(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

coyote: nope. a bit pantang about buying baby stuff now. but i bought mummy stuff instead (for stretchmarks) lol. i am a bit freaked out about chicken essence. i googled and have different responses. some say cannot, some tried and tested and ok. so i'm not sure. IMO, it's just chicken, not herbs, so not considered bu. but melody's TCM say cannot. i guess i will stop just to be on safe side.

when i took LRD, also used thermal flask. the first time i threw in 8 dates, a small portion of longan (maybe abt size of a large fishball), 8 pieces of wolfberries, and 2 stalks of dang shen. 8 for the luck. LOL. but then realize like not much taste. so the next day i did 10 red dates (and broke them with my fingers), more wolfberries (i didn't count them).
i soak for 1 hr then drink. but i do not refill after that. i guess there is no harm. diluted but drink like plain water.

daphne: AF not here, still got hope. good luck!
tangerinez - Gd that u can resist the temptation. That time we got very excited and started to buy some and who knows...haiz. Yes can start to apply stretchmark cream now.

Wow your 8-8 tactic works, got potato liao! I guess not much taste coz didn't boil it. I did boiling at home and put in lesser than what you have written here, the strong was strong. Maybe must use blender if we want to do it in office with thermal flask...hahaha... Best to add ice-cream :p I am toying with the idea to bring a mini water boiler to office. Then throw all ingredients in to boil it.
coyote: blender? wahahahahaha you are funny! hmm, maybe the mini electric kettle will work. use less ingredients, more taste. anyway LRD is really tasty, so it's like a treat!

i will be stalking your OPK progress!

remember to use conceive plus. i think it was the key. if not too bothersome, apply it internally too, otherwise it dries up pretty fast.

let me know if you need an applicator. i have new ones from preseed. can mail to you.
tangerinez- Wow I have a stalker, I like!
LOVE U LEH! I was just imagining how to apply internally...squeeze the tube in but need to be super precise wor...wild wild tots... So u used an applicator...hahahaha... Xiexie, please mail it to me *kiss* I PM u my address ok *kiss again*
LOL! sure, PM me via FB can? i tried wor, using my fingers (TMI), but cannot leh. must use applicator de. just don't put too much.

cannot squeeze the tube in lar! so unhygenic! hahahaha... anyway the tip of the tube so short. also cannot squeeze in.

u not due for O that soon right? i scared not enough time to send to you.
its friday ladies
enjoy ya weekend...

coyote & tangerinez: u 2 very funny.. hahah
I'm not sure if it's a must to put inside. On the 3 days that we BD, twice was applied externally, the last time on the day of positive OPK, we applied internally.

I think must use applicator wor. It is slightly thicker than a tampon applicator. Can be a little uncomfortable as the edges are not exactly rounded.
my colleague suggests me to place my cup of LRD inside microwave to boil it. Anyone try that yet?

For conceive plus, I think it will achieve better effect if applied internally. I saw from overseas website, they do sell the version with applicator.
Hi gals, hot day today.

Tdy mi CD32, no sign of red, gonna wait a few more days & see how.

Blessedbb, my cycle buddy, how abt u?

Anyway, have a great weekends!
Queenly - u can add dang sheng n wolf berries too. I am boiling a pot now, just bought a multipurpose kettle so am trying it.

Daphne n siuping - hope to hear gd news soon

Rainy Sunday....everyone taking nap? ;)
Queenly & coyote, in additional to dang Shen & wolfberries, u may add Bei qi & black dates.

Coyote, I hope for Gd news too....
I bought red dates longan n dang shen yesterday, the guy at the medicated hall say no need wolfberries..

Tried boiling but like not sweet enuff.. Think need to put more longan
The multipurpose kettle is gd, I used 4 cups of water n boiled to 3 cups. Mine also not sweet enough with 8 dates n 8 longan. Guess too much water, I must add more ingredients. Plan to bring to office to boil.

Queenly - I like to add wolf berries, benefit my eyes *blink blink*

Siu ping - do u know what are the benefits of bei qi n black dates?
Coyote, I only know it's beneficial...my mum says can add in de.

Blessedbb, mi too waiting & waiting & waiting....anxious to know but I think better ren awhile more.
Just surfed the net to check on the herb benefits. I shall opt out for Bei Qi coz my blood pressure althou is normal range but on the low side.

Astragalus (Bei Qi)
Astragalus (bei qi) helps promote blood circulation and lowers blood pressure. It is also a favourite remedy for general weakness and nervous exhaustion. Astragalus is c1assified as a cooling food source in Chinese cuisine.

Dried Logans, Lotus Seeds, And Red Dates
The Chinese believe both dried longans and lotus seeds are exceptionally good for the heart, spleen and kidneys; whilst red dates combined with dried longans. are considered to be very effective in fighting against anaemia and fatigue, and boosting energy levels. Red dates and dried longans are a widely used ingredient in the diet of Chinese women during confinement. They are both classified as heaty, and lotus seeds are regarded as being neutral.

Wolfberries (Gou Qi Zi)
Wolfberries play an important role in traditional Chinese medicine where they are believed to enhance immune system function, improves eyesight, protect the liver, boost sperm production, and improve circulation, amid other effects. In Chinese medicine, wolfberries are sweet in taste and neutral in nature; they act on the liver, lung, and kidney channels and enrich yin. They can be eaten raw, brewed into a tea, or prepared as a tincture.
Hello everyone! Congrats Tangerine!

Finished my Clomid on fri.. Now wondering when is my fertile mnth n wat to do to increase chances of conception.. Any tips? I m drinking freshly squeezes grape juice n taking robitsun cough syrup..
Hello happygolucky, how about chicken essence & LRD during your 2ww to keep the womb warm & cozy for implantation? Take folic acid regularly.

And DH to take in zinc from oysters or multi-vits.
Good afternoon all! Must be a super long weekend for some of you. Today's time is passing sooooo slow...... Dragged my feet to work today.....

My AF is here finally!!!! Today is CD1. Will start my clomid tomorrow. Anything I need to avoid when taking clomid?
happygolucky: thanks! ya, it's grapefruit juice, just in case.

chloie: i've not been on clomid before but learnt from research that clomid makes CM dry. so you may wish to use conceive plus when BD-ing
gingerbreadger - AF will not report lah...hehehe... potato will.

chloie - u might want to try grapefruit juice to increase CM too. If u want to try conceive plus, just a little will do. I tried a little and find that its very lubricating, reduce friction by alot.

tangerinez - my cycle siao siao, my AF just ended and I have CM
I thought should be the desert period after AF. Made me worry that I might O real soon.... Today's temp had a sharp drop, I wonder what is happening. CD08 today, tmr I will start O kit test.
hehe I use Iphone to type I cannot see properly. Yes I drink fresh grapefruit juice..abit bitter.

So chix essence and LRD drink hw often?

Anyone knows hw to increase the chances to ovulate?

OPK story agian: Must I try peeing in the AM right after I wake up or when? I suck at taking temp..every day wake up late, so end up jumping out of bed..

Anyone has prob BDing...I know this is explicit but I find BDing nowadays is like a chore lor..no more fun..my Dh makes it look like a JOB!
coyote: why not take OPK today too? BBT drop could mean O soon. dun miss. aiya, means my applicator cannot reach you in time!

happy: LRD can drink everyday. chicken essence i also drink everyday but depends on your body how heaty.

OPK cannot use first urine! best from 11am to 8pm. make sure the urine is not diluted. try not to pee for 3 hours, and reduce water intake.
tangerinez - not enough opk leh, I only have 7 clearblue to play with. Scare not enough to last. Don't worry about the applicator, I can still use it externally ;) Tonite going to see my TCM sinseh, I see whether she can tell my O. If she also suspect is today, tonite I will test and see how. If no, I will just BD loh. Safe safe..hahaha

happygolucky - YES! A scheduled BD is like doing homework, no longer depends on mood. No prob BDing but have prob having fun and enjoying. Sianz.
Just read some interesting facts, share here:

Day 14 Myth
A lot of people assume that women automatically ovulate on day 14 of their cycle. This is not true. Women can ovulate as early as day 6 and as late as day 30 or later. Many factors affect ovulation - hormones, stress, health, etc. Through proper fertility charting you can pinpoint the exact day of ovulation.

Releasing More Than One Egg
Occasionally a woman will release a 2nd (or rarely more) egg within the same cycle. This normally happens within 24 hours of the release of the 1st egg. This is why it's smart to keep having intercourse for 1 to 3 days after suspected ovulation in order to conceive.

When Does Conception Occur
If you can pinpoint ovulation, then having intercourse up to at least 3 days prior to ovulation to 1 to 3 days after would insure possible conception. Having intercourse prior to ovulation insures that sperm will be present when the egg is released.

Luteal Phase
The luteal phase is the time from ovulation to menstruation. This time frame should be at least 10 days long. Anything under 10 days cannot sustain a pregnancy

The Lifespan of an Egg
An egg is released from the ovaries once each month in the menstrual cycle. The egg will only live for a short 12 to 24 hours. The window for conception to occur is very narrow and it is imperative that the sperm be waiting for the egg once it is released.
tangerinez - I tot 7 kits sure enough so didn't get the cheap ones loh :p So stubborn...wahahaha.. now regret lah!!!!
Happygolucky- haha u r funny. Stay cool ya, don't go too crazy n jump onto ur DH. How long is ur cycle?

Tangerinez - why must test on same time daily, no diff right? I just tested, is -ve. TCM told me my last O was CD11 and she wanted me to BD on CD11,13 & 15. I asked her cld it be today CD8 and she said too early. But I felt pain on left of womb so I tot is O pain..hahaha...so I test loh.

Btw I help u to ask my TCM whether can drink chix essence when preg. She said occasionally is ok, drink moderately and don't get heaty. Too heaty or too cooling will not be sticky.
Coyote: hmm, I think the logic is cos most LH surge lasts for 24 hrs. If one day u test at 11am then next day test at 3pm, u may miss the surge.

U very nice to help me ask! Ok, when I drank chicken essence during 2ww everyday I didn't feel heaty and it's those with herbs. But to be extra careful I'll drink it on alternate days then. And take note not to eat too much durian.
Thanks!! Muacks!
Preg constipate easily, so u monitor lah. I feel that alt day still too much leh. But I have heath body system lah. No herbs during preg pls unless u r seeing a TCM to help. And Esp dang gui, ginseng are no no.
Ok I will monitor. I switched to plain chicken essence when tested positive. Ya that day we eat fishhead steamboat. The soup got dang gui! I eat the fish only and dun dare to drink the soup haha.

Happy: if u are 28 day cycle you can start to test opk le.
Just to ask the LRD need to drink it hot? Cos I will boil at night then pour into bottle then next day bring to work n drink like water... But I dunno must drink it hot anot if need I need get a flask le
My cycle usually is 30 days. But a bit irregular.
I think ah I just BD alt days starting from Tom. Just in case Clomid makes me ovulate. But dunno if DH can make it or not..he he.
Tom I shall boil lrd.

Happygolucky - u can start opk testing now.

Queenly - I always tot Chinese herbs must drink it while warm, my mum drilled that tot since I was young. Not sure whether the benefit is still the same if u drink it cold.

Happy national day ladies! Happy BDing n hope gd news come soon to show our patriotic spirits!!!!
