(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!


I'm staying in tampines. Heard that there is one quite popular at the interchange. Anyone heard before?

Actually I'm still quite lost what I can do now
I have a friend who just got miscarriage due to her body. So she remind me to nurse my body well before trying for one.

Alot of shorthand that u ladies write that I dun understand.
Here u go, chin:

AF = Aunt Flo (period)
BFN = Big Fat Negative (preg test)
BFP = Big Fat Positive
CD = cycle day
DPO = days past ovulation
BBT = basal body temperature
CM = cervical mucus
EWCM = Eggwhite cervical mucus
BD = "baby dance" (sex)
HPT = Home pregnancy test
LRD = longan red date tea
LMP = Last menstrual period
OPK = Ovulation predictor kit
2WW = two-week wait (after ovulation and before period is supposed to come)

Have you started folic acid?
<font color="0077aa">coyote:</font> <font color="0077aa">dont stress over bbt now. pin chang xin during 2ww k.</font>

<font color="0077aa">all new joiners:</font> <font color="0077aa">welcome and jia you!
Hi ladies. Just got back from my gynae. My bloodwork indicates that I'm ovulating normally and she did a scan and said this cycle i'm due to ovulate in the next 2 days. DH's sperm motility and morphology borderline normal, so gynae suggest can try IUI if we are impatient. But only increase chances by 4-5% only. What do you girls think? Continue trying for a few more cycles? Or just do IUI in the next few days?

This will be my fifth TTC cycle, and DH says he prefers the "natural" way aka no IUI if possible. But we travel quite often for work, if this cycle no BPF, got to wait until Nov to try again! Dilemma!
Thanks coyote that helps alot! I haven't start Folic acid. Any brand to recommend? Or any brand is fine?

gingerbreadger thanks for recommendation, will go search for more information on him. Is the waiting time long? Those that my friends recommend all very kuazhang, opening hour at 9.30am must go Q outside at 7am.

I think for I start I should lose some weight, cos I'm overweight, worry that if I preg and If baby overgrow my knee will give me problem.
coyote> Oh ya. That was really a load off my mind. LOL!

Olivia> Actually I think you should do it the natural way since IUI only increase chances by 4-5%. Enjoy BD-ing mah! Can use BD sessions as bonding time with your hb too!

Re OPK> Can I just test once a day around 7pm+? Cos I worry that what if I test +ve during the afternoon test then when I test again during the night, it's -ve then very anti climax right?
Coyote >> mayb u did O only tat ur temp is not stable ... juz take it with pin chang xin ya ...

Olivia >> if the results are ok, i tink shld try for another few cycles .. or u can try follicle tracking ..

Chin >> tink u can start on folic acid and see if u wana start taking ur daily morning temp then proceed to see tcm to tio if need to..
Hi ladies!

coyote, don't think so much abt BBT. Just take today as DPO1 ok? Good luck!

Olivia, since results are normal and you only tried for 5 cycles, can try naturally for a few more cycles. After all, like you say, the chances only increase by 4-5% and not like the chances massively increases.

Chin, Welcome! Any brand of folic acid is ok. Recommended is to start taking 2-3 months before TTC so just nice for you.

Chloie, regarding OPK testing, lynzi has posted a detailed post above. You can read it and then decide if you want to test once or twice a day. Normally your LH surge shouldn't be as short as a few hours. If you test +ve in the afternoon, likely it will still be +ve at night.
Hi everyone! Welcome Chin!
I m on mc the next 2days. Do u think flu would affect my O?
Dr gave me antibiotics. Is it safe to take when TTCing? Sianz :-(
chin> yeah, like wat siu ping say, tat one mus q for 2-3 hrs... got once i woke up at 5am and reach tere at 6 to q... cause i find wakin up in hte morning is easier to q.. cause more cooling..
sonel &amp; mrs ho - Yup, I did my best liao. Anyway I am seeing TCM this wed, will see what she days.

chin - u can purchase folic acid from any pharmacy. It is really cheap, $2.50-3 for 100 pills which is enough for 3 months
Siu Ping, i saw your posting on the GNC supplememnts.. how much u bought har..?? im in confusion jus to buy the zinc supplements will do or but the multivitamines.. faints...
coyote: my coverline is 36.15. on the day of +ve OPK, temp is 36.10. usually pple ovulate the day after +ve OPK but my temp rose to 36.3 the next day so fertility friend concluded I ovulated on the day i got the +ve OPK. i have a temp spike the next day.

MAYBE you ovulated today, where you got your dip. this can be confirmed by a spike in temp tomorrow.

but like what the girls say, don't stress over it. as long as you BD enough, you've done your part. be guai for the 2ww. bb dust!
chloie: yes, pls read lynzi's post. in any case, if you get +ve in the morning, -ve in the evening, you can still BD at night cos ovulation may happen only that night or next day.
tangerinez - I am thinking whether I will be ovulating today as well since there's a slight dip. Will do opk test this evening. If really O got to BD again (aiyo). How nice if there's a pocket with zip then we can just pour in the troop whenever we want...hahaha
Thanks ladies!

The marine parade 2-3hrs still ok for me, so long not 5hrs. Maybe I shall go next week.

Later shall go buy Folic acid. I got the termometer that one decimal, correct right? Cos my Gynae ask me to buy before.

After marry for coming 3 yrs and finally Hubby agreed to try for one. Cannot fail before he change his mind again!!! Haha
e-cups, how have you been? Been MIA!
Anyway, I think that buying the multivits is better than just buying a zinc supplement as different vits are good for different things. The one that Siu Ping has mentioned seems quite good as it has L-Arginine and Korean Ginseng. Similar to the vit I got for my hubby from overseas.


The following supplements have been shown to increase sperm count and/or motility. Allow 3-4 months for the supplements to work.
•Arginine—Take 4 gr daily. Needed to produce sperm. If the sperm count is below 10 million per ml, arginine probably will not provide any benefit.
•Coenzyme Q10—Take 10 mg daily. Increases sperm count and motility.
•Flaxseed oil—Take 1 tbsp daily. Is a source of essential fatty acids.
•L-carnitine—Take 3-4 grams daily. Required for normal sperm function.
•Multivitamin-mineral—Buy a high-quality product and take one serving size (differs from brand to brand).
•Selenium—Take 200 mcg daily. Improves sperm motility.
•Vitamin B-12—Take 1000 mcg daily. A B-12 deficiency reduces sperm motility and sperm count. Even if no deficiency exists, B-12 supplementation may help men with a sperm count of less than 20 million per milliliter or a motility rate of less than 50%
•Vitamin C—Take 500 mg 2 times daily. Is an antioxidant.
•Vitamin E—Take 400 IUs 2 times daily. Is an antioxidant and improves sperms’ ability to impregnate.
•Zinc—Take 15 mg 2 times daily. Required for a healthy male reproductive system and sperm production.
From: http://www.fertilinet.com/male.htm
coyote, maybe can consider BD-ing one last time today since you might O today. Jia you!

Chin, the one that is used to track our temperatures is called the Basal Thermometer and reads to 2 decimal places. Not sure if that is the one you got since yours is only to one decimal place.
nb01, im on the "switch-off' mode.. been hiding in the library wor...lols
Sometimes feel that push my self &amp; DH too much liao..
then abit sick &amp; tired of the process. so laid back first..:0 but curious abt the vitamins mah.. lols
Thanks for the link too... but chim leh.. th link..:p
hi all, im going to go visit gynae this wed on fertility cos TTC for 7-8 cycles le still no news...just wanna know usually 1st visit what will the gynae check ah? is it just consultation or will do tests le?
Ladies, on the topic of supplements, my gynae prescribed Coenzyme Q10 and this Immuvital Softgels with Korean and Siberian Ginseng extract for DH to help improve his sperm quality and motility. FYI.
Fattybombom: I also just went for some fertility checks. My gynae did a pap smear for me on the first visit. Then asked me to come back for blood test (8 days after ovulation to test for progesterone level to confirm ovulating properly). Also asked DH to do sperm analysis. And then second visit (CD 8) to scan for dominant follicle. That's when she say can decide if whether want to do IUI to increase chance of conception...

I guess these are the first tests the gynae will ask you to do. After that, still can do some tests to see if fallopian tubes blocked etc. Some of the girls here have also done these tests, maybe they can shed some more light...
Hi Ladies, I am looking for mums with 13 to 36 weeks pregnant for a short 15 mins survey on formula milk brand - Abbott, e.g. Similac or Gain IQ. Criteria : You must not reject this brand and may use this brand in future. Token: 30 bucks NTUC voucher. Kindly SMS me your Name, age, how many weeks pregnant to 97640028 ASAP.
<font color="000080">coyote >> I have seen some charts where the temp dip is over 2 days before going up. Don't worry ok, sperm can live for at least 24-36hrs! At the most BD again today hee ;) *showers potato dust*

HappyGoLucky >> Did you tell your doc that you're TTCing? If you have fever it may affect your O. In the meantime rest well, and take lots of vit C!

Olivia >> I believe in natural... IUI not cheap leh, and chances not that much improved. Since both of you are healthy, just try natural lar!

Chin >> Both you and hubby must "bu" ok! Takes 2 to make a baby after all ;) Best to both get some multivits.</font>
E-cups, I think for Coenzyme Q10, can buy off the shelf at the pharmacies. I've seen before. Recommended dosage is 200mg daily if i'm not wrong. As for the other Immuvital softgels, I'm not too sure, I havent really seen it before...but i think the main active ingredient is the Korean/Siberian ginseng extract. So maybe eat the real ginseng will also help?
Olivia, thanks!! i just did a pap smear last month maybe i will bring the report over. Will be CD12 when i visit him so see can do any check anot.

Just wan to know exactly if there is a problem anot...then can decide if wan to find western treatment or TCM.
tethysea - troop can survive for 72hrs
And they better be, otherwise I am going to kill my DH. Ok lah, tonite will touch him..wahaha...

Olivia - I didn't know that IUI only increase the chances by 4-5%, it is so little. Maybe by using conceive plus can also increase the chances ;)
<font color="000080">coyote >> Actually I've heard can survive up to 5 days! Hopefully the conceive plus will help make the environment even better for their survival :D</font>
Where did all of u buy the thermometer from? I forget mine is 1 or 2 decimal le. Must go dig out later,

coyote.> Partly not ready, and also financially plus also cannot get a house then (now waiting for my punggol flat), now still staying with my in laws (FIL's house but staying with BIL's family) ALOT of problems. That's y delay till now cos their punggol flat going to be ready soon. *cross finger*
Appreciate all your input on the IUI! I think I will try naturally for a few more cycles. However, today my gynae told me i have a retroverted (tilted) uterus, so may have to work harder to conceive. She say if normal uterus, there's this cavity where the sperm can reside for a number of days to wait for the egg to appear. But with a tilted uterus, there is no such natural cavity, so must BD every day and catch the ovulation more precisely.

The cost is about $300 for the IUI procedure. My gynae say to try naturally, each cycle is about 16% chance. So IUI increase to 20% chance. IVF 30-40% chance of conception.
tethysea- 5 days is long
Oh, u know that I am using conceive plus? U have been stalking my posts...hahaha Tks for the potato dust ;)

chin - My DH got my thermometer from Pharmacy. When is ur flat ready? Good that you plan ahead, coz TCM med needs abt 6mths to see effect.
nb01- really 5 days ah, so powerful meh?! No wonder my TCM asked me to BD alt days on CD11, 13 &amp; 15. Looks like this method can cover all grounds.
nb01> Ok later go pharmacy see see

coyote> guess mine will only be ready in 2 years. But Hdb can take their time then (after they move out) since staying in FIL's place is free and only us then. LOL.

Need some opinion, currently I'm not working. Have been giving tuition for many years. But I decided to stop and find a office job. But been trying for the pass 3mth but still no luck, due to lack of experience.

Since I'm going to try for one now, should I continue looking for a job or wait? Cos I really hope to be in time for dragon year. BIL's problem already waste alot of my time so dont want to waste anymore.

If I find a job I scare kena sack or whatever.
<font color="000080">Chin >> I bought from Guardian, it's cheaper than at Watsons :p $11 if I'm not wrong. Job-wise you have to be careful... some companies don't give maternity benefits if you haven't been with the company for long enough, and of course some bosses may get black face if you get preg soon after you join.

coyote >> Yes I'm secretly stalking all of you with a bag of potato dust ready to throw on all of you at all times!

Olivia >> Oh, I see! That one if bfp must monitor wor... it's supposed to right itself by end of first tri, but sometimes it doesn't...</font>
tethysea> that's is what I worry. Haiz. So long boss no black face and I still get to keep the job will do. Last interview the person said everything standard never said much like trying to hide something.
Yeah is true, see this:

Sperm facts in brief
A man's ejaculate contains more than 100 million sperm, of which, in a healthy sample, less than 40 percent could be normal. Many millions will die, drop off, swim in the wrong direction or get lost, with only 50 making it to where the egg should be. The egg is only open to fertilisation for 12 to 24 hours per cycle, but the sperm can lie in wait for a healthy egg for up to five days.

chin - It really depends. If you started work now and get preg after confirmation then it shld be alright. But if you get preg immediately I don't think the boss will be happy. How about continue to give tution, it gives you more rest time when u r preg and lesser stress compared to a full-time job.

tethysea - welcome stalker, and pls be generous with the dust
where did u get the cute emo icon by the way?

*having a hard time posting*
<font color="000080">coyote >> Right at the bottom of the page there is a link to a list of Emoticons


I read that when the sperms find the egg, they all will cover the entire surface of the egg, like limpets, and all try to burrow in at the same time, but usually only one gets in. Bit of a freaky image, but whatever gets the job done man, haha.

Chin >> Aiyoh don't say just joined - I've been with same company for 4 yrs and my big boss also face a bit black. Depends on boss one lar... if you find an understanding one will be ok lor.</font>
Haiz.... Horrible bosses. Haha

I did think of continue teaching first but if student's exam happen to be my due date then very unfair for them. Somemore some got Os level.

Maybe I shouldn't think so much
just pray
tethysea - Tks, the icons are cute
I saw a documentary. Once that super sperm has burrowed into the egg, the egg will disallow others to penetrate and start its preg journey

How is your boss lately? Ok?

chin - I didn't think of the exam period. No wonder you are comtemplating whether to look for a job.

<font color="000080">coyote >> Sigh... big boss still bitchy and two-faced, but boss very supportive. The big boss keeps trying to convince me that spotting never mind one, while my boss keeps telling me must be more kiasu and go to doc for jabs more often, and chase me to go home earlier, haha.

Chin >> Take non Os one? Less money but less stress too! </font>
