(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Catherine, I understand how u feel. I been thru the same phase. Drink some essence chicken to boost up. Leave the housework till you hb come back. Do you have a bouncer? Can try putting her on n rock her? If she ok w that, at least can sit n use your feet to step. That's what I did.

Neil, I used that. She dun like to b inside. I must do laundry in the day and steralise milk bottle every now and then. The rest I dun really bother unless v v v dirty as my pt maid will do on weekends.

Hazel, my mum told me bb colic will last for 100 days!! Elis is only 40 days old I have to tong 60 days. A right decision to stop bf. really I prefer to work than to guess what she wants. Anyway to get maid for 2 mths??
Babyjourney, hope, angelxuan- welcome and congrats. Always great to see more ivf mummies.
Are you ladies having v close EDD?

Can hear from the stethoscopE? I didn't know that! I got the doppler when I was at week 9 - kept me sane until mid-2nd tri
Catherine, FYI.


Another possible reason for infant gassiness is hyper-lactation syndrome. When a mother has a very abundant milk supply, she may produce a larger amount of foremilk. Foremilk is higher in water content, higher in lactose and usually delivered with greater force during letdown. In excess, foremilk can make baby’s stomach cramp, creating more fussiness. A baby that gulps the quickly flowing milk also tends to take in more air, thereby getting gassier. Because the baby may not be getting enough of the rich hind milk, he or she tends to want to eat more often, which perpetuates the problem. The baby that suffers from hyper-lactation syndrome is characterized by higher than normal weight gain, increased gassiness, and fussiness.
Chris, elis finally pee on her dad! Hurray ... I was thinking y she's so nice to the dad. Haha....My mum told me to get flash card for elis to catch her attention and tired her out so she sleep better at night. I have no time to find on Internet will go elc, taka or og to find this weekend.

Neil, enjoy yrself in Osaka.

Catherine, clariss also pee on her dad during bath, before tat hbs used to boost tat her gal v nice to him never pee on him whahaaaaaa....
last nite was terrible, it was her nap time, we pray she didn't cry in the car on way home from in-law's place. She didn't at 1st but when the car stopped at our carpark, she started fussing and then cries. Siao liao...she cried for like 15mins till she feel asleep in my hbs arms then stupid hbs says wanna put her down to change to her PJ more comfortable. Once he puts her down she cries all the way during the changing. And stupid hbs got fed up and scolded her and ignored her cries...her face was soo red. I told him to carry her 1st to stop her from crying, and he refused..so let her cry lor..he's lost patience in her. OMG!!! After finished dressing her then he carried her and put her to her cot and she continued howling non-stop....no choice hbs carried her for like 5-10mins then she stopped after she fell asleep in his arms. Was very angry with hbs when he used his fingers to shoot her cheek when she refused to stop crying when he was dressing her. I scolded him and told him off tat dun ask for a 2nd one when u even lose patience with clariss. He's very stubborn keep telling me tat she understands when he scolded her etc..i keep telling him tat she won't cos she still a baby and by him raising his voice, he is scaring her further.

If you wanna take the pill to stop breastmilk, be prepared it doesn't stop immediately, my colleague same situation like you, takes around slightly over a week for it to stop. So you better ask dr advise on wat to do after taking the pill as i heard from colleague still need to express out the milk but at longer hrs interval and don't express fully out. Coz if u express frequently it will stimulate more milk production.
Angel *waves*

Your an tai yao is from Dr Zou or Dr Zhao? Yup yup, we can meet up when free! Or we will bump into one another at Dr Loh's O&G clinic also! Do your EDD change? Mine like change 5 times liao, most recent one is 7 Nov.
Angel, BBjourney, Ron & Heartbeats, *waves*, *waves*

any milk podwer nutrition i should drink during 1st tri?
Hope *waves* How are you feeling today? At Dr Loh's clinic, i was given Mamil Mama (for pregnant & lactating mothers) milk powder to drink but i havent start cos feeling sick. When the 'sickness' fades, i suppose i will start drinking that.
thanks Heartbeats & Ron.

Heartbeats, i am feeling okay. i take Dr Zou's an tai yao, so i guess i sleep better and eat better too ba.
Chris, guess what, myhb said the same thing and did the same as yr hb. Juz that he dun beat elis.

I m actually thinking if seeing my gp is gd enough or I should c a lc or gynae? I do anything to stop the swell and pain. About 9 more hrs b4 I go to gp. Hope he is not on holiday.

Btw Chris, u survived thru the mth end! Well done

Hazel, belle better?
Sisters, re my CL, my hb asked mi to tahan wif her. 3 weeks more. Coz nw, we need her help so no bian. Besides her grumbling n complaining, other scope of wks by her still ok.

Hope- welcome to e club
any supplements provided by Dr Loh r gd so no wOrries.

As for maternal milk, I tried mamil gold, Annum, nan, enfa (I tink)... In short, most of e brands in market I all got try n my vote goes to Annum
not sweet n pleasant to drink. Worst is nan.

Yesterday went KK to c children doc, e mmt I reached KK, I told hb I missed dr loh n e whole process tat we undergo to get our princess. Memory recollection....which I actually teared.

Kinda very emo during this period. Tend to haf mood swings too. Whenever my parents nag or ask too much qn, I tend to feel irritated. Not meant to be rude but somestimes, juz uncontrollable. Sigh......
Bbliss, yes, I still feel KKH is the best after going to TMC. That's why I brought belle bk to KKH. I do miss the days in tps where I see dr Loh n his nurses... Also Karen the sinographer at KKIVF centre.. With belle is my hand, really hard to pop over to say hi to her.. Thinking abt it also make me emotional..

Which pd u seeing at KKH? At pte children's clinic?
Catherine, Chris, reading your post on how hands on both your hubbies r made me sad... My hub only will tell belle he misses her, she is his darling, etc. all words but no actions. Every night when he comes home, he can sit there n watch tv or play iPad the whole night. While I m biz n my mum who came over to help me to take care of belle for a few hrs until I m done.. Night feeds, I also need to wake him up to help me attend to belle while I made milk. If not, he pretends not to hear!! What's this? Dry Laundry hv to ask him to keep. Everything must tell him then he will do. No initiative at all. He is a catholic, told him to say prayers for belle every night he said ok. But everything I hv to remind him. If not he just play his iPad! He will just come over touch touch belle abit n go back to him games or tv. May not even carry her. Or hide in the room do stuff like pay credit card bills. He has no Brains or wat, these kind of stuff got to wake until belle is asleep then can do right?

I m v tired of all these.. N belle has one ordeal after another to clear. Everyday I will keep scolding him! In the middle of the night too... Told him bbs cannot be praised (like wat I told my mil last sat), he said me n my mother's stupid belief! Really like mother like son! Every wkend goes back to mil place she will either start praising belle again or comment abt her relative bbs. Tell her dun do it, she will wellow in self pity n cry n use death to threathen pp! Hubby always on her side though he may keep quiet. I really dun feel like goig bk anymore! Hub can bring belle back himself if he is capable of that. We r trying all our best not to let belle cries coz crying created more gas/wind. She wil want to carry her even when she is sleeping! Hubs can even make comments like if we didn't stay too far, his mum can take care (like wat my mil said too). R they all maroons? She can't even take care of herself n needed a maid! Can't even feed, shower or Rock her n hv dialysis 3x a wk! How to take care?

I told him forum folks also said the same n their hubbies r so hands on. He does read now n then.. He just went "ya ya ya".. I m v pissed off already. He must be thinking once the maid is here, he does not even need to do anything! Even washing a cup! Told me a few times the maid is to do housework while caring for belle is still our role. I dunno how much that gets in!

Not as if he is the head of household n supporting all of us! I really can't take it anymore...

no doubt hbs might be hands on but he dun have a very good temper lor... he mellowed down when i preggy and when he sees clariss being born. I just called him to update on his gal and also told him off again not to "shoot" her little cheek lor..she's still young and baby won't understand. He just say "ya ya..ya..." hiaz i just complained to my mil tat his son "bully" her granddaughter again and told her abt last nite he "shoot" her cheeks etc..Mil also side me say hbs too much.

Hbs super hands on and do things faster than me, esp where baby things are concerned and he'll often suan me or tell me off for being slow lor....Hbs also play games via internet, he'll do it after he has tuck clariss to bed around 8pm and after we have finished our tasks.. Tats why i got no access to the forumm after that....

cool down, my buddy's hb also sama sama some guys are like tat give them time to adjust cos they are too used to their current habits and lifestyle. Me too, used to do things like slow coach but now i can't, like catherine i being trained now to move fast fast... Like last nite, clariss crying till whole body and face red but hbs dun care lor i told her if she cry too much will take in more wind later colic again, she suffer we suffer. He just said if she can't quiet down then if she suffer she has herself to blame. faintz.........
Thanks Ron

Hazel, my hb will also think everything let maid do else what are maids paid for. So maybe guys are like that, they tend to simplify. Take it easy. In this case, try to offload chores to the maid bah so that wont create more conflicts between you and hb. Already a very trying phase now cos Belle still so small, not worth having more things to affect your relationship. Otherwise you will lose sanity too.

Maybe your hb also dont know how to bond and take care of Belle? Maybe given time, he will slowly get the hang of things and want to help more? Like my hb now, ask him carry newborn, he will squirm cos he feels they are too fragile. He even got shocked that day when i say "next time your kakis' time must reduce, your PC and gaming time must reduce." It took him a while to sink in that as a dad, there must be sacrifices. Must give them some time.
Hi Heartbeats, Angelxuan, Babyjourney,
how are you all and your babies doing? I had another scan yesterday. Baby is doing well and now 24 mm already. My tummy started showing lor. But I haven't worn maternity dress yet. I still wear skirt and loose blouses. And for morning sickness, I feel better. I just need to eat something when I started feeling nauseous. But still have bloating. It's very uncomfy and I keep bulping. For the support, I am still taking proluton injection twice a week and duphaston 3 tabs a day.
Are you all going for oscar test? Mine is scheduled in 3 weeks time. One hurdle to pass.
Take care, all.
Hazel, actually there is another way my friend tried with her hb. But not sure whether will work with your hb cos he must buy in then he will be willing.

My friend purposely left her baby with hb one day for about 2 hours as she had breakfast with us gals gang. She made it such that it was a favour asked of hb and her hb was willing.

And he did enjoy the 2 hours with baby and subsequently became more hands on to change diapers etc as he had done that on his own before during the 2 hours. It was like sense of achievement for him. Of course my friend also keep praising him in front of baby saying things like 'waa, daddy feed you hor?' Her hb very ego person, dont do housework one but became very protective and eager to help after that.
Hello Coolcool, Happy to see your updates and know that your baby is growing well. Had my scan last friday and baby is 22mm.
I will book for oscar test when i go for my next scan on next saturday.

I am still having morning sickness and can last for the whole day. Need to have medicated oil and sour plum on hand to easy the nausea. I am taking progynova, aspirin, duphaston & folic acid. How come you on proluton jab twice a week? You take care too okie.
Was wondering where you went to!

Great that baby is doing well! Me had spotting again a few days ago, rushed to KKH and thank God, babies are fine (18 and 21 mm). Now on 1 week medical leave again to bed rest. I dont know is my bump showing leh. By right i think should show earlier in my case right? But i right see, left see, also look like its just fats! I got retroverted womb so maybe it will take a while to pop out. I have to wear sundresses already, more comfy. Also going to buy maternity undies or disposable maternity undies since nobody to help me do laundry as frequently as i used to do. Your supports are great! Proluton is very powerful!

Eh, i am divided about oscar. Still not sure if want to do.
I miss Cock Cock.
Hope she is fine.

Today my upstairs driving me nuts! Renovation 3 floors up yet my window grilles can vibrate. Drilling non stop since morning. I cant even nap, now hiding in study room where the noise is least. Sian~
Bbjourney, yah that is too far away! Think I will ask dr Loh for advice (doppler or stethoscope) during next visit.

Heartbeats, I am taking Dr Zhao's an tai yao. It's effect seems good on me so far.

Hope, I am drinking pasteurized fresh milk (Meiji). Tried to drink Annum but somehow I can't take powder milk already - feel repulsive to the smell & it makes me very gasy. May try again after 1st trimester.

Cockcock, not sure if you are still reading this thread. Have been thinking of you and just like to wish you all the best for the Camden scan.
Heartbeats, can understand the irritation of not being able to rest at home. My place there doing major lift upgrading, have been drilling and knocking for the past 1.5yrs liao...
Hi coolcool! Great to hear your good updates. My bb is also growing well, was 21.8mm last Fri. I am now on duphaston and folic acid only. Wanted to book Oscar scan but dr Loh said (oops..or his TFC nurse said..can't remember) I can check with his nurse to help me book when I see him at O&G next Sat.

Btw, which gynae are you seeing now?

Heartbeats, are you seeing 2 doctors or just Dr Loh?
Dear Heartbeats, you have been so sweet and showing me so much concerns that I felt obliged to reply…thank you for having me in your thots.. (you have been in my thots too!)… In fact, I was also v grateful to many sisters (eg. Sashamama, Michelle, Catherine, Qing and many others… sorry if I have forgotten your names... and oh yes, Angelxuan too) who have prayed for me and my babies, and who have lent their support and love in times of my down moments (I know all of you have your own challenges to handle too). I missed you all, and I miss my happy chatty self in the forum… I am ok… I went ahead with my Oscar scan at KKH last wed (although I already did my first one at TMC).. In my heart, I was still praying and hoping that the outcome will turn out better… Alas, it turned out worse.. My risk at KKH is 1:6, as against 1:10 in TMC… how to lift up and be happy? I was very depressed again… the more I goggled, the more stress and depressed I become… my reading from NT scan was ok, but my blood test was a killer… of the 2 components tested, my free beta hcg was still ok, but my PAPP-A reading was terribly low, at 0.0558 MoM… I asked the counselor who spoke to me if she has seen such low figure, she admitted she hasn’t come across such low figure.. the norm shd be 1 (some more she said with twins the figure shd be higher than 1)… I goggled and hardly come across any body with such low figure (only very few)… low PAPP-A is not just associated with abnormalities, but also posed serious implications in pregnancy, such as still birth, premature birth, PE, etc etc… it doesn’t sound good at all..

With time, I am feeling better now.. I will be having my genetic scan at Camden next wed.. actually wanted to reschedule to earlier but no slot… from my Oscar scan at KKH, they date my babies as 1 week advance.. so my original EDD was changed from 5 Oct to 28 Sep… I can only pray and hope for the best, and be mentally prepared for the worst… easier said than done… in any case, I have also fixed my anmio test on 24 apr… I cant maintain my sanity not knowing if my babies are going to be ok… I start to “zi bao zi qi” a bit, drink half cup of coffee per day and also small cups of coke as and when I feel like it… my hubby has appeared ok all this while.. that day I asked him if he was worried at all, he paused a while and admitted he was worried.. he asked me to stay positive.. I think his main concern is mainly me and my well-being… he is so loving…

heartbeats, know you have spotting recently.. must really take good care ok… for me, I am still slogging at work… last nite was our anniversary event.. so today can laze a bit after the mad rush…
cock cock,

Wait for the camden scan and amniotic scan results. Don't dispair, take good care of yourself. Try not to google too much cos those "information" will affect your mood just wait for the scan and gynae's advice. I'll be praying for you.
Cock, I understand ur need to organise ur thot n even my hb is concern abt u n will check if u got updates.

I rem u still goin c Prf John Tee rite, hope he can give u a better advice.

As for yr hb, it is aso reali tough for him. I rem when i went for my dnc, both of us tried nt to tok too much abt it n tried to b as relax as possible for each other sake. Then the nurse which attended to mi actualli mentioned to mi tat my hb looked reali sad n at the moment i cried out becos i knw my hb cant c mi liao.

Do nt worry abt the zi bao zi qi becos even nw i aso drinking cold drinks n coke so it is nt zi bao zi qi.

Pls do not reply. Looking forward to c ur gd news next wk

i agreed with hearbeats, why dun you try to get hbs involved and maybe try the method tat hearbeat's fren did. Might work.

Dun let your mil's words and all tat affect the relationship with your hbs. Its not worth it. If you find yourself being overwhelmed by all these, might be good if you can find your mum or frens to talk about it, maybe you might feel better after "letting it out".
With the new maid coming, you'll be free of all these household chores and have more time to care for belle.
Reading posts from you recent BFP ladies really brings back so much memories
I hope everyone of you will pass the detail scan successfully like our Nov/ Dec BFP batch. I wonder how everyone is doing, so quiet these days. Or busy with baby shopping? How are things with you Joanne, Baby, Tanny, Faithfully, Sashamama?

Hi Cook cook, hope you can get reassurance fr further scan soon, don't be too worried, baby likes happy mood mummy.

Hi Heartbeats, do try to bedrest more. I recall when I was in first trimester, I got quite worried each time I visit the toilet, very afraid to see colored discharge but I guess my an tai yao helped me got through the first trimester successfully. Plenty of rest should do the trick
Hang in there.

Hi Sashamama, thanks for offering to share your post natal spreadsheet, may I request for it too? btw I've replied your email re baby purchased spreadsheet, during the same week your visit to Tan sb, not heard fr you since, not sure if the email auto went to Spam again lol...I've included a few items not in your purchase list.
Joanne, when are you officially starting your hospital leave/ time off work? Perhaps the few of us can meet up for a yakking session
Anyone else has taken time off work or not working now? Sashamama, have you gone back to work already?

For me, as hbs working, so daytime i take over hsehold and baby. When he's bk i leave clariss with him for their "bonding" time. He'll be in charge of wiping and changing her PJs and tuck her to sleep. During wkends, i'll tell hbs to bath clariss then i'll tell him tat's the only time he can really bond is thru bathing. Maybe you could assign some tasks to your hbs to join in tell him tats the time to bond with belle. Give him something to do and then praise him..like when hbs bath clariss, i'll join in and then play with her during the bath then when dressing her, hbs and me will talk to her tell her wow this dress looks very nice on her etc...altho jus bluffing her haahaa.. and i'll also praise hbs infront of clariss when he bath her and tell her wat a good job daddy is doing. this will help to encourage hbs to want bath her when wkends come. Slowly slowly pass more tasks to your hbs, get him involved then he'll slowly get into the picture and loves bonding time with his gal.
Hi gals, suddenly so many

Heartbeat, rest well esp with the spotting going on.

cockcock, take care, dun google so much on all these.

Are most of u ladies in 1st tri also taking time off work to rest?
Cock Cock, my eyes wet when i saw your post, relieved that you are ok and feeling your anxiety as well. My dear sis, wait for your camden scan. I am praying hard and hoping for you, everything will be refuted at the scan that all the previous oscar results are all false alarms! Damn oscar! So angry for the stress it caused you! Will pray for your babies to be strong. You just relax and indulge abit in what you like is ok k?
Cockcock, glad to see your post. Don't dispair and take good care of yourself. Wait for the Camden scan and anmio test results. We are always here for you. Big Bear Hugz!!!
Gals, he can make milk that is too hot coz he nv check the water temp before putting milk powder; he can soak hankie in tap water instead of boiled water to wash belle's mouth, or put too much bath gel in the bath tub that i need to resine belle again, etc. all these r stuff he has helped to do before or being given instructions by me or watched me do. Bascially, if his heart is not there, he will do sloppy job! Is not I nv ask him to be involved, how u expect to trust him? I ended up scolding him again n again. Even a single task for a catholic like him to bless his daughter every night he wun do until I chase him. Every night is like this, wat u wan me to say? Nag at him, he does a few days of night feeding for show. Thereafter, belle cries he also wun wake her until I call him. Wake up Leow, lie in bed to pat a crying bb, dun even wat to get up n carry her until I shout at him! Is he interested? Or even keen to be involved? NO!!

End of the day, he must be willing n interested to do right? If not, even if I get him involved he wun do the right thing! He will anyhow do! Still ask me to let him shower belle, later drop her into water worse still right?
Hazel, my hb and I went thru a bad period after I can't conceive, he concentrate in Internet games, I watch my tv to avoid conflicts. Even b4 I was preggy, he was busy with his part time studies. I do all things and throw my temper until he ask meto get part time help, when I was preggy, he realize it was not easy as I had ms till week 18/19. I cried a lot and that's where he started to help a little. Until elis was born, the change in him was great. He would rush home, help me so I get my sanity few hrs. The only thing he has slag now is night feed. I dun blame him, he has to work. He still gets up when I can't handle. Like chris' hb he does things faster than me, I try to catch up but no way. I dun have the strength to carry elis like him. Hazel, really dun push him. Guys will change, my hb told me his weekends r now for me and elis. He allow me to go out to relax so that I dun feel so tired.

I also have a fren who does nothing and expect his wife and maid to do all. Needless to say he dun even need to do night feed. Bb wake up in the morning he also Bo chap. Everything include bb has to suit his timing. I told the wife off not to let my fren b like this but no use one la.... I used this eg and attack my hb. Told him he can't b like this. Maybe our thinking r the same we dun allow us to slag and throw to maid. Cheer up ok. Probably belle is too fragile he dare not touch?

Chris, yr hb so mean say clariss had herself to blame. She is so young. At least u have gd relationship with yr in law ....

Angel, Hope, hmm, i feel like taking an tai yao already also. Dont know if will be too late. I not patient of Dr Zhao, maybe tomorrow i go see Dr Zou. But i still abit scared though, dont know east meets west will cause a sudden surge and affect spotting again or not. Maybe start slow and low dose, like half pack or something.

Angel i only have Dr Loh now though KKH still schedule me to see Dr Tan HH which i find i have no 'yuan' with. Since ET till now, i have not been able to meet him. Even for KKH's first scan appt, he left me with a coverduty doc as he had to attend something. Even when i asked to see him when my progesterone was low, he somehow didnt see me due to other things also and just pass his advise thru another doc. Totally no fate! So its as good as not having a proper doc in KKH plus i dont know how good is Dr Tan with multiples. So i also dont know how. Its better for me to have a doc in KKH in case of complications KKH more well equiped but now i am neither here nor there. Heard Prof John Tee not taking new cases liao.

Thanks ladies for reminder to rest well. My bed has been my BFF since early Mar, haha till the extent i think abit concaved haha.
