(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

Queenly, any Gd news?

Mi tested tdy at CD35, BFN. Maybe tested too early ba. Breasts feel a little sore & a little nausea once awhile.

Blessedbb, u still waiting too rite? Any symptoms sighted?

My AF already reported.. Today CD4... Starting to drink LRD see it helps make my body warm... Book appt with gynae oso to check...
Hope our AF go long holiday & may our long awaited come true very soon.

The waiting is making mi anxious. Wondering how long I can ren & not to test yet.
AF finally reported today. At last a new cycle, new hope!

All the best Siu ping and blessedbb! *keeps fingers cross*

Anyone can enlighten me when to drink LRD, raspberry tea and grapefruit juice? As in which days during the cycle. TIA!
Hi all,

I'm new to this thread. I'm also trying for my #1.

Its CD 45 for me, tested 2 days ago and its dfn. Haiz~ wondering if its coz i am too stressed up with the whole thing until my AF don't want to come.

Anyway, Has anyone tried taking supplements?
Daphne- for raspberry tea avoid ovulation n 2ww period. Grapefruit juice u can drink anytime. LRD I know is good for 2ww, other period I am not sure.

Welcome raine, do u normally have long cycle? Many of us are taking supplements n some seeing tcm for Chinese med. For me I am taking raspberry tea to tone my uterus, royal jelly to improve egg quality, folic acid a must, grapefruit juice to increase CM, LRD n. chix essence to warm the womb and TCM med for customized aid. But i dont take all of them daily. Have ordered multi-vits waiting for it's arrival. Wah....like a lot leh....
Daphne, new cycle new hope.

Blessedbb, hang on...maybe we will get BFP soon....trying to make myself not so anxious..hehe.

Welcome RaiNe.
Thanks for the warm welcome, Siu Ping and coyote.

coyote - wow, it seems like you're taking quite abit of supplement. Haha! The only thing i am taking is the folic acid. That's the only supplement my obgyn told me to take. Oh and iron pills, coz when i 1st went for check-up, i was tested to have iron deficit. Zzz! Maybe i shld try the raspberry tea and LRD. Thanks for the advise.

My cycle is usually 30-34 days, this time round its longer than usual. Don't know is it because i have this mid cycle spotting previously. I am going insane thinking about it. Haha! Sorry for the rant. >.<
blessedbb, which dpo r u at?
i'm at dpo 12 today!! by right... according to my punctual af.. i should see spotting from today onwards.. and it should report more than punctual on monday.

but this month i've been taking metformin, and my O have shifted 5 days earli.. so i wondering whether my af will arrive much earlier or not..
Gingerbreadger, ur AF won't report de. It will go on long holidays....
Have u been taking homemade chicken essence? I think I'm going back to see the tcm this sat if my AF still hasn't report.

siu ping,
think af might pop over anytime for me wor...
if it really did, will try again ba..

but i hope you wont be my cycle buddy! *wink*

not sure what dpo coz i didn't track my O. :p
this 2ww i dint take homemade one. cause my mum made the black chicx.. i drank it during hte first 2 wks of my cycle. once a wk, i find it TOO OILYYYYYY... i felt like i've gained 2-3 kg that wk. n i dint feel very good... like i feel very fat that 2 wks.. so for thi 2ww, i drink the bottled chicx essence everyday. at least i drink someting.. cause i realy canot make myself drink the oily stuff.

i aso gg to c tcm this sat! i mite bump into you.. cause we've decided to go at 2pm plus. but if friday still no sight of spotting, i will take a test. cause friday will be dpo 14. jus in case realy pregnant, i will go see gyane on sat morning first. *cross fingers*
morning ladies,

dropping in to say hi!

waiting for my O now... anyway, to all ladies waiting for testing, all the best! a lot of potato dust flying around this month so lets catch them!
tangerinez> I just ordered my conceive plus &amp; opks.

coyote> Grapefruit juice! okok! Noted on that.

So what is good to take during the 2WW?

Note to self: AVOID COLD DRINKS!!!!!
raine - Kiasu loh...hahaha..but I also don't know how I ended up with so many...wahaha... So is abt 10-15 days late for u, try test again in few days later bah. Hope u strike ;)

peapea - me also waiting for O, my guess is anytime between today to Fri. Saw a dip in bbt temp this morning &amp; EWCM.

Shoo shoo AF away for those in 2ww.
Morning ladies!

Chloie>I also always tell myself to avoid cold drinks but very hard with this hot weather. Just few weeks ago, I had dinner with my family. I ordered a pot of hot tea, while the other orders were coke, milk tea and beer. The waiter came and gave me the milk tea which I pushed to DH. Then he gave
the beer to my dad, coke to me and hot tea to my mum. In the end, we had to exchange. Coke was dad's, beer was mum's. lol. The waiter's look was like O_O that he got it all wrong. Haha.
daphne- so funny, that waiter assumed!!!! Same for me, whenever I asked for warm water in the restaurant they would double-confirm that I want it warm. And I am the only weirdo ordering it warm during this scorching hot weather 0_0
<font color="0077aa">hello ladies! hope you had a good holiday... 2 more days to weekend!

<font color="0077aa">my O and AF have both gone MIA this cycle. dunno if im watiing for O or AF now. ;p</font>
hello ladies... this month no opk, no bbt, nothing to stress about!!

taking it easy this month... every month see red very disappointing one... told hb let's go for a break haha...
BD as and when we like
Hi ladies! Hope you had a good long weekend!

blessedbb and siuping, AF late is good! Hope it is good news for you. Lots of bb dust flying around this month!

gingerbreadger, 2 more days to testing! Good luck to you too!

Daphne and coyote, LRD can drink anytime. During AF, it helps to ease cramps, after AF, it helps to keep womb warm. But coyote, you are taking so many things! Haha... Hope it is good for you. Waiting for O right? Jia you!

Welcome Rainie!

P/S: Forum is acting up! Takes so long to post!
Hello all! Quite sian in office today, after the long weekend.

My AF also reported, so long weekend also sian! Mrs Ho, we are cycle mates this round. I'm CD3 today too.
nb01- AF can take LRD? I tot this time to expel out the unwanted so shldn't bu blood. Ya loh, I also got a shock when I listed out the items that I am taking. I shocked myself..hahaha. But not taking everything daily lah. Yes, waiting for O now. How abt u, at what stage now?

happy - gd to take a break, enjoy ;)

mrs ho - aim for the O and try again.

For the lady who shared her method of making LRD using thermal flask in the office - Thanks! It works. Today I tried to throw in 5 longan, 6 red dates n wolfberries into my thermal flask at 9am+. I left it soaked and drank it at 1pm+, the drink has nicely absorbed the herbs making it a pleasant sweet drink (not too sweet/diluted). Just nice
Thank nb01.

Happy - it's good to take a break. My friends keep telling me not to stress over it. It will happen when we least expects it.

Coyote - ya, if my AF nor come in another 3 more days, I will test again. Keeping my fingers crossed. Haha. Even though I know that it might still be a BFN, I'm still keeping my hopes high.

Siu ping - thanks for your recommendation. I got my opk and preseed from the website too. I'm taking black ores conceive well gold right now, don't know if it's good enough.
coyote, I think can take LRD even during AF coz it helps to ease cramping but I dun take LRD as too heaty for me so not too sure. Maybe can check with TCM?

Mrs Ho and Olivia, new cycle new hope! Jia you!
coyote> Ok. Chix essence - Dont like this idea. Scared will cause nose bleeding. Wahahahahaha! Will start to buy LRD ingredients liao. Saw your previous posting on what to add in and what the ingredients for. Thanks!

Daphne > Ya! This weather, how not to drink cold drinks right! I can perspire non stop at home.

Mrs Ho&amp; Olivia> HiHi! Im on CD 3 too!
I seriously have no discipline la. NO discipline to take BBT in the morning and no discipline to POAS for OPK at same time everyday. Sians.. I think I shall just BD alternate days till nxt AF. Dunno if DH can tahan or not..My friend asked me to give my DH stout with raw egg inside. hmmm..

Btw hi Raine! I take GNC's royal jelly and their Ultra Mega Woman multivits..it has folic acid inside. I also take Chicken essence 2 to 3 times a week. LRD once in awhile. n of cos Grapefruit Juice and Robitsun cough syrup for CM.. dunno if all these can help or not.. but I just take only la. I have also started Gymming to release stress.
Chloie - have to monitor, if feel too heaty for you have to lessen the frequency/opt out. I don't take chicken essence when I take my TCM med.

Anyone find LRD heaty? I am still monitoring.

Happygolucky - I get my DH to take bbt temperature for me every morning coz I cannot get out of bed. I feel that men should also actively play a part in this loh. Order ur DH to do it for you, make it his duty. Stout with raw egg, super tonic!!!! Hahaha... I rather faithfully do opk test daily during O possible days then to BD alt days for whole stretch. Simply too tired to exercise on wkdays. Old liao.
i find lrd quite heaty.. i find it more heaty than chix essence thou.. i can take chix essence for consecutive days.. but i canot take lrd for consecutive days...
hey gers, just to share that if you're seeing tcm, maybe ask your tcm if LRD is suitable for you. Somehow, mine said it's not so good for me and advised me to take more fruits/ fruit juice instead. I think it varies across individuals depending on body type. Once a week or so maybe still ok.
Thanks for the contribution on LRD. I feel my head a bit heavy after drinking it. I should stop and maybe only take chix essence during forthcoming 2ww.

Miloqueen - Tks for the reminder, will check with my TCM next week.

tangerinez - Instead of kopi, 3-in-1 tea can or not?

gingerbreadger - I find us very ke lian, all trying to finish the deed for the sake of doing it.
Nb01, hope AF is late for a Gd reason. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Gingerbreadger, if this sat I go tcm, should be going in the morning.
Tangerines - tks for the link, will try asking DH whether he want to drink. Worry later can't sleep. Btw I have received the applicators, xie xie ni *kiss* but I don't know how to use leh. Can enlighten me?

Just tested, today not O-ing. My sotong gf just found out that she is 10wks pregnant, she kept testing opk n get +ve results everyday.....hahaha
10 weeks!!! These ladies are blessed! Pregnant and dunno. Haha. Congrats to her!

Hmm, u pull the syringe back to create an empty space, dun pull too much, maybe erm 1.5cm? Then u place the "hole" at the nozzle of the conceive plus and squeeze out the lubricant into the empty space.

Then insert the whole applicator inside u, till u feel quite deep le then u push the syringe so that the lubricant comes out.

Erm something like tat lar hahaha.

The applicator looks quite intimidating right. The edges quite rough so I'll make sure the edge is lubricated too before inserting. If not pain sia!
Ok ok I will try. Thanks. When do u put it in, just b4 BD-ing?

Yup she is blessed to have kids. Her no. one also like that. She got preg before she starts her ttc plan of using opk.

coyote: hw come ur friend didn't know she was preggy? Do u all watch I didn't know I was preg on Discovery home?

I tested my opk test. Fr e first time I saw a faint line on the test window..last time when I pee on it I dun get anything on the test window. So what does the faint line mean? O approaching?
