(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Catherine, ex ah? But was told cheaper than SG leh.. Hm.. I just checked, my Carter package will arrive tomorrow and pumkin patch on thurs! I can finish washing all the clothes by this wk! Hooray! Hehe

Catherine - really? Ex ah? then maybe I won't push to go during Dec then...

Hazel - ya ya, I also waiting for Boxing day sale! Wahahahaha. Ya so far I'm waitng for about 2 weeks for my 1st parcel to arrive. Oh goodness, okay lah understand now volume increase cuz its Christmas etc...

Meryl - hope the liquids work for you. Anything to provide nutrients to the little one

Baby - ya during this period don't drive hor, esp since you feel giddy. Always carry some sweets & biscuits along with you just in case you feel lightheaded. For me, sweets helped to give me that short sugar rush while I make my journey to a destination to rest.
Thanks ladies

Just got an email from my clinic and that there'll be no BT necessary, just a scan appointment on 5Jan. Hmm..was actually looking forward to knowing the BT readings..

Oh btw, Chris im very prone to UTI too, so i got some test strips online to test at home, the box will have a corresponding colour chart to tell if you hv UTI or not or just very mild UTI etc..I usually test it when i feel like it's coming back then..quickly drinking clear barley water(without sugar) or cranberry juice to clear it (if not too bad) But then if otherwise, it'll let me know if it's serious enough to go to the doc for medications. I got mine here-- http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Urine-test-strips-/280771845187?pt=UK_Health_Beauty_Vitamins_Supplements&hash=item415f4e5c43

And baby i got a book The Chinese Pregnancy & Confinement book..according to it, you can add ginger and sesame oil to dishes to alleviate giddiness and improving blood circulation
and also one of the days i was so giddy, i tried this technique http://www.rbcsgroup.com/ot/ot-2006/january-2006/vertigo-giddiness.htm ..it worked for me but back then i was not preggy..but then not sure if ok for preggy ladies or not..cos better not anyhow press points..if you go TCM, maybe ask the doc? Else just stick to medicated oils for now?

Wow miracle Your bb is growing so well!
That's a good sign
Hi Chris!

Thanks for the advise, I've never have UTI until i gotten preggy. Yup my co dr did a urine test for me on monday, and the result is mild UTI could also be becos prior to the test i drank a full bottle of water hence urine very diluted hahahaa.. Dr did suggest to me tat if i still feel discomfort then do do another test 2 days later ie maybe on wednesday.
Hi Kimmy,

i also find myself not as alert as before when driving like last wk i rush to the carter sale, had a near brush with the taxi driver and he honked me all the way and scolded me eventho i apologised and he has a passenger in his car. I signalled to turn left and forgotten to check my blindspot and nearly ran into him...phew!!! didn't dare tell hb...
Hi gals,
Yest I went for my scan cos I found my whole panty liner all brown... I freak out and went for check and bb still there, doc say bb heartbeat healthy. 1 week ago bb measure 7mm at 6 w+ going 7w. but yest the AMC doc say according to size my bb is 27.5mm.. She say looking at size I am 8w Liao... So fast?
Hi Chris_baby, bcos my MIL called her friend, a TCM dr. This lady's daughter had given birth to twins thru IVF. She said don't anyhow take bcos this pregnancy is diff from those natural one. So my MIL strongly disallow me to take chic essence. I have no choice but to listen to her.
Tromso, I read abt it too. The blood will flow more to the fetus now, so we've got this lightheaded. One of preggie symptoms. Got to bear with it first.

Kimmy, Is eating sweets will help to increase sugar level? Don't really fancy sweets actually
. Any sweets can take? Any recommendation ?

Chrisl, I will check it out. Yeah, now only can use medicated oil although doesn't help much
Fatefully, good to hear that your bb growing well. Did u make appt first for your yesterday scan? I'm thinking to just walk in to see Dr Loh today, dunno can or not. I vomited very bad last nite. Now feel very giddy.
Baby, yes, u can walk in to see dr loh. But be prepared to wait foe hrs.

Fatefully, ur bb is growing v well. So, dun worry abt you having MS n no appeditie ok. Bb draws from your reserve now even if u dun eat well n lose weight. Just make sure u r hydrated, rest more, and try to take small meals if u can. Coz if not, u will be weakened when bb draws fr ur reserve. U may wan to see dr M at closer interval instead of such a big gap.

If she is not going on leave, maybe u wan to see her in 2 wks time after Xmas holiday since u just did a scan yesterday. U can tell her your concerns n ESP u r staining still. Is better to be reviewed on a more regular basis.
Hi Hazel, what is the best time to walk-in? I'm thinking to go now. Is it too early? Do I need to go to the counter first n take Q number? TIA.
Baby, u seeing him at clinic d right? If tps, it starts after 3pm. U can go anytime, no best time. Yes, u need to register n get a queue no. If the nurse makes thing difficult for u as u dun hv an appointment, just tell them u dun feel gd & dr loh asked u to walk in. Still cannot, go knock at his door, wait for his nurse to come out n tell her the counter nurse refused to let u register & u dun feel gd n need to see dr loh.
Hi Fatefully
Did u asks doc why got discharge? So happy for u.. But may i know why can go AMC for scan? U walk in or instruct by doctor? Did u see baby shape oreadi? So fast hor... Good good.. Did u take proluton injection? Me taking weekly now till next wk see doc Loh then decide whether to continue... Pray hard no more bleeding...

Thks hopeful for ur advise..;)

Hi chris!
Congrat to u!! ;)

Hi baby
Take care.. I read the sympton that at 8th wk will feel giddy.. So take mc to rest ya... But funny is why chicken essence cant take? Shd be ok ah since no herbs.. As that helps to increase ur blood too... I drink it daily and make double boil chicken essence once per week too..;)

Me not feel so well too.. Alot of wind these two days in afternoon... Also hv diarrhoe once these 3 days.. Not sure wht did i eat wrong too..;( is it normal to hv diarrhoe now? As i take one hard boil egg every morning so mum say egg may cause wind and asks me to stop and see better or not.. Really scare everyday and hope no more wind today.. Really uncomfy n want to put gas in office oso paiseh.. Feeling crampy now.. Hope all is ok inside.. Still one wk more for the scan.. Seems so long...
It's also possible to get scans done at the 24hrs clinic, if not able to get hold of Dr Loh. Then can have a peace of mind or be directed to dr Loh from there.

Hi Joanne, I went to see dr about my stomach discomfort and occasional diarrhea like very soft stools, was told that as long as it's not diarrhea for say 2-3 times a day, it's fine. I was given charcoal pills but I'm not taking it since dr says my condition isn't really diarrhea. If you are concerned, can always consult dr to be assured. I also took the anti- nausea med, helped a lot compared to before, still feeling tired, but minimal vomitting feeling now
Btw Joanne, egg yolk causes bloatedness (not sure if you recall we have been advised to not take it during ER ET 2WW). But since it's packed full of goodness, I'm taking the yolks very sparingly now. Maybe you can try omit the yolk for your breakfast and see if your bloatedness improves.
Hi Tromso
Usually i only eat the whites, didnt dare take the yolks due to high cholestrol.. Oh... So u see doc Loh to get the anti nausea medi? U still hv diarrhoe daily?
Yesterday was my mom birthday celebration; Wah sei I ate a lot at dinner... Orh luah,, sea cucumber mushroom claypot, stir fried veg with prawns, steamed fish and baby lobster.. Funny appetite really, suddenly became good. Lunch going to eat normal buk kua teh. Non herbal.. Today looking forward to mango cake! Yummy..

Hi Baby_me >> for me when I felt like puking, sweets like mentos or gummies help me curb it especially when I'm in the hands of a horrible taxi driver who can't seem to drive smoothly for nuts! If sweets are not your fancy, then maybe you wanna carry dried fruits/bread/biscuits - find something that you can take and suits you to curb whatever temporary giddiness or nausea you have. The chewing of the snacks will help occupy your brain for a while...that's what worked for me.

Fatefully - wow baby is growing really well, that's a good thing. Just go with the flo. estimated gestation is measured based on size/length/ etc for 1st tri so you don't have to read too much into it. As long as doc says everything is good, it is. :D

Chris_baby - drive carefully k! You & bb more impt than anything! Then again, cab drivers these days are crap. I encountered a few that refused to signal when they want to cut into my lane because they feel they have some right to? Ridiculous. Next time when their daughters/DILs/wives get preggy and are in the vehicle, they will probably curse other people who do the same. Hah!!!

Ok, going to finally start clearing another part of the room now. Gosh the dust is killing me...but I rather start clearing up now then when tummy is bigger later. Otherwise I can nvr buy cot cuz nowhere to put. Mwahahahahahahaha.

I saw Isetan Sale Mailer! Avent Sterilizer bundle @ $135! Shiokkkk!!!!
Fuyutsuki01, create a vpost account At https://www.vpost.com.sg/vpost/index1.jsp

U will be given vpost USA, Europe, China, Japan addresses. Read the step by step instructions after u create.

For USA websites, where many offer free ground shipping anywhere in USA if u spend the minimum amt (~US$50). use your vpost USA address where the parcel will be sent to. USA merchants will give u a tracking no for u to track the status of parcel delivery to vpost USA address.

Upon arrival at vpost USA, vpost SG will notify u to log on n pay freight charges to vpost SG & u can track the parcel from there with vpost tracking no. Total price of items bought plus freight charges to SG cannot exceed S$400, if not, SG will charge you 7% GST. So out of prudence, if u r buying clothing, budget S$80 for freight. That means, u can spend S$320 online per parcel. If I hit that amt, my freight charges r abt S$50. This is dependent on how the USA merchant pack the items.

Boxing day sale will start on 26 dec! One of the best time to buy fr USA online website other than black Friday. But pls budget for 2.5 wks from the date you buy online for the parcel to reach you. They r delivered to your home by singpost. If no one is in, they will left u a slip like any registered mail.
tanny - haha I think you had good appetite because that's your preferred dishes or they smell/look very good. Possibly part of your cravings too? That's good, at least you're able to eat
Enjoy mango cake! heeh I love mango too!
Congratulations to you. It feels like you are here although you are a 'million' miles away. The marvels of modern technology. Do keep yourself warm. And to those that I have missed out, congratulations to you too.

Dizziness, giddiness is pretty common. Even now at 20w, I do get the occasional light headedness. Even my average heartbeat has increase. You can try snacking on raisins, dried apricots, granola bars (whole-grain, low-sugar varieties) or fresh fruits. Eating frequently and protein at meals also helps to maintain stable blood-sugar levels. Remember not to do any activities/actions that would encourage dizziness. However, if your dizziness persist do inform your doctor.
Hi Gals, thanks a lot for the advices. Now I'm waiting for my turn to see Dr Loh, walk-in, so don't really know when Is my turn. The nurse said got to wait for 2-3 hours. I've been waiting for 40mnts now. See stars already arghhhh.
Joanne, I don't have full blown diarrhea, only very soft stools once a day or 2 days, though the tummy pain feels like diarrhea sort. So it's not considered diarrhea. I'm suspecting it's indigestion or just weak tummy, so ignoring it for now. I went to 24 hrs clinic cos nurse says dr Loh doesn't have good scanning machine in clinic D, so no point seeing him (don't know how true leh...). The scan and med was given by 24 hrs clinic. I can eat more now cos the vomitting feeling is very mild non-detectable ish. I've been feeling extremely hungry of late, so I really need to eat more for lunch and dinner, otherwise this gastric tummy rumbling feeling is getting quite unbearable despite how much I snack in between, very weird. Maybe I should up my carbo or calories.

Woke up in the middle of last night to munch on crackers (although just before bedtime I had a glass of milk and handful of nuts), then this morning woke up extremely hungry again...faint....
Baby, go eat your lunch. When the nurse comes out from dr loh's room to call next patient to go in, let her know u will be bk in 30mins. U nv know how long u need to queue.
Hi tromso
Yes, clinic D machine more lousy as last friday when scan in clinic D.. So blur and pixelated.. I cant see clear at all and only hear Doc Loh say babies r ok then i relax..
Oh.. Did 24 hr clinic scan for u? Glad tt u r feeling better after the medi..

Hi Baby
U got number right? Then they will sms u when is abt 4patients before ur turn so u can go lunch first w/o worry will skip u..
Yah, just came back from my lunch. Asked the nurse just now, she asked me to go n eat first. Now feeling full but still giddy. Waiting again..

Joanne, yes I hv my number. But this time is walk-in, dunno whether they will SMS or not. Usually by appt, they will. Really dunno now. Asked the nurse, she said my case is not here yet.

Miracle, was yours walk-in too yesterday? Did they SMS u?
Now not so many ppl, hopefully my turn soon so that I can go home n rest.
Hazel, I told the nurse I'm having bad headache n giddiness. She still said must wait bcos got lots of patients need to see him too, arghhh bopian then wait loh.
Was having diarrhea twice yesterday morning. Was kinda worried but didnt go see O&G cos check up today. Fortunately, everything's okay.
Now 15th wks. Baby not shy. Scan was very fast, Dr Loh took 1 look n say it's a boy. Couldn't even managed to see what he was referring to...
Anyway hubby's very happy. Say he can bring son fishing next time
Chris, my 2nd package from carters USA came! But the package not as high class as Ralph laren & no free hangers!
Hi Gals, just back from seeing Dr Loh. Everything is okay. He said bb is growing well. 18mm at 8wks now. I told him last time already 12mm n now only 18? He said the AMC measured one is not accurate. What he measured for me now is the correct one. That time is 6w5d, can't be 7.5wks. Always based on ET date to count. He asked me if I trust him or AMC. Of course I trust him, really joker hehe. He really jokes a lot today too. My next scan will be at TMC next year Jan.
He said my symptoms is normal, will happen to most of preggie women, so no need to worry. He gave me 10days HL!
I told him I only need 1 day bcos I need to go back to work. He said he likes to give a lot of mc n can become mc king haha. He asked me to rest more. I don't think will fully use my HL hehe.
Kimmy, I love Raisins! So bought some just now, hopefully can help to reduce the nausea n dizziness. Bought some muffins from Tg Pagar too
Baby me : 40min is nothing. I waited from 5pm to 9pm just to see him as walk in. WahhhaA mc king. I like him a lot and love mc too. Wah 18mm at 8 weeks
Good good. Take care ok?

Kimmy : not my craving. Just ate whatever my dad ordered.. One min don't feel like eating; next min see the food take a bite and ok leh; start to eat n eat. Just had mango cake but not shiok - I like a lot of fresh mango fillings. Which place has really good mango cakes? Anyway nt shiok but now still feel like eating another slice..

I also felt insomnia; always waking up at 6- 630am.

Are there 2 Chris?

Chris - Please please drive carefully. Your story v scary leh.

My next appm is at 10 weeks, from 6 weeks to 10 weeks. 10 weeks can know gender?

Anyone taking Tcm medicine? I'm still taking till tri 1 then no need to take anymore and Tcm says no need to see him after that. The an tai is to stablise the preg in tri 1.

Now I'm on mc for runny nose... Must rest n recover ASAP. Dr loh says no good to fall sick in tri 1.
Hi Baby
Lol.. Doc Loh oways very generous with mc/hl..;)but did he show u ur baby? The screen very blur hor.. Can u tell or see ur baby shape fr his screen? Wah.. Both u n fatefully hv do scan already so fast.. Me going for injection at kkh tomorow too..but no scan.. Only scan on next week.. Hope and pray hard my babies hv grow well too..
Baby, yes, dr loh is right. I just checked my old record, my bb at 8wks 4 days was 21mm. U can keep ur hl, days u r tired then u take!
By the way I saw this at another thread and tot just to share share.... I din verify cos I haven't check out the FBI benefits / costing yet. Out dr Loh on th participating list a not?


evaluation for FBI (First Born Incentive) @ TMC

If, gynae from TMC + delivery @ TMC, confirm value for money:

$148 for 2 years

5% off maternity professional fees (Only apply to some doctors. My doc not participating, so no savings her for me)
10% off Fetal assessment (If estimate OSCAR at $450, Detail scan @ $250, savings here is $70)
10% off Parentcraft (If u taking the prenatal class with TMC. I am, so I save $20 here)

Free 3 books (same books used if u taking the prenatal class, separately charged. So I save $50 here)

So total savings (since I dun intend to deliver @ TMC):
70+20+50= $140.

Which means balance $8 i either can take it that its for the free goodie bag or to standby if i decide to use the other discounts:

$100 off total bill for Single Room
$80 off total bill for 2-bedded
10% Paediatic fees
10% retail pharmacy, 24hrs family clinic & other hospital services.

In conclusion, if u dun intend to deliver at TMC & don't intend to attend the prenatal class with them, ur savings is only $70, so the $148 is not worth it. Else, sign up for it
Tanny, I waited for 2.5hrs. Quite okay actually. It's a bit quiet just now after 1pm. The nurse said left few patients only. That's why can chit chat with Dr Loh for awhile. I don't think can see bb gender at 10wks? Yeah, better don't fall sick during 1st tri. I'm very scared of runny nose n cough now. Pls rest more to recover fast, ok?

Joanne, yeah can see bb n heartbeat. Quite blurr compared to the one at AMC. He told me where is bb's head n butt hehe. Don't worry, your turn will be coming soon. Very fast. Bb will grow well

Hazel, yeah I trust Dr Loh. If he said well means well
I'm thinking that too on my HL, will take when I feel like resting at home n will let my boss know that I will use it if I'm not feeling well
Tanny, i downloaded babycenter pregnancy app for iphone. There is a video about gender, male & female genital are derived from the same structure at week 7, around 17 weeks then able to differentiate between ger or boy.
Yes there are 2 Chris. Chris (Chris_baby) and Chrisl (with an additional l)

I also have the BabyCentre pregnancy app and I like it. Plenty of information.
Hi Tanny, I'm seeing dr Loh tmr, I'll ask him about it. I've seen this discount info floating around in forums too, looks like a great deal.

Joanne, yes, my scan was done at 24hrs clinic, everything seems fine
but will confirm with Dr Loh tmr cos the 24hrs clinic scan wasn't clear enough. Fingers crossed. Hope your diarrhea will clear, if not, good idea to have it checked out.

Btw the anti-nausea pill really works wonders but cannot help with gassy tummy...lol...better than nothing I guess.
FBI : $148 for 2 years.

If one bedded; I save $100 and $20 from Parentcraft = $128
Plus a few books. Means break even already.

I called TMC and they said Dr Loh is not on participating list of doc. Tromoso maybe u help to confirm with doc loh tmrw?
Hi Sunnie gal, it's a boy
congrats!! So you are about 2 mths ahead of us, I initially thought most of the other ladies here are way ahead
So do you get morning sickness during tri 1? When did it clear for you? Hope you are feeling better fr your diarrhea, looks like our digestive systems are quite vulnerable now...

Tanny, I'm also taking an tai yao now but still unsure will continue in 2nd tri. I know some ladies only start herbs in 2nd tri. I'm planning to discuss with family and TCM dr about it, a bit mixed feelings...
oh anyone taking prenatal vitamins? Any brand to recommend? im thinking to ask my mum buy and my dad to bring with him this friday
Chrisl, These vitamins will worsen morning sickness in first tri. Drs here generally give only after first tri. We usually take wat the drs prescribe us coz different brands may hv different contents n dosage.
