(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Babyjourney, I was reading the Mind your Body section few weeks ago about constipation. I've tried the 2 methods suggested in it and works for me (talks about other methods too), these are:

- squatting (I was on iron pills before I bfp so had constipation for 6 mths, then I adopted squatting method and reading the papers same time I did that at the coffee table. I would also take 2-3 glasses of water prior, usu can go toilet in 20 mins but I'm not sure if early pregnancy can squat still...)

- bran (as fruits, water isn't very effective especially after BPF, I started on bran, added to my oatmeals each morning. Will usu get the 'feel' within 15 mins, so far this hasn't failed me on daily basis)

Whichever methods, hope you'll feel better soon.

Wah blurxuan, ur babies so cute! Mine must be sleeping man...now my EDD is 27 dec. Most likely Xmas baby

Angelxuan, sure I can pick u up tomorrow, say 1130? Think good idea to go before e lunch crowd so shall we meet at Nex at abt 1145?
The Uncle Leong seafood was def a disappointment man. I had dinner there when they just opened, standard dropped soon much fr when they were still in Amk. Melban still better, if not, I used to go grim moh master crab for their salted egg crab, tt is to die for man...but of cos now crab is a no no for me.
Throll, I did my blood test for the Oscar test today before my doc appmt. Next will b e scan on e 21/6.....
Doc say to continue w my progesterone support till 12th weeks. Then after tt just take e multi vits he prescribed. So happy no need to keep reminding myself must take e meds
angelxuan, Juvi, Tromso, I'm not free tomorrow coz bring my gal for play. If u gals still wana meet up tomorrow, just go ahead,
Otherwise, Fri is a good time if u gals wana meet up instead. hee
Juvi, so cute, xmas baby... my number one also in dec. End yr baby.

Tromso, haha, ya, so unglam, eating Zhi char and sweating away!
but some of the nicest food are always not in air con places.

No prob on the full month celebrations thingy, like what u said, diff friends have diff expectations. Depends on what u feel comfortable with too.
Juvi mine is 2 jan but doc say will b early coz twins.. so will b dec bb too.. hehe.. multi vit oso given to mi after i finished my prog n folic.. E multi vit so big how to swallow??
Juvi, so keep our lunch date to tomorrow? I am ok with tmr (else if you wanna change to Fri also can). Ok with pick up at 11:30 am. Will send you my mobile no. via FB message later.

Tromso, I also wanna apply for Spring Maternity card.
Tromso, thanks for your suggestions. I just had my cerclage done and Dr Loh told me i cannot squat. :p
Will buy some bran soon.

Blurxuan, your babies are so cute. Cant wait to See my baby soon.
BabyJourney, no problems. For me, the organic brand Origins Healthfood works (sold in ntuc too), but doesnt taste yummy
I'm not too sure about brans in those cornflakes boxes, may taste better but I think these are more processed. You may like to check them out. I'm having the Origins Oat Bran for breakfast daily now, I also add Origins flexseed meal to the mix (gd source of DHA).

I find that the Origins bran on its own is not nice but oat bran is better cos the bran is cut into smaller pieces, so doesn't taste as bad. Confusing hor...there's quite a good range for Origins, if you like this brand, can slowly play around with the mix
Angelxuan, I was lying in bed entire afternoon, hope no ms tomorrow, fingers crossed...!!

Pierced, you are not able to join us tmr

Heee.....zhi char will be ace in Nov/Dec/Jan period. The weather now plus sweaty body is really bad combi heh...I'm already drooling thinking about the food
blur xuan, dec also good, otherwise ur bbs will be considered 1 yr later ahead. hee...

Tromso,angelxuan, juvi,
coz already book tickets ahead.my gal looking forward to the play.

keke, unless u gals meet up tomorrow and do another meet up soon! like next wk also can! Coz Im free before school madness starts again!
Blurxuan, my appt is this sat. I am 18weeks this week.

Tromso, thanks. Will lookout for the Origin oat bran at NTUC.

Gals, wow excited for your gathering. Take some photos and upload in FB okie. Hehehehe....
Just curious... For moms,what is not allowed during delivery?? like during ET for ivf, we r not allowed any cosmetics & even hairpins. So can we tie/bun our hair during delivery??
Juvi where Is grim moh?? I loved salted egg yolk crab!

Chris, I only ate dinner at 9.30pm!! IFC teacher says she has cough but I observe since I picked her up no cough. Anyway went to my gp to take med to standby. I m dead tired now. Tomorrow Need to get up at 5.44am! I must admit I m happier at work than at home

Hazel, it's super busy!!!! I m made to run show today without handover or debrief... I still have 1600+ emails to clear. V lucky already my staff and big boss told me they took my name from their email if not i will b in a worst situation.
Catherine, ur account suspended still got 1,600 emails?! Oh well, I cleared 500 over emails fr mid April till end of last wk the other day...Ya, that's how long (since April) I didn't check my emails... I hv VPN access outside office..

Belle can recognize pp now. It will take a longer time for my mum to pat her to sleep now coz she had been with me 24x7 for the last 2 wks.. This afternoon my mum took care. 7pm I brought belle back n she wanted to sleep so I pat her to sleep. She kept waking up in the cot crying. She Only fell asleep soundly after she kola bear to me. I waited for a long while before putting her bk in her cot! Finally succeeded!

wow tat's late for dinner, i got gastric so can't eat late if i eat as late as you i sure have gastric pain again. Yr hbs didn't change his work schedule meh? wake up at 5.44am????? anyway now usually i wake up around 5am then sleep bk till 6.20am then will slowly climb up from bed then go wash up and moo moo time...


my email crashed big time the 1st day i went bk to work. All my emails from Mar 30 till the day i stepped in are all gone. Called IBM and they took 3wks to reply me tat there's no way to retrieve my emails bk!!! They are gone!!!! faint......

hazel, catherine
today clariss up to her usual mischief again!! Just now while we were at fil's place she started to fuss again, cos very warm and its her bedtime so hbs carry and pat pat her. It didn't work so hb very clever guess straight away she dun wanna sleep just wanna be carried round the living room. so he passed clariss to me. She fuss abit while i carry her..then when fil took over she immediately had a big grin on her face and laughed out loud !!! faintz cos she wants fil to carry her to the corridor to see the plants and flowers...alamak she always knows how to get what she wants. hbs look at me and shake his head n said tat his father pampered and spoilt her liao..faintz.
Chris, I also got gastric. But bo bian.... Left office at 6.30pm, reach home at 7pm. lucky my mum came today and warm up her bm for me so Elis has her feed immediately. I bathe, Elis too then 8pm Liao. Go gp take med tabao back 9pm, pump milk then can eat. Hey clariss so cute like elis once my mum carried and feed her she is so happy. Wake up at 5.44am laze in bed for 1 min lor must jump out at 5.45am.

Hazel, they only suspend my login but mail keep gg into he account. Say so nice to me b4 I go on ml... I wish i got VPN but dun wish to access from home too haha well done. Belle is more sensible now !!!!
Dear Tromso,
My hubby never shortlist any, will just go see see look look on Thu, then check hardwarezone for comments then Sunday go buy, lol. And I am very very hot also!!! Been like that for weeks!

Dear Chris,
No worries, I cry very easily over dogs, even other animals cos most remind me of Sasha. lol. I dunno if i'd have a lot of milk or not, i sure hope i would have!

Dear Meryl,
I've not calculated my BMI for a looong time, lol.

Dear Juvi,
Thanks for the contact! I'm asking for recommendations before I decide which one to go to next week. See what Dr loh says abt my c-sect date this Friday first.

Dear blur xuan,
BB most impt. Holidays can wait. Moreover u go BKK sure walk alot, not good :p Congrats on a wonderful scan!!!!

Dear pierced,
Yet to receive ur PM, u sent?

Re: Spring Maternity Card
I thought with TMC FBI card we already have discount at Spring? The discount is different ah?
Chris, belle also will keep smiling to my dad.. Same reason, he will carry her all the time as long as she is awake!

Catherine, belle is a fussy girl. It dunno took us how many days to get her used to the new M size pigeon teats! Earlier the last 2 feeds, she accepted it. Now, I just fed her, she struggled again with the M teat! I held her firmly n insisted that she drInks.. After a few times then she stopped fussing n drank fr the M teat. It makes feeding her shortened from 30 to 5 mins when she was hungry! A very big difference right?
Catherine, ghim moh blk 19. Near Henry park Pri school..... It's called Master crab. U can check it out on hungry go where
wow..you gals are meeting for lunch today...so envy...next gathering let's hv dinner instead so throll and me can join too .:-D

glad that all yr scan go well..i am looking forward to my wk 9 scan this sat. Juvi...what time is yr appt at the pte suite? how long is the waiting time? if it is fast, i might consider to take time off and go..they won't giv mc right?
Hi ladies does anyone under Dr Lim May Li at KK??How is she?? Doc Sadhana dec gg holiday so she cant deliver fr mi. She intro Dr Lim she is expect in high risk pregnancy. But Dr Lim is not gg to TPS.. Not sure shld I change another doc or not..
Chris, your Clariss is an early bloomer
I recall my niece was like her only after 6 mths, she would point at the house keys hanging on the wall, meaning she wished to head out, then at the corridor, she would point to the lift button, meaning she wished to take the lift and go for a stroll outside haaa....little rascal... My dad will usually bring her for strolls once or twice a days otherwise the fidgeting and 'complains' from her won't stop.

Soon you mummies will be able to bring your little ones to playgrounds to watch the big jie jie and ko ko play
They really grow at astronomically speed

Btw good to stay away from zoo or bird park when they are still very little as there seems to be a lot of babies/ young todds getting home sick after the excursions, I wonder why... Happened to my niece and friends kids. The beach seems to affect some kids too, like my hubby caught asthma from it and my friend's 6 mths old son caught bronchitis at Sentosa stay. Not sure if connected.... Or just old wives tales....
Sashamama, I didn't know FBI card gets discounts at Spring Maternity, sigh, wasted. I'm applying for the membership card as we bought the stroller fr them at expo, but not sure what's the entitlement.

I realized with FBI, can get discounts at Sweetest Moments too, so mummies planning full month gift packs, do take note

Hi Miracles Happens, I'm not too sure what we can't bring into delivery suite too, I'm gonna remove all jewelery. But I'll bring in a hairband. Now that you've mentioned, I better check what TMC provides during hospital stay. Have you started to pack your hospital bag?
Hi Tromso, Im goin to start packing hospital bag this weekend.. Need to know what is allowed during delivery, so I better ask the nurses on my next appt.
My fren told me tht manicure/pedicure not allowed, the nurse remove the nail polish for her.
Delivery - same as u r going for an op. ie no jewellery n nail polish n make up. Coz nv know when there will be an emergency n c section is required. Hair band,, spectacles all these r ok. I wore my specs thru out coz I m as blind as a bat without spec
Nail polish r not allowed coz anything happens, our actual nail colour will show the first signs. Anyway, why do u ran to wear ex stuff there? Once u r unconscious, anyone can take.
Thanks Hazel. If it's not emergency, hubby will be in the labour room/ delivery suite with us right? Meaning he can keep all the iPad and gadgets with him, then will he be able to bring the bag of barang barang into the delivery suite or need to leave in a locker?
Babyjourney, I read somewhere that sweet potato helps in constipation. And one friend tried for her son who only poo once a week. After feeding him sweetpotato, he poo every other day and they now no need to worry. I am thinking of trying out but now mine is still ok with a slice of papaya everyday.
Bbjourny, angel, heartbeats,
How are you all and babies doing? Have you all known the bb gender? My appointment is coming Friday. But I doubt Dr will do the scan cos in NUH they don't do the scan every visit. So i will only know the gender in my detailed scan end of June.
Re: FBI card & discount at Spring

I noted that in the list of FBI member privileges, there is "(Valid till March 2012) stated under the validity column corresponding to Spring. Not sure what that means ie. only referring to the nursing starter kit package price or all the privileges? Will clarify with the staff at Spring later.
Hi Coolcool, i am ok. Mine can confirm 1 boy and the other 1 likely gal unless she became boy later. Have you started feeling baby movements?
Hi heartbeats, I see.. so nice.. boy/girl twins! I still don't have the feeling yet. I think i will feel bb movment later than others since I have anterior placenta. Have you started buying things for babies? I haven't. May be will buy at next Taka baby fair.
Thanks for clarifying with Spring Angelxuan

Hi Tanny, Sashamama, I can't recall which of you missed the breastfeeding class (or not). I've just found out fr WBB the makeup class will be on 3 July 7-9pm SCGS, or alternatively you can also do it at tmc itself but need to call to confirm their demo timing.
Coolcool, #waves# hello dear. How r you? Thanks for the tip. Will give sweet potato a try. Today had papaya as part of breakfast n also drink yakult. Managed to clear. @happy@

I dunno the gender of my baby yet but i have this fluttering/popping/vibrating feelings since ard week12. Hope i feel correctly.

How come SGH dont scan on every appt? I hv not started buying anything yet. My sis will hand me my nephew's barang barang. Think i will start buying a a later stage ba.

Heartbeats, hugz. How are you? Remember to rest lots n dont over exert yourself okie.

Angel, i think hor, just get the membership from Spring Maternity. I also just checked out Sweetest Moments full month package. Looks good and price is reasonable.
Tromso, ur hubby can carry watever he wan. No restriction. For my case, my room at the ward was ready, so most of the barang barang are in the room. My wallet locked In the room's safe. Hub only brought along iPad, charger and Hp n camera. In KKH, emergency c section hub cannot accompany. But I was told in TMC, hub can! Natural delivery, hub will always by your side.
in sgh, not all gynae have a scan machine in their room. so, if a scan is needed, patients need to go to KKH ADC equivalent in SGH and that cost more.
Bbjoureny, so nice.. you already feel bb movement.. I keep telling bb to show me moving so that I will get assurance. My tummy is getting bigger now. When i went to bb fair, both way I was offered seat on the train.

I am with NUH not SGH. They have ultrasound machine in the room. But they don't scan every visit. Just listen with doppler. I am not very satisfy with less scanning. I want to see bb mah. But I chose it because my work place is very near to NUH. And it's nearest to my house too. I live in the west.
Hi all mummies, how do you warm up milk bottles before feeding the baby? Use milk warmer or just put inside the hot water cup? I am thinking which sterilizer to choose between Avent 3 in 1 sterilizer or Pigeon multifunction sterilizer (A Sterilizer , a Bottle Warmer and Food Warmer All-in-1). Any suggestion?
Coolcool, either method also can. But u r not supposed to use hot water! It will destroyed all the nutrients in the BM! Use warm water. Change the water if BM still not warm enough.
Warming up BM, regardless with method, is always slower than making fm. So, if bb is wailing away, u will hv to bear with the cries until the BM is warmed up
Coolcool, u will feel your baby's movements very soon. Maybe your baby very gentle thats why u cant feel the movements. sorry for the typo on your hospital. Can request to hv ultrasound scan instead of doppler? I also prefer to see baby. Dr Loh will scan for us on every visit n turn on the volume til v loud for us to hear baby's heartbeats. Hehehe...

I also work near NUH leh. I used to see Prof PC Wong at NUH for my IUI n SO-IUI but no luck w him. I m not working for the time being as i on medical leave cos Dr Loh wants me to bedrest.
Thanks Hazel, think will leave the bulky items like Breastpump and sterilizer, hospital bag in the car if the room is not ready. Those entertainment items will carry along to labour room

Wow...if the car is parked inside those auto parking facility at TMC, instead of the ground carpark, will have problem retrieving the bags too.

My mum warms up the breastmilk in hot water too...using hot water from non-electric thermal flask, should be ok I hope.
Dear Sashamama, pm u le the FS contact

Tromso, no need bring sterilizer to hospital. I not too sure about TMC yet but in KKH last time, I realised I over brought many things coz normally they will provide.
just make sure bring cam, videocam etc whatever necess to the delivery room.

Hazel, TMC will pass u hospital gowns to wear during hospital stay too?
Coz last time I just wore KK's gowns. No need change to my own so no need go back to wash in case of staining. so hopefully the same then I no need bring along too.

Coolcool, I used to warm up BM also in a cup of warm water. I didnt use a warmer.

Tromso, I asked the Spring staff and she's not aware of the "(Valid till March 2012)" term. She said if got FBI card & spend min $50, can get 10% disc. If you have already spend at least $400 at Spring from Motherhood Fair, then just apply Spring's mum's card bah. Mum's card is valid for 3 years, b'day week got 20% off regular priced apparels.
