(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

juvi..+u +u.. my previous gynae said it is ok to lose about 3-5kg during first tri due to Morning sickness.

Sisters, does anyone know what is Dr Tan's charges like for delivery?

Hi Tromso,
Opss I might have read wrongly. Dr didn't say anything means good, so don't worry too much
but still need to watch our diet.
For clothings, I bought 5 rompers n 10 sets (top+bottom) which can wear at home. I also bought some dresses but I think can only wear them after 3mths old hehe. Looks so cute, so just bought lor. Hehe.
Hi Bbjourney,
When I was 8wks pregnant, my colleagues all start asking already. Even one of them told me that It will be baby gal that time, I was just 8wks n still wearing my usual clothings. Gosh, I didn't know how he guessed, but It's correct lor.
Mc, like wat I said this is a restructured hospitals. Unlike pte hospitals, dr fees go to the dr's pockets. N pte drs earn alot more!
Cockcock, haha..not really 'self denial' lah, just trying to be more discrete in the 1st trimester. I still feel that having a viable pregnancy is too good to be true and have to feel my baby bump every now and then to ascertain. :p
Cockcock, is not that we wan to be pantang. Sometimes is bb who is pantang! Even now, cannot praise belle in front of her, praise Leow later we suffer! No wonder old folks always says dun praise the child infront of him
Dear Sisters

I am actually stuck at tmc since yesterday 6am. My water bag bursted at 34wks plus. Dr loh on leave and luckily Dr Tham is coverIng him. I was given meds to delay contractions and dilation and at the same time another 2 dose of steroids to mature bb lungs ( though I had 2 jabs a month ago due to growth restriction). Now on monitoring via ctg to see if baby is distressed and hopefully to see dr loh by wed morning , to see if can proced with the delivery.

Since water bursted, not able to estimate baby weight Clearly ( est ard 2.1kg) and I had actually dilated to 3cm. Dr Tham and Pd Dr Ong said quite ok if baby is coming out now. Sighz, root cause unknown. Now the aim is to delay for 48hours for baby lungs to mature . Can't discharge till delivery ..

Sighz, What a scare in the middle of the early morning, suddenly an outburst of water at 4.45am, that made me jumped out of the bed

The med to stop contraction is horrible, causing reflux( Yakut and gaviscon can't help much this time) , headache and palpitation. I am also given antibiotics since I have not done gbs ...
Meryl, relax and dun worry too much, which dr ong is yr pd? There r 2 dr ong. The short one and skinny one is Dr ong Woon hong.aT the other is dr ong eng keow, his clinic is at mt a.what I know is both cover each other. elis pd isdr ong Woon hong and I find him v nice, charges v reasonable.

Like I told u, I have clothes for bb around 2.1kg. It's all brand new. I can give u.let me know if u want, I cam help u wash later.btw yrs is a gal or boy?

Rest.well cos u need the energy to push
Hi meryl
Jiayou!! Doc Tham is a gd gynea so u r in gd hand.. Ur bb will be fine and all will be well.. Take care gal and sleep well so tt u hv the energy to push......
Cockcock, not that I "self-denial" lah, I want to cross over to 2nd trimester and make sure everything is ok b4 "admitting" that I am pregnant mah. hehehe... think now difficult to hide coz baby bump getting more obvious.
Meryl, have you dropped dr Loh an email to inform him? He shld be back later today if he is going bk to work tonorrow. Once he read it, he will most likely come n see u today. That's wat I did then when I was admitted n he came to see him that v night he was bk. take care & Jia you!
Hi Catherine, I am not sure which Dr Ong, it was recommended by Dr Tham since he said I need one who know preterm baby well. Dr Ong was quite old looking, white hair over his head, skinny and wearing specs.

I will pm you separately
on baby clothes

Hi Hazel. I did, I rem your story, but no reply from Dr Loh yet. Anyway let him enjoy abit first, haha

Thanks Tromso, joanne03 and Babyjourney
Dear forum sisters, I have been a silent reader and had bfp under sf loh in Kkh. Had delivered my boy-girl twin in Kkh on sun at 33 weeks under prof tee. My water bag bursts and dilated 7 cm within 1 hr, so have to deliver them.

My boy is 1.87kg and girl is 1.97kg. Both of them are at the Special Care Nursery now, likely to be there for 1-2 weeks till they are fine to go home. But I had arranged for my confinement lady to start only when babies are home, so, I will have to settle my own confinement food. Cos my mum and MIL can't help me with the confinement food, so, need to cater for it and i will discharge today. Need help from ladies here on whether you know of any recommendations of confinement catering. Thanks a lot! :)
Meryl, that's dr ong Woon hong. Elis' pd!! Elis saw both dr ong b4 trust me dr ong Woon hong is better. His clinic is at united sq. v big and spacious clinic. His nurses r friendly. Dun worry ok.... Dr ong Woon hong will visit bb twice a day (at least for what I know he sees Elis twice. Once in the morning and once in afternoon).
Hi May
Congrat to ur twins delivery n glad to know ur twins dun hv to goto nicu..;) like to check with u some enquiry..;)
U change to gynea prof tee fr kkh at what wk of ur pregnancy? U go thru natural or c sect? Take care..;) the confinement food recommemd by bbjourney are two most popular one..;)
Hi baby journey, Joanne and angelxuan, thanks! :)

So happy, don't hv to crack my brain on confinement food liao! Had arranged for the confinement lady to take care of me at a prorated singleton rate until my babies are back before the twin package starts! Yeh!!!!! So happy!!! Less one thing to worry about!!!!

Joanne, dr loh referred me to prof tee before he leave Kkh, think I was in first trimester, can't rem the exact week. I had a caesarean, lower body anaesthesia (think its epidural).

This is my 2nd pregnancy. My first is also bfp thru ivf, also girl-boy twin but I lost my girl at birth. Both delivered at 28 weeks at kkh but not by my gynae cos I chose subsidised due to the prematurity of babies. Now, my boy is corrected age 2 years old. My boy stayed in Nicu n scn for 3.5 months and had surgery when he's only 1.5kg and later on a follow up surgery at 5kg. This delivery is emergency caesarean which they called it a crash delivery (which I don't know what it means).
Hi Meryl, my smaller twin was also smaller than his gestation age at week 32, similar to your situation. Fortunately, you mentioned that you ate durian and a lot of meat, I followed and he turned out a lot bigger than expected at week 33. Thanks for your sharing! Wish you a smooth delivery! :)
Hi meryl, all the best!! Dun worry abt the weight, at 34 wks 2.1 kg is ok. As long as pass the 2kg mark. My girl was 39w5days n was at 2.6kg only.. But she is doing well.. Jiayou!!! We r all here for u!
just focus on pushing at the right time!!

Hi May, congrats!!! I think u r the 2nd ivf mummy here wif dragon, phoneix twins who has given birth!! Gong xi gong xi!!
Hi May
Omg.. What u say abt ur first ivf pregnancy is what happen in my dream yesterday *touchwood*... Sorry to asks, why ur boy needs to go thru surgery, what happen to ur gal and any reason on why u hv preterm delivery at 28th wk? Is it due to u walk too much?? Thks so much for sharing..

So nice tt u bfp with boy gal twins for both of ur pregnancy..;) btw, how much ur CL charge u for twins n singleton? So CL will stay at ur home for 6wks?? Take care n rest well...
May, did u apply for downgrade for your twins? Did a counsellor speak to u? Maybe the cost is not that ex. In special care. I know if in NICU, will ask if wan to downgrade after delivery.
J03, John tee is gd. My ex gynae before he referred me to see dr Loh. I into my mum to him too so my mum sees him once a yr for routine check now. Anyway, was told he is full for O&G cases till end of the yr as dragon yr, lots of bb. So, i understand he wun be accepting anymore patients.

If I do get pregnant again n wan to go KKH, I will go see John tee defintely. I still say hi to him when I see him along KKH corridors
hi meryl,

hang on there! dr loh is back today so he definitely will go see you. Dr Tham is a good gynae.

Congrats May! yeah on your set of twins hehe
Dr Tee is also a very experienced gynae. yeah for you c-sec, how long does it takes huh?

i jus signed up cordlife today after thinking for very long. anyway i go for the cheapest plan tinking is like buying insurance lor...
Hi sunbelle
Where u sign up for cordlife n how much is ur plan? Can deduct fr cda account and no need hard cash upfront right?
May i know why u choose cordlife n not stemcord?

Thks Hazel... Will see wht doc Loh say during my routine checkup..
hi mummies, anyone ordering confinement food instead of getting a CL? due in august but mostly all booked ! >.<
Addey, my CL might still be avail in Aug. if you want, I can pm you her contact no. I do not collect commission, just purely offering you an option.
Hi J03,

I have spoken to this agent thru phone n realise that he is able to answer most of my questions. Have been to fair n spoke to young lady like temp staff whom could not give me good explaination. We jus sign for the basic plan. Since is FBI member , outright discount of $200. yeah then each year is payment of $250 yearly. They have other plans to suit your needs too.

Cordlife has been expanding. They will be moving to a larger premises soon. They also have fren refer program. Like if you are being referred you will get Capitaland voucher. your fren too. but also depends on which plan you taking from cordlife.
Hopeful, thanks! So happy to be able to have my twins after my first experience!

Joanne, my agent charge me 3500 for twins and 2200 for singleton. I know other agents charge lesser for twins but I feel more comfortable with this agent after speaking to her, I find her more personal so I decided to engage the confinement lady from her. The agent is nice enough to do first marketing and buy some of the confinement barang barang for me and send the confinement lady to me. Save me a lot of trouble.

My boy caught NEC when he was in the Nicu (don't really know the technical info of NEC, only knew that it's life threatening and attacks mostly premature babies, esp young premmies). I got bacteria infection (the bacteria is commonly found in hospital toilets) and it infects the placenta, which triggered preterm delivery.

Prof Tee is very 'zai' throughout my whole pregnancy and delivery! But I can't take it cos I worry a lot and he is a man of few words! My husband loves his style a lot cos he puts you at ease, doesn't make you worry unnecessarily! That's why this pregnancy we managed to stretched till 33 weeks!

Hazel, we tried to request for downgrade but failed the means test miserably! Haiiii....it was a dilemma when we chose B1 cos due to the bad experience from my first delivery, we wanted an experienced gynae to deliver our twins, but at the same time, we knew that the babies will be private class in the scn....but we weighed the pros and cons and felt that the safe delivery of both babies are of utmost importance so no choice lor....B1 lor.....Haiiiiii.....

Sunbelle, thanks! It's actually an emergency csection, I was in the OT by 12pm, delivered both by 12.30pm and left OT by 1pm, so, the whole process took abt 1 hr from aneasthesia to closing of wound. Yah, Prof Tee is very experienced and calm in the OT, despite a difficult delivery of my girl!
Bbjourney, that's v fast

Meryl, rest well. U need to let me know if u pm me cos it's in my junk mail and I dun c the mail from my phone. I need to login to my pc to retrieve the mail.

Chris, I dun feel comfy with elis behavior today. reply u later. Hp no battery. Juz went to orchard to settle her bank accounts
Hi sunbelle
Thks for ur kind advise..;) understand some choose stemcord due to they will put in two different location so many feel more stable... Hmm..

Hi may
I see.. Glad tt ur current pregnancy is a smoother one for u this time..;) rest well n take care ya..
