(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

tangerinez>> hmm i am not too sure too.. but cos that time 2WW i was searching whether shd take royal jelly and i didn't really find any concrete results but apparently i did read somewhere in this forum that mothers stop taking royal jelly once they found out they got BFP.

I also heard b4 if preggy cannot comsume Royal Jelly... so be safe, i better dun touch it...!

Coyote - I dun think im 5 wks or 6 wks lah.. coz today i used digital kit to test... shld be only 3 or 4 weeks! But I tink hor... right now im either 2 weeks or 3 weeks only! LOL
ehhh... actually I only try once per week!
den after BD, i ask my DH help me put a pillow below my butt... den I just lie down there for 15mins!
And for me.. every morning I took folid acid & Royal Jelly.. and every week drink 1 bottle of chicken essence.
And for my DH, he took royal jelly and Zinc supplement(from GNC) everyday.
I got a que to ask, again. I hope you all dont go >_<!!! LOL!
When I test on OPK, do I do it the same time everyday? What is the best time to test?
And do I need to take my BBT along with OPK?
chloie: OPK should be taken around 11am to abt 9pm (rough guide). i take mine at 3pm everyday and when i get a +ve OPK at 3pm, i take it again at 9pm just to see if the surge is still at the same level, or already decreasing (if the one at 9pm is lighter then it means you are going to O soon).

BBT works only if you have taken it for a few cycles. although it is interesting to chart it and look out for implantation dips during 2ww and a triphasic pattern (indicating a higher chance of pregnancy, though not foolproof).

i took both this cycle.
tangerinz, triphasic pattern?? hmm.. i dun knw how to see leh.. everytime dr zou told me the jump is high.. then is triphasic pattern..=.="
Please explain?
A triphasic chart means that it has three phases or three sustained temperature shifts. The third shift usually takes place sometime around 7 to 10 days after ovulation and may correspond with the timing of implantation.

A triphasic pattern on your chart could be an early sign of pregnancy. However, having a triphasic pattern doesn’t necessarily mean that you are pregnant. If you do have a triphasic pattern on your chart though consider it is a good sign because it is more frequently seen on pregnancy charts than non pregnancy charts.

Can read more about it here: http://www.justmommies.com/getting-pregnant/fertility-charting-ovulation-and-prediction/what-triphasic-chart
Daphne : few more days to go ...
ying- wah, is really yours to be. Just once a week can strike is so lucky. I guess u didn't use opk n bbt? When did u m/c?
Coyote - haha. I did use OPK once.... den i saw 1 dark line &amp; 1 faint line... i dunno wat does it stand for also... so just BD on tat day loh. LOL
ehh... I did D&amp;C on 15april. so actually from D&amp;C until now my AF only came 1 time.. so now I abit scare =(

Anyway thank you ladies... thanks for all ur support =)
Hi ladies!

Congrats to Ying.

Chloie, OPKs should be taken at the same timing everyday so that you don't miss the LH surge. Time to test can vary and rough guide is around 12-8pm. But I test at 1pm and 11pm and no issues. Remember to reduce water intake for abt 2 hours before you test. BBT should only be taken in the mornings before you get out of bed/move.

Btw, tangerinez, think if you get a lighter colour after a positive OPK testing, it doesn't mean that it is decreasing coz it could be due to your urine being too diluted. OPKs only got 2 types: postive or negative. Positive means you are going to O soon and negative means you have O-ed.
nb01: thanks for clarifying. I sort of meant to say when it is lighter than the one taken earlier, it is negative, which implies that the surge is over and can O sooner (cos some LH surge lasts shorter than 12 hours). paiseh, didn't re-read my post to see if it makes sense. hee..
Congrats to ying. Quickly see ur gynea.

Mi CD29 le. I'm so keeping my fingers crossed. Now down with flu &amp; dry cough...Haiz...virus flying ard in my office.
Ying, congrats to you! Look forward and stay positive, bb will stick with you.

CD35 for me and still haven't see red. Just tested this morning cos AF was supposed to be due yday and it was a disappointing BFN. Think my AF has gone on holiday again. Sighs...
Ying! Good for you! Go to the gynae soon so gynae can prescribe some meds to ensure sticky BFP!

MiloQueen: dont despair. no red still got chance right?!!!! cheer up! I also tested today at DPO10, also BFN. but not going to give up hope till AF comes!
I'm here to spread BB dust to u all again *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

i think now abit too early to see gynae le lah.. later my gynae ask me to do blood test again! (previous time I did 5X blood test.. so sick!!)
ying, it's never too early to visit your gynea. I m/c twice last year and my gynea said to see him once I tested BFP for my next pregnancy. Though urs might be too early to see anything, ur gynea can start you on medication to an tai.

We have come so far to get BFP &amp; will want it to be sticky BFP all the way issit?
Ya Ying, do go see gynae to have at least a peace of mind esp only one AF came after your dnc. Ur gynae will also be particular concerned since u are now preggy and too want to ensure ur baby can receive sufficient nutrients. Now be positive ya
Siu Ping - ya I understand wat u mean lah.. but hor, beginning of this yr when I knew im preggy.. I went to see gynae when i'm 3 wks+... he gave me an tai yao(duphaston) and another medicine to insert into my V(due to my spotting).. but end up I also M/C.
So this time I dun wan to be so stress le... just relax.. coz if its meant to be mine.. it will stick to me. =)

but ya, I will go see gynae soon lah... hope can see the beanie soon....
ying : it good to see the doc soon ... when i know i bfp ... the next few days i have my appt liao ...my dr ask me do blood test to see my homo level due to pcos ... now under med and jab ...play safe rather than sorry
im cd35 today...no red still but the breasts soreness going away and the faint cramping that alwaes have before AF is here so i guess no chance again..

i think have to go see doc le...sikali i got pcos oso....last i went to gynae during my i-thought-i-going-ovulate period....then he scan n sae no eggs but comment my womb ok...

he only put the scan on my tummy like 1 sec nia....i was so pissed with him loh....so this time after AF report i gonna see another gynae liao
queenly.. dont scare urself.. not everyone got pcos.. if he scan, he shld be scanning ur uterus, to see the eggs, how many eggs, their size. whether big enuff or not. but definately take more than 1 sec...
<font color="000080">yingoinkoink >> Congrats! Hey my d/c is even later than yours (early May!) and this is also my first cycle after first AF. Don't worry lar. But see gynae earlier is good for us that m/c before, so if any warning symptoms can catch early and hopefully prevent
I'm also on jabs now, and doc has ordered 1 week bedrest again. Haha. I'm running out of med leave liao.</font>
<font color="000080">coyote >> Looks like twice a week at the moment. Having spotting, so have to go for jab lor. Cos cannot determine what's the cause so doc say kiasu better. Could be something harmless lar, cos bb is growing well and hb is fine... but I don't mind just play safe.</font>
gingerbreadger, actually i went to do pap smear n pelvic scan tot shun bian see can see any egg anot...but he really only scan 1 sec loh...i was shocked and damn pissed loh...

then ppl tell me he is gynae for delivery of bb not see this kind of things de...

so i got a contact from my fren for another gynae le...
<font color="000080">yingoinkoink >> Yes, sticky bb to us! *hugs* Hmm if bobian have to take no-pay leave lor. I left one day each of AL and sick leave also. </font>
Gingerbreadger, He charge me for normal pelvic scan n pap smear price... I go in less than 5 mins including taking off pants scan n consultation... Just tell me to BD day 10-25
Tethysea- yes, play safe better. After m/c experience I guess gynae n us will be more kiasu. Gd that potato is growing well, jia you.

CD3, waiting patiently for AF to end and start O-ing
<font color="0000ff">queenly, lol... Hmmm I saw him aug last yr.. Gave me clomid 6 mths... Then still nth... Then he told me go ivf, which I found to b off-putting ... Becos I feel I'm still young to consider ivf... Then after that I boycott him... Lol! But I heard frm my other frn who sees him that now he only focuses on deliveries ... if got any other issue or complication , he will refer to other drs... Think he had some bad experience... I read one thread.. Apparently he did a bad job stitching n d lady ended up w infection... Hmmm... To b fair, he can b quite gd la.. But only have bad .. Only human right... Plus he's very popular , cheap n fast.. Lol... </font>

Yah my frens bb were delivered by him say good but I guess for ppl like me go for non delivery de diff ba...

I was hoping to see some eggs then end up no plus his attitude like dat I almost ended up crying man haha but now over it le..

This cycle AF come then I go another gynae... Btw you seeing which gynae now?
