(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

JoanneTan, in this case u better dont walk too much and dont carry heavy things. Rest rest rest.

Awwww......u gals meeting up? Wish I can join in too. But now I think I better guai guai stay in bed. Called my boss in the afternoon. He's ok that I take no pay till my first trimester ends.
Hi Babylew, hubby can go into the sonographer with you. But they will usually do the scan first w/o hubby and then when the official work is done, they will ask hubby to come into the room and rescan again to show hubby..
Thanks Babyjourney
Now I always feel so bloated and not much appetite

Kiki - I also plan to extend my unpaid leave till 1st tri ends... After all we went thru so much to reach this stage ......
JT and Kikigal, better rest at home yah. There's always a chance to meet up when your pregnancies have stabilized. I was also resting lots at home during my first trimester, even though I had no spotting.

Kikigal, glad that your boss approves your NP leave.
Ladies, any of you have done any dental works e.g filling during your first trimester? Having a bad toothache due to one of the filling came off
Joanne tan, yup. Me also think after first trimester shld be more stable bah. Luckily boss is ok cos it's so last minute and I so scare he would reject. If he reject, then I will have to consider quitting liao. Given the unknown economic outlook, quitting now may not be the best choice. But then again, BB more impt ^^
Thanks Hopeful
I'm planning to bring both the BP and sterilizer since can I can them leave in the car if not using them. My sis said to me that the baby may not want to latch on too (despite great efforts), so gd to have BP handy. True, I saw how terrible my friend felt when she was engorged at the hosp, was given cabbage leaves in the end. She actually has more milk than what baby needs, so she pumped them out before feeding time. Thanks for rejigging my memory on this Hopeful

For steriliser, my sis says her experience when her girl was hospitalized was, the milk bottles were given to nurse for sterilizing, I'm the end, nurse lost the cover. Also many uses same milk bottles, sis was concerned there may be mix up, in the end, she replaced all the teats upon discharged for hygiene reasons. In view of this, since I'm also unsure if can borrow a sterilizer from tmc for personal use or hv to share with others, I'll better bring my own
Kiki.i gt tis info frm babycenter. It's a good idea to visit the dentist when you're pregnant. Your gums are more likely to bleed and there is a greater chance of them becoming inflamed or infected, which can lead to tooth decay. You're also more likely to get a build-up of plaque (a type of
bacteria) on your teeth.
pregnancy is confirmed right through to your child's first birthday. You will need to apply for your maternity exemption certificate, so ask your doctor, midwife or health visitor for the right form.

Tell your dentist that you're pregnant so he can decide on the best type of treatment if you do have any problems which need treating.
Kiki gal, gd that your NP leave is approved. Rest ample at home, and sleep a lot ok!! Talk to your baby and asks baby to be healthy and grow well

Ladies, I'm ok doing lunch nxt Tues. I don't need to go Spring as hubby will be going to Spring today to do the mbrship card on my behalf (reluctantly haaaa....cos he is meeting his friend to IT show and has to do the detour for me. errrr....wassup with IT show really???.... perhaps it's like the GSS for us gals just that it comes less often...sigh...)
kikigal and JT...rest well...gd to get NP leave to rest. i look forward to every wkend so i can stay in bed all day..super tired from MS..

gg for my 2nd scan tml...so looking forward..
Kiki, I went to the dentist too during 1st tri. Just let the dentist know that u are pregnant so they know what treatment to give.

Tromso guess I better take note too and note down what might be necessary to bring since this time round im at Tmc and not Kk. Hee
Oh ya just remembered I have to apply for the spring card too since I got he cots at the fair. Anyone utilized the free vouchers already at the Spring showroom?

Next ties lunch is fine for me but I will need to bring my princess along. Please bear with her. Haha!
Tromso, can't sleep too much in the day. If not, night time wide awake, then hubby snoring beside me make it worse

Thanks Blur and Pierced for the advice. Seen a dentist liao. Filling done.....yes!!! Toothache be gone :D

Mc, weekend coming liao. Jia you ^^
Hi Tromso, yup leave in the car n only use it when necessary cux it's best to learn how to latch bb when u r in the hospital with d help of nurses n LCs. Once u discharge, u will need to pay for these valuable advises.
Hi hi, today I went for my appointment. Dr asked me if I want to know the bb's gender. I was a bit hesitate to say yes. cos my hubby was not there. But I want to know how bb is doing.. how big bb is since I haven't done scan since oscar. In the end, I decided to scan since next detail scan is 3 weeks away. And it's a boy! When I told my hubby, he was so happy and so excited.
Babyjourney, my gynae is Dr anupriya agarwal. She is female indian doctor. She helped me get pregnant for my first fresh IVF. And she also did D&C for me. May be that's why Prof Wong referred me to her. Today appointment is with Dr Su Ling Ling since Dr Anu is on leave. She is very friendly. Today scan costs $65. I also renewed storage of my 3 frozen embryos. $535 for one year.
Coolcool, congratz on your baby boy. Wah u hv not see ur baby since Oscar ah, u must hv miss him very much.... I m so looking forward to my scan tomorrow. Finally can see baby again. Yippie!!! My detail scan is next saturday. Hehehe....
Chris, Catherine, when is evening time belle will start crying for me... My mum had hard time patting her to sleep this wk & worse when is evening time. Put down will cry non stop! Cry belle till I took over... Only 2 wks I took care 24x7, this wk already so tough for my mum.. Dunno how ESP when I m going bk to work on tues....
HOPE, u meant ur MS is totally gone!
so happy for u n looking forward to mine being over too. Have ur appetite for food come back already?
I still dreaded lunch n dinner. There just don't seem to be anything which I feel Ike eating...
hi kiki, who is your gynae huh? which hospital are u attached too huh?

Hi Tromso, you are so well prepared in the arrival of your baby ehheeh mi oso tinking thru all the tins to see whether anytin that i have forgotten to buy or bring.

hmmhmm starting to feel BH more often now.
Hi Sunbelle, I'm still not very ready I think, baby items are ok (realised this is just the tip of the ice berg) but still quite a long way to go, like hospital and confinrment bags, washing all the baby items, preparing my confinement room (luckily sis has already cleared out 70% of her girls' stuffs), preparing my hubby (have started a list of contacts and to-dos for him during my delivery n confinement), insurance, house still in semi battlefield state haaa....also realised I've not bought my confinement food yet (milk, cereals, oats, mummies milk power etc. which will need 1 mth's supply so don't need to freak anyone out with addn errands to run), also need to sit down with my mum to run through a few things...

heee...my to-do list seems to grow as the days go by but taking them in the stride. Bought all my supplements and Bu last weekend, costs a bomb
Managed to finalists our spendings to date incl IVF cash out...geee...sizable amount, baby isn't borned yet and if planning for no.2, will need to be very careful with future spendings indeed.

Money aside, besides above, are there other things you feel need to be done or planning? Hmm...full month decor not bought yet...

Will you be doing maternity photoshoot Sunbelle?

Has your bb's head turned down?

How's BH like, must have given you a shock when it happens
Hope you are keeping well. Rest more ok, hopefully your aches will go away
heeee...tell you ladies something. My hubby came home last nite beaming from ear to ear carrying his new laptop (with Diablo all saturated in his mind must be). Of course have to be an all-supportive wife, so I patiently listened to his IT fair stories and showed him my 80% enthusiasm for it.

Then it suddenly hit me that hubby may be spending next couple of days/nites configuring the laptop, plus few weekends of comparing notes with his friends and what nots...and we only have few weekends left till I'm full term hmmm...reality hits me finally.

So I said to him that he is not going to start on his laptop until he has helped me out sufficiently this weekend with the house organizing and insurance, etc. I guess I got a bit emo and he took it quite seriously. Half an hour later I got out of the bedroom and found the living room and kitchen all tidy, no ntuc plastic bags full of groceries lying about, coffee table and dining table all organised, dishes all washed and laundry all folded, baby items originally lying about on the floor were all nicely organised to 1 corner, etc...wow!!

Then another half hour past, his study room mess was cleared!! Can you believe there was still cny red packets (with $$) left lying around till today, he hasn't organised since eons you see. So it's like a whirlwind has swept through my house haaa....what would normally take him weeks to do (weeks of my nagging to be accurate), all done within 1-2 hrs of work, haaaa...a miracle worker indeed

Of course I didn't praise him too much, I'm still thinking what else I can get hubby to use his muscles on during this short timeframe that I still have leverage - his laptop n diablo. Can you believe I actually said to him I'll become his Diablo if he dares start on his laptop before I'm fully satisfied that he has completed his part of the baby prep?? haaa...all in good fun, but there is seriousness in every joke and I'm glad he took it down well.

Hasn't realised a man's motivation behind his new gadget until now, maybe I should hold his laptop hostage for now heh heh...a man who still continues to surprise me...

Just wish to share my story, feeling a lot of gratitude these days for some reason, all fun and labour before the D day
Let's all savour this previous 40 weeks moment and plough all our positive energies into the 'unknown' but 1 thing for sure, its gonna be a great bundles of joys to come
Tromso, hahahah the part on holding ur hubby's laptop as hostage really tickles me... we have hubby who loves us very much. My hubby has also out do himself ever since our pregnany, alot of initiative like buying grocery without me having to say anything, doing laundry diligently every weekend etc... I think this journey has brought us even closer n stronger.
Hi gals
Finally finish up catchup with all the archives..;)

Hi JT n sasha
Hows ur scan yesterday? Hv an enjoyable time seeing ur bb/ies ya.. Also those who going for scan today (bbjourney etc), enjoy..;)

Hi sunbelle
Next will be ur turn to pop.. Excited for u..;) i saw ur post asking where am i in another forum.. Hee.. Paiseh, still hv not catch up the other forum archieves yet as busy with the reading here..;) how big ur bb now?

Hi tromso
Hee... Yes, guys do change n mature alot after they become daddy..;) my son has been having fever recently n my hb is the one who stay awake daily till 2am to sponge him while i go sleep..he keeps wakeup to meassure his temp too..i was so touch by his action being a dearing daddy.. Then he also become grocery management as he go market every sat early morning at 7plus to buy the ingredients to cook for meals on wkend n our breakfast.. Lucky he dun need so much sleep like me..;p he oso be my driver whenever i want go n he make sure i walk the shortest distance..hee... Yesterday he sees my swollen feet, he asks me lie down n anyhow massage.. So funny n he plan all the bbies arrival thing well like there is a timeline without me worry of anything..;) am quite touch with his behaviour.. This time pregnancy he handle it well better than last time maybe due to experience.. Somehow am glad he is not a IT guy unlike me as he dun like play games so will hv lots of time to do other things.. ;) think we must tressure this priveliege we hv now due to our pregnancy.. Hee...

An short update abt me... Am starting to rest fr next wk onwards.. Yippy... Now feel so uncomfy to sit straight, must sit slant to eat my meals.. Dun really like to be at home somehow as need to face my maid n no wholeday aircon like in office.. Hope bbies can be in me for at least another 3wks.. Pray hard they will be healthy n well always...
Hi Tromso,

yeah no worries, you still have time right? which week are you now? dun stress yourself too muchie. i m doing bit by bit each day like setting up those flasks etc ...take out the steriliser to take a look etc..oh yes, pls buy a universal adaptor for your medala freestyle and remember to charge it nearer to your EDD date. i am KS ..i wanna to test so i am charging it now hehehe ...

nope leh, not goin for any maternity shoot ..tot wanna to save the money for buying baby gal's tins heeeh furthermore heheh mi like a hippo now hahahaa

oh yes, baby head down but not engaged yet. still waiting hahhaha

you are right, hubby support is very impt to us. your hubby will know what to do then. i am super appreciative that hub has been doing weekly household chores like sweeping, mopping, cleaning toilets, washing bed linens, iron clothes, wash and hang clothes etc. yeah he oso try to bring me out for yummy makans these days before D day comes. guess is their way of showing appreciation to their wife. so your hub will likely to do so when the big day comes hehehe
Hi J03,

My baby's weight is at 2.1 plus kg which is a bit low. but all other tests are great so dr loh say no worry. yeah i am still trying to eat more now but seems like the weight goes to me more heeehe cos baby is still gaining but not as muchie...i jus pray for a smooth delivery and also baby's well being that everything is all right. somehow, jus feel that only by carrying our baby in our arms then feel secure. guess hazel will know what i mean too.

both your babies are bigger in sizes rite? you are in week 32 now huh? heheh so you have discuss your birth plan with dr loh huh?
Just came back from scan...saw both babies but they not much movement.

dr tan arrange for me to go for oscar scan...getting worried now..
Mc, must be v happy to see the twins! Oscar scan is v normal n as part of monitoring.. It's non-invasive, don't scare.. All the best okie!
Hi J03 - saw 2 heartbeats yesterday
My DH so excited and happy... But I still having some spotting so Dr Sadhana asked me to have weekly injection for next 2 weeks... So envy u.. Can see your babies soon
Joanne03, i m so happy to see my baby today. Last night i told baby about today's appt n request baby to give me a wave & move during the scan. My baby really waves and moves during the scan just now. So cute n so touch!!!

Cockcock, #waves#. How are you?

Mc, dont worry abt Oscar as it is an enjoyable scan to see your babies clearer.
Mc, dun worry abt e Oscar test lah. The more worried u r, e more anxious n it's not good for e babies! As it is, due to our age, we r already in e higher risk group, it's all abt probability....
Ya, MC, it's really heartwarming to see the baby during the Oscar scan. I had mine on wednesday. For the first time, i get to see Baby for so long and saw him stretching, rubbing his eyes and "waving" haha. It's really enjoyable.

We all understand the anxiety due to our age. jiayou!
Cock cock how r u???

Tromso, Happy for u.... In a way I feel guys will do their part if they r in gd mood. Since I started work on tues, I ko by 9.30pm. I am thrown to run the show on my own and had to take over from my big boss on a project so these few days I m super busy at work. running the show after 3.5 mths away is quite difficult ESP no hand over period... Juz have to b thick skin to other colleagues call for help. Told my hubby my workload in office though he din say anything but lots of action from him. hubby leave earlier from office to pick my gal up and take care of her and do our laundry.. My mum will help to wipe Elis and do her laundry... I know I can work a bit later with him caring for our princess. But I feel guilty also not playing with my gal.... No choice we need the $. Sigh
Hi babyjourney! Congrats on seeing an active bb today! I m ok, but getting v bulky n tired v easily.. Actually sometimes I sudd feel v unwell but don't know how to describe the feeling.. So uncomfy that I was like sighing away n
breathless.. Everything ok for u? Yr hubby so sweet! Mine still ok but not hardworking in doing housework n v low std., toilet so so dirty he still feel ok.. I v gd at closing my eyes now..

Thks Catherine! Have not heard from u for past few days I guess u must be v busy at work.. Good that yr hubby is helping a lot more.. U must show "gentle" side n thank him.. U know, he will feel v appreciated n then will do even more
Job wise, think u are back to the same slogging again.. Do what u can but don't push yrself too hard ok.. Yr gal more impt now
Cockcock, not easy to carry twins, so pls do rest when u r tired, dont work so hard. :p So far things has been good, except boredom as i m alone at home most of the time, so sometimes will get emo n sianz n envy you girls who are working and can go out for movies n shopping etc... But at the end of the day, i will scold myself for being so negative as the most important job for me now is to keep baby safe and healthy. I will remind myself that i m not "alone" as i hv my baby with me all the time and recently my baby has upgraded the baby moves skills that constantly makes me happy with all the strong movements. Well, i think its good to close our eyes cos at least our hubby are trying their best to help. Have to give them credit for that.
Cock cock, yes i have to thank my useless boss for giving me my work load. I have a lot to do and many colleagues like to come to my table to 'chit chat' and see my bb photo. Faint!!!! I do appreciate my hubby. Go out eat mostly is i pay. We have to find a way cos he also has a lot to do at work but he is sacrifacing bcos I juz came back and need more time at work. It's not easy for us now.
tromso : good idea I was thinking of brInging the BP and steriliser to hosp too. But steriliser is really big and bulky. Btw for dry shampoo, which brand/ where to buy? On the herbal bath for confinement - I was recommended the Da Feng Cao and the Wan Ling Anti Wind Herbal Bath by 2 different shops.
hi hazel, now is 36 weeks. yeah hope baby gain some weight before popping ..yo, been eating durians leh...and also more meat ....
Sunbelle, better to hit 2.5kg. If not, buy insurance may hv more queries n delay. Now mountain cat durian season. Eat more! AlsO, red meat!
Hi Hazel,

so insurance is taking 2.5 kg as a gauge huh? yeah I called up the insurance company last time to know that we need to submit their health booklet too. which health plan do you buy for bells huh?
Sunbelle, must get hospitalisation n surgery (H&S) plan as soon as bb is born coz bb get sick easily. I like Income H&S shield plan, cheap n payable by medisave. Only the rider needs to pay cash. The claim process is the fastest compared to other insurers. Belle's H&S policy is still pending coz I still owe the underwriter 2 medical reports. Most likely, underwritter will impose some exclusions for belle.
Dear Gals,
Had my appt with Dr Loh yesterday. Regret reaching only at 430pm (cos I felt so breathless & giddy after lunch, I just had to lie down and rest first before going out). I waited till 7pm and there were 2 more after me. Luckily he doesn't have night clinic on Friday or else sure super tired! His receps both left at 530 and 545, left Dr Marianne help him be recep!

Appt went well, baby at 1.863kg at 30.5weeks. I asked if I can choose c-sect date and time, he says sure. I asked for his preference, he ays Sunday though he's ok with any day at anytime. So most likely I'd be chooing 1 week before 1 aug. Hehe... Anyone things Leo or Cancer girl is better? Just curious though I don't mind any horoscope, lol.

Dear Pierced,
Thanks for your PM! I'm gonna source for FS master next week.

Dear coolcool,
Congrats on your boy!!!

Dear Tromso,
My hubby also bought his laptop on Thu and bought the Diablo online version and started playing liao. Still under my acceptable limits, lol. He will stop the moment I ask him to, lol. I am so amazed at your hubby's efficiency when Diablo is on the line, lol. I think mine will be, also. Happy for u that your hubby did his part!

Dear J03,
Happy to hear your hubby also very nice as daddy and hubby! And good that u started your leave & is resting at home! When is your next scan?

Dear mc,
Maybe they were sleeping? No worries ya? I recall you have adenomyosis too? Is your uterus swollen? Mine swollen by 7-8cm but baby still can grow bigger and in fact is bigger than average. When is your OSCAR scan?

Dear JT,
Congrats on seeing 2 heartbeats!!! So many mummies with twins here.

Dear bbjourney,
Happy to hear abt your good scan! I cannot see baby clearly everytime during my scans, lol.

Re: Insurance
Clueless abt this. Better start doing some research!!! Anyone bought anything or need to wait till baby born?

Hi Hazel, I am also trying to get hospitalisation insurance for my twins. I wanted to apply with NTUC Income cos heard that they might accept premmies insurance applications but was informed by my agent that Income's rider does not cover the 10% co-insurance. Does your rider cover both the deductible and co-insurance?
