(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Thanks juvi n joanne.. Juvi doc juz ask mi eat one more tablet per day tts all.. Really scare coz morning i missed one time.. haiz.. v stress n scare n worried n tired..

Dear heartbeats, you can't go hungry.. I hv same problems when I m hungry.. Shiver from hunger.. Pls go drink dome hot soup or go eat sth.. I think this is q common, at least to me.. Rem u are carrying twins n somemore losing weight.. Take good care ok..
hi hazel,

i am at ECP jus now strolling too hehee
yeah been wanting to walk a fair bit so that baby can get into position hehehe
maybe jus now see you liao hehe which part u are at? i am at the big splash that side hehehe

mc007 : dun worry so muchie..jus inform your boss will do. the rest of people not so impt. i oso fuss over all these last time, but lucki hazel gave me lots of good advice to ignore these bo liao and kapo people
Michelle, I tried to pm but u dun receive private msg. I conceived natural after seeing the pearl centre tcm for 3mths though I was told I needed 1yr to tio my body. Pm me I give u his details
Thank you so much, will visit her tml. Hope that I can build up my body after visit her.
Take a good care of yourself, is quite late if you havn't taken your lunch yet.
Oh, is you. You are the one I am looking for, hahaha. I think you have shared your experience here before. I have pm you my email add. THank you so much...
Heartbeats, I also experienced shivers once when I had my lunch late. Quick eat something now.

Blurxuan, congrats on having twins! Don't forget to eat your meds from now onwards!

Michelle, I am with dr Zou too. One big help I got from her is that she helped my womb's lining recovers after my prev mc/D&C. I had both acupuncture & herbs for about 4 months then. During fresh cycles/FET, I only did acupunctures.
Ok thanks mummies. Cos i had beancurd and wasnt feeling hungry and it was storming with hb napping so i didnt have the heart to wake him to go buy food in the rain. Went to rest a while, now feel better. Hb cooking ai xin dinner already, cant wait to eat home cooked food in 5 mins!
Orh Babyjourney! Btw i received your SMS.

Now eaten but abit too much, hehehe

Catherine, oh! Elis is conceived naturally?! Wow, didnt know cos didnt read your past postings.
Faithfully, for diabetes, hv to cutdown or avoid carbos like white rice, white bread, noodles, cakes, chocolates, sweets stuff, soft drinks and fruits like durian, jackfruit, banana, sugarcane, grapes etc.

Best to eat brown rice, wholemeal bread, vege, fruits like apple, guava and berries.
Haha.. Heartbeat. Cock cock say e rite.. My hb relatives all see mi today all say i on diet ah y thin le.. haha.. they duno i preggie.. But i eat alot ah but weight like didnt gain..
Thank q angelxuan..
Sunbelle, was at burger king there.

Baby, belle wears 2 sets a day. Morning shower, 1 set. In the evening, I wipe her n change into PJs. Unless, she pukes n dirty the clothes then maybe 3 sets a day. We r v careful in cleaning belle when she poo n we r prompt in cleaning her too so, seldom the poo dirty her clothes n we need to change.

Fatefully, u can google online wat u can eat n wat u cannot eat n the servings per meal. I can Give u some eggs
Breakfast - multi grain, low GI gardenia bread ($2.95), spread with little unsalted butter, 1 slice and a hard boiled egg. A glass of low fat milk

Tea break, abt 2-3 hrs later after breakfast - 2 slices of whole meal plain biscuits

Lunch, 2-3 hrs later after tea break, - mee hoon (thin or thick kind) fish soup (dun drink too much of soup as usu contains abit of sugar n MSG as flavouring). A low sugar content fruit, such as a small apple, a slice of papaya.

Afternoon tea break, a slice of multi grain bread or 2 slices of biscuits

Dinner - 1 serving (the size of your fist) each of meat, fish n veg n carbo such as brown rice. as far as possible avoid white rice. Plus a fruit again per above

1 hr after dinner, go for brisk walking or swimming for 45mins to an hr.

Before bed, take a glass of low fat milk n 2 slices of biscuits.

The above is just an eg. After u hv seen a nutritionist, u will more choices.

Pls bear in mind
- no fruit juices,sweets, chocolates, desserts, fatty food, sweet drinks, etc. diet drinks once a while is ok.
- if u take kopitiam coffee or tea, take no sugar n no milk. If too bitter, u can put sugar free equal. If u taking it at home, u can put low fat milk. Outside, usu condensed milk or evaporated milk. One is sweet n the other fattening,
- no white rice, glutinous rice n sushi rice
- 2 servings of fruits a day per above
- take small meals each time n abt 6 meals a day
- no cakes, pastry, no high sugar content fruits such as durians, mango, grapes, mangosteen...
- an interval of 2-3hrs gap before next food intake coz food takes 2 hrs to digest n break down completely. U cannot load on your system now
- try to make your meals, incl tea breaks at the same timing everyday. This keeps the glucose level in your body constant. Hv to avoid sudden dip Or spike in glucose level
- if u r eating outside, avoid food with gravy or sauce as it contains sugar. Meat like char Siew is a no no coz it full of sugar. Where possible, ESP dinner, eat home cooked food cox u know fr sure what sauces n seasonings r used.

It u hv a glucose meter now, check your reading before food and 2 hrs after food n note it down. Show it to the dr next wk. Ideally, the reading 2 hrs after food has to be below 7. It also tells uif u r eating the right food n the quantity too.

Is not an easy task coz being pregnant, we will eat more n tend to go hungry more. But no choice, with GD, u just hv to endure. With strict diet, u may also start to lose weight. But dun worry as long as bb is gaining weight... Bb's weight gain will be slower too. As long as bb is healthy n above 2.5kg at birth, is good enough.
Heart beat, I was on ivf q saw dr tan hh ,,,. Lots of things happened one week b4 I m supposed to see dr tan h h to discuss on ivf timeline,kk cancel my appt and I found myself preggy.
Thanks for those who provide me with info of wa to eat... I am already starting from tomo onwards to bring my own lunch to work. I just cook some fried brown rice with diced chicken with mixed peas & mushroom using olive oil. And make some fruits to bring to office - guava and cherry tomato.

heehee same like both of us same fate ah..i'm supposed to go for FET as recommended by dr sf loh last yr June but i didn't have time to go for it and i just kena naturally in May heeheee...
hazel, catherine,

wow today thunderstorm ah!!! the thunder was extremely loud at our area. Before it started to rain, there was a huge lightning, hbs saw it outside our window and luckily he was beside clariss and quickly used the beanie to cover her ears. The thunder came and it was so loud tat clariss jumped, and hbs quickly carried her closely to his chest and console her..she got a fright but okie ..my poor sil's bb who is staying just a street away from us was not soo lucky, cos bil didn't have time to react and baby got frightened by the loud thunder tat she cried non-stop when bil went quickly to hug her...she couldn't sleep after tat cos there was a series of loud thunder after tat. So bil n sil brought baby to fil's place instead.
hazel, nell ,catherine

think my bm is getting lesser n lesser cos this 1wk+ didn't have time to pump ah only pump 2x per day instead of 3-4x...cham liao now worry tat once i start work i might not have the supply for clariss....
Hi Michelle, I also conceived naturally after seeing Dr Tan S B for 2 months while waiting for my 2nd FET. I saw her at China Town. She also sits at NTU TCM clinic.
Faithfully, remember the quantity u eat is also impt. Though brown rice is healthy, it does not mean u can eat more than one serving. Ie, size of your fist. That's why a glucose meter is useful. Wats healthy does not mean glucose level wun spike coz all turn into sugar in our tummy, ESP carbo food. If u r eating right n exercising,, 2 hrs after Eating, the reading shld be below 7. The nutituionst will ask u to monitor n show her. My gf followed the advice of dr n ate all the right food. But, her readings were still high 2 hrs after food. Her gynae almost put her on daily insulin jabs, if not coz she asked for another chance. Only when she exercised 3-4x a wk after dinner then her readings are normal.

Btw, pls cut down on fried stuff. Be it wat oil u use, it still contain oil & that turns into fats. Steamed food is the best. No oil!
Chris, My side not much thunder. I heard only once. Anyway, my room's windows are all closed, door also closed in aircon room. So Is not that loud anyway n here no heavy rain!
Chris, yr bil can't calm bb down and send bb to pil house To
Let them calm her?? Today got rain meh? It only drizzle at my place when we went to reflections by the bay. Juz now my mum ask elis if she wants to stay over and my parents bring her back tomorrow morning I said no!! Even though Elis has milk, diaper, clothes there I dun want her to disturb my parents rest at night. I tried yr method. She dozed off after a big cry...

Oh ya I spoke to my mum. She also want elis to try IFC to exposé herself. My mum feels that we spoiled elis, including herself. She told Elis she will b the bad person now. My mum will quit when elis really cant tahan IFC. In the meantime my parents will fetch elis home everyday if I can't make it.
Michelle, I really din beliee tcm can help until The day i was gg to collect my injection for iui, I freaked out. An ex colleague of mine then told me to follow her to tcm. Since then that change my perception.

Chris, u r lucky to meet dr loh, unlike me. Ya I also gave myself the lame excuse no time but in actual fact I was v v v v scare. Thank god miracle happen. Like u my milk supply also dived!! I used to pump 4x a day. Since fri I onlyi pump 3x a day. In a way it's gd. Morning get up , b4 sleep pump. If I start work I go Elis IFC centre to pump. My fren was like u. Busy, fell ill then overnight milk supply just gone.
Mc, is not uncommon for a woman to go for an op n to get pregnant shortly after.! U nv even say wat op that is! It can be an op to remove a harmless growth in the breast. Not necessary a womb op also. So u dun hv to think so much. Just lie low for now. Disclose that u r pregnant after 3rd mth. If tummy is not visible, can wait till end of 4 mths. U think they will remember when u said u went for op? No, they wun. U dun hv to tell them how many wks u r pregnant too.. Just give an estimation. Nobody will be so bo Liao to go verify your edd is 40 wks! Relax!

i was under dr zou since yr 2009, i've got 2 frenz who gotten preggy under her. i actually tio myself 1-2mths before preggy but drinking black chicken herbal soup 1-2 times per week, and daily i drink wolfberries+red dates drink. Then i gotten preggy naturally.
Hi mc
Agree with wht Hazel says.. I disclose only when i am 4 mth plus pregnant as clothes too tight liao..so no one will remember u ever go for any op 4mths ago..

Hi gals
Hv a scary dream last night.. Dream i deliver at 7th mth pregnancy n dream due to only one twin make it so gynea say must operate immediately.. So scary.. Hope n pray hard both bbies r fine n deliver at least at 34-35th wk...

So happy today no work.. Nice weather to zzzzz..

oh cos after the thunder scare, bil's bb cried nonstop and refuse to sleep. There was thunderstorm at punggol and bil's bb was very scared to hear further thunder sounds so bil have no choice drive sil n bb to simei where there was only drizzling there.
Hi michelle
Yes, i visited her for few years for Acu.. Her skill is same as doc zhong fr eu yan sang as both under same teacher n they r cousins.. But charges so much cheaper at doc zou clinic..$50 difference..

i told hbs about elis refusing to sleep at nite, and he said last time we used to prepare the usual "ritual" thing at that timing, then carry clariss and pat her till she sleep then put her in the cot. now she is used to sleeping at that timing so we dun carry just place her in her cot and she'll know is bedtime (of cos we still dim lights, on soft soothing disney bedtime music and aircon) she'll slowly try to doze off by herself.

omg i scared i like your fren. so yesterday i went bk to buy fernugreek to eat lor, have being very lazy and as this 2wks very busy i onli pump 2x a day and milk supply dive.. faintz and now hbs asked me to increase supply to 150ml for clariss as she is able to finish 130-140ml drink till dry dry ah...faintz....

u are lucky cos i went thro iui, so-iui and ivf fresh n FET.. see the needles i scared liao ah...luckily hbs was the one who jab for me..i won't dare do it myself.. so i was happy tat i gotten preggy naturally.
Chris ... Din u agree to ren and stop buying? Princess elis drinks the same amount as princess clariss and they r 6 weeks apart!!! How can? U should increase. I dun believe in that supplement. Natural is the best.

It's not lucky lor who ask me to meet that dr tan. So arrogant and dun show concern towards patient. Waste my time and $ there. If I know I rather go tcm. Hey who make the soup for u? Yr blood circulation poor is it? Must drink red dates??

Elis din poo again. This evening when my mum comes we r gg to shoot in the bullet to make her poo. Hope she is happy and sleep early again tonight.
hazel & joanne..much more relived after hearing your comments. but I dun think I can hide too long cos now my tummy already getting bigger..maybe due to those stim jabs too...haha
Chris, belle drinks 135ml too
Clariss n belle only 1 wk apart. Hehe

Catherine, is Elis that I'd drinking alot...Overfeed...
Also, shld not keep using suppository to help Elis poo leh. It will become a habit subsequently. Try checking with
pD for a special FM that helps bb to poo. I know one of my gfs bb took that.

We just woke up.. Feeding belle now... Yawn
Mc, why not? I didn't say until after 3 mths though Timmy gets bigger! I wore loose dresses. Pp asked me I said I fat lah, put in weight! They can go guess all they wan. But u dun admit nothing is for sure.
okie hazel, catherine

think gonna increase her milk intake liao hahahhaa maybe increase to 140ml ba. ya catherine i agree with hazel cos if u keep using suppository to help elis poo next time she won't poo without bullet ah..anyway as long as her poo poo texture like kaya and no hard stools is okie if they dun poo daily...wat FM your bb taking? hope not similac cos alot of frenz says its heaty.
for me my close colleagues knew cos i mc 2wks so only my team members know. The rest only knew when i 5-6mths preggy cos i v slim hahahaa
Hazel, Eli's drink only 130ml. Increase 10ml since last week. What i meant was in 6 weeks Time i m sure elis will tip 150ml. Pd say the bullet he gave her will not cause her to b reliant on.

Chris, she drinks enfalac. Only last feed then drink fm. Hey Chris me too no one knew i was preggy until 22 weeks?? ya v slim but now not slim Liao
when can I b back an xs?? I realise if I sleep beside elis or disappear from her view she sleep more. I juz took a nap after my shower. Shiok to sleep in such a weather.
Chris, y I want her to poo is bcos I know she is uncomfy inside. U can see she tries to push but nothing comes out. Last week at pd she poo after pd nurse insert bullet and she lost 120g. Mayb lately I lazy to eat my apple heehee.... Oh ya yesterday we brought her for stroll she likes it and never make noise.... Keep looking around when we tell her flower, water, sand, light, boat etc When we want to go home she cry! Faint. Mayb will go this weekend again to let her c the view. On the contrary go shopping she finds it bored everytime make noise.
Catherine, wats ur size now? I m a XL / XXL coz body structure is v broad! H&m, i take size 42 !I was a M size before first pregnancy. After that, L now XL!!!
M lor... s Size a bit tight. Last time s is loose or juz nice. H&m Skirt that I bought in hk nvm try mayb can't wear already.
