(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi Joanne, I'll also get back discomforts if I sit in a position for too long. I've tried watching 2-3 movies and 1 musical since pregnant, didn't enjoy any of them cos of back discomfort
Hope you'll find a good solution to your problem soon, especially it's so many hrs of sitting in the office.

For discharge, yes, I've realized I'll get more discharge during noon and especially if I'm outside. I'm guessing it's because it's warmer, so I'll always change my panty liner mid afternoon. I guess as long as it's not yellow color and no irritations, it should be fine. You may like to change your panty liner more often too if it gets uncomfortable, like too moist.

For cot, I've asked why can't assemble before baby is born. Apparently, we shouldn't move furniture or any large items around the bedroom during this period. So cot is considered one of them. I've been thinking to move the tv outta my bedroom but realized can't do so now too. My hubby even refused to fix up the air humidifier few months back cos the socket is behind the bed and may require a teeny weeny bit of shifting the bed. Sigh...all the pantang jazz...I'll usually just heed the advice if not too ridiculous and laborious cos I'm also unsure if my baby is the pantang sort.

Hi Heartbeats, if you really become sahm, do let us know
Then maybe all the sahm mummies in this forum can meet up with our babies in time to come

Anyone planning to be one or already is??

Heee...I recall Angelxuan talking about it too the other day
Hi cook cook, did you eat anything that causes a lot of wind earlier? If so, see if you can lie down on your side and relax, try let the wind come out, eg pass out gas or burp, if you are the burping sort.

My worse bloated moment was Jap food, I innocently ate 3 bowls of the raw cabbage (free flow mah and super yummy plus just crossed into 2nd trimester) and had the worse possible bloating experience ever for half the day, tummy hard like a stone. Now I just stay away from it
Hope you'll feel better soon.
thanks tromso and catherine, i just sent an email to my gynae... i am now q panic.. besides this problem, i LS almost throughout my entire pregnancy.. at first i thot nothing of it thinking that it is due to expanding uterus... today i goggled more and found that this is really adnormal and cld have adverse effects on babies arising from dehydration (no wonder my mouth always dry and bland), and can lead to pre-term... really worried now... managed to squeeze in a slot to see my gynae this fri pm.. actually, KKH also too much.. my last appt with him was on 30 mar, and the next one postponed from 15 may to 25 may! wait 2 months to see gynae! how can???

blur_xuan, u bad mood not so bad.. i past few weeks v depressed and worried (still worrying)... even my kpo colleague puzzled and asked pple why i look so depressed when i m expecting... sigh

Ur gynae have evening clinic today at TPS, maybe u wan go there n wait n ask them to slot u in. My gynae ever told mi if i reali wan c him wifout appt to do tat just hve longer waiting time.

U wan try?
Cook cook, if you wish to have an earlier piece of mind, can go to KKH 24 hrs women's clinic, they can do ultrasound scan there but definitely not as experienced as your gynae.

I've heard some preggers with irritable bowel syndrome (even non preggers get it), perhaps can get this checked out too. Hope everything will be fine.

Hi Blur Xian, don't worry about what's already happened in the past, just focus on being cheerful and light-hearted from now on. This joy will definitely be passed on to your baby's well being
Sometimes, I feel that pregnancy is a way for the Big Boss up there to convey to us to 'take it easy', so why not start now....
other things can wait, our precious little ones doesn't come by easy. Jia you!!
thanks Qing, where is TPS? jia lat leh...

Tromso, thks too... i not keen on KKH 24hr clinc coz i heard of lousy MO though i met a nice one the other time..
Cock Cock, you know level 1 got a 7-eleven store? TPS is just to the right of it. Before you enter TPS corridor will pass by OIO Maternity shop too but dont walk past OIO Maternity, will overshot already. Look out for the corridor and walk in about 8 metres (i think) will see TPS entrance (sliding door one).

Could be something you ate that caused wind? But still good to get checked. Ya your LS sounds bad. Drink more fluids also ok to combat dehydration.
blur xuan don't worry about it
the pregnancy hormones can be very weird, sometimes I'll feel a sudden burst of anger too and like blowing a balloon, it can expand quite rapidly. So its best to not be bothered by it all and just chill... just blame it on pregger hormones

cook, yah...I don't quite like kkh 24 hrs clinic too cos not very experience dr but if really no choice, can be an option. Hope you'll get to see your gynae at TPS, I can't recall where it is now... you can also query at kkh...
Hi Kimmy, I see that you use the baby monitor too. May I know what brand you are using? is it the video or audio sort? Thanks!!
thanks heartbeats and qing, i tried calling tps but no one answer.. i oso dont want to make wasted trip there coz really unsure... looks like i will hang on till fri pm... now still at work, leaving soon... tummy ballooned
Cock, u try 100 plus. Smetimes i reali bloated n it does help for mi.

Hw cme ur doc review is so long? Tat time i went to c him he asked me to c my gynae 1 mth later which is after my detailed scan.
Thks Qing n heartbeats, I home Liao tired to go out. I called the latter no but only automated voice greeting. I try some softdrink later to see if works. Thks so much for yr concerns.. Hope all's well.. At least I must try to drink more water.. Now v nausea. Daren't vomit or cough coz tummy q big Liao n will feel pain.. Wonder if the two little ones are doing fine inside.. Maybe I feel so bloated coz got 2 inside? Trying to console myself...
Cock cock, why not just go 24hrs KKH? At least do a scan n make sure all is well rather than worried sick at home. A MO can still do a proper scan lah
Cock, ya like what Hazel said i will aso go to kk 24 hrs there. At least scan n confirmed everythin ok then on fri inform ur gynae abt ur issue
Cock cock and heartbeat my gp and gynae told me to drink pocari instead off 100 plus cos 100 plus is acidic and pocari is alkaline.

Cock cock if I were u I sure go 24 hrs at least can sleep well tonight.

Hazel, ya my legs were aching too. Juz came back from pd lucky we reach early. Pd insert bullet into elis ... Wah she lost 120g after pooing.

Chris tell yr pil in future if they say y clariss din poo. Pd say as bb grow up their poo may b lesser. Pd has 2bb who dun poo for 10 days. His own daughter poo once a week. Elis was so happy after pooing
Thks dear heartbeats, Qing, hazel n catherine.. I m really too tired n lazy to go, n it it not first time I m experiencing this though q bad today.. I drank a bit or pocari just now n hubby massage my tummy.. Cld feel a lot of churning in my tummy n let out wind.. I must explore w heartbeats n Qing on how to be register w TPS.. I din know I so sua ku... Thks all for ur concerns I so touched. I decide to stop drinking milk to see if my LS gets better... Will keep u all posted.

Btw, thks sisters for recommendation on stretch mark cream. I bgt elancyl cream yday coz lazy to go town but clarin (oso more exp). Kimmy, thks for the contact! Sashamama, thks for the massage info too!
Cock, tat time i just call the tps hotline n make apptment to c my gynae there ok liao. U try tps there tat time i go c ur gynae there n the waiting time is oni half an hr. Nt sure if its the normal waiting time there.
Hi tromso, Im using the audio one which works well. Even me placing a cup on the table in the room can be heard, haha
catherine, hazel

wow good for you elis poo. Last nite, clariss super high after coming bk from in-law's place. She very tired so slept at 7.30pm then after her 11.45pm fed she refused to sleep and wanna play with hbs. Hbs carried her for nearly an hour and she still refused to sleep and super high so hbs gave up and put her in her baby cot. aiyoyoyo she didn't sleep v well the whole nite, keep making baby sounds and stamping her feet on mattress and i woke up a few times to check on her and put her pacifier in her mouth. shag ah!!!!!! And 6.20am she woke up and cried for milk then refused to sleep all the way to fil's place. When she saw fil she super high make alot of noise wanna ask fil to hug her but hbs warned his parents not to play too much with her cos last nite she tooo high liao didn't sleep well so do us...so fil tried not to play with her tat much today and carry her lesser. And my gal kept cooing and waving her hands whenever she sees fil as wanna him to carry her...faintz......
Catherine, hazel

today the 6th day and clariss poo poo big time and heng ah my gal very guai chose to poo when i not around hahaha so no need to clear her poo. Mil complained tat my gal's poo alot till all her backside kena and super smelly and texture like kaya whahahaaaa...
cock cock,

how are you doing? if u keep lao sai then better drink more fluid to replendish your water loss. For me is all the while i got IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) so once preggy i keep having loose stools but okie and i never had constipation...
Oh great Chris, at least I m not that alone? I hv v sensitive stomach if food not clean I can LS q soon after meal. That was before preggy. Now got worse... I told my tcm that nowadays I don't hv to wake up so often in middle of night to go pee.. She said the liquid come out through LS liao.. I burped many times drinking yakult just now... Hope the bloatedness get much better.. Thks! Come on, give me a cute cartoon to make me laugh
Dear throll,
Congrats n welcome!!!

Dear blur xuan,
Anything bothering you or you're just moody? This pregnancy didn't come easy I'm sure. Must try to stay positive! Baby can feel positive n negative vibes I think

Dear heartbeats,
Glad the spreadsheet helped u

Dear Chris,
Yes I do think it's the right thing to do to take care of our dogs all the way. It's sad that they leave us but we do wanna ensure their last days are as painless as possible. You be strong ya? Luckily your hubby shares the same perspective as you. Take care!

Hi Joanne,
I also feel pains at lower back. When u attended wbb's class, did she teach u to sit on pillows? Cos she did teach my class. Try to get your hips higher by sitting on pillows or cushions
and I helped u ask wbb already, she said can!!! So no worries!

Dear Meryl,
Glad ur bb has grown more now!!! Week 34, very very fast your big day is coming! Everything bought?

Dear angelxuan n bbjourney,
Glad u two found your CLs!!! Huge problem settled!

Dear cock cock,
Great to see you! Don't drink milk and don't take dairy products for now might help? Take care ya?

Dear Qing,
Long time no see, how r u?

Re: setting up cot etc
My mattress is on the floor without bed frame n my hubby needs to vacuum n will lift it up, I just stay out of the room. One month ago, we rearranged the furniture in our room too. As for setting up of cot, sometimes the delivery guys will deliver n set up for us. Can be done very fast so probably no rush for that
Chris, I also got ibs.. The scopes that surgeon did on me sucks!!!! So painful

Cock cock, gd to hear u r better. That's what I dun like about Kk.. Always change appt. complain so many times all excuses given r CRAPS
Hazel, latest by June 15. U?? Actually I m waiting for elis IFC to admit her then I will c how she manage. Each day put her there like few hrs slowly adjust to full day. If she can handle and my big boss really need me I will go back but on conditions.

Chris u gg back on may15 right?
Thks catherine. U gg back work on 15 jun? So fast! I still rem "chasing" after yr story the day before u gave birth n cld sense yr "panick".. Thereafter it was how buoy song u were in thomson, haha.. Time flies! Hope ur irritating direct boss no longer there to give u headache
Thanks Catherine, i will try yakult, hope it helps

Hi Joanne, you are in gd hands, if dr loh feels that u need to give birth early, he will give u steriod jabs to mature bb lungs. Dont worry

Hi Sunbelle, nope, i will let Dr loh decides what is appropriate for the delivery. I dont know my bb weight now, will only see dr loh next wednesday

Hi Tromso, yup, nutrition food, plenty of rest and water.. Water will improve your blood flow and it is impt for the amniotic fluid to be maintained at gd level. Low fluid level may result in smaller baby and preterm. Dr loh is super worried if the fluid level is not enough.
Cock cock, ya time really flies. The 'housefly' will never go away. Of cos still there and I m gg back with more problems. Something I dun wish to ask, think first... Really need a new job soon.
Hi Jj
I remember u n thks so much for ur advise... ;) at how many wk u deliver ur bbies and ur gynea doc Loh too? Time flies...;)

Hi gals
Appreciate all ur advise.. I wish my mum to come over at night to help too but no rm for her to sleep unless maid sleep at balcony? Can? Will see how by then.. Hope i can cope else really got to seek maid help ler...

Hi sasha
Thks for help me asks n yes, she did asks us use pillow to sit comfortably too..;) thk u gal... Pm u later..

Hi cock
Feel bloated very common de.. I oso feel my skin stretch at ur time n feel skin gonna tear especially when hv twins.. Pls apply some stretch mark cream so tt ur skin can hv some moisture..morning will usually feel better as all food digest ler..;) take care..

Hi pierced
Will see how abt cloth diaper as most of the days will be at my mum place so she will prefer use handwash too.. Thks for ur suggestion..;)

Hi christine
U clear only 3mth maternity? Else seems so fast tt u r going back to work...
Qing, hello. Long time no see. How are you?

Cockcock, feeling better today? Avoid dairy products as suggested by the sisters. Guai hor.

Sashamama, thanks. You seeing Dr Loh this week?

Hazel, wow Belle sleep well last nite.
Hazel, belle is improving! Did she fuss yesterday? I noted that elis dun like to sleep alone and if we put her into the room first she wakes up in 5mins.
Catherine, every sleep she fusses big time! Howich does Elis sleep during the day? Belle sleeps v little... Sigh

Tromso, hee, I havent plan to be a sahm yet but i intend to take a long NPL so consider temp SAhm? can meet up with the rest if im free.

catherine, i see, i still have my previous ones and babydoll tops for now so I dun really need to buy anything much. just that very vain to change clothes for work only la.

About the dry shampoo, what brand u mummies have used?
I heard elanycl has got or dunno whatever brand. when i was at the tmc pharmacy, this lady was trying to ask me to buy.
