(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Babylew, welcome!!

Catherine, I like to have the list of food to introduce to baby as well. Thanks! :p

Cockcock, when you see your gynae today, remember to also ask him if he knows of any anti stretch mark cream/oil that is suitable for you. Or whether he can refer you to a skin specialist that is experienced in treating pregnancy related skin problems.

Faithfully, yes GD will give us to pregnancy complications n affect bb. But dun worry, u r not the only one with GD during pregnancy. A no of sisters hv GD n bbs are born healthy. So far, I hv not come across anyone with GD n affected the bbs. Why? As a mother, u will do your best to protect your bb from harm. So, after seeing a nutritionist / dietian u will know how to proceed from there. If u follow what u r told, n exercise (a must), u wun need daily insulin jab. But pls mentally prepared, is not easy to have strict diet control n the pains of pricking your finger daily to check glucose level. Also, at times when if u r not full u also can't eat further. U need 6-8 small meals a day. So, u may need to pack food to work. The specialist will guide u along. Just hang on n endure the final leg of your pregnancy. I know u will coz u love your bb. JIA YOU!

Tromso, my hubs is a diabetic for the past 10 yrs. what's more impt is the medical history of your side of family. No diabetic history, ur chance of getting GD is slim. I hv no GD at all.

No, I dun intend to send belle for these classes. She shld enjoy childhood n shld not be subject to stress so early. Well, I know the world is v competitive n of course I am also KS n wun wan her to lag behind. But I believe in other types of fun classes, such as gym, bb spa, drawing, music (if she has Internet In music), phonic.

Knowledge comes when belle has interest in reading n books. So, learning how to read as early as possible is impt. So yes, I believe in flash card & phonic classes. Once she knows how to read, she will picked her alot of things thru books, educational programs, etc. classes like drawing let her develop her creativity n gives her another means of expressing herself. A happy n cheerful person has lots of colours in the drawings.

When she is 3-4 yra old, I wan her to attend 心算 classes. I believe in exposing her as much as possible without stressing her n also, she must be interested also. If she has no interest, no pt forcing.

Structured trainings can come later. Classes like shishida has its cons too coz it actually opens up the third eye of a young kid. Is that good or bad?
Babyjourney, dr Loh will ask u If u wan to take back your placenta after you hv delivered! Many rich folks eat the placenta of goat to maintain youth! Yes, it works wonder if u dare to eat!
blur_xuan/Juvi, yes I am interested in the Antenatal Programme, weekend class.... Tell us more and when is the best to start... hope we can attend together...

Juvi, How is your scan?
Faithfully, the nutritionist will tell u wat to eat everyday, incl tea breaks. how many meals u shld be taking & wats the time gap for each meal. For some strict diet control alone cannot bring sugar down. They hv to exercise also. U will also be given a glucose meter to take home n to track the glucose level before n after food. All these hv to be written down n u will be told wat readings r acceptable. That wld also tell how effective the diet is if u follow. Only when all means are exhausted., diet n exercise n glucose level still not ideal then u will be oven insulin jabs o protect The little one.. Dun worry for now!
Can only eat pressurized cheese. So blue cheese, Brie, etc all cannot. Non pressurized cheese may contain bacteria.

Yes dr tan hh does delivery.
Cock cock, since u r at kkh better to ask for referral. If not I can give u my skin doc contact she is at mt e. dun worry about charges I feel it's v reasonable

Hazel, u r right they should enjoy childhood. Unfortunately for elis piano, gym, swinming and ballet r a must. Next come languages. I read in the papers that there is this class for kids that teach them value of $. Will send get there too
Blur_xuan, shld be fine since oven baked.

Catherine, as Elis' mother, u decide for her. Just be cautious dun force it on her if she really dun enjoy. My mum sent me for piano lesson when I was v young. But I m a music idiot. So, I not only dun enjoy it, but no interest at all. I dread going for classes. After 2 yrs, my mum finally allowed me to give up. Coz, once started, she usually wun allow 半途儿费. If not, the child will nv hv determination to bear hardships.

As for language classes, I think u mean a 3rd language right? I dun think is v useful coz a child can attend Language classes. But if she dun practice it regularly though conversation n writing, she will nv be fluent on it. In sG, at this current moment, there will not b much opportunity for her to speak & write regularly other than in class. Take for eg, I was v fluent in speaking n writing last time, but now, after working for close to 20 yrs, I hardly write mandarin, I hv already lost touch, I can't even write a proper sentence with no wrong words without a dictionary. My gfs who hv kids as old as 12 yrs old who took language classes shared with me the same experiences..
Just done my scan, met my tiny mighty warrior for e 1st time. Almost in tears haha! Now waiting to c Dr Tan HH at clinic D. Think I may transfer to the Pte Suite after this...
Mi too throll.. urs is a day after mi.. Juvi u appt which gynea?? After Sadhana i oso duno who to choose.. Prefer a female one..
blur xuan, eating baked cheese those kind can. everything must be pasteurised. no soft cheeses. Those cheese slices etc also ok.

Just had baked chicken pasta for lunch. yum!
Sunbelle, hee not too sure about benefits of eating the placenta, but i saw mine for #1 and it is not really something i will dare eat.
Thanks ladies for all your suggestions. I feel better now. Can sleep well last night.

Heartbeats, you wear disposable panties to the work as well? Don't you feel loose meh? How are your babies doing? bigger? moving? I can only see my bb next week. Looking forward to it.

Tromso, I have also read that taking antibiotics can cause yeast infection. But I haven't taken any medication yet.

Juvi, throll and blur_xuan - welcome.
Hazel, I dun mean 3rd language. I expect her to pronounce words well and speak proper english and mandarin. Same la I returned my mandarin to teacher already. I totally agree with u that our child must enjoy. But music education runs in my family, i also din enjoy but I din grumble, even if I dun send there will b ppl who will grab her for lesson

Today elis behaving v badly. No routine keep wanting milk.
Sunbelle, I heard the preparation, as in cooking, for placenta isn't easy. My friend took hers home and still sitting in the freezer till this day.

Opens the 3rd eye? Funny you said that Hazel cos I read that Shichida brings out the ESP (extra sensory perception) and I can only associate this to seeing the 'unseen' from watching those ghost hunting documentaries. Is this what you are referring to? Do you know someone with such ability after attending Shichida?
Sunbelle, but big baby means tougher natural delivery
anyways I'll just concentrate on staying healthy and the rest can consider later
I've already switched to Similac cos Nan is very high in fats content.

Hazel, thanks for the assurance that hubby side diabetes may not pass on to child, I initially thought there may be a gd chance. My family side, only grandmother was diabetic, no other cases, skipped 2 generations so far. I think I'll prick myself tomorrow to test, not done that for ages.
Tromso, the one having GD is the mommy not the child. Ie the mommy's system is not able to cope with 2 systems - hers n bbs, a sign of weakness in mommy. The bb will defintely carry the diabetic genes n of a higher risk of becoming diabetic next time in life. Belle has diabetic genes in her coz of her daddy n his family history. Just hv to cultivate good eating habits from young n ensure our child exercises n maintain a healthy weight.
Tromso, yes, that's what I m referring to. Wat some said, the third eye which all of us have but it is closed! I dunno anyone which such ability BUT it is scary after knowing wat shishida tries to achieve. Then how do I know? I nv read or explore shishida teaching before. But I know of mother who marvels over shishida teaching. She is a super KS mom but always will tries to find out more n explore herself when she comes across some interesting teaching method. So, she attended the shishida course herself to learn more before sending her kids for it. She shared with me that she was taught how to guess the number of a card face down randomly after the teacher run thru a stack of cards quickly. After that, She practiced the skill at home n had an eerie feeling! She told me, the bb's mind is full of potential to develop unlike us, adults. After experiencing what shishida hopes to achieve, she refused to send her kids for the classes.

It is similiar to u reading Glenn's books on wat flash card theory is all abt. If u r convinced it works, n feel that it is a sound theory, u will try it out.
Babylew, congrats and welcome!!!

Juvi, PTL for your good scan! Yes trsf to TPS. Its nicer, more relaxed and got free beverages!

CoolCool, ya wear to work. Not loose at all, in fact size L yet still fit snuggly becos of tummy. Yup they are bigger now, in fact the smaller one caught up, now both about same size. Quite active also, kicking all over.
Heartbeat. I dun tink mine is multiple lei.. only 450+ for HCG at D16.. Will look fr her even if one.. hehe.. anyone noe e cost fr normal clinic n private suite?? Wana compare e cost if nt ex will wan to tk private suite..
Hi Tromso,
Wow, your baby is quite big at 24wks. Mine at 24+ wks was 800g. And Doc said it's too big, asked me to not eating durian n sugary stuffs. He asked me to go for GD test before eventhough no history at all on both sides. The result was negative, but he still asked me to control my diet. Today I went for scan, baby weight is 1.3kg at 28w4d. He said it's good weight. He said that I can eat more now hehe.

Hi Mommies,
Did you all bring your breast pump during your hospital stay? Did you use it? Got time to use? Thinking dunno to bring or not.
Thks catherine on the food to avoid, I will watch out.. Joanne, angelxuan n Catherine, my rashes ok, didn't get worse coz I stop the cream liao.. Today asked my gynae to recommend he just said trial n error to find suitable one.. Hey v costly leh if each bottle only use 2 days.. Besides clarin, any other recommendation? Oh yes, he gave calcium only when. I asked.. Din want to give me fish oil coz he said bbs can't absorb now, best from don't know 24th or 26th week onwards...

Tromso, my gynae checked n said one of my placenta q low n near to cervix.. He said it cld move up, I hope so... His comments on risks of twin pregnancy got me v worried again.. Haiz..

Sorry hazel forgot to reply u, mine was D2 trf.. I think I can't afford D5 trf..

Btw, my LS much ok now.. In fact no LS after I stop the milk!
Cock Cock, me too! One of my placenta also low and seems got blood clots around it. I also scared. Scared will bleed and placenta detach.
Hi hi

shag as usual as running to vets, gynae appt, and in-law's place... time passes very fast... hahaha asked my gynae why my period hasn't come and she said stress will cause it to delay since i'm not doing total breastfeeding which will delay menses. So she asked me to relax and rest well and if by next mth still no come then go see her. hiaz as usual she asked me the same question am i trying hard..hahaha i told her no time la...heehee
Chris u should tell gynae to read straits times today y Singaporeans dun want kids and the attributing factors. Sorry to hear about yr dog...

Cock cock, my skin doc ask me to use cetaphil. Since that mad rash I only use cetaphil. V sad bcos I scratch my tummy now got scar!!
hahahha catherine,

i told her many times, but she always say the same thing to me every time she sees me. she asked abt clariss if i was stressed cos didn't sleep well and got to wake up for nitefeeds. i told her no need cos clariss sleeps thro the nite when she was 5wks old. She said wow lucky for me cos a few of her patients still doing nitefeeding as their bbs wake up every 3hrs for feeding ah...my gynae always encourage me to have babies cos she has 4 kids!! very productive rite? hahahaa
catherine, hazel

just saw ralph lauren usa website got pte sale 7th may 12. Saw the rompers sooo cute but up to 9M and their sizes are usually smaller cutting so if now order by the time received clariss won't be able to fit in ....
Chris, dr Loh isn't concerned when my menses come also. He said as long as got nurse, menses may not come! He is v accurate one. When I saw him last wk n complained abt staining n bleeding still at times, he said shld stop v soon! After seeing him, so far I didn't see any more red or stains!
Chris, how he finish so much!!! He must b watching like 5 episodes every day.

Chris and hazel, since u ladies are on maternity leave now, did u check with yr hr whether u r entitled to an additional annual leave in lieu of the Vesak day public holiday? I was told I m not entitled cos I m on maternity leave

Another gd thing abt tps, the med prescription form is always stamped urgent! Ie there is prority when we collect med at he pharmacy so dun hv to wait too long. Free apples n free coffee/tea/milo too other than the shorter waiting time n sofa seats!
