(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Blurxuan, pls go to kkh immediately irregardless if it is red or brown spotting. you will never know how sever e situation is n definitely you wont want to wait til you see red spotting then you or your hubby decide to go down for medical help. Cos when you see red sometimes it may already be too late. Dont regret later for not acting earlier as every pregnancy is so precious.

Blurxuan if ur hubby is not free to go down w u, pls dont wait for him. Just go to kkh yourself. You r the best person to protect your baby inside your womb now.
Hazel and Angelaxuan...how do u know if the progesterone level is high or not along the way?

one silly question..can we still go for facial?
Hopeful, mine is single
I guess I might just stick to SGH then since it was Dr Herma who helped us having this bb..

Anyway, urs baby boy or gal? Sorry I was so new to here so still trying to read the past treads
Hazel, elis is so excited today. The most she slept is an hour so far. I told her we r gg por por house and park she juz dun sleep. Keep wanting us to b around her. I notice if we tell her we r gg places in the morning or previous day she juz will not sleep well. I would say belle is a gd gal at least u can still go out have meals. Mine dun allow us to eat peacefully with the exception this afternoon.
Mc_007, we were checked on d8 post ET remember? Progestrone will increase everyday once pregnant. Dun forget, we r also on support till end of 1st tri. So it will add on fr d8. I hv v high level on d8. I know some pte clinics will still test all the hormones level after pregnancy so that more support is given if need be. Anyhow, staining, bleeding is usu a Sign f progestrone level not enough though it can be threatened miscarriage too.

Catherine, belle does not always behave herself when we hv meals outside, ESP when she is awake. Btw, u mean 外婆? 婆婆 is in Malaysia isn't it? Sorry, u said u wan Elis to write n speak good English n mandarin. So, hv to start fr young isnt it? These days alot of parents just teach their kids short form. Eg po po for bot side of grandparents. This is incorrect at all. We Chinese differentiate 外 and 内孙 v clearly. But along the way, all these r lost n kids get confused next time they r in sch.
Hi Babylew, mine is bb girl..
Hahaha... Ur reason was d exact one my hubby said when we were deciding if we shd stick to sgh or to switch to parkway east.
Dear Babylew & mc_007,
Welcome to this thread! Always very happy to see new BFP sisters here!

Dear Hopeful,
Congrats on your official motherhood! I agree any hours of labour is worth it upon seeing a healthy baby born. I still have 10-14 weeks left, really hope everything goes well!!!

Dear Sunbelle,
With regards to the placenta encapsulation, there are different says to it. WBB says it is not nutritious cos our placenta acts as liver for baby so there'd be mainly waste products in there too. But u can try googling and read up more?

Dear chris,
Ur dogs still around? Be brave ya?
Hopeful, congrats on the birth of ur bb gal!

Welcome babylew and mc_007! Nice to see more sisters here.

Sunbelle, yup I know coz I had very bad water retention too for 1st one. Was hoping this time round can avoid it being so early but... Sigh... Started so early. Gotta cut down on salt now etc.
Lolx ok. Then I will let mine be sgh bb too

Anyone know is it ok for us to take those magnolia flavor milk? I can't stand the smell n taste of milk so even during my cycle I also did not take any milk like other sister did. The most I can take is those chocolate flavour milk but I dunno if itz good to drink that.
H&M nothing much, maybe maternity wear sold out. Didn't see any big tees that I like also.

Blurxuan lucky you went see doc and increased supports. Any spotting is not normal though it's common. Wait till bleeding will be too late. Better be kiasu IVF pregnancy all the more critical.
Hi Sashamama, thx!! Dun worry all will b fine for u! D real wait is aft wk 37.. That's d most touturous part! Cux u can't wait to c ur bb n u dunno if that BH u r feeling is d real one!! =p

Hi pierced, thx!!
hi sashamama and pierced..thanks for yr welcome...hope more sisters will be coming to this thread too.

Hazel...i made a mistake of not asking my progesterone level..Kk jus say my level is ok and jus continue with the inserts..so now dunno my lvl is high or not.
Hi hopeful
Congrat to ur new born bb gal..;) so happy for u...
Btw, u do half c sect with epidural? Whts ur labour sympton??

Hi hazel
We never use the word 外婆 as is too 外 already we feel.. Chinese has another way of saying where my son use.. Hb mother call 奶奶 and my mum call 婆婆. This is correct way of saying too...

Hi sasha
Thks for ur help..;)

Hi tromso
Actually i agree with wht Hazel says.. I dun want to stress my kids with all the studies at so young age.. These few years r for them to enjoy their childhood as when they go to school, they will be very stress for rest of their study life.. My son goes to those motor skill aka climbing, singing, playing class at maybe one yr plus or two years old where i cant remember to develop his motor skill.. Then he goes to another class one year later at suntec where playing too but divide into 5themes.. Got story telling theme, art theme, simple science experiment, motor skill theme n playing games theme..every weekend two hrs he get to enjoy all 5 themes.. At 4years, he study phonics and tt time my hb say i KS but later hb no regret as till now, my son learns spelling n dictation in a breeze.. Not like our time where we keep hv to remember by hard.. He oso goes to yamaha n acting class at 5yrs old.. But he has no interest in piano so i didnt force him after 2yrs of learning..;) i feel beginning stage, we should more concentrate on their motor skill (play) n not study at so young age.. very pitiful i feel.. Anyway, at least kid can hv a happy childhood n my son is in first class so i got no regret with my earlier arrangement .. Hee.. this time i will do the same for his siblings too.. Just my 3 cent worth.. No hard feeling..;)

Hi mc007
So nice to see ur name here..;) congrat to u n baby lew..

So busy this long wkend.. Son exam period so quarantine at home.. Anyway, cant shop now too..
Hazel, ya I saw. So cute....
Hmmm my mum = 婆婆 = por por. My mum is Cantonese so she identify herself this way to elis. my mil is ah ma that's how the nieces and nephews address my mil and I will follow
Hi mc
Hee... All kids in primary school r studying hard now.. I dun mind as now i cant walk long too.. Walk half hr n panting so hb will hv to do rest of shopping later... Current trend is kid exam = parent stress.. Kid exam finish = parent oso relax..;) btw, whts ur hcg level? 4th wk pregnant now?
J03, both 奶奶 and 婆婆 meant the same things. Is all 内孙. U can check it out in a proper Chinese dictionary. I know these days the younger generations all taught their kids these way which is not accurate. The traditional family still insist that there is a differentiation. If a child call por por, no one can tell is which side of the grandma she is. Anyway, is only means we r losing our tradition. It does not matter as long as u r happy. I m just pointing out what shld be right. At least for my family, the differentiation has to be there.
Catherine, oh... canto way of greeting. Ok ok. Yes, ah ma is Teo chew and hollies way of addressing. When it comes to mandarin, then is the above I just shared. A sch Chinese teacher wld teach wat I shared too. Like uncles on mothers' side are called 舅舅 while dad's side are called either 伯伯force uncle older han daddy) or 叔叔 (for uncle younger than daddy)
Joanne, ur son is in Pri sch already since u say exam period?

Catherine, same as mine too, my mum uses Cantonese so my gal calls her por por but mil is ah am in teochew.

Hazel, now I'm confused already coz I know my gal's cds in the songs teaches maternal is 外婆 and paternal is 奶奶! Internet also says the same. Oh no, teaching the wrong things.

one of them the one with kidney disease is very very sick not eating and drinking at all..we got to force feed him...vet says he not gonna make it this few days so we will send him off maybe tomorrow or early next week cos he's suffering....the other one is like a bomb anytime her spleen ruptures she'll go off and its also a matter of days.

hazel, catherine,

today as usual i left clariss to sleep beside her papa on the sea horse mattress on the floor while i turn my head, i heard a small tub and clariss crying very loud. it happens very fast and hbs couldn't stop her in time from rolling off the mattress and falling on the floor, luckily our floor is laminated and the mattress super thin but still she cried and cried. Hbs quickly sayang and hug her close but she still cried like mad.... We had a hard time consoling her..but after 20mins she quiet down liao. wow told hb got to watch over her every min esp now she has learnt how to turn her body.

yup babies loved watching tv but is very bad for their eyes so we muz try our best not to let them watch. Have told my in-laws to watch out and not let her watch but still can't prevent cos their tv is switched on most of the time...faint
Joanne..total agreed kids exam = parent stress.. quite pitiful for them too.. this period is all work and no play..

I just tested my HCG yesterday, today is only D17 or DPT16. HCG lvl 1s 864.
Chris, this is what my mum warn me severly and insist I dun let elis sleep with my hubby. My mum said my hubby sleep like a pig he will not know what happen. My mum also wants me to surround elis with pillows.. I did but to her is insufficient. Now we sleep in master room like tatami style. Elis and me on my queen size mattress. Hubby in single mattress. So far so gd cos I give elis 2/3 of the bed. Withbthe pillows around her, she has v little space to move.
Ladies, just curious, were you scanned when your mums were pregnany thus knowing your gender before you were borned?

HB and i were borned in the late 70s. I remember my mum didnt get to scan. But my FIL insist my hb was scanned. Thought the technology werent ready then?
yup today i let clariss sleep with hbs on the single mattress on the floor..n hbs was talking to me and dunnoe why clariss suddenly wanna turn and she flip and fell on the floor. now hbs also worried tat even i surround her with lots of pillows and bolster on our king size bed still need to watch over her cos scared she might turn and roll down the bed...faintz
Pierced, your cd n internet r correct wat. 奶奶 n 婆婆 both meant paternal grandma. My niece n nephew called my father 爷爷 n my mum ah ma. 公公 seems to be more difficult to call when they were learning how to speak. My sil taught them to call maternal grandma as 婆婆. My dad was v upset. He said that means he has 2 wives!! M scolded my sil! Told her to teach the right chinese teachings n dun confuse the kids. So they hv to call maternal grandma as 外婆.
Welcome here!
Regarding facial, I would suggest not to go. Just be more diligent in your home skin care. If you must have a facial, wait till your pregnancy is very stable. You should then inform your beautician that you are pregnant so that they know what products are safe to use on you. Also, cannot use machine, no shoulder massage, no electric warmer on the bed. However one thing that we can't control is whether the essential oil that they burn in the shop is pregnancy safe or not.

So glad you went to see a doctor and increased support!
Hi Hazel
Last time i oways empatize my son must use the right chinese words too n he is studying higher chinese now too.. My sister who is a chinese tution teacher ever tell us that the right way to call father parent is 爷爷 和 奶奶。mother parent can be call 外婆 or 婆婆. Also, as 媳妇,we call hb parent 婆婆公公 but that is for us to call, not grandkid..
Below is what i found in web too..

Grandmother 外祖母= 婆婆 po po
Grandfather 外祖父= 公公 gong gong

Of course different pp got different way of calling base on dialect group n i think is fine too but for proper chinese, what i say above is correct..

Hi pierced
Ya, my son is already in primary school and year by year is getting more tough.. Hope with twins arrival, i wun neglect his schoolwork as he will be in primary 6 in another few year time.. Critical period...;)
angelxuan...ok...will stop facial for now..

can i ask if we go for scan at kk, will they giv us MC? was thinking do i need to take leave to go for my first scan
Hazel, Joanne, hee ic, at least my gal didn't memorise the wrong rhymes. Mainly I emphasise she must respect and call everyone properly but normally using dialect terms.
My mil and sils dun really enforce and it's bad coz everyone is auntie and uncle to my hb's nieces and nephews, even me, up till now!
So even at my ILs I still force my gal to greet n call, so sad as she's the only one that does that.

Joanne, ya, I teach so I know what u mean. Expectations are higher n they keep changing syllabus.mi just want my gal to enjoy childhood now first but pick up impt skills like reading.
Nowadays p1 and 2 no exams but still gotta know a lot of things.
hi tromso - mm initially i wanted video too but becuz my range is more than what the avent video (150m) offers, so to be safe, I got the audio one instead. yes initially very hesitant to leave bb alone with audio but after a while, when he sleeps and i realized how sensitive the monitor is in picking up any sounds...then i'm more at least. Of course the moment I hear something that I think should be attended or checked on, I will. :p So up to you really. I know some videos even have night vision or something but yeah the price difference is crazy and thats why i decided not to get it in the end.
Mc, I hv facial thru out pregnancy. I tOld my beautican that I was pregnant so she knew wat to do fr there. Ie, no machine, massage, products which contain acids, etc. she also didn't burn any essential oils. I hv been her for 20 yrs! Yes since I m 18/19 yrs old.

No facial I cannot tahan. Coz complexion texture changes with hormones changes. My skin can be so dry until my chin itched alot! I can't even sleep! Even with gd skin care at home, I still itched. But after facial, itch went away! Coz the right mositurering mask was used.
Heartbeat, my sister was born in 1985, KKH. My mum
Didn't get to scan too! Of course during my time in 70s, dun hv too!
Hi pierced
I agree with wht u say.. Yes, we shd call the proper way n not all uncle n auntie.. Like wht hazel say uncles on mothers' side are called 舅舅 and sister is call 阿姨 while dad's side are called either 伯伯force uncle older han daddy) or 叔叔 (for uncle younger than daddy) n sister is call 姑姑. All this must be properly call.. Else infuture, really no roots..;p my mum who is a chinese teacher empatise on all these correct calling too as she sees many pp already confuse on how to call the right way in chinese...
Wah, u r a Teacher? What subject u teach? Due to my chinese background n family, my english really lousy.. I regret didnt speak more english to my son.. Must try to speak english to his siblings after they born and they will learn mandrain at my mum place..;)

Hi mc
Do u feel a sense of relief after their exam? I feel like i just finish my exam.. Lol...
Heartbeats, yup same my mum didn't get to scan either when she delivered me at Kk.

Hazel, u said u using a manduca carrier right? bef belle was of weight, did u juz carry her in arms/ use stroller? Was thinking whether to get a pouch Sling first as I still have my Pikkolo for older bbs. I had a wrap kind and it was a nightmare trying to learn how to sling.
MC, I didn't ask for mc when I had my scans in KK last time as I just need to inform my boss that I need to be away for a while for checkup in hospital. I thought usually for prenatal checkup, no need mc wan? But if your company require, your doctor should give you if you ask bah..
Chris and hazel, a fren of mine told me she and her bb took 1 month to adjust to Bb attending IFC. I nearly fainted. She was so heartbroken cos bb is away from her and bb dun drink at ifc keep crying until eyes swollen.Tomorrow I m gg to talk to my mum to c how... What if Elis can't get adjusted then how- hire maid or my mum look after? I dun wan her to cry at IFC and get calls from teacher every day. Sometimes i thought its so easy juz put her there. 10 weeks have passed and i m so used to her being around.

My fren also told me she took 1 yr to regain her pre preggy size. She told me to b patient. I shall check in late jan if I can still fit in
Hi pierced n mc
I agree with wht u say.. We shd let them enjoy childhood during the first few years.. Very pitiful when they goto primary school.. Nowadays schooling really not easy.. Unlike our times.. What we learn in p6 is already what they learn in p3 especially maths.. Problem sum is soooo tough...
Joanne, I teach eng,maths music. Pri sch, bao ka Liao! Mainly a lot of music and eng coz I specialised in these 2 subj.
Chinese background also good, like for me I face difficulties in teaching Chinese to my gal coz mine isn't that Gd since I came fr eng speaking backgrd and now my mum speaks eng to my gal too!
Anyway, must have a balance between both languages. Hee, u can count on ur mum since she's a Chinese teacher.

Mc, I asked dr Loh for mc every time I go for routIne check up. KKH dr always give full day mc regardless what time I saw them. I always see dr Loh after 5pm. I dun go to work that day since he gives full day mc. My gynae before dr Loh at KKH also gives full day mc.

Pierced, belle was born 4 wks early. So weight at birth was 2.735kg. Most bb will cross over the 3kg mark at birth. After the initial weight loss at birth due to loss of water, bb will put on abt 200g per wk, so 1 mth, bb gains 800g to 1kg. Manduca carrier needs bb to be 3.5kg minimum. Anyhow, I use a sling pouch after belle is 1 mth old. I bought fr Mother care. Stroller is not v convenient at times, eg grocery shopping. Anyway, belle does not like stroller anyway. Try if u can get preloved sling pouch. After Belle is 2 mth old, I use the manduca bb carrier. Not sure if I will use the sling pouch again.. Maybe when belle is bigger n can sit upright. The sling will come in useful again then.
