(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Bbliss : I'm also pcos but nvr succeed naturally or with clomid/ iui. Not sure abt soya bean leh. I also frequently take soya bean drink or tou hua.

Looking forward to my doc apptm next week - gosh what a long wait, 6 wks since my detailed scan! Dunno my bb how big

Hope : I also loved sweet stuff even since pre-pregnancy days.

Hazel/ Catherine : both yr darlings are do cute- loved to hear abt them! hmm, what brand of diapers to buy for new born back then? Not born so how to know what size to buy?

Joanne : ur babies "blocking" yr digestion system now? take care! U sound like eat do little. I'm still like eating a lot.

Btw why people say bb clothes must hand wash? Cannot machine wash with bb detergent?
Wow.. Hazel, mi oso looking forward to pamper myself for a good hair treatment n new hairstyle look.

Purposely cut my hair short during preggy but nw hair oredi grown bk to be long hair again. Wif this long hair, I gg to rebond bk again aft my gal bb shower. Hehe....

Btw, u mummies take hw long to burp ur darlings huh ? Mine somestimes can take quite long.
Hi Hazel
U left belle with ur maid alone at home?

Hi gals
If i am doing c sect, should i choose a gd date first? But go where to choose date? Any advise..
My maid does things kinda slow.. Maybe because i am kan cheong kind so really buay ta han.. My collegue say is normal n give them some time since they come fr slow pace country.. Wonder how long shd i give her to see some improvement?? Sigh... Really cant use having a maid.. Go out oso feel awkward to hv a stranger follow buy yet not sure whether is safe to leave her at home alone now??
Tanny, e old wives tales of liking to eat sweet stuffs mean bb will be a girl seems to be true for mi... Haha....

Be4 preggy, I dun like sweet stuffs at all. Seldom drink sweet stuff n dun like cakes. But aft preggy, during 1st trimster, I crave for sweet stuffs like durian cakes, chocolates, fanta grape, sprite n RIBENA !
so my mum n ah Kim they all told mi, e little one in mi likely to b a gal. True enuff, my little bundle of joy is a princess

DrInk RIBENA throughout my whole period of preggy. Haha....
Dear new mummies,
You can also go to National Library to collect a package for your baby, including a height chart, baby diary, music cd, etc. FREE! Just go to the library's counter, say you wanna collect the baby package. They will ask you for your name, IC number and due date. A few libraries out of stock and won't replenish, so you can either just try your luck at the nearest one, or call first. I got mine at Tampines Library
Hi Chris and Tromso, i dun know what is mineral oil and natural oil. i am using Gaia for shower and moisturiser.

Chris, who stole from you??

Hazel, your hairdresser is damn fast. i think i will do first weekend of June.

Tanny i bought one packet huggies new born same as tmc. after finishing i used huggies (no good), drypers and now mamy poko.

hazel no matter how thick the dipers is useless i am carrying elis as i am typing she poo. now my study room is full of poo !

i've not done my hair leh, i cut my hair on the day when i was going to deliver hahahaa...now waiting to do it maybe 1 week before i start work.
how to? cos last time she stole $$ from us before but we didn't get to catch her in the act... this time is not notes, is bb clothes. But i dun have prove cos i remember putting the dress in one of the boxes in my room, tat dress this fren of my saw it before and commented tat she likes it. Then recently i saw her bb wearing it and i went to search for the dress and its gone from my box. i can't talk muchie here cos she logs on to the motherhood forum too but via another thread. hiaz... i just hope i'm wrong this time..

if u wanna have a 2nd one, i heard from frens and aunties and even by gynae to "do it" during the 1st 4mths cos body very fertile very easily strike. tat's y my gynae joked and told me if i wan have 2nd one now is the time if not to take precaution.

my sil n mil going JB tomorrow!!! btw you said mammy poko cheap to buy in msia???? i now using huggies ultra so far so good no nappy rash heeheee.. no need cream some more. if got cheap then i asked them buy for me le.
J03, maid takes care under supervision of my mum/dad.

Bbliss, I also cut my hair short a few mths before delivery! Now grow past shoulders already.

Tanny, I swear by pampers brand diapers for bb with sensitive skin for the day n to use bottom balm at every change to prevent nappy rash. Size? Based on bb weight! Just buy 1-2 pack For new born to stand by coz is for bb up to 5kg! S size is for bb from 3 kg to abt 7-8kg.

Catherine, I nv use the same stylist! Can't be bothered. But I always goes kimage.

Hm.. Belle is v fussy! 345pm feed I was out n she refused to drink her milk when maid fed her! My mum took over also cannot. 7pm feed same thing coz I thought of showering first before carrying her. But she was crying badly when she heard my voice! So I took over n she guai guai finished all... How ah? Bring her to work when I go bk to work?

Also, I pat her to sleep In my arm every night n i hug her to sleep or she sleeps on my chest. If I new to do biz travel how ah?'
catherine, hazel

i v sian told hbs about it but he says wat can we do cos we didn't catch her red handed.... and tough cos u never know which is her target...
Hazel, I m like u, have menses on and off. Maybe u can ask dr Loh when it will stop and share with us. My elis is crying the whole day too. I nearly went mad!!!! I hope the IFC teacher can tahan her.

Chris, if u want to talk, pm hazel and me. Re diapers, my dad said he can't find any brand except mamy poko, it's about rm43 for 1oack of 72 piecesthats about s$20. cheaper by a bit. Really whether it's buggies, drypers or whatever brand, a little bit soiled, princess elis will cry.

Joanne, if u have a choice, y nit choose a gd date? I wanted my feng shui lady to count elis bazi but she said bb can't count. My fren did a c section went to you long zi but the time given is not really good.
Hi Catherine and Chris, many thanks, baby starts to gain weight, stablised, but still small for dates
i try to eat more meat snd fish.

Hi Sunbelle, i eat in moderation, else very heaty. Maybe you can try to eat once a week? Ctg is used to monitor baby heartbeats and movements, to see if baby is in distress. If baby is small and not gaining weight, baby will be in distress and have lesser movements. If baby is in starving, organs may start to fail. For yours shd be quite fine, jia you!

Hi sashamama, many thanks, still trying my best.

Hi Hazel,

all health plans have waiting period. Did income postpone Belle's insurance application? I heard Aviva quite relax in their underwriting acceptance and this is due to some clauses in their contract. You can conider Aviva, but do check out the clauses such as pre-existing conditions to be double sure .

Alternatively, you can consider some non-cpf approved health plans first. Maybe you can check with your financial advisors which nonshield plans for consideration.Cpf approved plans take ard 3mths to processed as they need to block cpf premiums . 3mths of processing and ard 3 months of waiting period for cpf approved plans= 6 months. Non cpf approved plans can shorten the gap by 3 months( only waiting period).

However , exclusions may apply due to the recent hospitalisation
Hi Meryl, gd to hear yr bb is gaining weight. R u an agent?

I guess most of us have Nadia no.....

Neil, have nit hear from u for weeks. How's Osaka trip?

Angel Xuan, where to get the book?

Tanny, my stand if there r more than 15 pieces, I do machine wash. Less than that I hand wash provided no blankets
Meryl, it is still under information gathering stage for Income. It requested me to furnish belle's hearing test report which is not reflected in her health booklet coz she need to do a re test when she was 6 wks old which I didn't go coz I went to KKH. KKH said to do the test only after she is 3 mths old when all the facial organs are fully developed. But recently coz of suspected hernia, I spoke to her surgeon n was advise to postpone till belle turns corrected age of 3 mths as she was born at 36 wks. Ie, when she is 4 mths old. So I can't give income the outcome of yhe hearing test till end may earliest.

To me is, is so KS, just exclude airway issues and hearing. When i hv the report then reinstate the coverage. But Income is not doing that. I m buying for long term coverage so the length of waiting period to me is not impt. Ya, need to speak a FA. I send the income applicants on myself without any FA.
Hi Catherine, nope, not agent

Hi Hazel, Possible to get the pd to provide a short write up about the hearing test? U can call income customer service to speed things up and tell them that you dont mind the exclusions , to effect coverage fast. But also do check with them on the review procedure after policy effected
Meryl, belle has not done the hearing test yet. The KKH ENT Specialist said talk more after she has done the test. The appointment nurse showed a file full with appt for the tests n told me there is more than 1 file. She shared some parents dun even wan to do so early until bb is 6mth old coz bb still small n developing.

I called Income already n said just exclude lah but was told cannot like this! Wat to do? Belle has lung infection at birth n last mth hoapitalised for bronchitis due to sensitive airways. M already prepared to hv airways issues excluded. Actually, dr Loh said I dun hv to buy so early if I dub wan to face issues fr insurers n exclusion. Dunno how true..

So m thinking of going to friend's FA n get her advise m let her handle. Was told aviva not bad n premium including riders r not ex. Best part is the riders cover both excess m co payment which Income no longer offers
catherine, hazel

i fed clariss at 11pm last nite, she wake up around 5.45am making bb sounds gave her the pacifier and she slept till 6.20am then made sounds again and i gave her pacifier and told her to wait for i prepare her FM. When i came bk she KO till now....faints.....
catherine, Hazel

Hazel, i do agree with KK tat is too earlier for belle to do the hearing test as the results will not be accurate as she's too young. for insurance i leave it to my hb's cousin who is a FA to do it. Anyway i only bought v simple health and education plans for her.

u going robinson sale today? isetan pte sale is on thurs!!! both i can't go cos clariss needs to get her vaccination on thurs and today my sil and mil and her auntie friends are going JB to shop and she is leaving her bb to my fil. Fil can't handle 2 babies at one go, he'll faintz esp my sil's bb is quite active rite now.
Got to settle my lunch later most likely buy from downstairs.
Hazel, catherine

how to i activate pm? till now i tried but not successful, not very sure how to go about it. hahhaa v blur me hbs always joke tat i cave woman..

btw just got my power supply bill, got a shock!!! my bill has being always around the range of 120-160 till during my confinement it shot up to 290+ in Feb, then in mar it came down to $183 but april bill just came and it went up to $263!!! Got a shock when i looked at the graph reading showing mostly comes from electricity but if i compared with the usage during confinement and now my electricity should have come down instead it went up alot... Do you all have such problems?

btw was there any good buy at the JB branded outlet during your last trip there? Any cute polo bb wears?
Thought of going maybe next week, do you know how to go there from the east side (simei) without driving in?
Chris, go profile at the top of this page, then preference then uncheck "do not send me private messages......"

Belle is born 4 wks early. Initial development shld be based on corrected age. Now, she get startled by noises and will response to toys, like rattle. Unlike a few wks ago where she ignored. U know that test plus consulyZbg is super ex! Will cost $500 at least! Is really crazy.

i just sent a testing msg to u did you rec'd? how to i pm 2 persons at the same time? so tat i can pm u and catherine with the same msg or do i have to do it individually?
clariss still KO. i ended up pouring away the FM which i made at 6.20am altho i kept it warm but they say cannot exceed 1hr......

Think she super tired cos she was at my in-law place in the morning and didn't had a gd sleep during her nap time there. They brought her out and she didn't sleep well in her small little pram (kept one small pram at in-laws) keep waking up.

Btw the time she reached home around 7.30pm, she KO liao till i managed to wake her up at 11pm to feed her cos i also very sleepy as since last thurs i've being handling her all the way cos hbs backache and now stupid flu.

did you but the seat reducer for your quinny stroller? i bought one to fit in my P3 stroller and find tat its very warm cos my gal keep sweating inside.
Hi Hazel, for adults, say if diagnosed with a condition but the condition went away for a certain period and no relapse since, for this case, I was told that there may NOT be exclusion/s if that person is to apply for new insurance plan or upgrades. Maybe like what dr Loh says, waiting may work but still good idea to check with agent about the details.

For my case, I had a laproscopy done to remove cysts and polyps last year. I'm hoping to get a clean bill of health report fr dr Loh after delivery, then use it to upgrade my hospitalization plan. So far, I've consulted different agents on this and has been advised that this is the way to go to prevent exclusions (of course pending underwriter's assessments still). Most up to date medical report showing a clean bill of health is the key.
Hi mummies and mtbs, may I know if any of you have issues with low amniotic fluid level during second trimester?

Dr Loh says mine is lower than he likes it and asked me to bed rest. I'm getting a bit worried especially after reading more about it online. Was hoping to get some advice here.....

ur very blessed to have a baby who loves n havent any problem sleeping.. mine is so problematic n its been 3 mths since i ever got any good nights or day rest.. my body will fail on me soon..
clariss woke up at 9am.. only for today. think she super shag yesterday. now my turn to be hungry liao...drank only milk...she had her milk at 9.00am..so today she missed her earlier feed at 7am cos she slept thro.
hazel, catherine, sisters,

hiaz very tempted to push clariss out in the pram to orchard ctrpt robinson ah....but dun think i can handle her alone heehee and furthermore like wat hazel says if i bring her along i can't try clothes ah.....tomorrow she's going for her vaccination jab and hbs forbid me to go out say muz monitor for fever.. Can't leave clariss at fil's place cos eldest bil is down with severe flu and cough. he's of unsound mind and he'll cough and face bb lor won't avoid or turn his head away lor... so fil say better dun bring bb over scared he passed the virus to clariss. I also scared cos yesterday at their place heard him coughing away and he sits just besides me n bb and keep coughing dun have the decency to cover his mouth.faint........my sil bochap just went ahead with her shopping at JB and left bb at my in-laws place. She's currently working from home, ie she got permission from her boss but funny le can see she like very free keep go shopping...Think her hbs dun even know she went all the way in to JB, cos she just told hbs tat she going shopping with mil cos mil asked her to help her carry stuff but didn't tell hbs she going jb if not her hbs sure not happy.
Chris, wouldn't yr mil tell her son she went to jb? For the premier outlet it's better to drive in. Use 2nd link v v v fast. Usually the pm r in my junk mail. Will check later. How I wish I can work from home too. All I m doing is to keep up with the industry news so that I will not fall too behind. U should eat while she is asleep. Like this morning I was washing my hair when elis cry. My mum and hubby look after. Then I rush to eat my bread, do laundry and pump milk. By the time I m done they r ready to go work.

Chris same leh I want to go Robinson! Hazel update if there is any gd deals. I can rush down at 8.20pm. Takes me about 10 mins to get there . Chris too bad I dun stay near u if not we can take turns to look after. I think metro sales is tomorrow too. I deleted the email.

Sil silly, u must sleep well. Talk to yr son. Tell him like last feed no more until mr sunshine is out. Eliz cycle is upside down cos my mum is here and we go out on weekends without disciplining her. Have to adjust back next week
he wakes every 2-2.5 hr or even every hour cos he is still suffering with gas issues...

so irritating.. im falling into depression n have thots of hating my bb for being so problematic since birth..

even naptimes i cant leave his sight... why do i have such a difficult baby? why? why am i suffering? ive been suffering for more than 3 months now.. really begining to feel some hatred with my luck.. so depressed.. when he doesnt sleep well, all hell wil break loose n he will be extremely inconsolable..

i wouldnt mind night feeding.. just as long as he doesnt wake up in between carrying his legs up trying to fart.. ive tried practically everything! yu guo, rid wind, chge milk, sleep positioning and countless pd visits who will just tell me its a phase!! im drowning! really.. when wil this end?!

my mil will lie together with my sil lor.....
my mil's frenzy wanted to ask me along yesterday but i told them better not cos how's is my poor fil going to look after 2 babies at one time. My mil doesn't care she loves to go shopping, buffet etc..she loves to shop and eat and chi chat with frenzy. She can go out everyday and leave the baby to my poor fil. My sil told her boss tat she got no one to help her look after her bb etc..etc...blah ..blah so she told her ang moh boss to let her extend her "work fr home" till end july. Actually she got my in-laws to help her look after juz tat she not an easy person and commented to me tat my in-laws got no experience looking after bb, and dunnoe wat nutritious food to feed her gal etc (cos she now giving her gal semi-solid food)..unlike her own mum but her mum got to look after her 3 yr old nephew tats why she doesn't wanna stress her out. Told hbs abt it and hbs said pls lor got people help u look after still wanna choosy, and complain tat people inexperience and hygiene level not as good as her mum etc...

My sil very lucky my in-laws didn't hear wat she said abt them cos if not they'll asked her to look after her baby herself and u think she can go shopping anytime and leave bb with in-laws???
Chris, I m going Robinson later. Decided not to bring belle coz Of her feeding time. will read your email in detail later. Qinny stroller I can use from belle 6 mths onwards. I took out the cloth for now as I hv a maxi cosi car seat which I fix onto the stroller directly for now.

Catherine, the helper is better than me! Can open m close the stroller n fix The car seat on it! She only saw hub did it once! Maybe in the evening If belle is awake, will push her to the park. I sent her out to get food yeaterday after showing her our area once n bravo, she got it right! This morning I sent her to another part in our area to buy porridge! She is b street smart n learns fast. She told me she knows how to chat online!
Silsilly, cheer up. Elis is like that too. i just step away she can cover herself with the towel etc. Elis also cry non stop... i get frustrated too. but at the end of the day when u see her smile at you, u will forget all these. For the gas issue, betty taught me a massage for Elis. so far din work but sometimes she will smile at you. My mum is buying a leaf that the malay/indians use and put on her tummy. i dun know whats the name of the leaf. will ask her tonight. When will it end? my mum say 100 days. i m only at day 54 now. Cheer up ok. dun give up. Just keep stroking their back and force them to burp.

Chris, WAH mil lie together with SIL?! lier. never mind. she will get her taste of her medicine one day. I agree with your hubby. still so choosy then hire a full time nanny! She very rich leh can go shopping everytime. Oh ya on electricity bill, i dun care about the bill cos not i pay. i know my bill range from 80-120. depends if we use a lot of fan, PC, TV. now i guess easily more than 250 ... once elis wakes up the living room fan is switch on. We do 2 loads of laundry everyday. sometimes i handwash elis clothes, hubby ask me to throw into machine. throw lor not i pay the bill. haha.....

Hazel, your maid is smart but b very careful. she can step on top of your head. dun give her too much freedom.
