(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Heartbeats, i heard Dr Loh going on leave this week leh but i dont know when lah. He has a new 42inch monitor right. Shiok anot? I cant wait to see my baby on the monitor on my next visit. Hehehehe...
Hi sisters.. I haf one qns.. M wif Dr Sadhana for IVF.. So after m pregnant will i still under her or i haf to find one gynea??
Hi Babyjourney, I just went to O&G....indeed, gorgeous 42 inch tv, playing Mr Bean, what a charmer

Thanks Joanne, am resting at home daily now, lying on my left side mostly until it aches slightly even lol.... So glad my amniotic fluid is normalized now, phew!! Really a good lesson for me to not do excessive shopping and carrying heavy shopping bags anymore, what was I thinking then, sigh...

I also requested dr Loh to check my cervical length, it's normal too. He said he will usually check during every scan but since I requested specifically today, he checked the length and noted it down, pressed the cervix area quite hard. Other times, I don't feel the pressure on cervix during scan, maybe he just glance through to quickly confirm then.

I also requested to check baby's weight, 1kg now, am week 26. Joanne, I recall yours was about 800+g each about 2 weeks ago, then was about week 26-27 is it? Hope mine is not too heavy...hmm...
Hi cool cool, just to share with you. I've had UTI once before, that was before I was pregnant. I was on medication for the UTI and the meds actually triggered yeast infection - itchy v area
Dr advised that this is possible cos the UTI meds had upset the balance of healthy bacteria in the V areas, hence triggering yeast infection, candidas bacteria. I had to be treated for both as a result. Not sure if yours is the same situation, just to share with you the possibility and to not worry about it, it may not be your 'fault'.

If you are using panty liner now, can try to change more than once a day to keep the V area dry. Dr advised that infection is still possible if the V area is moist (and kept being exposed to the discharge), so it's best to keep it dry. If not wearing panty liner, dr advised to change panties more often so that the V area is not in touch with the discharge all the time.
Hi catherine, hope u hv a fruitful shopping trip
I use elancyl.. Yes pls share the list w us ok..

Blur xuan, I was under dr sadhana too. She will "graduate" u maybe after second appt w her.. U need to find another gynae coz she doesn't do delivery now... Othw I wld hv stay w her..
Hi ladies, Family Central (Fei Yue Community Services, in the 再见单人床 9pm ch 8 Chinese drama the representative from it spoke a couple of times before commercial breaks) also hosts parenting seminars about once every monthly. I think the next one is in June, about scream-free parenting, haaa....interesting but definitely appropriate topic
I'll be attending this. Then in Aug, there is a seminar about parenting for age 1-3 yr olds. For those interested, you may check out the website or you can email me for the list of upcoming seminars.

Hi Catherine, I'll like to receive the weaning list too. Thanks so much!!

Hi Sashamama, do take it easy at work ok. Hope despite the lining condition, your baby is still be able to move around. Can you feel her kicking in different areas of your tummy?
Ya Babyjourney, so big TV! But not on leh or maybe i was too early.

Tromso, you were at O&G today too? I was there 2pm. Wonder if we had met without knowing!
He also checked my cervical length and say ok not short. But one of my placenta abit low and looks like got some blood clot around it? I also dont know, he just say abit low. Now i getting worried. Somemore, i completed my daily jabs liao, no more jabs le.

And i lost another 500 grams. Cham~ every visit lost weight.

Today walk halfway kenna leg cramps, ouch!

Also nowadays peeing is tougher. Not pain, just feel like the pee takes more effort to come out. Dont know is it uterus pressing on bladder blocking proper flow.

Am i normal?
Hi Kimmy, thanks, I'm also considering Avant, can't decide betw audio or video...video should give a better peace of mind but it's soooo pricey
I see my parents checking in on baby niece then, every 15 mins, it's really not easy. Was thinking with video, at least can finish reading the newspaper with ease or shower/ do housework with a better peace of mind.

Hope will be able to get a good price during the Philips employee sale.
Cock cock, same i use elancyl and got this bad rash like u I have a lot left. I hope u dun have eczema at all b4 preggy. Shopping fruitful? Neh I juz bought for my princess. No time to shop for myself or my husband. Mayb I will shop on Sundays when GSs start

K I will find the list tomorrow. Pray hard my princess dun wake up so early tomorrow.

Chris and hazel, I went to library to borrow baby books for Elis and read it with her. Siao lor i make her so sianz that she slept. My mum did with her she was so happy. Seems like I m not a good teacher. Told my mum to use Cantonese or mandarin when reading with her.
Cock, i aso hve red rashes. Some even the size of 5 cents coin. Then doc gave mi the combiderm cream and ok liao. If itchy, ur gynae aso gave mi aqurea moisturing cream. Show him ur patches tis fri. Mi i dun care any small thing i aso ask if it serious anot.

Sashamama, hope u r fine nw. Must take a gd rest. I aso almost 3 wks nv c my bb. Abit dun get use when last time i get to c him wkly
Heartbeats, I just returned from O&G...I usually go for the evening session so that hubby doesn't have to take time off from work. Luckily your appointment was early, he said he had 2 deliveries during later part of the afternoon and hence O&G patients waited long...

Don't worry about the slightly low plancenta as it's still very early for you. Dr Loh also said the same thing to me during my early 2nd trimester (or was it late 1st trimester) but the position is ok now. Just remember to keep talking to your baby and ask your placenta to move up heee... Rest more lying down, so that gravity is not pulling. If you like stroking your tummy, can stroke upwards gently, butnnever in circular motion, because according to WBB, circular motion can create a whirlpool-like sensation inside the womb, inducing contractions and pressure sucking the baby out early

Rest more and rest well
Gals, even if dr Loh is on leave, he is still contactable via emails! He has an iPhone u know.. Yes, he is that ON! When I was warded, he was on leave. I emailed him to inform him n asked if he will be bk to deliver for me. A few hrs after I hv sent my email, he replied me that he was bk n subsequently he came to the ward to see me. He then ordered to induce me. The nurses at TMC didn't even know when he will be bk!

Oh ya, he even has a face book account! :p
dear all,

understand that dr loh is on leave til 5 may. should be back on mon which is 7 may. yeah he still check his emails hehehe
dedicated doc hehehe..

Meryl, good to hear all is well. yeah think continue on your existing diet and all will be well. i am also pumping durians til we are so su with the durian sellers hahahaha

cockcock : hope you are feeling better alreadly

Hazel : avengers is really good and awesome hahahah

oh yes, do you ladies do placenta encaplusation huh? hehee still thinking on this issue hahhahah
hi hi

ya just bk from in-law's place around 9pm...shag ah!!!! didn't have time to read thro all the threads. hbs chasing after me to use pc to watch his hk serial again...sianz ah
Heartbeats, look for loh seong feei!

Catherine, Chris, belle's sleeping pattern at night is different these 2 days. She used to fuss n cry when we carry n pat her to sleep. That can take an hr if not more. I was still worrying how I m going to carry n pat her as she grows bigger n heavier.. These 2 nights, I got fed up with her fussing n my arms r painful too.. I put her down on our bed n pat her instead... Surprisingly, she fell asleep! Hope this continues n I hv good nights ahead! Btw, she is 100 day old today!
Finally remember to apply stretch mark cream. Feels good.
I have a silly question, isit too early to feel any movement now har? :p

Sunbelle, wat is placenta encaplusation?
Hi Blur Xuan, not to worry, nothing has happened to date correct? Just don't rub in circular motion from now on.

Heartbeats, I also didn't start rubbing tummy until recently when it's fuller. I was doing lotsa circular motion rubbing until WBB mentioned abt it last weekend, gave me a shock heh... Good to take rest more now until past week 20 then its considered more stabilized. Till then, its better to be very kiasu

Catherine, my gf was telling me that although babies may appear to be not listening to the story-telling (awake and distracted), in fact they are absorbing it all in. Hence can continue to read or sing to them
Dr loh asked me to send him an email this wk so that he will email me a copy of my pap smear report for my safe keeping! He said if not later he sends to wrong emai n i complain.... So, best i drop him an email n he will reply fr there... Personal service huh?! He on leave, next wk then I email him lah... :p
Catherine, I hv a number of bb books which i bought online before belle was born. I read to her once a while.. So far so good, she will make bb sounds while I read..
My sister started flash cards and reading to niece when she was about 3 mths old, now niece is very receptive to these. She used to look at the pictures only, but now at 14 mths, she prefers to see the words on the flashcards and can read out quite a few words after seeing them for less than a handful of times, we were all very surprised because none of us has intentionally taught her how to read. No wonder it's said that babies and toddlers' brains are like sponges
Blur_xuan, a/p John tee at kkh tps. But am not sure if he is still accepting patients as I heard this yr dragon bbs n he is full till end of the year. When dr loh is still in KKH, John tee will cover him for delivery cases if dr loh is on leave.

Cockcock, did u do d5 transfer? Was told by KKIVF centre that dr S likes to do blastocyst d5 transfer unlike dr loh.
Tromso, I hv a set of flash cards too! Also bought online before belle was born. But this lazy mummy has not started her on it yet! Actually, it is best to start flash card when bbs are 6 mths old when they can sit upright in bb chair stability. Studies has shown that if introduce flash cards to bb at 6 mths, bbs r able to read by 2 years old.
Oh yes heartbeats, I hv been given multivit.. Wow, u really angry n pissed w yr DH?! Hope u hv made up w him now.. Simmer down.. Re placenta, I think I hv low placenta too..

Catherine, I hv v sensitive skin n I think some sort of ezcema too.. Will wait for ur list.. Thks Qing, I will tell my gynae abt my skin allergy too.. Sunbelle, I m ok. At least no LS today! But by night time my tummy ballooned till q uncomfy.. N oh yes, sudd my lower back near tail bone pain liao..

Blur xuan, the other time I asked dr sadhana for recommended gynae in kkh.. She gave me 3 names. I can't rem now.. U can ask her to recommend?
Chris what hk serial is yr hubby watching? I m watching gd deed daddy.

Cock cock and all, the list I have from skin doc is not what preggy woman should avoid . It's food to introduce to bb. I flip the possible places in my house can't find. I gave a copy to my mum too hope she has not thrown away. Will search the impossible place in my house on weekend.

Cock cock, u cannot eat hotdog, ham, seafood and any heavily processed food now. This will trigger the rash. If u go c doc they will say its puppp. To know if it's puppp only skin doc knows.

Hazel, congrats. Mine is only 70 day old tomorrow. My mum always pat Elis to bed on her mattress. For us she wants to b carried. Sometimes I leave her alone and on rare occasion she did sleep too. Now she is making a lot of noise. Think she is in her dreams. Ya u reminded me to look out for flash cards
Hi all
Just to clarify to all's guessing.. Doc Loh is on leave fr tomorow to next Tuesday!! Confirm as i see his calendar when make appointment and want to go on next monday but nurse say he on leave.. So all who going wed appointment will be flooded with many pp.. ;)

Hi tromso
Congrat tt ur fluid is ok now.. Still need bedrest? Wah.. Ur bb already 1kg.. Tts fast... Tt time my scan is at 24th wk 6days 850g n 800+g.. Take care gal.. So u next scan is 1mth later? Btw, how he check cervica length? Think i will request check in my next appointment too..

Hi gals
Actually, i am surprise when wong bb say no circular motion when apply the cream too in the lesson as i hv been doing circular motion thruout my boy pregnancy n hv been doing it in the beginning of my current pregnancy too.. I feel as long as u be gentle n dun rub too hard, will not result preterm ba..;)

Very tired this wk as my son got so many hmwork n is exam period so has been sleeping late... Look forward to he finishes his exam then i can officially rest ler...;)

Hi cock
Take care.. Hope ur skin condition better now..think ur skin sensitive so may hv to change the product.. I am always using elyancl for my previous n current pregnancy.. Too bad i just buy two bottles few wks ago else i can buy fr u...
Yest went for my glucose test and found that I hv Gestational diabetes. May I knw wa I should do... So worry... Wa will happen to my bb? Wa food should I eat?
Faithfully, arent you seeing a dietian? Is not just wat food u can or cannot eat. Also the quantity n the no of meals u shld be taking. Basically, u need to hv strict diet control n a dietian will guide u. FYI, almost all food (except water) turn into sugar in our body n u can't possibly dun eat right? In KKH, you will be sent for a full day lesson with a dietian. U r also required to check your glucose level a few times a day, before n after food and wat type of exercise u shld be doing. If glucose is still not under control, u hv to take insulin jabs.
Hi cook cook, don't be too worried about low placenta now, as you girls are still in early stage right? Did dr confirm it's low or it's just low cos hasn't risen yet?

Hazel, the flashcards' impact on babies/ toddlers are simply amazing, I'm a total convert now
Will you also be enrolling Belle into Shichida or similar classes? Right now, my sis is just doing flashcards according to Glen Doman's teaching (reading his books), not attending classes because will be sending niece to Pats very soon and she's hoping they'll continue to help develop her right brain further from there on.

For myself, I prefer to send to less pricey childcare plus Shichida, shall see what's the diff, if any, in their learning progress
Hi Joanne, so you've just visited O&G too. For cervical length, it's done during the normal ultrasound scan on the tummy, dr will just move the scanner to the cervix and press hard-ish to see the length and do measurement on the machine's screen.

Hmm....I checked that 1kg is for week 28 baby but I'm only week 26 now. I guess must have been I've been resting lots lately and eating a lot more, as my baby makes me hungry every 2 hrs....grrr.... In the past, I'll try to suppress my hunger, but for last 2 weeks, I've been eating a lot to compensate for the low fluid, I even get up in the middle of the night to drink Milo/ cereal, otherwise baby will kick non-stop throughout the night. Dunno why I'm always so hungry.... I've put on close to 8kg now.

So do you feel your babies kicking more now? Have you established a pattern? Are you doing any prenatal education?
Hi Faithfully, with strict diet control, you should be fine. My SIL has gestational diabetes too and she managed to cut down her sugar intake substantially (eg no/ very very little ice cream, pastries, sweet drinks etc.), also converted to brown rice instead and low GI food, plus lotsa exercise, e.g. walks after meals so that the blood sugar level does not spike up.

When she's not pregnant, she'll go for runs too. So far, she'll only get raise blood sugar level when she is pregnant. Actually my in-laws side has very strong diabetes history too, so I'm also being careful with my diet now, not giving my baby too much sugar if possible.

For mummies with gestational diabetes, it's good to get it under control, as there is a possibility that they may be diabetic later on in life. Same goes for the kid/s, good idea to monitor their diet.

For diabetic petients, not only have to control sugar intake but also important to make sure no sugar spike during the day (eg heavy carbo and refined food can cause a spike which is not ideal), as will cause dizziness, e.g. If goes up to above 16, may need to be hospitalized and given insulin jabs.

Like Hazel said, it's best to speak with a dietitian to further understand it. With better understanding, there will be less fears and can be in control
Jia you....
Faithfully, i pm u. I had gestational diabetes too. The fear was that bb becomes too big and sugar level too high. My boy's weight gain slowed down towards week 37 and by the time he was induced at late 38 week, he was just fine at near to 3kg. I bought my own blood sugar machine and check my blood sugar everyday for 2 weeks then subsequently every 2 days.
Faithfully, another thing that is not commonly made known is, our blood sugar is usually higher in the middle of the night. One way to counteract it is to drink some water should you get up for pee breaks. But it's not necessary if you are the sleep throughout sort.

If you wish to monitor your blood sugar, you may purchase the device and the blood test strips at polyclinics (cheaper than pharmacy). I have 1 at home cos hubby has slight raise blood sugar too, it's very easy to use. I think you have mentioned previously that your parent/s have diabetes too right, so they may be a good source of info too.
Cervical length scan i did was down under, not at tummy. Supposingly safe coz it was also ultrasound. But no need to do if no pregnancy complications. My next pregnancy i will definitely cut down on ultrasounds if possible. Joanna, ur bb should be fine
Bbliss, how r u coping? Yr princess better??

Cock cock, if the rash gets bad there is 1 cetaphil moisturizer u can buy from hospital pharmacy. Normal pharmacy dun sell, u may want to use cetaphil to bathe too. Pm me if u need the photo of the moisturizer
Wow Hazel, Cat, and Chris, i really like to have a foto of your three princesses together ehheeh so adorable the image going to be heheheh
everyday read about their behaviour and their cute actions hehe

Hi Tromso, i think bigger babies are better cos like my fren whoom give birth earlier no worries abt bb weight at all...but of cos not to the extent is way too big lah...
oh yeah placenta encaplusation is storing our plancenta and converting them for consumption. not sure whether got any health benefits in eating that
Hi Hazel,

Dr hv make an appt with the nutronist on the 16 May. I am not sure what to expect during the visit. What I worry is the bb growth. Will it effect the growth or health of bb beside bb become big in size.
For the cervical length measurement, I also had it done from down there. Initially, the sonographer tried to scan from lower tummy but can't get a good view. I think maybe she's afraid to press too hard coz baby's still quite low inside at that time.

Sunbelle, I heard from my frds that "Xiao S" (host of taiwan variety show) consume her placenta to maintain her youth. I dont know abt the health benefits.

Angel, Dr Loh measure my cervial length thru scanning from my lower tummy.
