(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Dear Tromso,
My Hubby also gonna get a laptop and play DiabloIII, during PC fair. Sianz! They buy before we deliver but they sure play even after we deliver! lol. His good friends buy liao, all waiting for him, i'd relent and let him play la. lol. What models have ur hubby shortlisted? Share share ok?

Dear Pierced,
How much are the charges and who is yoru FS master? Can PM me or post here?

Dear Juvi,
Yes pls help to ask for charges and name and location k? Thanks!!!

Dear Meryl,
You cant be obese la. I am. I didnt put on much weight during pregnancy. Not eating a lot too, cos uterus swollen and easily feel bloated.

Dear Catherine,
Wa, Tampines so good huh? I wish to continue staying here! Probably getting a resale end of the year in Tampines. hehe...

Re: My Sasha
Luckily didn't find stones, etc in her. Maybe just UTI. On antibiotics. She has heart murmur too, will be on medication for life to prevent heart failure.

Sunbelle- I ordered fr sweetest mmt for my gal full mth tat time. Short listed a few like gobi, choz, ecreative, swissbake papa & mama. But in e end, chosen sweetest mmt as their packaging indeed kinda sweet n their personalized card cute too.

Gobi is oso very nice but too ex. Nt very worth in spending tat amt of $$

Catherine- agree tat tampiness is a nice place. I used to stay at bedok when young n tampiness cum simei r my usual haunts during sec sch days. Thereafter shifted to wdl then married liao ended in cck... Haha... Is like fr east shifted to north....across e map of spore

Btw, u bk to wk trw rite ? Hope u can have a easier time when u bk. Still r those stories u shared on yr tat horrid boss... Eeks... Oh ya, can I noe hw u contd to bf Elis when u bk to work ? I b bk to wk nex mth today

Shasamsma- reali envious yr 伟大的上围
wun haf milk supply poben ya
Gals, legoland in Johor, 15mins fr tuas causeway is opening on 15 sept. tickets are on sale till 28 June, valid till end dec. adults at $40, fr $58 and kids above 3, $29, fr 46.

Bbliss, my milk flow has dived a lot last 2 weeks. Sometimes I get only 30-50ml only. Stress lor... I will pump b4 I go work, on days where i dun have lengthy lunch or meetings I will go my gal IFC to pump then pump b4 I sleep. I m contemplating whether to let my gal latch on or to drink the papaya fish soup to increase milk flow but I fear my stress level at work and i can't manage milk flow. Yes my erekkkkk boss is still pissing me off. Thx to him tomorrow the mountain work load is on my table. Saw my big boss today we din want to talk about work.

Hazel, it's juz a matter of time that belle will get used to her cot. Dun tell me u r thinking of bringing belle to Legoland? I will only bring her when she is 3. Now on my way to parkway to shop heehee
Bbjourney, I have been eating papayas recently and no constipation..

Blurxuan, it's only once in a while so shouldn't be a problem.
Catherine, my immediate boss has resigned n left in April! Only stayed one yr! Well, those employed fr outside dun seem to be able to stay long for the post. Only the home grown ones stay longer! Anyhow, yes, brInging belle to legoland in dec. she will be 11 mths then. Will be able to enjoy the ambience. The resOrt hotel will be ready in 2014! Yippee!
Wan hazel! Yr belle grow so fast - how time flies! One yr old so fast! She was so tiny when I saw her - how many mths then?

Baby journey : No problem can take fybogel! I ask dr loh before! He say ok to it! And I hv been taking it on a few occasions. Those need to come out v fast come out!
Bbjpurney, dun take Fybogel; too strong for pregnancy. My clinic recommended Forlax. If you can't find at pharmacy, Lactus is also fine. You can also check with the pharmacist on the dosage if you're unsure.
Oops if Tanny tried & she said it's ok, it must be ok then. I am still in my 1st trimester so I think my doc didn't want me to take anything too strong.
Hi Sashamama, for laptop, my hubby has shortlisted 1 only, HP with class 1 GT650 graphics card. It's rrp $1,699. He says for similar specs, the next better sort is rrp $2k MSI and $2.5k other brands. How about your hubby?

I'm experiencing a lot of sweaty moments lately, initially I thought my home a/c is faulty (or clogged up with dusts) and thought of getting the a/c servicing guy in. But hubby insisted it's me, not the a/c. So now we sleep with a/c plus 2 fans same time lol.... Hubby usu doesn't cover himself with just a/c but now he wraps himself up like a dumpling whilst I still feel a bit warm....unbelievable...

Ladies in 3rd trimester, do you feel warm a lot too?
Baby journey, prune juice, water, etc doesn't help? Try to find a solution other than meds cos when in 3rd trimester, not too good to irritate the system as may disrupt the uterus and may cause contractions. Have to be very careful with food, stress, exercise, etc in 3rd trimester, so as to not trigger onset of labour. After you have taken meds this time, can try explore more natural options ok
Get better soon!!
Tanny, Lynnz n Tromso, thanks for your reply. I hv been eating fruits, yogurt, yakult n drink abt 2-3 litres of water every day. I m on bedrest at home now, so not working n cannot exercise except i do some simple rotation for my arms n legs. Hope this "problem" go away soon. I never hv constipation problem until this pregnancy. :p
Hi all,

Thanks for the consolations. Yup hbs told me not to cry cos this time round she passed away real fast, only suffered 2 days. Wherease her son tat passed away 2 weeks ago suffered for 1wk + without food, and we have to do drip for him till no choice hbs and his bro got to bring him to stevens road mt pleasant to put him to sleep cos couldn't bear to see him suffer and also at the advice of the vet. They both cried cos they were with him the whole journey. So hbs told me no more dogs and pets for me liao cos he also can't take it liao is just too sad.

Sorry to make you cry cos of my post. Don't be too sad, i tried to tell myself now daily not to cry over them at least now i got clariss it more or less helps to take away my pain. i only felt guilty cos they both gotten ill last yr when i got preggy and we all didn't notice it and also my in-laws also neglected them when my sil's bb was born coz everyone was very busy cos of the new baby.
Hazel, catherine

bbs nowadays are so "smart" they know how to get what they want. Like clariss. Today i went over to in-law's place to pick her up as usual we will leave her on in-law's king size bed while we have our dinner, then i'll carry her around for a while put her there while we get ready her things to go home. Mil was sitting beside clariss on the bed watching her favourite taiwan serial. When clariss saw her favourite gran papa walk pass her to go to the master toilet to wash his hands, she started "crying" and calling out to him. Mil says she wants her gran papa to carry her. Then when i carry her she started to fuss abit and my fil came over to carry her and immediately her face expression changed!! She became a beaming baby and laugh out loud. And she turned her head and looked at us laughing away. mil and i saw it and we faintz...mil commented tat she's very clever to act pity so tat her ye ye will come over n carry her. hahahahaa its like the mc donald ad where a baby was sitting in her swing and smiled when she saw the mc donald sign. Told hbs abt it and hbs say she's very naughty know how to bully her ye ye.

is normal to get warm during preggy stage especially in 3rd trimester. heehee but is good to service the air-con so that it works better and save on electrical bills and fresher air.

wat my breastfeeding colleague taught me on how to establish and maintain milk flow when we start work is to pump before we go work, then pump again during lunch, and if possible pump another round around 4-5pm before we go home. And at night let bb latch on, cos latch on and the suckle action will help to stimulate milkflow better. Like one of my colleague she pump before go work, pump during lunch and latch on when she home.
Chris, elis is v tired when she reach home lately after we pick her up from ifc. My hubby shoulder is v painful so we let elis sleep at home for a while while we eat dinner then bring her to gp. Gp love her a lot. Keep playing with her and she laughed so widely... Somemore din want to go home. When we carry her she cried. Faint!!!! At least now ko already.

My hubby said my gal sure dun want to latch on cos no milk to suck. He is ok with me not breastfeeding. See how tomorrow... Hubby change his shift so that I no need to get up at 5.30am. But he can't carry elis so I must rush home tomorrow...
Hi Catherine. Ya, we travel ard 45min to work. If no car, I will spend around 1.5hrs traveling on public travel to work. My parents and in law stay at Tampines too , haha...I don't really like parkway, haha, seems very inaccessible to me. Heehee

Hi Sashamama / Catherine, my bmi 31-32 wOr... Luckily I didn't gain any weight post pregnancy, trying my best to express milk and cut down on carbo to slim down, : p
Chirs, belle has something similar that I bought online fr pumkin patch USA. In fact,I hv a few stretchable pants that have these frills at the bump area too!
Hi Tromso,

you are right is the two shops located at the middle road junction hehee
heheh i got from AZ trading hehe imagine what i see when i went inside huh? hehe lots of 1 year old customised party ware and is like a beautiful one stop station where u can get the goody bag for kids too hehehe
i think their prices are reasonable hehe

for life insurance, i leave it to my hubby to decide. anyway for insurance matters, he is more prudent than me. yeah i tink health insurance is more impt so should settle that first.

is super normal to feel hot and sweaty hehe i can bath few times when i am at home leh..and constantly on my air con leh....hehe bo pianz leh heheh cos is really too too warm.
Sunbelle thanks, I'll check out the party shops 1 day, only been once to get those sculpting ballons, didn't know has great variety for birthdays too

Sigh, was asking few frens what sorta gifts are suitable for guests at full months party, 1 said the Sweetest Moments 6 pcs of cakes is too cheapo
I thought this is the standard these days, or has the standard risen? I see some full months don't even do gifts for guests or just a nicely decorated muffin/ cupcake plus red egg to bring home....

Mummies who have done full month celeb, possible to share what gifts, if any, you have presented to your guests besides buffet? Thanks!!
sashamama, I don't have my FS master contact now. Will ask hubs when he comes back today and pm u. As for charges, I havent check with him how much he charges for baby naming since I didnt go through him for no.1. Only got him through my friend for my house few yrs back. Apparently he is quite popular and even seen Goh chok tong's house as what I heard from my friend.

I think I know the one Juvi's referring to, the Huaxia Taimaobi shop, they also do those brushes with baby's hair too.

Tromso, I know what you mean, I been really perspiring like crazy too. I take few baths in a day when im home. The weather is not helping too as it's humid. Air con like not working. haha!

Angelxuan, when u gals meeting up for lunch? Interested but I might have to bring my gal along since my mum is going on holiday.

Sunbelle, u mean u got decor for 1st mth party already? so nice! I think I better stick to no decor since already no.1 dont have. must be fair. hee
Thanks Chris and Sunbelle, I'm just surprised how sweaty I am these days. I kept saying to hubby can rear fish in my bra cos there's a pool of water in it lol... You are right Chris, will get a/c servicing guys to clean it after delivery, very overdue.

Chris, good to hear that you are coping ok with work and Clariss. Heee...reading your story about Clariss's growth, it's so heart-warming, my niece went through same stage too. First was very sticky to gong-gong, then to papa. Now dun want papa (sis suspects it's cos the papa isn't doing a lot of the wiping her face, reading to her, etc. now compared to the past heee...) and she can call me Yi now and keeps asking for me when I'm not visiting them, so sweet
Kids need bribery I guess, if buy them things, they'll be real nice to you
blur xuan, better not too since Bkk is hot and crowded plus u need to walk a lot to shop. Nothing is more important than bb. hee...

Tromso, why would they say 6 pcs is too cheapo?
I think depends on what you want to give. I have attended a few also no give cakes. those are extras.
I didnt give any cakes out for my gal's 1st mth leh, I just had buffet and my mum just made extra glutinous rice, pork trotter vinegar and red eggs for them to eat.
I only going to give cakes to my school colleagues which Im not going to invite most, only closer ones. Plus that is like shared few boxes lor. not everyone 1 box kind.
btw, I see that quite some of you lives in Sengkang n Punggol. We went for dinner at Uncle Leong last weekend...so not gd!!! Crabs overcooked and the famous Guiness ribs was the worst tasting ribs ever, somemore waited 40+ mins for the food
All the tables ard us waited this long, sigh... other dishes were passé too...

Stay away folks
Bbjourney,angelxuan. Today scan v cute.. One bb sleeping another one dancing.. Moving e hands n whole body.. Hb so happy to c bb dancing.. haha..
Pierce ya lo i oso scare.. Mayb wait fr fair in spore n go buy..
Hi pierced n angelxuan, tomorrow lunch onz lah. Where do u all wanna meet? R we all staying in sengkang/Punggol area? Either compass point or Nex ba? I prefer Nex got more food choices n got spring maternity, can go check out the clothes heehee.... Angel Xuan, if need I can go pick u up
what time shall we meet?
Just came back from my 10th week scan at the pte suite at KKH. Think I will switch to e pte suite....shorter waiting time, Dr also not so hurried heehee, hubby can drink all his coffee n comfy sofa. He even commented y today so fast..... He was all prepared to play with his iPhone during the wait.....
Angelxuan, aiya, tomorrow cant coz Im bringing my gal out for a play. If u gals still meeting up, can go ahead first and meet up with u gals again.

Tromso, serious? I thought that place is so popular when we go pass. My bro was telling me the golf place further up has a chi-char place that is nice. but havent got done to trying that out.

Blurxuan, ur bbs so cute! So moving to see their movements during the scan.
Yup, otherwise, u can just go to the department stores while they having discounts to buy bb stuff. Fair prices are also not very huge discounts. Sometimes it's easier to just shop for ur bb stuff in the stores, esp for u with twins. ")
Juvi, will you be doing the down syndrome test for your baby? My appointment was given this month to do blood test and scan.

My 9th week scan last Sat, think my baby must be sleeping, did not see any movement at all. Xuan's 9th week scan, 1 dancing/1 sleeping, so cute.
Juvi, how's your scan too?

I am avail tmr, Thur, Fri this week..basically any weekday for lunch. Flexible yah. Time - not too late ok coz easily hungry. Meet before the lunch crowd starts like 11:45? Ok with Compasspoint or Nex. If Nex, can I catch a ride from Juvi? Juvi, do you know where is 南桥小学 main entrance? Possible to pick me up there?
Thanks ladies.. Ya. V cute even gt tears in my eyes when i saw them. Hubby so excited even doc sadhana oso so happy kepp smiling away..
Hi Angelxuan, Juvi, Pierced, I may be able to meet you guys tmr. Had to cancel my lunch appointment tmr cos had quite bad ms this morning, worried I have to cancel last minute tmr, so decided to postpone. If I don't get ms tmr morning, can I let you know and join u guys? I'm oso ok with Thur n Fri.

My mobile is 9739 6538, I hv watsapp. Nex is good, can chk out sale and apply for Spring Maternity card
Pierced, yes the queue at Uncle Leong is long, I made reservation a week in advance. But all the crab lovers around the table didn't like the crabs
I didn't try it. Besides overcooked, they all say it's dry and meat falls into pieces.

Nice zhi char near driving range? ok, will check it out nxt time
haaa...sure sweat like hell....

The Sweetest Moment gift box, I'm just gonna ignore my friend, she is high class I think. I just checked with a few other friends, like you said, don't really receive 'door gifts' at friends bb full month. For myself, I've received small gifts like 1 muffin + red egg, etc. But not full on cake boxes for friends bb full mth too, unless it's relatives' bb full mth. Planning to invite quite some friends, have to work out a reasonable budget
Rhanks for your advice

Very happy to hear your BBs' news blur_xuan.

I will be doing the scan for DS too end of the month. My doc said that i can skip the blood test as the reading is always misleading especially for IVF babies. So glad my hubby is gonna come home next week & be around when the test is done.
