(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

hazel, understand how you feel about your little gal but try not to worry too much. She will be fine and be home with you soon.

can believe i m so clumsy n careless. fell off my office chair....ouch!! hope bb is alright.....

Thks gals for ur advise.. My hb just message me to say tt he wun go!! Feel so touch for his understanding but feel bad at the same time too..;(

Thk u all of ur advise... Really appreciate..

Btw, anyone else using PEM agency here?

Hi sunbelle
Think he (ban choon chan) told me before tt they will only open on next Monday..
Tzac, fell off your office chair? Oh dear.. Be careful!! My ex colleague broke her ankle when she fell while chasing her bus during pregnancy, it was really tough for her.. So we really have to be careful, no running and doing 'stunts' ;)
ashley, yeah, office chair. cant imagine tat i m so clumsy.. trying to pick up something fr floor but just slipped and bump, butt on the floor liao...

wow, your ex-colleague still ran after the bus, I dare not do tat now...
Hi ashely
May i know who u engage for ur Confinement service? Whose ur gynea? Is it for twins, we need to do more scan?? Btw, how r u feeling now? Heavy? Hv u finish buying all the thing? Thk u for ur advise..
Dear Hopeful,

OIC, hmmm, I guess I gotta go queue if I want his herbs… When is the lowest peak of the queues huh? About what time? And which day is he closed? Thx for sharing!
Hi sasha
I can help ans as he is my tcm doc too..;) He close on every Tues. Peak period is wkend.. I ever que fr 7:30 to 11am on sat.. One gal que fr 7:30 to 2pm on sat before too.. So i try go on wkday.. Usually i take half day n go afternoon but they close at 2plus so if ur office too far fr parkway, better go in morning..
Hi Chris baby, I was trying to pm you but realized your setting doesn't allow you to receive pm. Can trouble you to enable the function? Thanks!!
Sunbelle no worries
Hope you'll get your Bu soon
Hi Joanne,
Cos I having oscar scan on monday morning. Thinking of going on Monday after that. Tuesday he is closed. Wednesday onwards I start work liao
I really dread going back to work!!!!!!!!!!!
Sasha, everyone dread work ... Heehee.... I juz have more ''orders" from my big boss daily when she knows my days r numbered. I can only outsource simple and small things to my 2 staff. If not I will have to redo ... Waste my time. Only yesterday my big boss realise i have lots to do and ask me if I want temp staff. I also need to scan thru my immediate boss' emails b4 he sent out. That's v frustrating cos he is no gd in his English and even how bad his writing or format is I can't do anything. So I juz read and make sure he does not misinterpret. That's y I like to come to office b4 7.45am, work throughout lunch cos that's the quiet time where no one disturb me!
Joanne, i'm not getting any CL as my mum will be around to help me plus we have just hired a full-time maid. My mum can't make confinement food so i'm thinking of ordering tingkat during confinement.

As for gynae, i'm seeing Dr.Tham Kok Fun at gleneagles, been seeing him for years now and very comfy with him. Yes i was asked to do all these scans at NUH because i'm expecting twins, total will be 4x: down syndrome at wk12, detailed scan at wk22, growth scan at wk28, and RPT scan at wk32. Not sure what RPT stands for..

I had a severe morning sickness and vomiting until 5months, from 5-7months it was my babymoon period, now from 7months onwards my gynae has warned me of discomforts, with the extra weight i carry. Yes i start to feel heavy, finding it more difficult to walk in public places, and been getting pelvic pain plus backpain too.

And also i am ordered for bedrest from this 7months onwards, plus might be on some injections (utrogestan?) to relax the womb as to avoid early contraction. Am seeing my gynae tomorrow and will probably get the first injection. He also asks me to do bloodtest tmrw to check on thalassemia, rhesus, and other stuffs which i think is a bit late but i'll do it anyway..

At first i wanted to 'pantang' and only buy baby stuffs after 7 months but since i know i will have to bedrest, i started buying things earlier during 2nd trimester, and now i'm more or less done, except for a few items which my friend has promised to loan to me but haven't managed to pass yet.

You will definitely know the gender of your babies during detailed scan, will be exciting! Take care!!
Hi gals,

Am admitted to hospital after ctg check. Gynae said bb hb irregular, one point very high (bb too happy) n will go back to normal. Gynae suggested induce. Inserted tablet to v area at 5pm. Waiting game start!!!
Aiyoh your bb so happy to be out soon! Have a smooth safe delivery Summer!

Ladies-for info
BTW, here's the recipe of fish soup with papaya using peanuts as well..

1 white fish tail approx.1kg (didn't say what type in particular though)
100gm raw peanuts
1 1/2 ripe papaya approx.1kg
1 piece tangerine peel
2 slices old ginger
1.5litres water
2 tablespoons oil

Seasoning optional
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon light soya sauce

1) Soak peanuts in water overnight. Drain before use.
2) Skin and halve papaya. remove seeds, rinse and cut into big wedges. Rinse tangerine peels.
3) Clean and scale fishtail. Rinse, drain and pat dry.
4) Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a wok and when oil smoking, add ginger and fry fragrant, add the fishtail and fry both sides until light golden brown.
5) Bring 1.5liters water to boil. Include all ingredients, cover and leave to boil for 15 mins over high heat. Lower flame and simmer 2.5hrs. Taste and season as accordingly if desired.
6) Serve soup and cooked ingredients separately if you like.

This is adapted from the chinese pregnancy and confinement cookbook by Ng Siong Mui..

let me know if you gals tried cos i've never tried it and curious how it taste like..
summer - woo...awaiting your birth announcement soon. exciting news

tzac - be careful!

chrisl - thanks for the recipe. hehe Im curious to try it out soon :p

ladies - pls exercise caution w your walking. my frd was admitted as she had preterm contractions from over walking and needed injections to ensure bb's lungs mature in case really labour and also on drip to ease away the contractions.
Hi Ashley
Thks so much for ur detail.. Wonder is it only twins need to do growth scan and rgt scan? Not sure whether Doc Loh practise the same..
Oh.. U r on bed rest fr 7th mth?? Did ur gynea gives u hospital leave?? Btw, just curious, at wht wk u start to feel baby kick? Did u sleep on ur left n right as i worry will hurt them since they hv limited space in us?? U mean u start buying bb things fr 14th wk onwards? U get two baby cots?think i hv to start get prepare too.. Thks so much for ur advise..

Hi summer
Wah.. U r popping soon.. So happy to see u gals popping in these few wks..hv a smooth delivery ya..;)

Thks Chris! For the receipe

Hi sasha
I see.. U r lucky as no need work soo long.. Me has been working every day...;( but i hope ban choon chan already open on Mon as i not too sure too since he may as well open only on wed since tues is their off day??
Summer, jia you!!!

Tzac, u need to tell yr gynae that u fell.

Tomorrow I m seeing my gynae. Hope my gal give my gynae clear signs when she wants to come out
Dear Catherine,
You're really very thoughtful and diligent in your work! I'm a workaholic too and my work is hectic. But I have not gone back to work since last October til now. So you can imagine my dread is how great!!! lol. Do update us on your visit tmr!!! You are next in line I think!!! So exciting!!!

Dear Joanne03,
I think i'd drop by ban choon chan on monday and see what happens

Dear Summer13,
Wa!!!!! So excited for you!!! Update us when you can!!! May you have a smooth smooth delivery!!! How many weeks are you at now?
Joanne, not sure if only twins have to do growth scan and RPT scan, you can check with your gynae..

I'm currently not working, so i don't need any hospital leave.. Believe you will get one if your gynae orders bedrest for you also from 7th month onwards..

I started feeling babies' kick pretty late, at around wk22..

Yes i sleep on my left, but sometimes end up on my back, keep tossing actually cos will have backpain if i stay on the same position for too long.

Yup i started buying bb things fr 14th wk onwards.. And i am getting two baby cots. And two individual strollers cos the twins stroller is huge..
Hi gals,

Delivered my bb girl naturally with epi on 27/1/12 @11.35pm, weight 3.14kg @39w2d.

Wishing all mummies a smooth pregnancy & delivery ahead:) Jia you!!!
Summer, congrats!

Chris, when did your BM flow kick in? Yesterday pm onwards till now, I still saw colostrum only when I pump.. Droplets.. Can't give bb coz already bk home n too little to contain in bottles n bring over.
Summer, congrats on ur bb gal :)

Catherine, hope ur gal will let u knw when u visit gynae tomolo. U will b the nxt 1 so exciting :) ok, will let my gynae knw but my appt is 3 wks later.... Sigh ....

Anyone any idea if placenta low ok? Ask gynae n he said no bleeding is ok but me juz worried ....

my bm flow kicked in ard day 3-4.. continue pumping for stimulation n massage it as often as possible.. even tho its tiring, just keep doing it.. it will come..
Tzac, u should call yr gynae to tell! I dun mean to scare u but my fren wife fell and something serious happened! I m a bit kiasi after I heard what happened....

Congrats summer. That was fast!

Sasha, I dun want to check my boss' email but he jus send to me and de facto that's my work! Being diligent and thoughtful also no use I was deny of a post bcos of my pregnancy. That's y I have not made up my mind whether to look for a new job after my delivery. I told my big boss that hr wants me to put up a memo stating I will take 3 mths ml and ask her for the memo format cos she did it b4. She was angry hr always come out with new patterns. By me taking 3 mths ml+ my annual leave + infant care leave, I only need to work 3 weeks every mth till my gal is 1yrs old. my hb told me to think hard. Cos if i do that technically my boss regard as she has sufficient manpower to do the projects. Boss will not care if I work 3 weeks. Also I will have to pay full mth infant care fee and my office car park fee. I agree with all of u. I need to think of my gal. I m so ''fan" now... Really can't read my bosses mind if what I do is worth it.
Hi Kimmy,

Ya, wat i did is wash with water then use tissue to slowly pat dry. After that i just used the spray that doc gave me on the wound area. 1st few days, hospital will most likely prescribe u with painkillers + antacid, just take it. Drink lotsa of liquid such as milk and longan tea etc, it will help soften the stool and "dilute" the urine so its less "saltish" , always remember to wash the wound area then pat dry softly. No need to be 100% dry.

so far nadia's quite friendly, she's very young around 33yrs old, 10yrs experience. Her skills are passed down from great grandma. Her mum and auntie are also in this trade. So far okie, i would have prefer my batam lady (50yrs++) she charged around 60 for 2hrs, however she's now in batam and can only come out like 1mth later cos she just went back. I got to know her thro my mil.
Hi hasel,
mine started super late, around 5th or 6th day then milk flow started a little. Dun worry just keep pumping cos when your 1st milk flow comes thro it will contains colostrum too, u'll notice the color different its more on yellowish. I quickly keep it in fridge for bb's next feeding.
hi hazel,

How's your wound? better? Did dr loh give you painkillers? if yes just take it for the 1st few days. i took for the 1st 3 days, altho there's still bearable pain and discomfort. Try not to walk around and lie down.
Ya, some pp start milk flow very fast, some slower.. My gfs told me have to "open" the milk ducts on the breasts after delivery.. They said in KKH, LC will come (free) & do that for mummies n is super painful... also like wat sillsilly shared, need to massage 15mins each side before pumping to stimulate milk flow.. In TMC, if we want LC, need to request n we hv to pay specialist consultant fees!

Anyhow, I did what my friend told me to open the ducts.. Painful indeed but I guess not as bad at KKH LC.. Some parts also swollen from the massage.. Is harder for my to stick to pump every 3 hrs coz I need to go see my girl... Like just now I woke up at 5 plus to pump.. Then now again., hands free so can write on forum..

After that must rush to wash up & eat breakfast before leave for TMC to do her birth cert, cash & baby bonus so that we can go see her at visiting hrs 11-12pm.. She is really reactive, kicking and stretching away even when she is sleeping.. Bb sleeps most of the time...
Chris, wound is recovering.. I just take the painkillers, dr Loh told me to finish them.. He said my threshold low, better take.. Yesterday since I came bk. I will sit in salt water a few times a day... Sting abit but not as bad.. I m wearing a tummy wrap too to shrink the organs inside bk to size.. Coz i feel swollen internally...

Yesterday, we got our daughter's Chinese name done & hubs did up the forms. Later after I hv breakfast will do TMC do all the necessary.. I request CL to come on tues.. Hopefully bb can discharge then.. Now is my mum who is doing CL for me..

Some of her stuff we need to fix also, her bumper, stroller, sun her car seats etc, Hub will do that later.. He also needs up go supermarket to buy stuff..more pampers (nurse told me bb uses >8 a day!), sanitizers, 1 can of milk powder.. Etc. what brand of FM u using? I told he NICU nurse to give her Enfac A plus & seems ok so far.

PD just called me, bb is stable & she has stepped down her oxygen on c-papp fr 50-45% yesterday m today further to 40%.. Once hit 25% means she will be ready for the air outside.. Oh ya, she has a bit of jaundice (borderline) so dr put her on photo light since yeaterday.. Your girl no jaundice issus?
Hi Summer
Feel soo happy for u!! Congrat and u have a "gd" word now... I feel for u as my son oso quite big age gap now.. I really hope can give him siblings too...am sure ur son is already 董事and very happy now.. My son has been very helpful to me when knowing abt my pregnancy, he is just like another man in hse beside hubby.. He oways help me carry anything n asks me walk careful.. Am sure he will dote on his siblings too instead of jealous of them.. Hope this day can arrive soon tt i can give him siblings to play n dote with.. Did u bring him to ur every scan?? So far i only show him photos... Rest well n take care..;)

Hi Hazel
Hows ur bb gal bt result? Am sure she is discharging soon... Dun give urself too much stress on bm else it wun come.. Listen to some relax music n pump again.. Tell urself to relax k..;) btw, u engage which confinement service?

Hi ashley
I see..thk u so much for ur advise.. Looks like i oso hv to prepare a shopping list soon... Did u attend wong boi boi class? I am considering as worry tummy will be too big to attend by then.. Oh ya, is ur maid gd? Fr which country as me thinking of hiring too.. Can i pm u next time if i hv any doubts on twins pregnancy?? Need to learn so much fr u.. Btw, do u hv a shopping list on wht to get for twins? Worry i wun get enough..;p thk u so much...
you are really hardworking!! Yup initially my breasts were engorged so used cold towel compress to relieve the pressure and pain. Then CL taught me to massage, dunnoe whether is opening milk ducts, cos after massage for 15mins the flow came out from my left boobs. The massage was rather painful at 1st cos of the engorgement. After that i felt better. I should learn from you to express more frequently, but tough cos this whole week got PD appt, dr's appt which takes up the whole of my afternoon..by then when i reached home already 2.30pm and got to do massage. Had only later afternoon and evenings (2 slots) for me to pump. hahaa

ya the 1st few days, my tummy was really swollen and hard, Then every day when i lie down can feel my womb cramp and contract internally. Then on the 3rd day nite, i started my 1st poo poo, and then tummy became softer and less bloat along the days. I didn't wear any wrap except now with nadia's massage.
Hi Hazel,

I used NAN FM, so far so good. For diapers, go for newborns, bb are not that choosy so can buy huggies or even drypers. For mine, i bought mamy poko ( used at nite for better absorption and heavy flow) and day i just mixed and match and used up all those free samples and those from my ompany's hamper 1st cos NB diapers can't be kept for long, if you have any spare ones, quickly use them 1st.

Its vey common for bb to have jaun dice. When discharged, my gal got no jaundice (3rd day)ie is Wed, but PD told us to observe cos jaundice will reach its peak on 6th day and that is the day for bb's 1st PD appt. They did a blood test and reading is 11. PD says still okie if it reaches 15 then might need to admit and if 20 its consider very high. So PD says my gal's jaundice is quite mild and since 6th day is the peak it should decrease over this few days. IF by today bb looks more yellow then just bring her bk to do a quick blood test. So this 3 days, my hbs and CL dilligently brought mg gal downstairs for suntan, morning sun from 8.30am-9.00am. My gal enjoys it and slept throughout.

How to know if bb got juandice, very easy, just use your finger to press on her cheeks and let go and if you see tats a yellow patch on the place that u compress just now, then its jaundice. If bb's eyes (the white part) becomes yellowish then jaundice level considered high. This method is used by my CL, PD and my hbs cos hbs cousin last time has jaundice too, and they suntan her using morning sun and she recovers. This is applicable for mild jaundice.
my gal is afraid of the heat, like my in-laws will insists to wrap up my bb even in the hot afternoon and wear long sleeve PJs etc, then you will see my bb crying away and sweating ah. Hair all damp. hahaha jus like his daddy. So we got to on the fan daily for her but blow in other direction to keep the room cool for her. At nite, we on the aircon for her around 26-27 degree so that she'll sleep comfortably. In the day, we let her wear bodysuit, with mittens and booties plus a wrap. At night, she wore PJs, mittens booties and wrap. HBs joked with me say this month our electrical bill sure shot up alot.
Chris, PD just called, she wants us to pay a deposit of $3k fr her dr fees! Was told the deposit we paid the other day is for NICU and not for her fees! We defintely dun have to pay auh hefty dr fees in KKH! Her knife is indeed v sharp!

My milk flow has started to come in.. I saw it just now in one of the funnel.. Need to go get syringe to extract it out for later pump..
Chris, this pD said, for jaundice cannot exceed 10 n my girl's level was 9.9 yesterday so borderline! Her knife is sharp!!
Photo light in NICU n normal nursery cost are v v different hor..

J03, bb no infection. Now is waiting for her to stabilize n her lung x ray is cleared.. Dr does daily..
Hazel & Chris, tks for the valuable infos. Still got a lot of things to learn fm u gals although this is my #2.

J03, I din bring my boy to every scan, just show him the scan photos. Am sure ur boy will dote on his siblings too. Although their age gap is big but I believe they r happy to hv a campanion later in life.
Chris n Hazel,
Nurse brought bb into my room at 9.30am to do bf but my girl refuse to suck as she still in her sweet dream. Not choice nurse brought her back to nursery room, give fm, I choose enfalac. Her only feed was at 4.30am!!!

Hazel, glad that ur bb is doing well.
Summer, I tried latching her on immediately after delivery in birth room. She did not want to suckle also. After that, no chance to latch her as that night she went into NICU.. bb needs to be taught to know how to suckle, so we hv to be patience. Rub bb's head gently, poke the 2 sides of her mouth gently n tickle her feet to teach her.

Gal, my hospitalisation bill is abt $6,900, can claim $2,550 fr medisave. I stayed in premier single bedded. Dr loh's total fees were abt $1,800, including delivery.

The interim bill for my daughter as at today in NICU is abt $5k and dr fees is abt $1,500 (she charges $300 a day to visit bb in NICU & there are other procedure charges by her). She wanted us prepaid another $1,500 just now.

Chris, how much were your delivery fees at Mt a?

I am currently waiting outside NICU for 11am
Visiting hrs.
Oh ya, mine is a natural delivery with epidural.

The $5k NICU fees do not include the PF dr fees k mentioned above..

Hazel, i hope that pd is not assigned to me!

Chris and hazel, given u have gone thru the child birth process, would u consider having a 2nd child?

My gal is 2.4kg now at week 35.5. But I gain 2kg!!! Cny is the cause ..... Argh!!! Bb is not engaged yet. Let's hope she move within 2weeks time
