(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Thanks for your advice Meryl

Hi Pierced, I think I'll be a temporary sahm too, until such time feel that it's good moment to kick myself outta the house
Really looking forward to spending quality time with baby and fostering a good family environment.

Okie, you are officially no.2 in this for-the-time-being sahm mummies club
Hope more can join us, so we can exchange tips about our little ones' growth over coffees or meals in time to come

thanks joanne, catherine and bbjourney... i am much better today.. actually joanne is right, usu much better in morning.. last nite i drank milo (not milk) before going to bed, this morning no LS leh (usu i LS first thing in morning)... will monitor if later pm got LS or not.. just realise my gynae never give me calcium pill and fish oil when many sisters are already consuming.. made me so upset
Hi Joanne, I saw in the WBB video twins breastfeeding, that it looks useful to get the special pillow. Will you be getting it?

Hi Cook Cook, hope you are feeling better today.
btw, just a note. When I was at Punggol earlier this week to bring my niece and parents out for dinner. Mum mentioned that the traffic police now will inspect every car that is parked along the roadside (driver still inside whilst waiting for spouse to get items fr ntuc or packed food). They saw the TP knocking on the car's window requesting to see the interior to determine if there is carseat should there be kid/s inside.

Frightening...treating parents like potential terrorists
So mummies do be careful if you are in that area.

As I don't have car seat in the car yet, we just 'hide' my niece whilst driving within Punggol in case TP drives by and look in hmm...
Cockcock, good good, no LS. Continue to monitor okie. "Interrogate" your gynea this friday when you see him. "Demand" for all the vitamins from him for free. hehehehe :p
hee, ya coz i dont want to miss their growing stages so at least i still can take leave to be at home.

good and bad that the TP checking too coz i really see a lot of parents not taking heed and have kids even sitting on their laps in the front seat. Main thing is the kids' safety.
Here is not as strict as overseas i feel.onnly now they are trying to start.
But can understand coz sometimes when taking a lift from someone else also no seat.
Like taxis, in germany europe, the taxis will have car seats too for the kids. hee...
Hazel, it depends on her mood and if I m around. If she noted that I m beside her she wakes up. If she wakes up and I m not around she sleep back. Mayb say 3-4 hrs sleep? That's y I need to hide in kitchen or my study room. She was so grouchy last night. She has not poo again argh!!!

Chris r u at in law place again??

Cockcock, milo also got milk right??
Hi cock
Glad to know u r feeling better.. I hv been thru it so i know how u feel now..;) morning is oways lighter n night time is oways feeling heaviest.. Btw,Who is ur gynea? Doc Loh?? I take multivitamin n fish oil fr him.. No calcium pills as i prefer natural thingy than pills so i take milk daily..;)

Hi tromso
When ur next scan? Be gd gal n bed rest more k..

I am fine. Trying to cross each week wif no issue. Have to monitor my UTI n trying to increase my weight n food intake.

Cock, KKH oni start to give fish oil starting from 20 wks onwards so he shld give u liao.
Qing, I also hv UTI. Just rcd an email from Dr Loh this morning regarding my urine culture result, he said the urine culture shows no bacterial growth. So I will continue to be a good girl, drink lots of water, pee when hv feeling and take my meds diligently.
Can you please advise whether makeup is safe during pregnancy, if yes what brands are you using? Currently I am using Maybelline makeup and lipstick.

How about pimple creams, Oxy?

What facial/body products are best to avoid?

Cock cock, I thought u r with dr Loh? No??dun worry I also started fish oil at week 20.

Bbjourney, uti can cause early labour. B careful. When I was preggy gynae v careful with me kenaing uti. me on the other hand got no time to go toilet in office and my office toilet smells. Where got mood to pee?

Chris, some of my dresses I can still wear but all my skirts r gone case. V sad. Hubby juz called back to check on elis and I told him I m gg shopping once he comes home.
BabyJourney, Ya after taking the medicine I redo the urine test and since I did not receive any call from KKH so I expect things to clear. However, will continue to monitor as it is common for UTI to recur back. I also very gd ger now, abit of urine i go liao. Sometimes, I didnt even wait for the feeling then I go
Babyjourney and qing, do you all feel itchy down there when you have UTI? I have been itching for a few days and it became wrose last two days and I even couldn't sleep well. So this morning I went to see my gynae. He checked and told me I have discharge and he made the swap. But need to wait a few days to get the result. And my urine culture which I did a week ago showed my urine got mixed bacteria but can't identify specifically. Haiz.. don't know why these things happening..
Catherine, yes Dr Loh did caution me when I was hospitalised 2 weeks ago that UTI will cause early labour.

Coolcool, I hv no itch. But since your urine culture showed that there is bacterial that means there is infection, then how come your gynea did not start you on antibiotics? Need to cure it early leh. You may want to start drink cranberry juice, drink lots of water and remember to keep yourself clean and dry down there. Once you feel like peeing, just go, dont hold. Dab dry instead of wiping.
Thanks gals.. I will try ro b positive.. Sometimes not suddenly its juz tt dh dun understand n will blame mi or provoke mi.. So angry.. Is there any seminar fr us to attend?? I wish to know more abt pregnancy.. I oso wan him to noe pregnancy is difficult n emotional difficult for us mummy..
Throll, for pimples, you may try aloe Vera gel which also helps to heal mossie bites (thanks to Kimmy's advice!) See this article too:

Cockcock, hope you are feeling better and get your multi vitamins & fish oil tomorrow. For fish oil, take it only when you don't feel nauseous, and be careful not to break the fish oil soft gel.

Tromso, yes I did talked about being a SAHM.
Recently my mil voluntarily offered to help me take care of my baby if I return to work and she is willing to camp over at my place during my working days. It's a big help for both my DH & me, and i know that she loves taking care of baby. However I am still considering..I think I might be 不舍得 to be apart from baby in the day. After all it's so hard to have this little one.
Cool, i aso no itch. I did swap n shown negative but my urine test turn positive so immediately start antibotics for a wk n nw ok liao
Dear Qing,
Good to hear u r well. I've been resting at home these 2 weeks cos my swell in uterus increased. Next mon back to work

Dear Bbjourney,
Dr Loh on leave I think. Seeing him next thu. First time dragging till 3 weeks then see him. Usually 2 weeks. Hope all will be well!

Dear cool cool,
It's v v common to have infection. Some preg safe meds will solve it fast, like me! Dr Loh gave me inserts for 10 days n it cleared
Coolcool, just wondering if you are wearing panty liners? Maybe consider not wearing panty liners but change panties (cotton, breathable ones) more frequently when required during the day.
Blur xuan,
Sign up for baby centre weekly updates. If u hv iPhone or iPad, download the app for daily updates. There's loads of info to read on the net. Or u can buy books. Why to expect when you're expecting s a good one. Or just google for some keywords like "mood changes during pregnancy" etc then show ur hubby the article? Is something bothering ur hubby too like work stress? Hopefully things will get better for you
Dear Sashamama, Dr Loh email me this mrng leh. I am confused when he is on leave. Dont worry, your babygirl will be fine.
Dr Loh gave you insert for UTI? He gave me oral meds.
I think his leave started, am unsure. But he still check email ah? Such a workaholic! Yes mine are inserts. But mine is serious case la, had even before preg. On off for a year!!! Super irritating.
Baby journey, qing,
you both are lucky. No itch. Itching is no joke. I can't stand anymore and need to go see my gynae though my appointment is one week away. Lucky it's not so bad in the day time. Yeah hor.. why my gynae did not give me antibiotics. noted your advice. Thanks.

thanks. I asked my gynae for any cream to relieve the itch. He gave me clotrimazole cream though he wanted to wait for the swab result. Hopefully it works. You take care too. I am following your bb scan.

I started wearing panty liners yesterday. Previously I just change my panty everyday. yeah.. i will try this.
Blur Xuan n throll, can I join u all in attending these seminars?
I also first time mummy so want to learn more.
I'm into my 6 weeks Liao n today I hv my worst morning sickness, think it should b called whole day sickness instead. I also felt very giddy. I used to love food n always enjoy eating but now I just wretch at e sight of it, totally no appetite n craving whatsoever... Really opposite of me
Hi juvi, I am in my 4 weeks+, waiting for my 1st scan on May 16. How many are you carrying?

Not sure when would be the best time to start attending seminars... We are all first time mum here...
Hi Juvi, so excited for you that your scan is tomorrow, long wait ahead for me...

As of now I do not have any morning sickness, appetite still ok. Hoping I won't have any but only the weeks ahead then I will know.

May you get your appetite back soon...
Hi gals.. I oso check KKH website.. feel like attending e beginning parent talks.. but duno when its starting.. if can we can attend tgt.. haha.
Throll m same as u.. 15/5 gg for first scan.. now no morning sickness but big appetite.. Hopefully wont haf any symptoms in future.. Smooth smooth fr us.. U gals wan attend e beginning parenting programme??
thanks tromso, bbjourney, pierced, joanne, catherine, qing and angelxuan for your concerns! today till now havent LS, maybe its really the milk? catherine, i think "milo" not so "potent" like milk? thanks qing and catherine for assuring me that not too late to start fish oil..

now i have another problem.. was scratching my tummy.. went toilet and realised that there are many small red dots on my tummy and some parts itching
i have v sensitive skin.. i think the cream doesnt suit me... anyone want let me know (not cheap $59.90 i only used a few times)..

sashamama, pls take care.. hope ur swelling subside soon...
Blur Xuan, I'm more keen in attending e antenatal programme. Will most likely to sign up for a sat class, gonna find out more tomorrow at kk.
Cock Cock glad you feeling better. Did he not give you even Ganilia (multivit)? Cos that also have calcium and other minerals. Even got vit B6 which helped with my MS. Fish oil probably have to seperately prescribe. Dr Tan did give me Ganilia. Then today Dr Loh gave me another multivit and fish oil. I think i will rotate the 2 multivits.

Babyjourney, he on leave next week? Today he is around leh. I just saw him today.

CoolCool, i am wearing disposable undies, use and throw, once and for all get rid of infection worries, hehehe

Juvi, all the best to your scan tomorrow!
BlurXuan, i think its your pregnancy hormones. I also very bad mood yesterday, fought with hb till i tell him, if i miscarry due to his nonsense, thats the end of our marriage! Was super pissed. hahaha

Cock cock what cream did u apply?? I had super bad rash in mid nov i was about 25 weeks preggy... I suffered for a month leh b4 my gynae sent me to skin doc. Saw many gp all told me ren dun scratch wait till give birth. I slip into mild depression thankfully my skin doc was able to see me immediately. According to skin doc, food and scratch mark cream, stress could b the causes. She even gave me a list of what I should avoid. If u want i go find.

Chris and hazel, my skin doc did give me a list of food we should first intro to our bb. I remembered its rice for first week, carrot 2nd week ... U ladies want that list?? So happy ... I m on my way to city hall Robinson. Have to shop v fast and b home by 9.30pm.
