(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Catherine, I nv checked. I assumed I m entitled to & I applied to my boss. No qn asked! Any public holiday that falls on a non working days shld hv 1 day of annual leave credited to us. FYI, I maximized my ml for the last 8 wks Which has to take in block of 1 wk each time. I hv annual leave to clear by June. So for wk that has pHs like this wk, labour day, I applied 4 days of my annual leave instead of taking 1 wk of ML! I just plot out the leave schedule - annual, maternity, child care leave n maximized them to my advantage! Kekeke

Cockcock, who is your gynae now. Yes plancenta will move up usu fr 2nd tri onwards. But if it is so low until it covers the cervix, better be extremely careful. May not move up at all. As bbs get heavier will press in it n will start bleeding. That will trigger early labour. So, rest in bed more when bb gets bigger. Just take mc/HL.
Chris, my gynae has 5 kids. At that time when I saw her I was suffering and depress cos elis has to drink at night and I told gynae one is enough. Even if I m stress I m surprised my milk supply din dip leh. Elis is v happy today. Keep smiling and talking. We bought her a swing chair she is scare of it if we r not around her.
Catherine, Chris, the old folks' belief that bb will be easier to take care after 100 days old (if not, by 4 mths old), seem to work.. Is an easy night again with belle today. She also managed to sleep 2 hrs of 1 he per session this afternoon! She had nv slept so much during the day since after 1.5 mths old. I hope this continue!

Bbs these day are really v smart. I put her on rocker, n she knows I wun carry her. Not the maid too coz I dun allow. When she saw my dad, she charmed him by smiling n smiling n bb talk to him!! Coz my dad always carries her! Her eyes followed my dad too when he walked around. She even tilted her head when he walked to the door to leave! So, who says young bbs dun understand? Also when I flash the flash cards to her, she will stare at them quietly!! Amazing!
Catherine, if belle continues to be so good, I dun mind having a few more if not coz I m old already! 3-4 mths of hardship n stress is not too bad afterall! I love to see belle smile, ESP in her sleep!! Yes, dunno wat dreams she is having, always smile in her sleep!
Congrats hopeful. So far I do not have friend who delivered at sgh, most at kk or private hospital. How's the support there? As in I know kk are more experience n well known for pregnacy delivery, what abt sgh?
Hi Babylew, this is my 1st bb, so I can't compare. Can only let you know what I feel..

Personally speaking, I liked the plc. The nurses at both the ward n the nursery r really gd. They really took gd care of us. All the nurses are very pro bf, n whenever the señor nurses have some spare time ( both day n night nurses) they will do rounds to make sure all is well n will help wif bf (even unblocking of milk ducts). Aft delivery, I can still call the nurses whenever I have questions or go to the LC for consultation ( foc), unless u need her to do serious 'repair' work on ur milk ducts.. They even called me on labour day aft I m discharged to check on me n bb.

I tried natural delivery, but bb position changed when I was 7cm dilated. So ended up with Csect. During the hospital tour, I was told that I will only be charged the ultimate mode of delivery plus the no of hours in the labour ward if this is to happen. So I am waiting for e final bill now. Hope what they told me is the truth.. Ahahah..

But I do have a complain, that is their confinement food sucks. Thankfully, my mum cooked and bright food for me during my hospital stay. Also, I ad from some mummies who gave birth at Tmc, they offer red date tea, cool boiled water during the hospital stay. In sgh, they do not have such things..

Btw, are u now with KK or sgh?

Hi Catherine, thanks!! Lol!! Unfortunately I did not manage to make it to schichida.. Will need to wait for a couple of mths later..
Since I did my program at SGH, so I wanted to stick to same gynae at sgh.. But my hubby is thinking of gg to kk instead.. I saw the package price via Internet too, seems like kk is cheaper.
Yea I like the sofa at tps! It's very helpful as we get bigger, makes long waiting more bearable by easing the aches. Clinic d chairs make me backache.

Babylew, if you have multiples, you may want to consider kkh. They are still the best equipped if we / babies need special care. Sometimes other hospitals have to send their patients there too but have to see whether kkh got vacancies cos kk patients get priority.

Belle's a darling..heehee yup i love to see clariss smile too in her sleep and after her feed.
do u know recently clariss has being very naughty always peeping at the tv..faintz.. she does it when my in-laws are watching their favourite taiwan serials when they are not noticing. Recently clariss is practising to flip over. Like yesterday, my in-law purposely laid her down so tat she can't watch tv, guess wat? she trying very hard to flip over till she succeeded and guess wat, is to watch tv ..faintz..then in-law purposely put a bolster infront to block her view and she stretched and lifted her head higher to watch tv....faintz ah..kids nowadays really try all means and efforts ah..
Yesterday, very cute, she was sleeping and then me and fil saw her use her hand to take the pacifier out of her mouth and gently place it at the side. We were like "wow" !!! cos instead of spitting it out, she took it out....

i seldom carry clariss cos either she ko or i busy doing hsework. at my in-laws place is different cos alot of people around..so clariss very cunning she loves to be carried and will smile and start kicking her legs and looking at my fil with wide open arms that is to tell him " grandpa please carry me." We have already briefed the whole family not to carry her too often as she'll be used to it. So at times, fil ignored her, then mil sees clariss and she'll keep smiling and making grrrr sound and act cute so tat my mil or maid will carry her.
Oh my, babies are so intelligent! I read about you babies i feel so heartwarming! Hope mine are as cute and fun too! And i pray easy to care for too, hehehe
Hopeful, congrats on your delivery!

*sorry i thought i posted then realised i havent, blame it on my pea brain, hehehehe*

Hows baby now? Feeding well? You must be overwhelmed too. Do catch rest whenever you can!
Chris, Catherine, Hazel, one of you shared H&M got maternity wear? I am going to check it out later, hehehe

Cock Cock, Angel, Babyjourney, CoolCool, Cool, Hope, if got good buys, i update you! hehehe
Heartbeats, thanks!! Do update.

I was clearing my wardrobe yesterday and to my horror, I have to pack away most of my clothes! Even the normal t-shirts I am wearing at home are getting shorter, revealing my tummy. My husband was teasing me by singing that old advert song.."衣服本来刚刚好,怎么现在穿不下?"
So I told him that it's time he buys me more maternity clothes..haha! Till now, I only have 2 maternity t-shirts and 2 maternity bottoms. GSS comes timely!
Wow Congrats hopeful
hehee start of the motherhoood journey now..

Hi Pierced, think is normal to have water rentention. drink more water and wear bigger flat shoes to be more comfortable

Hazel, now cold storage got 12% discount for baby bath ..yeah for the three types, natural, moisturing and rice milk. have u try the rice millk huh? anyway the newborn pampers are snapped up. when i go early this morning, whole shelve gone liao.
Heartbeat, yes, h&m has maternity wear. But limited. Actually u can buy a bigger size t shirt n wear frm h&m. I did that. All the way till delivery. Now can still wear, just baggy.

Sunbelle, I use Komodo non rinseable bath. One drop will do each time. It will take a v v long time to finish. No need to buy alot. Nv try Rice milk.

Chris, belle slept for 2 hrs yesterday afternoon comprising of 2 naps of 1 hr each! She has nv slept so long after first mth! Her usual is just 30mins only... Am going to each avengers later then going to mil's house in the evening to celebrate the birthday of hub's maid (taking care of mil). A few close relatives will be there too.
Blurxuan, GSS starts on 25 May officially but normally some shops begin their sales earlier. I haven't really check out yet. Will also update here if I see good buys.

As long as you start to feel tightness & discomfort wearing your existing clothes, you can start to buy maternity wear already. Don't buy too many at one go, buy gradually as your frame might continue to expand throughout your pregnancy. For bras, should switch to wear wireless ones ASAP. For undies, can just wear normal ones that are low waist and of cotton material.
during pregnancy u will feel sore breasts rite? But for mi till now I didnt feel any sore breasts at all. Is it normal?? Or I didnt tk enuff milk??
HOPEFUL! Congratulations! wow it must have been an experience hem to change from natural to c-sect. How have you been coping since delivery?

Take care ya! wow! wow! so happy for you.

Heartbeats, wow you very courageous to "chiong" H&M on a public holiday ;)
haha thanks for updating us.
Blurxuan, you are very funny leh..I don't think sore breast is related to whether you take milk or not. I think diff people (and diff pregnancies) have diff preg symptoms. For me, I had bad sore breasts during my prev pregnancy; but for this pregnancy, the soreness aren't so bad and sometimes, I don't feel it. Perhaps for you, the sore breasts comes a bit later.
Lol.. Angelxuan.. First time ma.. Zero knowledge.. haha.. Thanks.. A bit worried duno e little one inside is growing fine ma...
Blurxuan, haha..understand totally, no symptom - worry, got symptom - also worry if it's bad. :p Don't worry too much, relax and enjoy your pregnancy. Will look forward to your good news from your first heartbeat(s) scan.
Chris we will go park today. Cannot always go shopping. I told my hubby this is my first mother day so he better do something on behalf of his daughter. Lol.... Tomorrow have to 'lend' elis to a fren to 'Wang' her new place. hey I love clariss. Haha she is so smart.
Blurxuan, although most would thought brown spotting is old blood but I think you better see your doctor to double check. Today public holiday, if your doctor not doing consultation, go 24 hrs clinic instead.
huh..isit... super worried now.. only m e one worried.. my stupid dh only know how to make mi pissed off.. haiz.. I emailed my doc hopefully she can reply asap..
Hi Babylew, u having twins? Sorry not following posts religiously now.. I think it boils down to how comfortable u r wif the gynae. I was with Dr Yu. In fact, I was contemplating of changing to a pte gynae aft 1st tri, but decided to stay on cux from various incidences I feel that she is very decisive and it makes me feel assured given that I m a super kancheong spider..
I did not check out nor know that they ve package.. Was just told the approx amt if u stay in which class ward. Unlike in parkway east which I know they ve a package on the cost of the ward, plus pd, plus gynae fee, etc...

Hi angelxuan, heartbeat, Sunbelle, cool, blur xuan, thx for ur congrats. I m doing ok. Just need to try to rest
more so that the wound will recover faster. Labour was 22 hours and ended up wif c sect.. But all is worth it when I heard her 1st cry...
Blurxuan, has your doctor replied you? Is it possible to call her or call someone (nurse/mo) from KKH 24hrs clinic to check?

If you & DH really think it's not necessary to see doctor now since no blood at this moment, then you must monitor very carefully. If it happens again, you better take action immediately.
We nv know wars causing the brown stains. So better be safe than sorry.

Go KKH 24 hrs for support lah! Do difficult then get pregnant ok. Wat until real bleeding blood may be too late
Blurxuan, I agree with Hazel. Think I am not convincing enough as I hv no spotting experience (thank God). But I have 'seen' lotsa sisters rushing down to doctor/24 hrs clinic to insist on having immediate additional support once they had spotting and it helped to save their babies. We have also recently 'seen' Shainie's sad misfortune... Thus, better safe than sorry!
