(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi mummies,
Had been a silent reader all along. Had gather alot of useful info fr all the mummies here. I had BFP under Dr Loh, now in my 31 week with twins. Hopefully I can exchange info with the mummies here in future.

May, Income no longer offers rider that covers Both 10% co-payment and deductible since a few yrs back. Income has strict underwriting rules now.. I applied for belle since 4 mths ago after she was born & till now, I still owe them 2 medical report so policy still pending. For premiees, u may wan to try.. If get rejected, try again when bb is older at 1/2 yrs old when all has stabilized and are well.
Sasha, of cos Leo gals r better .... Heehee cos I m one. Haha... U should b v happy that yr hubby is not glued to the game or euro. I wanted to watch euro but we dozed off together with my gal. Now juz got up to c the score

Hazel, dinner- of. Cos eat out. This week mayb my mum cook for us.
Insurance : I intend to buy shield plan prob AIA shield plus the co insurance portion (cos hubby agent is AIA and not too bad). My prudential agent keeps changing. I bought income for my parents direct with the company cos cheapest at their age. Cash portion for them really quite a sum. I din know income does not cover full deducitble and 10% co insurance anymore. Must go n read up again. One Pru Intro me to Pru gift but I don't really think its useful.

In my 32 -33 weeks now, whenever I wake up and step on the floor, my feet base feel pain.. Normal?
Tanny, income rider covers deductible but not co payment. Yes it is the cheapest around and the fastest to claim. I hv shield plan under income. Claimed a few times n a breeze. Within a few wks I got the cheque for my claims. No question asked
Wah so angry. My hubby refuse me to go swimming. Says tri 3 cannt go n swim and he is worried. If anything happen he will blame himself. I say still wan to go and he will blame me. Emo blackmail me. Shitty- Im going to ask dr loh if I can swim still n if he is ok, how is my hubby going to make up to me for my loss in swimming today! Huh so angry. I'm now stuck at home.
Hi Hazel, if I'm not wrong the rider u mention here is the assist rider. With the assist rider, you only need to co-pay 10% of the bill, it does not covers deductible. Maybe you can clarify with ur agent on this? I do agree with you claims is really a breeze with NTUC.
Hazel, the income you are talking, is it NTUC Income? Is there any agent? I heard my friend told me no agent one n difficult to make claim if no agent. How did u apply? Thru Internet?

Tanny, for dry shampoo, I was told from sisters here to buy from hospital pharmacy. They will have it. My friend bought for me. Can't rem the brand but it's in green bottle.

Anyone here bought the insurance from AXA? Is it good? I'm really blur if talking about insurance.
Tanny, u work at tanjong pagar? I m going bk work next wk. I meet u next wk n pass u my unopen dry shampoo? But let me go find it first. So, u no need to buy.

Baby, ntuc income no need agent be it when u bought or you make a claim. I dun hv an agent but I nv hv problems in claiming. Just download the necessary forms on line n sent with supporting documents. Within a mth I can my cheque. Agent may not stick to e same co all the time too. If your policy get transferred to a new agent subsequently, he will not be diligent in helping u too as he does not earn any commission fr u. Anyhow, if u need an agent, pm me. I can give u my friend's agent contact. She is v helpful when i spoke to her abt belle's pending policy with Income though i didnt get anything with her. she does Income, AIA, n some others co policies. Only co like prudential she cannot do as these co have their own agents.
Ntuc income is the cheapest around for H&S policy n is medisave approved so can use that to pay (rider cannot). And is rated the fastest in settling claims though no agents.
Hazel, Thanks for the info. Like your friend's agent, mine represents a few insurers too, so will be applying for a few concurrently, hopefully at least one of the insurers will come back with an approval!
hi hi hazel,

this whole week very busy, especially from fri onwards...my pil's house chaos!!!! Maid wanted to quit, cos her mum need to do leg surgery on sat and she wants a ticket bk home on fri which is not possible so they managed to find her one on sat afternoon. She needs to rush home cos no one to look after her 2 kids n her 12yr old sis. She staying with her parents after her hbs died in road accident. Her dad who has being looking after her 2 kids had a major surgery last yr so she needs to go bk and take care of the whole family. Her 2 brothers are working and no one at home. So pils have to rush to maid agency to handle all the docs to release her and to source for a new maid.

We just sent her off to the airport yesterday and it was teary cos she missed us and the 2 bbs. She called bk this morning but the reception was not good and fil couldn't hear her clearly but he heard her said that her father just passed away n the line got cut off. Cos mynmmar very underdeveloped especially her village they don't have phones in the household and the reception n communication is very bad, and the lines are cranky and usually cut off 1/2 way before u even finished the whole conversation....
Chris, In the interim no maid, your PIL can handle 2 bbs n a dowager? I m going bk to work on tues.. Super sianz!! Belle is going to miss me.. Sigh....

sil will be at pil's place to help out with the bbs cos she's working from home so most of the time she's already at in-laws place. She just need a laptop and she does teleconferencing from my pil's place. If there's meeting or client visits then she'll need to go office. Yup it'll be tough and don't forget tats not juz dowager, tat's my bil (unsound mind) around too to deal with. He's too used to having maid around till even a glass of water he'll order the maid to pour and bring over to him. At times, i told my pils tat he's not handicapped but they said they told him before not to keep bothering the maid to serve him etc..but he doesn't listen and will get agitated saying tat we siding the maid blah ..blah.. etc Its best not to get him flare up cos he'll go crazy and the family will not have peace.

For me i just came back from maternity leave so not advisable to anyhow take leave. Anyway i already took my 6 days family/childcare leave on 18 june that week cos clariss has to go for her jab so i'll be spending more time with her.

wow time really flies!! you sre starting work soo soon!!! heehee told lee mei that we should meet lunch. She's super busy with MAS around...

yup belle is soo closed to you she'll surely miss you big time!!! heehee

Now is the interim and we are expecting the new maid to come by next wkend. We are taking a non experienced new maid cos in view of the tight schedule pils don't have much choice. Sil will be around to help out with training maid to take care of the bbs. we just hope everything will work out cos if dowager up to her old self again and tekan maid no maid will want to work long with her around. If maid leaves, sil had a discussion with my pil tat we won't take in any maid and she'll employ her own maid to work with her and she'll leave bb at home and work at her home. Now me and her are sharing the maid costs. And if she don't get her own maid she'll put her gal in IFC. We got to think of the worse and pils already have headaches over 20yrs over maid issues cos normally their maids don't work long and all want to leave cos can't stand dowager and the bil.
Hi sunbelle
Actually what birth plan shd we discuss with doc Loh?
Wah.. Soon u will be seeing ur bb.. Jiayou.. R u still working? Both my bbies r around 2kg plus now but understand when give birth, bbies weight usually reduce by 200gram fr scan, not sure is tt true?

Hi baby n Tanny
How are u? Start resting fr work soon? Whats ur bb weight now? U must be starting to count down too...;)

Hi bbjourney n JT
Ya, is so enjoyable moment to see bbies ya..;) i always count down to all my scan..;) congrat to JT for seeing bbies hb..;) twins too.. Btw, no need envy me as soon will be ur turn to give birth too.. When is ur edd? Infact, i envy chris, hazel etc too as they already carrying their bundle of joy in their arms..;)

Hi Sasha
Glad to know ur bb is growing well too..;) ur bb gain how many gram biweekly? When u starting to rest too?

Hi hazel
Know the feeling of going back to work sure super sianz as u sure miss bb more when at work.. But time definitely spend faster when at work.. Take care..
Hi Chris
Is not easy to train a new maid.. Hope she will be gd n learn fast so tt u can work at ease when ur bb is at ur fil hse..;) u hiring another burmese or filipino maid?
J03, getting sleepless nights everyday. Keep tossing and turning every night, tired but can't fall asleep. Come to wee hour then start to fall asleep, but that time need to wake up to work already. Guess getting nervous hehe although still have more than a month to go.

Not taking any leaves yet, maybe will take a week before edd. Weather is so hot, stay in office better than at home

My bb was 2kgs at 31wks. Next Saturday is my next Doc appt. Can't wait to see bb again. I think I had BH last few days as my tummy felt very very tight. Is that BH?

Glad that your bbies growing well. Are u on leaves already. Rest well then. When is your c-sect? Jia You hor...

Mynmmar maid again!! so more challenging as its chicken and duck talk. Mil prefers mynmmar than the rest cos the current one who left is mynmmar and is very good.

Mil had indo, indians maid before and so far we all find tat mynmmar maid maid is the best maybe cos we had very good experience with the current one...How's your maid? has she come? I missed alot of posts cos haven't being logging on since i started work and the thread moving real fast!!!
Sunbelle, I now currently seeing 2 gynae at the moment. Dr Jerry Chan from KKH and Dr Lim from Mount E. When pregnancy more stable will then decide which one to follow ^^
Mummies here, do yr babies go on nursing strike ? My 2 mths old these few been gg on strike !! Either drink very very little if not simply dun wan to drink. If force to drInk, she will cry n scream.

Any mummies experience such be4 ? Sigh....
Just curious for hospitalization plan, has anyone heard anything negative for Aviva?

I'm just comparing NTUC, Aviva, AIA rates:

- NTUC rider for deductible is $111, no rider for 10% co-insurance
- Aviva rider for deductible is $52, rider for co-insurance is $195
- AIA riders for combined deductible and co-insurance is $240

Hence on paper, Aviva and AIA has no gap (no outta pocket payments) unlike NTUC. For Aviva, there is hospital cash benefit (e.g. will receive $300 a day if admitted to restructured hospital like kkh instead of private hospitals) but AIA does not offer this.

If I'm not wrong, the speed of claiming is about the same, with NTUC being the fastest.

I'm considering Aviva based on the above. So just wondering if anyone has any negative experience with it.
Babyjourney, Joanne, Sunbelle, Catherine, thanks for the hubby encouragements
They say army changes them from boys to men, I feel it's more parenthood that does the complete transformation indeed

Sashamama, my hubby bought the laptop on Friday but didn't touch it until last night. He gently said to me he may need to fired it up to check for defects etc. so I obliged as he was very helpful entire Sat. Usually he'll bury himself in the study room but last night, he was checking the laptop in the bedroom and accompanying me watch tv at same time lol...unusual special treatments
But I'm not sure if he has started on Diablo 3, I think he's gonna buy the game and play, I didn't know can download online. Guess I'll partake in the game a bit since hubby has been quite tunned in to all my baby talks these months. You seem to know the characters too right, saw your post on fb
I met up with our gf who delivered at tmc recently. Apparently tmc provides the 'tie at the back' gown only, not the 'side tie' gown. So Pierced, may be good idea to bring own PJs

She also brought her BP along but didn't get to use it cos baby was latching on entire hospital stay. Also mentioned that her engorgement was very bad, fever etc and she kept massaging her breasts to rid of the block ducts. Unfortunately it's because of the constantly massaging, the problem
got worse and in the end her breast had to be poked and milk extracted out from the needle/ apparatus to ease her blockage
I guess lesson learnt, better idea to seek help early than to self diagnose.

I realised she also uses the American ginseng method to prevent baby from getting fevers after vaccinations. Chris, I recall you did the same too, was it effective for Clariss?
Bliss, bb changes pattern now m then. Just need to be patient.

Tromso, u didn't compare the main policy premium cost per year?
Tromso, thanks for the info, will just get some pjs to bring along just in case. Saw some cheap nursing night dresses on gmarket.

I like ntuc income's claim. hassle free. I use them for my travel insurance and there's no agent too. so I just submit docs to them and they will just send the cheque to u.
Pierced, yes, that's why I always choose ntuc income. Yearly premium also the cheapest. Used to be govt owned too n still hv some govt influence so in a way, wun revise its premium anyhow..
Hazel, you mean the medisave portion? As follows:

NTUC is $131
Aviva is $142.70
AIA is $159.20/ $172.60

Looks like NTUC has come a long way since, in claiming experience
Are the other companies that bad? Takes very much longer to receive $$? For friends who have claimed under Aviva and AIA, they were very satisfied with them too, looks like they are quite competitive. Many says AIA doesn't ask as many questions as other insurers.

I guess if the companies we work in reimburse for the medical costs, then NTUC is ok, as can claim the 10% co-insurance from own company then
Joanne : I'm ok! My bb norml weight as of 3 weeks ago according to dr loh. My next apptm is next week. No intention to stop work leh, my tummy like ok, guess I be working till the last day, see how... too early to say now..
Tromso : my co don't pay for bb bills. Only staff medical bills only..Somemore my co reimburses staff bills via insurance co, means buying Hosp plans for us, so the terms also like insurance co.
Hazel ; Yes I work at Tanjong Pagar. Ok let me know when u find it. Thanks a lot!!! Wah do fast going back to work.. Sure miss yr little belle. I think I will miss mine too when the time comes. That time I rem u use rice wine to wipe body? What kind of rice wine? So u din use herbal bath packs rights?

Re insurance :
Aviva says if both parents hv aviva shield plan, then the child gets it for free till a certain age. So if both of u are from aviva then I guess u just apply. no need to pay.

Shashamama : hope u ok? How come breathless n giddy? Take care.

I read somewhere that Johnson n Johnson top to toe wash is must rinse type. So I bought wrongly already with 3 bottles. Wong bb says to buy non rinsable type so any brands u ladies using which is good?

Finally done with my shopping - left only confinement herbs/ herbal stuff and open front pyjamas / nursing tops. I packed my hosp bag and my mini lugguage even without my breat pump seems v full already. Am I bringing too much? I put in a pack of pureenmaternity pads, a pack of new born diapers (26pc) and 2 packs of wipes. Almost full. No need to bring a whole pack is it? Just take some pieces?
Hi Tanny, the Aviva hosp plan foc premium for kids, if both parents are Aviva too, only applies for restructured Hosp for the kids, not private Hosp (if stays in private, have to pay 50-60% outta own pocket I think), foc up to age 20. But still it looks like a good deal, a friend of mind puts his 2 kids under that

Wow, happy for you that Hosp bag is done. I've gotta work on this this week. I thought Hosp provides diapers for babies, we still need to bring some ourselves?

I have bought 2 nursing gown months ago but they are so comfy I'm wearing them now. Think will have to stop wearing them soon so can pack into Hosp bag heh...

Hope there's bed of our choice on D day. I realise some gynaes have arrangements with tmc for free upgrades but not dr Loh, hopefully don't have to end up sharing room.
Tanny, for bath, I'm using Gaia. But I think many mummies use Philips Avant bath, also Baby California bath. All 3 are rinse free.
Hihi =) saw many posting that some of the sisters here still suffer morning sickness.. so wanna share on a method that might help on our MS... my friend had recommended me to music therapy and I find it quite useful.

Had being suffering from terrible MS since week 6, started listening to those pregnancy music few days ago and seems like it does help to make me feel better and sleep better.. try searching for Raimond Lap pregnancy music in youtube and see if it works for you =)
HI J03, i am not sure for your twins whether can deliver by natural or by default is c-sec huh? do you know huh? cos i have no idea how is it for twins...yeah mayb u can check with dr loh on this huh?

mi on no pay leave now...been resting liao hehehe majian like old lady like that got aches hahaahahah ..not sure can apply those muscle rub on my shoulders or not ehhehehe

Tromso : you have done a lot of study. for insurance, is under my hubby so i alreadly place it under his charge hehe
Hi Tromso, Pierced and Juvi, is lunch tomorrow confirmed?

Bbjourney, you would like to join us too yah?

Just checking anyone else?

Sunbelle, how many weeks are you already? I am also aching away but from too much shopping yesterday..heehee.

Re Insurance
Both my hubby & I bought the Aviva Shield plan a few years ago, so we are going to apply for the foc cover for our baby when born. So far no experience in claiming from Aviva so can't comment on this part.
One of my SMH forum friends delivered her twins naturally under dr Loh in KKH 2 yrs ago. One was head down n the other breeched.

Tanny, I found it!
Hi Angelxuan, I'm good for lunch tmr
Any location is fine with me.

Hi Sunbelle, my niece came out at 2.2/3 kg and had no medical issues (not even jaundice). Was also able to get insurance at no extra efforts/ issues
Nonetheless, hope your baby will love durians, 2.5kg is def a gd number to aim for

haaaa...I'm just gonna finalise my choice of insurance, run it through hubby then will be his job to read the fine prints, that's usually his forte. I'm sure your hubby has everything under control too

btw, do you mind sharing a bit about your experience with BH?
Hi sunbelle
Oh.. So the birth plan u mean to discuss is abt whether natural or c sect huh.. Hee.. I thot what is it..

Hi sunbelle n angelxuan
I already decide on c sect ler n had confirm with doc Loh few wks ago... Is too risky to try natural n i dun want to take any risk..;)
komodo bb bath is good - i heard a few persons using it. philips avant - i saw a grandpa taking 3 bottles at one go during the bb fair! guess maybe my J&J keep till when my bb is older like 6 mths then use? someone told me just put 1-2 drops into the whole tub, this means no need to rinse then cos so little soap.
Hi ladies, mind if I join you? Just got my official BFP today. Grateful to have come this far, and hope that everything goes smoothly for the next 9 months!
