(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group


for me child birth process was really good, but is the after birth process that i'm learning to cope. hahahaha ya will think about having 2nd bb but told hb will see how our gal behaves 1st.

Hi hazel
Thats gd news tt ur bb is free fr infection..

Btw, kindly advise who u engage for ur confinement?? Thk u.

Hi catherine
U will be the next in queue..;) jiayou...
Summer, please start hand massage your breast. Nipples - squeeze top n bottom hard 10x, then arolea the same followed by the breast areas, massage towards nipples.. As hard as u can take it. Do as often as u can if not every 3 hrs & 15mins each breast. Get disposable syringe from the nurse, if u still cannot latch on n bb is on FM. Extract the tiny drops of colostrum into the syringe n pass to nurse who will mix it in the formula milk for your bb.

Stop The breast massage when milk supply is established.
J03, I engaged josephine's agency. Small scale one n ahe handles customers directly. I dun hv the name of her agency n no time to go search for that now. I just call her of I need to talk to her.
Catherine, yes, I will have a 2nd one If i can conceive. But I wun do fresh cycle again. If cannot conceive, I m contended with one.. In fact hubs said one is enough.. But, I still hv 2 embyros.. Wan to give them a chance instead of throwing them away as they r a life too. That will be killing..

Me and hbs have 2 embyos left too but we are thinking of giving them up, we have been paying the storage for the past 3yrs. The last round when i do my frozen cycle, they have to thaw 6 embryos and only 3 make it. And coupled with the fact that Dr loh is no longer with KK, so we might not wan use the embryos. My gynae told me tat for natural delivery, we can start planning to have 2nd one in another 4 - 5mths. We can start conceiving from 6mth onwards for natural delivery. She encourages us to have a 2nd one fast cos of my age. Me and hb still considering cos see how we are coping for our little one 1st. She advices us to practise birth control for the time-being cos during this few mths, most of us will be quite fertile esp we are not on total breastfeeding.

Hbs simply dotes on her and she loves hbs to carry her alot.
Hazel, u r v brave. I think the same as u. If can conceive ok but if cannot I m contented too. 40 weeks is not easy with all the worries. But if I do have a 2nd child I may switch to c dr loh. Seems u ladies have gd comments about him.
Hi hazel,

Tats the same way my CL taught me to message my breasts, quite painful esp tat time i had engorgement. But once its clear then is not that bad.
Chris, most father will dote on their kid dun worry. I guess the diff is we belong to a group where we waited too long for a kid. Our hb knows what we went thru that's y they r ESP caring. I have to aim fast too bcos of my age too. Mayb all of us can aim for a snake bb. I read in one article that next yr bb will always GUI ren by their side.
Chris, FET I will do in KKH, under dr tan hh. No pt transferring to TMC n pay so much.. FET in TMC is 6-7x more ex than KKH. If pregnant, I will decide if I wan to stay with dr tan or go see sf Loh. To gain this child, we hv spent alot. Including first fresh cycle n one FET which both I m/c & this 2nd fresh cycle, already cost $15k (excl all the checks, consulatons n scans during pregnancy), there is still my delivery fees of $6,900 and there is still my daughter's NICU & PD fees, will be another 5 digits.. So all in all, I will spend 30-40k to get my bb girl.

If I hv done Ivf on TMC, it will be worse.

Just now, we saw a couple who insisted that bb should be discharged from NICU coz of the cost.. Drs n hospitals made them sign a form which state they will not bear any responsibilities if there r any problems.

Anther bb is born full term yesterday, scan said she was 2.6kg but her birth weight is only 1.78kg. This, hv to stay on NICU till bb hit 2 kg. there are so many uncertainties Ben when we carry to full term.. Pte hospitals are really v ex for all these n KKH is still more affordable coz can always downgrade. At least I dun hv to pay hefty dr fees!
Hi Hazel
Thk u.. Is josephine agency good?? Can i hv her contact??

Wah.. U gals already thinking of having a snake zodiac bb.. So nice..;)
Hazel - glad to hear your girl is better. Wow I totally no experience in massaging breasts. I hope during mrs Wong class later she will teach. Hehe. Dr loh fee is considered reasonable for someone of his level and experience! My frds one at tmc all about $2700-$2900! But pd fees is high! I'm gonna ask dr loh next visit if he's okay to having my pd of choice. Hai..
Kimmy, dr Tham only saw me for 5mins at labour ward n he charged me $150!! Yes, I know is 2nd day of cny.. But dr Loh came at night to see me the moment he is bk to SG
Hi Ladies, I have not gone for tmc hospital rooms viewing tour, are we able to choose 2bedder , if we are under Dr Loh? In addition, I noted that nicu has 3 types of ward charges, are we able to choose level 2A instead of 2b?

I am going to see Dr Loh this Monday for the first time at Tmc

Is it normal that the wgt didnt increased much? My last wgt measure at 46.2kg on 10.01.2012. Today I wgt myself I am still 46.2 kg. My appetite is normal. Didnt really eat alot or less. Is the bb growing?
joanne : r u signing up for wong bb class? march class is open i believe.

i shld be gg for the march class. who else is signing up?

think i will also be employing a maid, which agency is good and what questions to ask?

catherine : can u also send me the list?

faithfully : my weight also did not increase. i think its like dat for tri1, and some even decreased. the last scan i went showed bb growth was ok. my frn who is now 9 mths pregnant, did not even put on a single kg! but bb size is good, normal.
Oh hazel
I reply ur email as blur n not sure who send me the hp num.. U choose them as u hv gd review fr friends?? Thk u..

Hi meryl
How many wks r u now?? Usually at wht wk of pregnancy then we go for the hospital tour??

Hi faithfully
Think is normal as bb absorb our food intake.. I eat alot too.. Not much weight gain yet so no worry.. Fr 2nd trimester, we shd gain at least one - one.5kg in a mth.. Ur tummy big now?
Hi Fatefully, it is normal.

As a gauge , gain 2kg by 5mth, and subsequent 1.5-2kg every month. To lose pregnancy weight better, we should not be gaining more than 13kg throughout the whole pregnancy. If we have low placenta, we need to monitor our weight and also not to walk too much . Hope this helps! My colleague used to be a midwife at kkh.
Hi Joanne, I am 20 weeks
. Visiting dr loh after the detailed scan . I have no idea when to go for hospital your, but I think 2nd trim is the best time since we are more energetic. I am going to buy bb stuff soon. Dont really want to wait till 3rd trim when water retention and tiredness set in
Hi Tanny
Me still considering as worry doc Loh will order me more bed rest by then as he say want me be gd gal n if he gives hospital leave on April and May, i must listen n rest as he feel these two mths r crucial period n worry abt preterm labour so if i attend ms wong class at wk 20, will finish 6 lessons at April so not sure ok or not.. Havent discuss with hb as he may say not necessary to spend this $$ since is not our first pregnancy but i still hope can get more tips fr her since i never attend such lesson in my first pregnancy.. Hee.. U attending wkday or wkend class? How often u still goto ur shifu place now??

Me will need a maid too as cant leave my mum alone to cope with 3kids but i hv no time to source for maid now..as source for CL first...hope can settle it soon...;)
Hi Meryl
Wah.. So fast for u.. U did ur detail scan already?? Boy or gal?? Ya, i hv to get most bb stuff by end of 2nd trimester too..;) u can go get it on coming baby fair on feb.. Ur due date on June?
Hi Joanne, I will only know bb gender on Monday

I am getting all the items during bb fair / taka fair and also waiting for
My breast pumps from Tan Leng Leng.

I may sound abit stupid but how do we know bb is growing well? Or whether the bb is there or nt... I keep thinking whether my bb is there or nt... Another 2 weeks I see my dr. But it like so long....
joanne : ya 3 kids must get a maid.. sure cant cope. my colleague has 2 kids, age 6 and 10, and a baby and she hired 2 maids. 1 just to look after the bb and the other for the 2 kids/housewk.

wow, bed rest/ Hl in apr and may, thats so early. do u knowy? are these crucial months? after that, can u still move/ or u need to be rested all the way? but company HL cannot take so long right, shld be unpaid leave already. will u still continue to work?

this is my #1 and both side parents are not looking after any kids, but my mom already ask me to hire a maid in order not to tire ourselves and old folks... (cos after work, we need to bring bb back home)
faithfully : just stay positive. otherwise go more frequently? for me, i rely on my laoshi to update me on bb..but i usually stay relac until the week before see doc for oscar scan, then kan chiong, will ask her how is my bb, she will reply bb is doing well, kicking away.. good lah, tomorrow the scan indeed show bb kicking away..

joanne : i go once a fortnight... (btw, were u the one who say u wan to learn reiki?) i register for sun class, but when tried to make payment, the window never pop out. so now its registered but not paid yet so seats not confirmed too. troublesome, maybe i bring a cheque when i go down next time. but sometimes v tired, so i will take half a day leave to go. cos my energy cant last me whole day, like to go after work. after work must go home already. i asked my boss to let me go off 2 hrs earlier daily and i use my leave to offset. do u still vomit? im still encountering it.
Hi Meryl
I see.. Wonder is the bb fair got cheaper stuff or taka fair? U bought ur pump already?? When u buy n how much now??

Hi faithfully
Dun worry, (me oso worry) hee.. Ur bb will be fine.. Ya lor.. 2wks wait seem sooo long.. I can only rely on the fluttering feel in my tummy now.. Sometime cant feel anything too n worry.. Sigh..

Hi Tanny
Hmm.. Not me for the reiki.. Maybe sasha??
As doc Loh say this two mths bb cannot born preterm.. After these two mths, he not so worry as bb can survive in nicu.. Me dun think is whole mth rest ba.. Maybe on n off.. Anyway, i will be gd gal n listen to his instruction..;) ya, i will still work... Will u be buying any bb stuff at coming bb fair??
Bb fair? Hmm not yet think, Heard in feb, where? Taka? When is the next one? Prob go next one. Now like quite early to buy..
Meryl, tmc is a pte hospital, dr loh will deliver regardless of the no of bedder. In KKH, need minimum B1 ward before dr loh will deliver n see us.

As to NICU, the levels r not type of wards / bedded. It depends on the medical aid that bb needs, regardless of in tmc or other hospitals.

In tmc, level 3 NICU is for bb who requires medical aids such as c-Papp or ventilator & is the MOST expensive. It cost $2k at least a day. This include the $450 ward charges (as shown on tmc website) n other miscellaneous charges like renting of medical machines, X rays, blood tests, medicines, medical supplies, etc, etc. So, dun be mislead by the price on tmc's website hor..,. Level 3 is equivalent to KKH's NICU.

Level 2B is the next most expensive.. Also cost abt $$1,500, followed by the least ex, level 2A. In KKH, SCN is similar to level 2A & 2B.

So, is for the PD to decide which level of NICU bb requires, not us.

The PD allocated to me charges $300/ day to visit bb in NICU.. If she performs other procedures, they will be separate cost!

NICU is v ex in KKH, n even more in pte hospitals... So far, 3 days, my bb already cost us 8k, including dr's fees...
Chris, I m so tired... Until i forgot my painkillers today! Time is always not enough... I woke up at 5am, massage breasts n pump milk.. Then slept from 630-8pm, n repeat the process again... Eat breakfast, wash up n 9 plus and I was out to tmc... Came back at 1plus, pump agin, shower n lunch at 3pm.. After that rest a while n pump again! In b/w, need to wash, sterilise, wipe dry pump parts somemore...

Even go toilet to poo need to find time.. Coz of the wounds.. Need to slowly empty bowel.... Now, another 30mins more I need to repeat the process, eat dinner n rush to see my bb.... Eyes now feel like closing... Sigh...
Tanny u refer to my list that I prepare for bb? If so pm me yr email addy I send to u later

Faithfully, dun worry so much. Weight gain or lost is ok. My gp told me she vomit like siao when she was carrying her 3rd child. Lost weight everyday only want to eat dao si porridge.. I was like u I scare bb not growing well so go c her in between my gynae 1 mth appt( see her no need to pay $ covered by office... Besides she has 3 kids 4 grandchild can share exp) ... Gp told me first trimester bb no need much nutrients also can grow. True enough I did lost weight at the end of 1st trimester...gynae and hb said nvm. see what happen now weight balloon. I dun eat a lot in fact no snacks juz my daily 3 meals, milk, ice cream on weekends, bird nest and cordysep weekly. Trust me dun worry. Juz take each day as it comes along. My gynae ask me today how was I... I guess in the last 2 weeks I changed. I used to b v worried about my gal. Move too aggressively, pain I sure rush to c doc. Told my gynae... After the scare on 13 jan and seeing how summer, hazel, Chris deal with child birth.. I take it calmly. If it comes it come.

Hazel, Chris and summer... My gynae spoke to me about child birth today. She told me to epi slow down the progress of child birth at 2nd stage. She did not encourage or discourage epi. All she wants me to do is keep an open mind. If pain then take epi if not it will affect everyone eg mid wives, gynae, me and hubby. Coa I m not in the right frame of mind to listen to instructions. I agree. She has a patient who is admitted yesterday evening insist no epi. Till this morning she is not dilated. So poor thing and suffering there. My iron level, she intend to do nothing. My painful tailbone... That's an issue. Cos I can't lean back or sit or sleep comfortably. She wants me to take a few days off to rest. Something I need to arrange. Gynae said my pain in tailbone may worsen after pregnancy and need to see chiropractor. Told my mum she said bed rest now as much as I can and after deliver. Mentally I m prepared after u gals shared yr exp but if I can keep that in mind to b v calm, that's a big question.
hazel, pls take care. Hope yr gal can b discharge soon. I guess yr hb is equally as tired as u. He still need to fetch his mum for dialysis treatment right?

Chris, u pay Nadia $380 up front or as she comes per visit?

Yes i attended mrs.wong class, started when i was wk20, as i know i will have to bedrest from wk28, also body will be so inflexible to sit on the floor during the first 3 class. The bad thing is i may already forget everything by the time i deliver, haha..

My maid is from indonesia, she is ok so far. But maybe because i'm also indonesian so no language problem ;) i got her from 21st century maid agency at katong shopping centre.

Sure you can pm me if you have any question about twins, am still learning too actually.. I don't hv any shopping list on wht to get for twins.. Just used the standard one that i found at taka baby dept and some things just multiply by 2 ;)
Hi Hazel,
Tks for sharing the massage method. U must take good care of urself. U will be more busy once bb is home.

Hi Catherine,
If am not wrong, epi can speed up the process of dilation but it also depend on individual body. For me, it took two hrs to dilate fm 3cm to 10cm.
Dear Summer,
CONGRATS on delivering your princess!!! Any memorable moments?

Dear Catherine,
Hmmm, I see. I think no harm keeping your options open for better job offers. If you really wanna resign eventually, your company might even increase your pay and perks? Possible?

Dear Tanny,
I think it’s a few girls in the IVF Support group that is signing up for reiki lessons.
Hi Ashley
I see.. I still hv the list fr taka 8yrs ago too..;) so will use just tt.. Am not sure whether shd i attend wong boi boi class since doc Loh oso order me bedrest fr 4th - 5th mths.. Not sure is it he meant whole month or what.. Maybe will find out fr him in my next scan before i sign up the lessons.. Thks so much for ur advise so far.. So nice of u.. And i wish u hv a smooth delivery..
Summer, am on way bk from TMC.. My bb is doing well, c-paa is further stepped down from 40% to 30%. U 2nd time mummy? If so, dilation n labour are usually faster.. First time mummy usually takes longer

Catherine, hubs didn't send mil to dialysis last wk coz I am in hospital.. If he leaves me alone I sure mad at him.. Is already such an agony lying there all strapped to machine n feeling stress over the whole labor process.. How can he not there to support? Mil got hub's uncle to send or she takes taxi.

When I was in the delivery suite, there r ladies who didn't hv epidural n they scream like crazy! Anyhow, we can only push when we r fully dilated and when strong contractions set in.. The nurse will tell us when to push. Cannot anyhow push. Need to preserve energy for that. If no epi, n labour is long, may anyhow push when in pain...
Hazel, thats great. Finally my bb knows how to suck. Yes, my first labour took 12 hrs, 2nd time 6.5 hrs. Think without epi, I dun hv energy to push.
Well hazel, at least yr mil is understanding to relieve his son from ferrying. Happy to hear that yr gal is better. Possible for bb to b discharge on mon?
Catherine, hopefully.. Oh mine, my breasts feel full n painful at the sides when I just pumped at 1020pm & just small stream of milk.. Got to sleep, been awake sInce 5am.. Night..
Dear gals,
I'm seriously considering getting a maid. Any advice or recommendations for agency? Appreciate all help! Thanks!!!
Hi hazel, hope yr gal bb gg hm soon.

Btw, juz to noe more, yr $6.9k bills, does it include e NICU charges n dr loh charges of $1.8k ? Any breakdwn to tat $6.9k? Thx.
Bbliss, include dr loh's fees of $1,800. EXCLUDES NICU charges and PD charges which I gave the cost details in 3rd paragraph of my fees posting above.. Yes, there is an itemized breakdown of $6,900. But sorry, I dun hv the time n energy to go thru these pages n give u e details. I posted the fees when I was waiting for my turn in TMC to make bb birth certificate.

Oh mine, breasts r painful...
Faithfully : one other symptom I hv is everyday feels like vomitting (and also vomitted even at 14wks now) and sleepless since 3am, sleepy at 8pm.. Still need to pee twice a night. So these tell me bb is doing well. How r u feeling? Any symptom for u? Even at 3am also can feel vomitty.. Now sour plum is my best friend! More sour the better.
Hazel : great that yr bb can go hm now! Such a relief! The fees are scary really... I start to think if I shld return to KK.. I scared dun hv the money if really emergency..

Shashamama : Thanks.
Hi Shashamama,

Go for big established maid agency . Eg Nation/ Homekeeper or those maid agency recommended by insurer such as NTUC Income. Pls do take note of the terms and condition of the maid insurance, such as premium refund if maid is discharged by MOM. Big maid agencies will not risk in revoking their licensing by MOM . Avoid small maid agencies unless you have friends using their services and they are happy with the services, with many gd reviews.

As for choosing maid, I am not able to advise
. I have seen my colleagues changing maid a few times in a year. Gd to get in 1 early so that you have time to evaluate and train the maid. If you are getting new maid, I hear some maids taken 1-2mths to be able to enter Singapore( not sure y)

Hi ladies,

I did a search on PD Dr Ang Ai Tin and Dr Ang Poon Liat from TMC, seems that there are mix reviews about them. Majority commented that they have very sharp knife and kids are given many medications. We are auto assigned to them. They have vaccination package too. However, majority advise to take vaccinations at polyclinic instead.

I read that there is another PD clinic SBCC , on the same level at Dr Loh 's clinic. Dr EK Ong seems to be a very popular PD. I am not sure if we can choose SBCC instead. I will go jalan jalan TMC this Monday while waiting for my turn at Dr Loh.
