i would ask her...

coyote> taking bbt is indeed stressful, i did that for 7 months and stop in jun, last month went to see TCM and the sinseh wants me to take again...she says i O late..around 20th day...i hope TCM can really help me...
Hello all I'm new here also TTC-ing...have not gone to Any Tcm or gynae yet but wanna ask, if AF is regular in that it is monthly n about same duration, can assume all is well for me?
Ladies : just drop by to say hello ...

candymix : i suggest you should go see gynae first for check up to make sure everything is ok.
Good morning all, thur liao ;)

longtaizi- I believe tcm will be able to help us to balance our body system.

candymix - welcome. I don't think a regular AF is the main key to preg success. It shld be if u have beeing ttc-ing for a year and don't see result, u shld seek professional advice. For eg me having regular AF too but I have been ttc-ing for 6yrs. We went to see gynae and was told I have no prob, DH got low sperm count &amp; quality issue. And when we went to see TCM, looks like both of us are not that good.

Ytd I went to see my TCM and I asked her abt me taking chix essence and LRD during 2ww and she told me not to. The reason is I am super heaty and these 2 items will just make it worst and if I preg bb will not to sticky. Luckily I asked her abt this, otherwise I will be adding oil to my body fire LOL. So looks like I can save some money on these items, my best friend is still plain water ;)
Coyote : today i am on urgent leave to rest at home .. tired and stomach mild cramp or ache like that ... guess i walk too much during my holiday ... tomorrow will be see my gynae ...
Hmm ok thanks for advice. So I can go to any gynae for checkup or straight to specialist help gynae? Anyone to recommend from Glen E?
Candymix : you can go to any gynae to check by telling them that you are trying for bb and just want to make sure everything is ok.
HI ladies!
I m so much better now. I decided not to take the anitbiotics.
How nice would it be if I could also know when my DPO starts..now I m just hanging in air!

Btw anyone heard of SMEP? Sperm Meet Egg Plan..google it..quite interesting. They claim that sperms can only live for 2hrs..5 days is for favourable conditions like very good CM. Dunno true or not.. after reading it I told myself..I m just going to take care of my body and not stress abt TTC la..it is like so hard to catch the egg! I shall use reverse psychology on myself to make sure I dun stress too much!
mrs carice - now is how many weeks?

happygolucky - are u charting BBT? If yes then u can tell when is your DPO. I find the fertility friend charting very useful, it can help to calculate coverline as well.
2 HOURS ONLY?!!!!!! Wow...that makes thing very difficult.
hi all....

Thou I'm not TTC-ing... But just need some advise from you girls...

starting from Last week till now I've been feeling tired easily, Cramps and super bloated stomach, lots of discharge, giddy spells and yesterday start to have super sore boobs... And my period have already late for 5 days..

Havent test with HPT yet.. Cuz I'm scare... =(
carine - welcome! Late for 5 days already, what are you waiting for? Symptoms for preg or AF approaching are similar, meanwhile do take care.
Cuz last time got afew times also like that..there's once late for 1 month plus.. den always same thing.. When I finally decided to buy HPT and test, -ve... den the next day AF came.. Waste my money buying HPT.. Lolx!!

Mrs Ho,
Nope.. My AF seldom late.. It's normally earlier or on the day (Zhun Zhun)
hello everyone, i've been a passive member,constantly reading postings by most of u. but today,i cant help it.really feel like wanting to be part of the "family",can?i've been ttcing for almost 2 yrs now,no luck.depressing for me to see,everyone that i know,around me are pregnant or have already given birth,even those who didnt plan for it. i was wondering,if a person cannot ovulate, does it mean, can never get pregnant?

hi Lyn, welcome! It can be stressful and disappointing TTC with no luck, but we're all here on the same journey. We will jiayou together!

If cannot ovulate, there is no egg released, so definitely can't get pregnant. But drugs can help ovulation problems, e.g. Clomid. Have you seen a gynae yet to diagnose if you or DH needs additional help in the TTC journey?
