(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Catherine, bb will defintely keep crying n crying at least the first wk at IFC. The care giver will not Be able to give the bb the attention we give at home. As mummies, see already will be heart broken. Also, bbs will get sick v v easily! My gf's twins at IFC, now 8-9mths Old, keep falling sick n hospitalized some more a few times. Unless no choice, if not putting Elis at IFC is not the best choice. It is even better if u look for a day time nanny who can give her more attention as compared to putting her at IFC.

Hazel, I opt for IFC cos its easier for us to pick her up after work, easier to get into child care, kids she can play with. For nanny (at least from what I see), only take care, sit there and no proper teaching like sit properly to eat. Let's c if I get a fabulous bonus or if i fail to get a new job mayb I will consider?

Pierced, isn't a chore to get up like 5am+ and rush to school? I was once a relief teacher and I dun stay v far from the school I teach but bcos of the jam, sometimes need to prepare for lessons, I reach school by 6.50am. What's worse is after classes, got Cca, meetings etc by the time u r done could be 5pm.... But it's a joy to see the pri 1 kids greet u and play during recess time
Hazel, wah so good that your boss accepts full day mc for your routine checkup! My boss is v smart as he will ask if my checkup really needs a full day? No way I could 'escape' since I was the only one assisting him in my team and I always found myself rushing to my checkups coz sure got issues at work holding me back. So glad those days are in the past already!

yup if there is another choice, best to leave bb with your mum or nanny cos my colleague's bb got bronchitis when she was in the IFC. Anyway now is too young for bb to learn things in the IFC..if u wan just maybe enrol her in some gym classes for babies etc IFC very easily expose bb's to virus and they dun get special attention like maybe 1 teacher to 3 babies.
Chris I can't turn back already. Mum getting bonus in July. I heard its a gd sum. I end my ml in mid June. Even if I request my mum to look after there is a gap of 2.5-3 mths. Elis still has to go ifc. I went thru the tour with my IFC principal. Infant who can handle themselves can play in their play area of cos being supervised.

Wah she juz scream. We put her back to sleep in her for after hearing that clariss roll off mattress. Must b She din see me beside her feel v scare. I quickly show her my face and came that million dollar smile haha
Catherine, not all nannies r bad. Similarly, IFC may not be gd too. Not Ine choice is perfect. Going to nanny of IFC do not relief parents fr teaching the kid at night when we r bk. first 2 yrs, as long as we teach them 1-1.5 hrs every night n on wkends, is gd enough. Once they r older they can go CC. By then they hv stronger immunity. Anyway, if u bear to see Elis crying n lack of attention n keep falling sick, u can always choose IFC. Is always your choice. We just sayang Elis n dun wan her to go thru this at such a young age.
Thanks ladies, looks like I cannot believe my fil 100%, he likes to tell me things about the past but I get more confused than enlightened. Sometimes dont even kno is he boasting.
catherine, Hazel

yup no choice since u aren't able to find someone to take care of elis, but be mindful if once bb is sick, IFC will call u to pick her up. hahahaha elis missed seeing u. Mine too. hahahaha my sil's bb now knows how to mouth the word "pa pa" already... in-laws sooo happy...
ooh clariss now learning to flip by herself and my in-laws are guiding her along when they see her flipping 1/2way and struggling. They will give her a tiny push at the butt and teaches n adjusts her tiny hands. For me actually i very lazy i seldom put clariss on her tummy to build up her neck muscles cos hbs say don't wanna force her too much..as my sil does tt to her bb daily a few times since she was only 2mths old. We started like alternate days once when she was 3mths old..but she picks up fast. And probably cos she has "swimming lessons" daily in her bath tub hahaha cos she loved to stick out her legs and lift up her head and kicks in the water during bath time.
Catherine, hazel

Since last week, cos of my dogs illness i've being ferrying clariss daily to in-laws place, is also good cos to let her get used to the ferrying and for my in-laws to get used to her daily routines when i'm bk at work on 14th may. She loved sitting in the car seat when we bring her to in-laws place we will tell her we going to 爷爷 house and or when we bring her go shopping. hbs says think she loved the air-con. hahahaa
The infant car seat 90-9mths) is too small for her now, we thinking of getting her something bigger...she legs are already sticking out.
Hazel, to spend 1-1.5 hrs with elis after I start work is impossible. Lately I received so many SMS/calls from colleagues telling me what has happen or is happening at work.. All keep asking when I m back. With all these feedback i anticipate staff resignation, more workload. Backlogs. If that happen I m likely to put in at least 12-14 hrs a day. Elis is most likely to go home with hubby or my parents will fetch her home. My big boss and IFC principal all want me to breast feed elis ... I m trying to but milk supply is not much.... All I want to do is get a new job to have a gd work life balance.
Chris, Elis loves her car seat too. But if car stops at red light she cries!!!!! Keep having to Assure her. She loves her nursery rhymes and view outside even though we put sun shades she keep looking out. Once she start IFC she has to follow us daily and i Anticipate she will keep crying cos traffic is heavy. We ever took 40 mins to drive home even though it was juz 6km. Construction at Chinatown, Chinese new yr and evening jam cause it. Can foresee she will keep crying.

Elis is also trying to flip. Like yr in law I push her butt too. She move a little then I stop her. Little bit is enough everyday. Yr sil bb so smart. My hubby also keep asking elis to call him papa... At least remind her 10 times per day. Now if u ask elis u love mummy, papa she will smile. Use that again but in mandarin she give u the blur look.
Thanks Hazel..However, I dun think I will take full day MC. Will take half day maybe cos need to reach by 2pm for scan. I will request from Dr Tan. I am just 5 month old in this company so not too good to take too much MC. Just took 20 days HL..abit paiseh leh..

Btw, when did all of you break the news to yr company? I just told them that I went for a small Op for the HL, so now dunno when to break the news.. sigh

Catherine, which IFC are you signing up?
We r out for breakfast at ECP! After that, will bring belle out for a stroller by the beach. My sweetie pie does not seem to like the sun.

Same same, once there was abit of sun while i was carrying her out of the car,she closed her eyes and frown...heheee wow sooo nice bfast at ECP?? u meant east cost park ah? wow today is a good daynot too sunny for a day out at the beach...hiaz how i wish can go too but hbs n clariss both pigs ah..still snoring away. she woke up at 6am, 6.30am and keep making baby sounds again and i fed her at 7am...she finally doze off at 7.40a...now still sleeping...

sama sama, i hate to go bk too cos now in a mess and i dunnoe which team i'll be assigned toooo...got lotsa of shit to clear........
hi hazel,

i am at ECP jus now strolling too hehee
yeah been wanting to walk a fair bit so that baby can get into position hehehe
maybe jus now see you liao hehe which part u are at? i am at the big splash that side hehehe

mc007 : dun worry so muchie..jus inform your boss will do. the rest of people not so impt. i oso fuss over all these last time, but lucki hazel gave me lots of good advice to ignore these bo liao and kapo people
MC, Dr Tan will give MC. He got ask me of his own accord whether need MC. Of course sometimes he may forget then you just remind him lor. Btw he is very fast in his consultation even as an obstetrician so anything you want to ask, may be good to list down on a paper then go over with him. He will strike out 1 by 1 as he talks about it.
BlurXuan, i suddenely remember another gynae you can go to in KKH, Dr Lee Jiah Min.

I got to know her when i saw her once in KKH 24 hours. Most of the doctors i know at 24 hours can be rather aloof or complacent but Dr Lee was not. She impress me and hb so much we think she shouldnt be at 24 hours. She knows our anxiety esp when its ivf pregnancies. She is very gentle and takes time to explain scans. She even print out the scans without us asking (she is the only 24 hours dr that prints scans for us). Her explanation to our qns are very well thought thru and clear and encouraging. When i forgot my medical leave chit as i left the room, she ran out to pass to me. She has a very warm smile too.
sunbelle.. my company very small, less than 30 ppl, 1 know everybody know liao.. they might wonder how come ops turned into preg cos I didnt let them know of IVF...haizz.. will see how

heartbeats.. any questions that we should ask for first scan? I can't think of any to ask now.

Btw, can I continue to take Conceive well?
Chris, I guess sun is too glaring for bb. Same for Elis u have to cover her if not she will frown and give a sad face. My husband has been scolding and threaten to beat elis if she put her fingers or arm into her mouth. This morning she got up at 10am record leh her last feed was 10.30pm she scream at 8am after assuring her she slept back. After feeding her I ask husband to burp her, elis yelled. Scolded my husband for scolding her. Now glued to me.

Oh yes for those who wants the list what to feed bb to avoid allegy pls pm me. Then I send to all tomorrow.
MC, i dont know what are the standard qns but i asked Dr Loh (my first scan was with Dr Loh) whether sac in the right place, is yolk sac present, can see fetal pole, how long is fetal pole, got heartbeat?

Normally week 6 and up should be able to see the yolk sac and fetal pole of at least 2-5 mm and sometimes can see/hear heartbeats if baby is big enough.

I dont know about Dr Tan's machines but Dr Loh's was very clear and can even listen to heartbeats when he turn on the speakers.
wow..heartbeat...I think I really need to do more research.. dunno what is yolk sac or fetal pole..

the nurse was telling me I may not be able to see heartbeat yet. I will be 5 weeks 6 days for my first scan..abit early accordingly to them but no choice since Dr Tan will be on 1 week leave after that.
6 wks scan usu done at AMC leh.. Didn't KKIVF centre gave u girls a form? Though dr's room scan machine can see still but not clear leh

Was at burger king, east coast park for bf then out to the teach for like 15mins only. Too HOT!! Came bk, shower belle n she took a short nap. Now feeding her
Hey heartbeat i went to O&G yday n e doc speak so fast n oso did a scan fr mi n printed out e scan but didnt give me a copy she gt two copies when my fren ask can give mi one she said cannot.. But ur dr lee can go pvt suite?
Oh ya, MC, your week 6 scan should be at AMC then they will be very thorough so no fear missing out on qns. Then you just relax and see what Dr Tan say lor. If cant see heartbeats yet, dont panic,just ask for fetal pole size. If still small, that explains why heartbeats still cant see (even though may be beating already). Then just give it another week can see already.

BlurXuan, you got twins??! Yolk sac is a little sac inside the bigger sac. You should be able to see a ring inside the bigger sac. Yolk sac gives baby (fetal pole) nutrients in the first few months when placenta not ready to take over yet. When placenta ready, yolk sac also diminishes.

Hazel is right, 24 hours doc are usually more junior. Dr Lee is Associate Consultant. I just feel her attitude is very good, she should be promoted to Consultant. Maybe you KIV her first, go for Dr June Tan first. Dr Lee i dont think she sees at TPS, not even clinic D also.
Yap heartbeat doc said two sac.. But e brown spotting is common she said.. She ask mi to increase my support to three times a day but tis morning i forgot to tk my medicine.. I m so forgetful n tired nowadays.. Will it affect??
Hihi heartbeat, so foetal pole is actually the baby? I m also doing my 6 weeks scan the week after next, trying to find out what are the qns I should ask..
Blurxuan congrats on the twins! Aiyo, don't forget! Put hp reminders or ask your Hb to track and remind u.

Ya babylew, baby is fetal pole at early stage.
Blur_xuan, put alarm in your Hp to remind u to take your med on time. Progestrone level shld be kept constant n by missing dosages, it may cause it to drop in early pregnancy as it is unstable n this is no good.
Hi Hazel, Chris and Catherine, does any one of you has the contact number of Dr Zou? I tried calling 64560833 but sounds like connected to fax machine. I am looking for tcm to 'tiao' my body, is she good?
Hi Michelle, nice to hear from u again. I dun see dr zou. My tcm is at pearl centre. He will tell u canno eat this cannot eat that which i diligently follow. Tough but it's worth it. His charges also not cheap. I will b gg back to him once my milk supply dries up to strengthen my body
Hi Gals,

I have only bought 10 sets of clothings (top+bottom) and 5 sets of rompers for NB till 6 mths old. Is it enough? Have washed them the other day, and was ironing just now. Saw like so little. Should I buy some more?
Thanks Catherine for fast respond. So which doctor do you visit? So far, I am visiting the Dr Zhong from Eu Yan Sang at Paragon (also quite expensive), but looking for 2nd opinion.
Congrats Blur Xuan for having twins! So glad to hear tt u went to e 24 hrs n got support. Hugz
MC, u will b doing ur first scan at the AMC, then go to clinic D to c Dr Tan.
Hi baby
U start washing already... Me havent but will do it soon...;)
U bought short sleeve or long sleeve? Not enough can still buy after ur confinement.. 10 set all short sleeve?

Hi michelle
U can try call again... Usually when they r busy, doc zou n hb wun answer phone call then will divert to fax machine.. They r close only on wed..

Congrat to blurxuan..;)
Baby, the sizes indicated there r not v reliable. May not last u to 6 mths also. Well, bb grows v fast. Belle has so much clothes. Previously, I find some too baggy n hence untidy looking. Now, they r snug fitting
Michelle, i am with Dr Zou. I feel she is good esp in terms of knowledge and how best to complement TCM with IVF. But i have heard feedback that her ACU is only skin deep but it works for me so i have no complaints. She is also very motherly so is a good confidante esp for IVF worries also.

The number is correct but maybe she is closed by now thats why connected to fax. Her operating hours have changed.

Does anyone have a menu for gestational diabetes?

Can PM me if anyone of u hv it. I wa to start eating now while I wait for the next week appt to a dietitian.
Hi Joanne,
Mix both long and short sleeve, long pants and shorts. Not sure if enough for first month or not. My hubby said later all washed then no cloths to wear liao.

Hi Hazel,
Yes, I think so too, that's why buy NB to bigger size incase baby born bigger. How many clothes Belle changed in one day?

Hi Faithfully,
You might want to avoid sugary/sweet stuffs and durian first.
Hi Joanne,
Yup, finally get her. Do you visit her before? Is she good?

Hi Heartbeat,
Thanks for sharing your experience. So you tried the ACU by her, before IVF? What is the purpose for ACU? I remember one of the sisters here conceive naturally just by 'tiao' body by tcm. Can't remember which tcm she visited.

i did ACU with her everytime before an IVF cycle. ACU helped me build up lining which is very important for implantation. I used to have adenomyosis. Took her herbs and adeno has not gotten worse, in fact Dr Loh didnt even think anything of it.

Dont know why, i am alittle breaking out in cold sweat now, hands keep shivering. Could it be i have not taken lunch? Or am i having contractions?

Nowadays since stopping my daily progesterone jabs, i have been very worried.
