(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hazel u mean in delivery room u can still hear other ladies scream ah? :p u can pump out for engorged breasts and bring to feed daughter right? How's the midwives there? Helpful? I hope yr girl can be discharged really soon!

Hazel, does it take long to get yr gal's birth cert done at tmc? Do they issue u the birth cert immediately?

Meryl, my fren bb pd is dr ong. I will ask her for her comments tomorrow
Meryl - hehe what do u mean by sharp knife ah? Yea I'm looking to use my frd's pd as well as my frd told me this pd also a lot of 'heart', she has seen 4 in total and feels this one truly cares for well-being of kid over profits. Let us know after u check on ek Ong too ;) thanks!
hi hazel,

hope that your littie princess go home with you soon. i din realise that the amount in pte hospital is so much different.

kimmy : u mean we can select our own PD? or is TMC whom assigned them to us? there is this Dr Anita that has a PD clinic at 112 katong...the lady whom we signed up the FBI memebership say she is good.

hard to find a nanny these days ...yeah we are also exploring the options. my hub's sister has agreed to take care jus that she stayed in punggol. quite far from us. good tin is she is own family so should be taking good care of the baby heheh....
Hi Catherine, thanks

Hi Kimmy, who is this pd that you are referring to? Sharp knife means charge high high lo
Hi shashamama,
Was searching for a maid agency too. I had frens who recommended their agencies. Went to bukit timah shopping centre to have a talk with agencies to find out more. PM me if you want some details. Just note that for Filipino or indon maids, if u want new ones, may have to wait about two months to get the maid ready to work for u. For those with passport ready, one month plus. Transfer maids can get almost immediately. So u need to factor in some time and start confirming early with agency if u want to get the maid before baby comes.
Also, if u require one who can speak English, most indon maids can't, unless they worked in SIN b4. Filipino maids mostly speak average English, but will def ask for one day off.
hi all,

sashamama and wendy recommended me to this forum.. so, i am v new.. just got BFP on fri. is there anything which i shd look out for or eat during these 2 weeks before my first scan? after spending so much time and efforts, nothing must go wrong from now.. appreciate your advice v much
Kimmy, at times can hear.. Coz labour wards r partitioned by curtains n when the door of Birth room is opened. Midwives n nurses are all friendly n prompt in attending to me.. To me, service to pte patients in KKH n TMC is similar. KKH has LC who will visit us n teach us how to breast feed n prepare our breasts, TMC.. No.. Unless u call for them n pay specialist fees.. Rental of breast pump at TMC is chargeable at $35 Per day while on KKH is free & need to just pay for the accessories which are cheap.

Catherine, u get the birth cert on the spot n it costs $30 plus. But must take q no & q hor.. So te wait can be long..

Chris, my BM has came in.. 2 breasts I can get abt 25ml per pump just now.. If my daughter latches on, I believe the yield will be better..
Dear Elyna,
Thanks for ur advice! Is it ok to give days off? I heard some friends paying the maid extra and no day off, is that feasible/ healthy for the maid?

Dear Cock Cock,
WELCOME!!! These 2 weeks just eat your folic acid. Did ur gynae give you any support medicine? I had progynova and duphaston.
Hi Faithfully and Tanny, I also have not put on weight. I have a theory heee...since we are resting more and not exercising now, our heavier muscle weight must have been converted to our fuller breasts, thicker waistline and uterus/ fetus...hee... I think my arms are getting flabbier
but I'm trying hard to increase my food intake now, still cant eat well due to nausea, hope we can all graduate from nausea soon.

Tanny, I'm starting Wong BB classes only in end Apr, cos I was told if start too early, may forget some of the techniques eg breastfeeding. Hope will still be mobile then.... For your vomitting in the middle of night, have you tried filling up your stomach before going to bed? For me, if I go to bed empty or half empty stomach, I will feel like vomitting in the middle of the night. So I would usually have a bowl of oatmeals before I sleep and if I wake up for toilet breaks, I'll chew on some biscuits. Now I can sleep through the night, but need to drink water in the middle of the night to sorta fill up stomach otherwise will feel hungry and keep waking up.

For me, I will auto wake up 5-6am then I can't sleep anymore. But if I lie in bed and try hard to concentrate on 1 thing, like carrying baby in my arms and singing to him/ her lullaby (no other thoughts), I find that I can go back to deep sleep again about 50% of the time
Hi Kimmy, possible to share the name of the good PD you mentioned? Thanks!! Also, for your instructor, do you know which days she teaches prenatal yoga?

Hi Cook Cook, welcome to our forum
Are you a big fan of whipping up yummy dishes hence the nick heee.... For me, I took the same as Sashamama except no progynova and I also started on Anmum milk powder. I also took an tai yao. Oh, also took vitamin B6 cos my initial nausea was very bad but has stopped it after few weeks. Looking forward to your next scan?
Joanne, Sashamama, all the best to your maid search, hope you'll both find apt and good ones. For now, I'm hoping hubby can help with our own home housework, whilst I can help my parents with baby at my parents' place. Hoping we can cope without a maid, fingers crossed.

Joanne, on good days, your son can bottle feeds 1 of the twins and your hubby bottle feeds the other, and perhaps you can then sit down and relax a bit
It sure feels like a great way for your son to start learning more about responsibilities and accountability, beats getting a pet
Hi Tromso
I dun think i can rely on my son... He is still a kid n is always busy with his school work.. Sooo many homework nowadays.. Tts why i still need spend time on him to teach him his school work.. Haha.. U sound like he is very free but is the opposite...;( hence i need a maid to help take care hsework n maybe bb caring.. While i need spend time to teach son since i dun wish to affect his study too... Actually ratio is 3:3 (3 adult to 3 kids). Hence hope can cope.. Also, next time when i go back to work, i cant imagone asks my mum alone to take care 3kids.. She neefs to teach my son schoolwork too.. So despite she dun like a stranger in hse but she knows she jas no choice.. Take care my son alone still ok but 3 kids r quite tough for her.. Especially age catchup, i heartpain too..;) Last time when i hv my son, i dun see the need to hire maid since is 2 adult to 1 kid.. If i busy with hsework,my hb will take care baby so vice versa.. If i busy with bb, hb will help out.. Actually no issue at all.. Is only my son goes to primary school, i need spend more time on his study n hb need ferry him to tution so we decide to hire part time cleaner.. As we dun want sacrifice the time to teach son on hsework.. It is cheaper alternative too..;) next time when ur kid goes to school, u will realise how busy kids school life now.. Sometime i feel pity for them...;)

Hi faithfully
At 2nd trimester, sometime ms sympton will ease off.. U dun get too worry too if no more nausea or anything.. As it might meant us ms is improving now..;)
Cock Cock~Hey welcome here! Congrats on your bfp! Is this your 1st time being preggy?

Sashamamma~sorry don't think i can advice either..dun own any helpers in SG b4..but i supposed it's only fair helpers get a day off as she's a human too..my 2 cents lah..but hv to be sure to give curfew say not later than 11pm come home etc..cos some hanky panky outside...difficult to say..depends on luck to get a good one i think

Ladies~ hehehe i think im a bad mummy-to-be leh..when slight hungry say middle of night sometimes..i'll tell bb to go sleep..don't think of food LOL but then of course too hungry stomach starts to growl then no choice..bb really hv to eat..

My midwife+ doc appointment is tomorrow! And i have a list of questions to ask them!! hehe super kiasu!
thanks sashamam and tromso! i am taking folic acid and DYDROgesterone tablet.. is it the same? Yday, i went chinese medicine hall and ask for "an tai yao".. the owner expressed shock and said "no no, can only take when a few mths pregnant". i dont u/std.. he said good to take bird nest and ginseng.. i thot not advisable to take ginseng? so confused... i am thinking of buying Blackmores Pregnancy & Breast-Feeding Gold (switch from current Conceive Well Gold).. is it good? am i too early to switch? i am currently taking ensure milk.. is anmum better? sorry so many questions...

no tromso, i cant really cook.. the nickname "cock cock" reflect that i am a "lao cock cock" woman lah.. so many things to learn here.. somewhat lost.. but i am sure can count on advice of all sisters here..
my first scan is 2 weeks later.. what is oscar scan? sounds exciting leh!
hazel - thanks. woah didn't know TMC charges for LC during our stay too. I actually thought it was a privilege patients of TMC enjoy (haha) cuz I know my frds at Mt. A are not charged for it.

Sunbelle/meryl/tromso: well I was told by my frd that actually we can choose our own PD if we do have as we are paying their fees separate from gynae's mah. As with anesthetists (if you do know and have a preference). I was recommended to Dr Rhonda Watt whose at Mt.A. My frd related the experience whereby she will call and check on status of your kid even after a few days to see if everything is okay etc.

Tromso: pre-natal yoga instructor teaches yoga every monday, thurs & sat. there are morning & evening classes too. Can find out more from here: http://www.singapore.comoshambhala.bz/
Ytd was my 1st time attending WBB's class and she spent 1st half going through exercises to improve posture and how to counter swelling/water retention etc. and I observed that it was actually the pre-natal yoga poses that I've been doing :p except that WBB mentioned she doesn't have the time so she just breezed through it and let us do 2 times but at yoga we do each pose about 5 times so its quite good
Hi kimmy, I attended WBB'S class today. Not bad an experience n she quite funny. Today, we are taught of doing those prenatal exercise which I can't do since she upfront inform those with low placenta, do not do. End up, I m e oni 1 in class not doing......

Did she oso go thru asking u all to touch e dummy uterus n den feel yr own tummy ? Tis is to test whether yr bb's mood of e day on whether she/he like to be touch not. Hsha.... So funny.

Her lesson overrun quite a bit hor. Feel so aching e whole body cause keep standing up n sitting dwn on mattress. Hehe...
Dear cock cock,
***terone all sounds like hormonal medicines, I believe it's to help stabilise the pregnancy. Who is your gynae by the way? What did your gynae advise you on so far?

Mine says take folic acid and the hormonal meds given will do. No need to buy others, especially when if u have nausea and vomits, then all the supplements wasted.

Chinese medicine hall is not actual sinseh right? I think best to visit a TCM if u want such meds lo. Actually u taking western hormonal meds liao, probably dont need TCM. Maybe chicken essence that you double boil yourself?
kimmy : is the prenatal class good? we can start from tri 2, which mth in tri2 preferred? and can do until when? im thinking to sign up too. same teacher for all classes? just for mommies only right? got a qn : hubby can/need to attend? hv u gone for sat class? is it crowded? do we hv to book in advance or just turn up will do?

joanne : my adult to child ratio is 2:1 (parents in law : 1 bb), counting both hubby and me will be 4:1. Haha, but my parents encourage to get a maid since my mil mobility is not so fast. she scared if anything happens eg old folks fall or whatever overworked, we all labelled as bad son n daughter in law (putting it bluntly). cos my mom say her fren looks after her grandson n fell in the bathroom, and now cant even move up from bed. now they also got a maid and need to travel between both houses to cook for the mom and own house look after the bb. anyway i think maid can just hire for 2 yrs first, by then when the kid goes to child care/ older, shld be easier to manage. so now im thinking if i shld really get a maid and live with a stranger..

tromoso : oic, my hubby will be bz in may, so he suggest march class.. my vomit usually at night like 8pm, even now after i hv my dinner, also feel vomity.. sianzzz.. they say ginger helps in nauseous. i made a pot and drank 4 cups... not much help leh.. ok, i will try to hv some biscuits before i sleep..
thanks kimmy and Bbliss! i just finished reading all my office emails (since this pm) and tomorrw first thing in morning got important meeting ... must wake up early and go work (so that i can calm down and dont panic too much)... i told myself that if unhappy or angry at work, must take out my blood test results and looked at the positive results... till now, i still smile to myself whenever i think of it... finally pregnant! my first pregnancy!!! sashamama, my doctor is dr sadhana from kkivf.. last met her during ET.. scheduled to see her on 10 feb... yes, i do visit tcm, except she starts work only on 31 jan 2012 so i thot this shd be general prescription and try out at chinese medicine hall loh.. yes, i do take chix essence, but those bottled ones... during this period, most impt is to stay happy, healthy and positive, right? yeah!!!
Hi Tanny
Is all up to ur requirement..;) another reason why i think no need hire maid is i want my bb to close to me than maid.. Sometime after they face maid whole day , they will prefer her than me n i will feel very sad..;( hee.. Moreover we can cope Tt time so no need to spend this $$..;)

Welcome cock.. No need take anything xtra.. Just listen n take wht ur gynea prescribe will do.. For tcm, u can still take but must prescribe by recognise tcm.. Dun take any risk ya..;)

Joanne, I think u shd attend earlier before the 2 months rest. It is useful as she gives tips for mommies having twins. She started the class about breast feeding for twins. The twins are so adorable
But i think if attend on 20th wk, will hv to attend during my 2mth rest too as my rest start at 23th wk... Not sure is it full mth or periodically though.. Depend on doc Loh...;) thk u.. Will check out the wong boi boi class detail on my next scan..
Joanne, I agree with u on not hiring a maid. The main reason y I insist to send my gal to infant care is to let her mingle with other kids when she is young, b independent, learn to care n share. It could b a case where she is the only child. I can easily ask my mum to quit and look after but she cannot teach my gal how to play with other kids.

Btw I have enquire on infant gym class for my gal. Will start her in July. Now still deciding whether to send her on a sat or sun class. Cos I have part time maid on alternate sat and sun. Hb say no to the class but I insist. Motor skills r v important for kids. I m a kiasu mum... Lol... Oh yes hazel, I may "sack" my insurance agent. I hear Lots of things abt him recently... Sigh...
Joanne~ true leh..last time some children in my preschool class very close to their helpers and it's very sad to see some of them crying for their helper and pushing their mummy away..

Tromso~ Thanks again for the mail gal!
Hi Catherine,
You intend to send your girl to infant care the moment you go back to work? Meaning your girl is 4 - 5 months old? The costs seem to be equivalent to hiring a maid, which made me more inclined to getting a maid who can be with the household 24/7, managing chores so that i can spend more time with baby.

I intend to send to toddler care maybe when my child is 18 months or so. Thus would definitely need help during this period. Moreover I hope for 2nd and even 3rd one, so would definitely need help unless I become SAHM.
Hi Meryl
Really..;) thks for letting me know.. Will go check it out next trip when i go tmc.. ;)

Hi sasha
Nobody help u take care ur baby?? U mean u gonna left ur maid alone with ur bb when working?? I dun trust maid.. Hee.. So will bring my maid to my mum place so got someone help see see.. Think catherine main idea is for bb to mix around too... ;)
Shashamama, I will also not leave my baby alone with the domestic helper. I will probably get baby and maid over to my PIL or parents. The maid is to help with household chores mainly.by the way, I've PM you some additional info.
Bbliss - ya! WBB is funny. Then my hubby went to feel the dummy uterus and he went ooooh. So since last night he will feel the top of my uterus and go: okay baby okay with me sayanging him today. And yea she overran, but overall quite useful tips that made me go "orrh". The water retention massage she taught for the leg also very useful...today I could wear back my shoes which I couldn't for the past few days. Hehe yah the exercises is what I usually do at yoga but yeah low placenta better to keep safe. Next visit rem. to ask Dr Loh how's it k? when's your next visit?

Tanny: mm I attend the class more for the tips & real life experience and also for my husband to take note since he doesn't read books or do research on pregnancy. So its my way of involving him so that he's aware. Ytd he was happily doing all the exercises so I guess he enjoyed it. Haha. Hmm its the same instructor for all the classes but you have to sign up early to get the date you want. They encourage husbands to attend, but its not compulsory. Also any questions you can ask her directly. 2 of my frds who knew they wanted to do c-sect from the start didn't find it very useful for some parts of it. So it really depends on whether you wanna attend.

Catherine - your infant gym class you looking at gymboree?
Joanne, Elyna,

No, I will never ever leave maid alone with baby, not even alone at home. Thus, on days when my mum, brother, me and hubby need to work, hubby will bring maid to in-law's house with baby. So in-law look after baby and maid help with some housework (need to tell agency and maid upfront). Then after my work or hubby's work, then we fetch maid and baby back home. That's the plan at the moment. Maid mainly does housework and look after my sasha, so that my in-laws, mum and me focus on baby. This is the only possible arrangement to have someone taking care of baby 100% of the time. Cos mum and in-laws are all working. Mother in-law working half day. My hubby's work timing is flexible, so he needs to adjust depending on the work schedules of my mum and his lo.
Kimmy and hazel, the gym school is the little gym either at forum or marina sq.

Sashamama, my gal may go in on the 3rd mth. Depend how long I can drag b4 I m being called back to office. Yee I agree that the cost is = to hiring a maid and I agree with all, I dun trust maid. What if busy talking to frens on phone and dun feed my gal? My mum is still working, I can't send to my mum house. Mil not in sg. Housework? My house v small can leave it to my irobot to sweep floor or part time maid to do. Agree with Joanne, I want my gal to mix with ppl from all over. I dun know If she can adapt if cannot I still have to ask my mum to retire and look after her. Juz leave it one step at a time.
If noone watching the maid 24/7, i won't get one. But i think can arrange such that 24/7 someone is with the maid, that's why maid is quite feasible for me. Luckily hubby's job has flexible hours!

I also want my child to mix around at an early age. Yet to do research on this to see how early. Infant stage not much of interaction right?
Sasha, they will c the progress of the infant if can they will let them interact like crawling on their own etc. y my mum agree to let me put my gal there is bcos the principal of my infant care used to b from nanyang kindergarten, shishida kindergarten. My mum c my sis go q up to let her daughter go in to nanyang kindergarten said that school is gd. To me i dun bother. I chose it bcos of the hygiene and location.
Catherine, hv u checked the vacancies available for the time u wan ur bb to attend? Dragon year leh. I worried must be on waiting list.. I am thinking if shld be KS a bit n go chop a place or place on waiting list if I want her to attend from 3 yrs old.
May I know how many times a newborn should bath?

I also intend to get a maid but MIL will look after the maid and the bb while maid do hsechores and other stuff. My MIL is 70 yrs old... She still can move around but she say she can't bend dw to bath the bb. So I kinda worry.

Also may I ask does ur MIL cook/care for u once she know u are preggie? Mine didn't do much except telling me the parang stuff. No cook nutritious food or buy simple food for me... As for my own mum she cook bird nest every 2 weeks without me asking... Btw my MIL stays with us but yet she is doing nothing. Kinda sad. She did say she wa to be my CL but I nt sure she can do it cos she nv been one and she old. My own mum also worry abt me after I pop. Hub say MIL can do it... Any suggestion?
Hmm have tried to think what if bb is close to maid, maid is not to look after bb full time but to help the care giver with housework n all other manual tasks. I be sending bb n maid to mil or my mom hse. At night then bring back to my home while we look after the caring of bb while maid do house chores like washing of bottles etc. Cos my parents in law n mum r all not working. Only dad is semi working but can see that they r not young..

The infant care
Hi Hazel,

hrd from my collegue that once baby is born,we can start registering for the toddler class or else for centre with less vacancies no space.

Hi Sasha,

think maid is a matter of luck cos my sis in law changed so many of them. yeah is jus not depending on their bio data i guess.not easy to get a good maid.

anyone knows what baby tins can be bought from bangkok huh? yeah i can only tink of naraya baby diaper bag hahahah

i m looking at buying baby insurance too. anyone got any insurance that can cover baby when they are born straight awaay? seemd that hard to find one that covers first 15 days.
Hazel, u mean my infant care or gym class? Infant care my gal got a place last sept. gym class I juz need to call to book and pay registration fee.

Faithfully, my mil dun care about me. Din ask whether I was eating well or how is my gal. She stays in Msia. Besides me and her never see eye to eye. I guess no one can get along with my mil. My eldest sister in law Who stay 2 streets away dun Visit or talk much to her. Her 4 grandchildren also are not close to her. What causes this? My mil herself ... She is too illogical n she thinks she knows what's best for everyone when she juz listen to Gossips.

My mum on the other hand is bias she only cares about my sister and her family. The kid is gg to b 3 and my mum has to take care of her on weekends while my sis and the jailbird hubby enjoy themselves. V v unfilial. I had to force my mum to cook cordysep and bird nest for me. She volunteer to do my confinement I din force. So if my sis bring her daughter over I will sure kick a big fuss. I dun have a gd temper try provoking me I m sure u will b shocked lol......
Hi Faithfully, your MIL is 70, sounds quite senior hmm...if she is not too agile anymore, may be a good idea to get help too. I find that it can be quite worrying if have to constantly watch over MIL (in case slips and fall or falls sick) and baby at the same time. Maybe can try to closely assess if she will be up to it during this period? Another question is, if your MIL will be helping with night feeds, will she fall sick easily if doesn't get enough sleep at nights? For my friend's case, during confinement, she does night feeds 100% cos MIL couldn't help and she felt it was very tough.

My own parents are in early 60s and in fact more athletic and agile than myself fortunately, currently taking care of 11 month old baby and handling it very well to our surprise. Since they are very against maid and CL, they will be helping me with confinement and the baby will stay with sis maybe during the first week. Then my dad and mum will alternate do the night feeds, so at least one of them can sleep throughout the night on alternate days. My hubby will be part of the equation too.

Actually I'm also quite worried if parents can cope with 2 kids after first weeks and may negotiate for sis's MIL to help look after her grandkid (by then 1.5 yrs old) for a bit longer, who is also no longer working.

Personally, I'm going to try no maid for now cos have seen many kids behaving closer to maids than own parents, very heartfelt moments. But the future is so uncertain, so hoping for the best now

Hi Sunbelle, if I'm not wrong, Prudential has life insurance covering baby upon birth. But need to be insured before birth I.e. covers mummy first, then when baby is born, immediately converts to covering baby. I think AXA may have too, agent briefly spoke with me over the phone the other day, so I'm not 100% certain with this.

As for hospitalization plan, so far I heard there isn't one that covers at birth, except our IVF GE policy. Is this correct ladies?
