(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

hi pierced,

i called up TMC and they say we are supposed to bring our own gowns so that we are more comfy. actually i dun mind wearing theirs but it seems they dun really provide. maybe those mums whom give birth there can help to advise .....

Sunbelle, huh seriously ah? I hope they still do or is it because they do not have enough to go around? hee...must wait for the mums who have given birth to advise
Coolcool, good to hear from you.
I think maybe I can feel baby movements occassionally but really not sure.. As for gender, dr suspect it is... but to be confirm during detailed scan in 2 weeks time..hee.. :p
I also dont know what i feel is movements or gas. But sometimes my belly looks bulging on 1 side; maybe they both gone to the same sides.

Angel, what dr suspect? At our stage, 80% is accurate. If boy, quite accurate now already cos genitals show earlier for boys.
Hi ladies ^^

Hope all been well for all. Think I'm too stress liao. Just now nap also dreamt of heavy spotting. Woke up with a jump. Dunno next week go back to work will be okay or not. Dunno if I shld quit job or not.
Kiki gal, how r u now? Your gynea said ok for you to go back to work? Otherwise, it may be good if u can take medical leave or vacation leave to rest at home until u pass ur first trimester.
Babyjourney, oh.. you also work near NUH. I did my FET with Prof Wong too. So after I got pregnant naturally and got brown spotting, I went back to see him. But he no longer do delivery, so he referred me to another gynae after 12 weeks. For ultrasound, I will request to do if I really can't tahan. But have to pay lor. It's not cheap also. 90+ for scan by Prof Wong.

Milk bottle warming: Thanks Hazel, pierced and tromso. Now I can decide which one to choose.

Angel, *wave*..
Heatbeats, you do not accept pm? Wanted to ask you something.

Kikigal, don't be too stressed..not good for baby. You are not having spotting, just a dream right? If necessary, apply leave to rest a few more days.
Coolcool, wow $90 for ultra sound scan!!! I saw Prof Wong abt 2 years ago, that time he already does not do delivery liao. who is your gynea now? U/s scan still charge at $90?
Babyjourney and angel, went on review on fri. Wasn't spotting then but Mon spotted again so went O&G for jab. So the green light to go back to work was given on fri. Maybe next mon go back to work and discuss with boss on taking no pay leave bah. Exhausted all my HL Liao. Company policy if take mc more than 3 days will get contact letter
Kikigal, a period of NP leave is an option if you can't take anymore or have challenges applying for paid leave. It's important that you are well rested, relax & happy. Can always wait till your pregnancy is more stable, then go back to work. Money can be earned back in the future.
Kikigal, i agree with Angel. Since u have spotting a few times, i think it would be best if u can rest at home, dont move abt too much and be stress free. Baby more important now.
Kikigal i agreed wif angelxuan.. I oso tk no pay leave since i started my ivf.. I work in childcare n so dangerous wif kids running around.. Best is to rest at home n stable e bb. If u work in office might haf virus ard n air con somemore will spread easily..
Hi Angelxuan thanks for much for asking. I'll apply next time I'm at Nex. Did you end up applying for the Spring card?

Hi Sunbelle, I only felt ligament-like pulls at the waist and legs last Fri and Sat cos I think I was out for too long on Wed/ Thurs (all the GSS shopping loh). Now back to normal. Then, it felt like the nerves couldn't connect, have problems getting up from seats/ bed, walking around like i've sprained my legs but in fact the pulls were from the back and hip, very terrible haaa....

Do you know if your aches and pains are triggered by baby getting heavier or walking too much? Have you tried doing simple stretching in the bed, like whilst lying in bed, both knees pointing to left, and head plus hands facing right, etc.

Also at prenatal yoga, we are constantly being checked if we are standing straight. Straight as in when you stand upright, your ear, shoulder, hip should be in a straight line. Slight protrusion out at the hip is ok as we are carrying heavy now, but too much is no good, may cause back ache. You can ask you hubby to check your standing posture too.

Hope you'll feel better soon. Not sure if other sisters have any advice too....
Tromso, yes I applied for the Spring card. Might as well since I spent more than $400 at Spring from Motherhood Fair. Today, just did further damages to my pocket at Spring again. Next week is my b'day week, so can get more disc on regular items..more damages coming! If you are interested to check out Spring, we can go tog next week. :p
Pierced, my friend who stayed at Gleneagles says their gowns are those 'tie at the back' kind, not convenient for breastfeeding. Not sure what it's like for TMC....

Last I heard, TMC's supplies of breastpumps like not enough
so I'm not sure have sufficient sterilisers to share amongst the dragon mummies
My gf who just delivered at TMC also brought her entire supplies along lol....I'm meeting her this Sunday, will check with her the details too.

Actually still have to pack a bag (more like luggage) for confinement, cos I'll be staying over at my parents'. Machiem like going for a holiday, so much packings to do...
Wan to ask if I buy a lot of avente anti colic wide neck bottles okay a not? My concern is whether the bb will be choosy or fussy about the bottles. Usually they are choosy with the teats but not bottles right? Can avente wide neck fit all types of teats like from Nuk, Pigeon, etc?
Hi Tromso, guess is really hard for us to control cos all depends on the D day where we are delivering. yeah dun be overly stressed over the packing ..ask your hub to help if too heavy leh...

tanny : i guess is really lots of trial and error for baby tins. we can prepare lotsa of tins but ultimately depends on our littie one hehehe i oso bought avent bottles leh hehee .....
Hi Tanny, if I'm not wrong, Nuk teats can fit Avant bottles, although some do complain of slight leaks, whilst others say ok.

Are you thinking about the brown latex Nuk teats in case baby doesn't suck well? For those that I know, it appears smaller size babies may need help with sucking, so the Nuk latex teats is useful, otherwise normal size babies are usually ok with silicon teats.

Pls correct me if I'm wrong.
Angelxuan, are you not working now too

Sunbelle, I realized I can't carry much now, otherwise will feel this sharp pain at pelvic area
My prenatal yoga instructor says this pain originates from the back, so I'm guessing when carrying heavier items, my back is probably not strong enough to handle it all. As I'm not working now, my hubby seems to have relinquished all preps to me haaa....no choice, have to bao shan bao hai but I'm trying to refrain from carrying heavy items

You jia you there too, keep talking to baby to make the labour and delivery a short one, I head that it works
Sunbelle, wore front open dress. TMC growns r surgical gown. Ie, tie strings behind. U wan to wear that walking ard n expose yourself? :p. even KKH ones r the same.
Pierced, I wore the tie string gown still when I was push back to the ward. It was abit stained with blood during delivery. I bought my own front open dress which I changed into.

Chris, Catherine, I finally finished the scrap book on belle since since is an embyro till now!! Yippee!
Tanny, try to stick to the same brand of teats n bottles. Nuk bottles are mainly narrow necks while avent r wide neck bottles. So the teats cannot be interchangeablely used.
Tromso, yes, if ur car is parked in the auto parking lift or at whitely road, then I say good luck to u! :p. ok, joke aside, v v inconvenient! If u dun mind that the nutrients in ur BM are destroyed by hot water, then u go ahead Loh... When belle was hoapitalised in KKH for bronchitis, the KKH nurses gave belle room temp BM..coz they really use warm water to warm up my BM! They r v particulator with this. Just like fresh versus forzen BM, some nutrients r lost when frozen. Premature bbs are told to be given fresh milk in chiller. No frozen...

U wun need your Breast pump if bb is in normal nursery. Coz u r supposed to latch on. So, if bb is on complete BM, the nurse will push the bb to you for feeding.
Tanny, pls dun buy so many bottles! Some bbs can be fussy! Like belle... TMC uses nuk latex teats which r v soft but they dun last long.. 3-4 wks need to change.
I didn't buy any bottles at all initally, coz I hv 2-4 avent free bottles fr the steriliser a I bought n I hv medela bottles n teats which came free fr breast pump.

Belle drinks v v slowly on avent teats! Took one hr n she still can't finish! Avent teats r harder FYI. Medela teats r soft but even S size is too fast for belle.. So I bought 2 nuk bottles.. But find it costly to keep changing teats. During her full mths, some friends gave pigeon teats n bottles.. Soft n belle likes them.. Since then she is still using pigeon ones.. Those non colic bottles, regardless of avent, pigeon or nuk all do not prevent colic... I was told by a gf only dr brown bottles will prevent colic... Chris changed to dr brown too when Clariss had colic.. I didn't change will belle as colic..
yup so far clariss has been drinking from pigeon, avent, dr brown and bfree bottles and different teats like wide neck and normal, silicon etc but everytime we buy we only buy 1-2 and try out on her 1st cos dun wanna waste money buy alot then later she doesn't want to drink from them. So far we are quite lucky as she's not choosy, give her any bottle or teat she just drink.

if use warm water then will take how long to warm out a chilled BM ah? cos now we all using hot water so take around 10mins.
Chris, I keep changing the warm water when it is no longer warm and I will swirl the milk in the bottle a few times too. So abt 10 mins too. After I bought the warmer, i just set a temp n constantly swirl the bottle. No need to keep changing the warm water. Anyway, belle is on full fm now.
Hazel, Tromso, ok i see coz I'm was thinking it might be like KKH where delivery is surgical gown but when I was staying in the ward, I get normal pink gowns with slits at the side for nursing, they gave me like 2-3 sets a day to change. U see some ppl walking ard KK wearing it too.
...so maybe since TMC private, might be different in the wards and nothing is provided.
Guess I will have to be prepared then and buy the nursing gowns.

Tanny, like hazel advise, not too many bottles at one go. I had prob with bottle feeding for my #1, and resorted to NUk latex teats which was a nightmare as some don't even fit into the Normal NUk bottles aft a while and had to keep changing teats. I will never go for NUk latex teats for #2 unless can't be helped.
Thanks for all the teats advice ladies, who would have imagined it's like rocket science
In this case, my sis was lucky then, used Avant all the way despite baby was on the lighter side 2.3kg. I bought a bunch of Avant bottles too, praying hard now...

Hazel, I thought we are supposed to bring breastpump to Hosp to stimulate breastmilk despite most not having any during their Hosp stay, except colostrum? no? Not required to stimulate every 2-3hrs whilst in Hosp?

I just googled about warming up breastmilk. Using microwave and boiling water is def no-no, using warm water is preferred to hot water to retain the nutrients and antibodies like Hazel mentioned. But no temperature info was provided. Also need to avoid shaking bm ' violently' as will destroy some nutrients too, swirling the bottle gently in warm water is the way to go.


Freezing bm kills most of the leukocytes in milk (the live cells that transfer immunity from you to your baby) so it's best to keep bm in the fridge section if preparing to use bm within 8 days.

All these said, fr what I gather fr the online articles, bm is still better than formula milk...phew!! So Chris, all hope is not lost

Thanks Hazel for prompting this impt topic...
Pierced, now that you mentioned, I also do see many NB mummies wearing kkh gowns walking about near foodcourt. Hope we'll be provided with such side-tie-string gowns at tmc too in case our PJs get soiled fr mensus.

Angelxuan, shopping at Nex next week or anywhere else sounds gd to me
Heeee...your bday is nxt Wed right (was using your fb foto to update your profile in my watsapp and saw your bday)? Which day would you like to meet? I cant do Wed, i guess you can't too
Juvi and Pierced and other ladies, which days do you prefer?

Angelxuan, you'd prefer nearer to home as you are trying to not travel in foot too much right?
Tromso, ya man, teats, bottles, all so different, best is when the baby is non fussy.
For my gal, I didnt bring pump, steriliser, as I do latching on. Also, mine was natural so I only stayed a night in KK.

No matter what, if got spare Bm to freeze, it is always still better. I put it in the fridge to defrost first. But frozen bm always has a fishy smell to it. haha, dunno also becoz i had too much fish too.

Yup yup, i walked around KK too in that gown coz i didnt want to stay on the bed. Hopefully we will have them too at tmc, easier than bringing a whole bag full of laundry to wash.

Next week, Im fine with any day for now. See which day the rest wanna arrange?
Tromso, yes, u need to stimulate your breasts 2-3hrs. But the best stimulant is your bb! Not breast pump. Regardless got milk flow or not, let bb suckle every 2-3 hrs. Demand vs supply. When bb suckle more, milk flow comes faster.
Hi Tromso, yup next Wed hubby celebrating b'day with me
I am avail on other days next week for lunch & shopping.
I find the Spring shop at Nex is quite big & got a sofa to sit & rest on if tired. Vivo one is smaller, but there are a lot more other maternity & baby shops at Vivo & HarbourFront. Not sure about the other Spring branches..any sisters know? Location wise, i am ok. If too far, I can always take cab.
Thanks for the tip Pierced and Hazel, noted

Angelxuan, don't think I'm getting anythg fr Spring, since shopping almost all done, phew
So I'm fine with any shopping centers. We can select a location depending on who else will be joining us...
Thanks ladies for your advice. Will give my boss a call later to talk to him. Hope he's ok with me taking no pay leave.
Hi Babyjourney, who is ur gynae in sgh? I was with Dr Yu and she does scan every time I c her. Just that her machine is very lousy. To get a clear pic, you need to go to the sonographer, which oyou need to pay more. And if you want that, you can always tell your gynae so that he/she can issue a memo for the scan on d next visit. But b prepared to wait as the sonographer que is usually very long.

H Tromso, if you dun find bringing the pump troublesome, then I think u shd bring it. But no need bring the steriliser, cux I think hospital can help sterilise. True that best pump is BB. But you may be engorged when BB is not due for feeding. So, no harm just bringing it and if you dun need it, you can always leave it in the car. I regretted not bringing the pump when I delivered cux I was engorged and it was so painful. Hospital pump was also being utilised. So ended up with block ducts and nurses had to help unblock them which was super painful..
Hopeful, my 1st gynea was from sgh but he had left sgh. Normally my scans were done at O&G at sgh which i dislike as the waiting time was veryvery long n hubby cannot go in w me. Now my gynea is Dr Loh.
Hi angelxuan n tromso, I'm fine too with anywhere, angelxuan can always take a lift from me
Think I hv done enuff damage to my wallet at Spring the last time with angelxuan so just have a nice lunch n walk abit can Liao lah. Next Tuesday?
Hi Pierced, Tromso &, Juvi, I am ok with just lunch & a little walk walk too. In that case, don't have to restrict our venue choices to shopping centers with Spring. Let's see if other sisters joining and then choose a more "centralized" location.

Any sisters interested to join us?
Juvi, I told my hubby about your damage at Spring yesterday and he commented that you are working mah. I am not, so just wear his t-shirts & shorts at home can liao..faint.. Actually everytime I buy a few pieces, now add up also spent a lot!
Angelxuan - wish I can join u gals next week but as I still having spotting now, I better stay at home first... Don't know why the spotting didn't stop even though I already had jab. I supposed to have.my 1st hb scan tomorrow.... Praying hard now....

BabyLew, that was my experience 4years ago. Every time i went for a scan at SGH's O&G, my hubby was not allowed to follow me inside the sonographer's room. I m not sure if there is any changes now.
