(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Ya I also got permission from my mum to on aircon. As for gg out, I definitely will go out. At least twice to go home open the door for my part time maid to clean my house. We r modern mummy no need to b confine at home haha

Catherine, r ur bb's movements consistent? Books say bbs are mre active at night. But my bb not always leh. Hv u hit 28 wks? Does your gynae ask u to monitor bb's movements? I asked my gynae n he said from 9am-9pm, minimum 10 movements. A bit lenient leh... I m getting nervous as the day comes nearer.. Hope everything will be smooth going...
Hazel, my gal is active throughout the day ESP mons. Told my gynae she is ok with my gal movement. My gal is like kung Fu master. She will kck and kick if her daddy talk to her she will keep quiet or kick v gently. If I eat wan ton mee, she goes kicking v hard ESP when I m finishing my noodles. V funny one. Seems she will enjoy that stall wanton mee juz like my hb and I.
Haha but the daddy is v stingy in buying her toys. Daddy believe in letting her decide from young. Also v funny if my hb drives too fast she will kick. She knows what safety is ... Have u exp times when u talk to yr bb b4 u drive? U ask for gd traffic etc? Since sept If I drive alone I will talk to my gal and really v v v gd traffic.
Hi catherine
Thks for ur kind advise..;)

Hi miracle
Hows ur scan today? I remember ur reading oso very high so could be twins too.. Update us and the crl of ur babies k..;) enjoy the moment..
Hi Joanne,my scan is tml. So nervous & excited now.. How to sleep @ nite!
Btw, wat's crl? I think I missed one of the post on crl.

Tanny,baby & Joanne: how's ur appetite?? Any vomiting? I feel nausea whenever I'm not eating.. Gosh, my mouth's so bland. Extreme nausea when I'm hungry & tired.. I think I'm goin to put on weight @ the rate I'm snacking
Hi miracle
Ohh.. Sotong n forgetful me.. Thot is today.. So ur scan is morning or afternoon? So excited for u..;) for me.. Extremely hungry during afternoon tea break time so must eat something.. I dun vomit but sensitive to smell and no appetite for food at all especially dinner.. Even lunch, i can eat small portion only.. Dinner worst.. Hee...yes, tongue no taste.. Last time i like eat fried food and apple but now the thinkong of it makes me feel disgusted.. Lol..

Are u gals same like me too? Lets continue jiayou woah and look forward to 2nd trimester..;)

Hi tanny
I scan on exactly 6th wk, baby crl is 4mm and 3mm.. Ur shifu say sizes r ok as me having twins.. ;)
Joanne, my scan is at 11:25am, then appt wif dr Loh is 12:25pm. I will be there early for breakfast, in case I wanna puke again. I'm very sensitive to smell too! Especially the smell of cooking & certain body smell.
All the best to your scan tmr Miracles!!

I'm very sensitive to smell too, kept sneezing at slightly scent, very frustrating. I'm just hoping the nausea will get better, quite unbearable at this point
Joanne, I used to love fried food too especially chicken cutlet. But nothing tempts me now. I realized I'm staying away from sweet stuffs, prefers savory and sour taste now. Actually what I really miss is laksa...heh...but have to stay away fr spicy food for now.
Joanne, for me I think eat in moderation should be alright.. U're not gonna eat everyday right?

Tromso, y need to stay away from spicy food? I hve craving for spicy food..heh heh. I only take sour stuff becoz of the nausea & bland taste in my mouth
Hi gals,
I am back to work today after mc for 4.5 days... Recovering from my coughing. Even since I fall sick I hv been feeling nausea and I feel so terrible. I feel hungry but I just dnt hv the appetite to eat and I think I am losing wgt if this go on. I can only eat soupy stuff... I gt craving but looking at food make me wa to puke. Today I was in the train sitting and this nausea feeling keep coming until I feel sick. Gynae give me some nausa med but it cause drowsy hw to eat when I go work. I feel moody also due to this. Sour stuff also doesnt help. Anyone can help me?
Miracle, I'm avoiding spicy cos afraid of upset tummy, very sensitive these days dunno why...

Hi Fatefully, have you tried ginger? Losing weight...hmm...have you started on those mummy milk powder? Can munch on nuts too. I also have peanut butter bread in my bag. The ladies here have suggested vit c fruits, I've just started trying kiwi, so far only so-so for me, helps for a while.

I read that for nausea, best is to not let tummy go empty, carbo food is good.

I also can't eat much these days, so for lunch and dinner, I'll try to 'stuff' down more food in the first 5-10 mins, otherwise i won't be able to eat anymore beyond that. So far, I'm able to finish about half of lunch and dinner portions by doing this.
Hi Miracle, so far I don't vomit but nausea still kick in especially at night. I only take the Vit B6 given by Dr in the morning, it helps actually bcos whole day never feel nausea. Only at night after dinner will feel again, but don't want to take the other medicine which can cause drowsiness. Maybe tmr u can get some Vit B6 from Dr, just incase
good luck for your tmr scan

Hi Joanne, I can't eat much breakfast. Only one bread n a cup of milk. Lunch, I can eat more. Tea break I will take some biscuits or fruits bcos always feel hungry. At night, can't eat much. See the food will make me nausea already, but I just try to force myself eat some fish, soup n rice n abit of meat. Bcos I can't go hungry, can't slp later on. Around 10pm I will take a cup of milk again hehe. I hv not put on weight yet, but my tummy start to come out n make all my colleagues keep asking if I'm pregnant haha. Can't hide anymore, I just smile at them n let them guess.

Actually you all can eat anything as long as in moderation, not everyday. Just try to avoid raw food. Spicy can take a bit la. Not too much. I just ate prata last Sun, feel good. But not going to take at least for another few weeks hehe.

Hi Fatefully, pls take care yourself. Maybe u can add a bit of slice fish or minced meat n vege in every soup u take. Can put a bit rice in it too. Try to drink Anmum milk for your bb. Jia you.
Hi catherine,

hahaha i burnt pocket during 4th mth - 7 mths onwards cos eating birdnests n now cordyceps 7mths till now all burnt at lady's boss ah...
Hi catherine,
u can't take milk?? is it becos of lactose intolerant? or gastric? cos i can't take milk at all during 1st tri, once i take milk, i'll vomit and diarrhea...when i reached 4mth, i very phobia to take milk, so instead gynae increase my calcium dosage to 2 calcium pills instead of the regular 1. Then i tried taking chesdale cheese (1-2pc) per day during tea-break when i hungry. Then in my 5mth i tried drinking 1 cup of milk and finds tat my body able to accept milk liao so now try to take at least 2x per day and my calcium pills now reduced to 1 per day.
Hi catherine,

Mine tooo, there was once when i was in my 5mth mth and i crave for wanton noodles..hahahaha and when i eat wanton noodles, bb will kick actively like enjoying the meal
Hi hazel,

i've being feeling pain around the centre of the groin area for the past 1 week, esp before i pee...
Today i quickly went see my company doc cos i scared i kena urinary tract infection (UTI) which i had it when i was at my 6wk. I was tested with boderline UTI, as they found traces of white blood cells in my urine so doc gave me powdered sachet drink to neutralise the akaline to take for 1-2 days and if my symptoms get worse, then just go bk to do a 2nd urine test and if positive then got to start antibiotics to clear it. Cos during 3rd trimeste, v common to get UTI as bb growing big and pressing at bladder.
Halo, tis thread is moving pretty fast recently w lots of nice chatting gg onz...
Juz had my detailed scan.. & I tink I shld stop being lazy & start to check out things to buy bef tummy gets big & diff to move ard... :-D

Fatefully, sour doesn't work for me too.. For me, I took gummy sweets to curb my nausea.. It's high in sugar content, but I wasn't taking it daily & as I was losing appetite & weight during 1st trim, it does the trick.. & most imptly, I learnt & oso realised tt it works - whn u wanna puke, tink of smthg else, rather than keep tinking "I wanna puke Liao"... Dunno if it works for u.. Nonetheless, u jiayou & other sisters in 1st trim too...
Hi baby,
Are you in your 1st tri? cos i had the same problem too, during dinner i got no appetite esp not able to stomach rice,only managed to take 1 small bowl and my hb has to persuade me to eat more. But vit B6 really helps me alot as after taking it i avoided taking those anti-nausea medicine as they made me v drowsy and i can't concentrate at wk.

Dun worry, when u pass 1st trimester, ur energy level and appetite will increase and you'll love foood.
Hi fatefully,

if sour stuff doesn't work, try sweet stuff, its trial n error. Like for me i bought sour prunes and some sweets and leave it at my desk. When i felt nausea i'll just take some. For fruits, i found tat oranges and kiwi works for me too
Hi Chris, yup I'm in first tri. Ard 8wks. Yeah, night time is very difficult for me to swallow my food, but must force myself to eat. Now Imm hungry already, got to take a cup of milk, otherwise hungry I can't slp. Looking forward to 2nd tri which will love food like you do hehe. Now really feel the energy very low. Recharge so long at night also no effect
Hi baby, fatefully and tromso
Yes, totally agree with u.. Low energy oways.. Hungry oways.. Hope all this sympton show our babies r growing well..;)
Btw, i feel alot of air in my tummy today.. Is this normal? Do u gals have? Oso, do u still hv crampy feeling?

Hope to hear fr u..

Hi queenie
Detail scan.. So fast for u.. How many wks le? And r u having baby boy or gal?
Hi Chris, may I know which type of bird nest that you are taking? How much do you spend for the birdnest?

2nd trim for me ...I tot it will be a breeze...but it is otherwise... Dr just gave me gaviscon and anti vomit pills..lost 2kg in 1day.. Totally cannot swallow food
Hi Chris, I dun know what happen to me when I drink milk over the last few mths. Dun u feel our body is ever changing?? I m juz thankful I dun have craving. Haha talking abt craving I juz made my hb drive me to buy apple crumble. I wanted wan ton mee juz now but dare not say so my hb say eat what I eat.... Well whatever we spend at lady boss is for our bb. Dun feel guilty.

To those who have bad ms, I can only say u need to find yr solution to overcome it. My gynae nurse say eat peppermint sweet. I feel honey and jelly work for me and hot drink too. Whenever u eat, tell yr bb to accept what u r eating. My dad taught me and it works. Even if u r wasting food juz accept it dun feel guilty. hang in there

Hi Joanne, I din eat soon kueh till 5th mth.
Hi hazel, did yr bb move today? Mine v active now turning here and there. I want to sleep but she dun allow.

Meryl, I had ms till week 18-19. Not true to say 2nd trimester is a breeze like me I got severe rashes. Need to c skin doc.

Oh yes for those who has ms... 1 trick... Watch food tv program when u r eating yr food. It works for me...
Catherine, of course lah. I slept alot yesterday.. Woke up at 11am n nap from 3-7pm! By 11pm I went to bed again. V tired. As her movements r gentle, they do not disturb me from sleeping at all. Hope this continues after she is born. My gf told me if bb is v active at night, better speak to bb. If not be prepared of sleepless nights ahead.

I just woke up to go toilet. Lying on my left side now n can feel her light movements. Anyway, I will get bk to sleep again.
For sisters who hv MS/nausea, u just hv to bear with it & find your own solution. Everyone is different n different things work for them. Is part n parcel of being pregnant n is something we ask for it isn't it? Not preg, we fret, pregnant, we also fret of the discomforts. Is nv easy to be a mother. 1st tri is MS & breathlessness & super tiredness. Maybe 2nd tri is the best but some unlucky ladies continue to get MS still. 3rd tri, tiredness, aches, pains, and for some, swelling, itchiness n rashes.. Is nv ending one.. When bb is born, the many sleepless nights ahead, the wailing bb, etc. These r stuff we ask for isn't it? So, just hv to make yourself happy & handle them when they come. Enjoy the pregnancy journey while it can, many friends told me after bb is born, I will wish to hv her back in the womb!

All of us been thru all these, just a matter of how bad.
Hello, hmm where to buy nice healthy wheat oatmeal bread with nuts and raisin bread? Those gardenia or sunshine ones not nice.
Hi Joanne, I'm also staying away from soon kway and popiah for now. I'm not having much crampy feelings, maybe sometimes a bit of prickly feeling. I think slight crampy feelings is normal.

I missed my tea break yesterday, ended up getting gastric, haven't had it for years. Stomach finally settle down in the middle of night when I woke hubby up to help me prepare a glasss of milk powder drink. I feel like a baby, have to eat every 3-4 hrs, sigh...

Tanny, you can also try brand Five Loaves, no preservatives. It has wholemeal bread, walnut bread, prune buns, etc. Found mostly in cold storage and larger NTUC.
Hi Catherine and tromso
May i know why r u staying away fr soon kueh? Any reason?

Hi tromso
My crampy feeling not so much like last wk too but alot of air in my tummy these 2days.. Not sure why leh??

Ya, i cant stay hungry for long too.. Especially afternoon tea break...

Catherine, wow you bought your car seat & pram already? That's good. Big, bulky items - checked!

Joanne - hmm I eat like mini soon kueh when I got craving or want a light breakfast. I think Catherine & Tromso stayed away because of the turnips inside which is a more 'cooling' veg although I 'compensate' with chilli & sweet sauce to 'balance' out the liang-ness. Haha. I just ate practically anything I wanted, in moderation of course. Too much of heaty stuff is not necessarily a good thing too as your body needs to have a good balance to stay in tip top shape

Meryl - how about liquids (i.e.: juice/shakes)? Are you able to take them? Oh no, hope your appetite will come back soon yah.

Last night send DH to airport for his one-week work trip and I felt so teary. Ahha emo can!!!

p/s: Isetan Cardmembers sale (and can bring in 1 guest) is this Friday, 16 Dec!!!
Hi Kimmy
Oh.. So turnip is liang ah..;( lucky i only eat one soon kueh so far..
Ya, we r really emo this period.. When my hb fly last thursday, i cry sadly too..;( then two days ago when i sms him tell him how much i miss him.. Drop few drop of tears again.. Sigh.. Now looking forward to see him on coming end of week.. We really very fragile this period..

Help, why am i having so much air in my tummy this two days afternoon.. Keep feel the air inside moving fr here to there.. Any idea why like that?? So uncomfy n keep feel like let out gas..;(
Thanks Kimmy, yes, trying to avoid liang food that's why avoided those. Joanne Im sure I'll go back to them once past first trimester. Actually liang has 2 different degrees, liang and han, han is the most liang sort but I'm unsure where turnip fits into.

Btw 'white carrots' - radish is also liang right?

Joanne if your tummy is not rumbling plus gassy, maybe it's not so bad. My tummy has been quite gassy since but couple days ago, I ate wrong food and there was a lot of rumbling (can even feel it when I place my hand on tummy), producing excessive gas, then had semi diarrhea. My usual bloatedness and air doesn't cause rumbling. Do you suspect yours is due to food too?

Kimmy, I hope 1 week will pass by very fast for you. Do more yoga
If you live near parents, can spend more time over there
all the symptoms u all mentioned are bloatedness, a result of pregnancy. be careful of the food u eat that will worsen that. eg, porridge, apples, etc (cant remember wat else, pls goggle online) are to be avoided coz it will make bloatedness/gassy feel worse.
Yup - like Hazel said, it's gas/bloating. Effect rom the increase in progesterone in our body due to the pregnancy. It may go on for a while esp during 1st Tri, so may need to find a way to "release" the gas (different things work for different ppl so trial & error).

If haven't tried, can read up the whattoexpect.com website - it has a week by week update. Quite interesting and fun to follow your pregnancy progress. The book is good too ,"What to Expect when you are Expecting", so if you can get a hold of that it will address some of the funny things happening to our bodies
Oh i see.. Thks hazel, ron and tromso

I just take bread n egg in the morning and afternoon become like this.. Not sure why as i hv diarrahoe once these two days too.. But after hear wht u gals say abt increase in progestrone will result in this, i feel better now..;) thk u all.. Think must read out more..

Hi miracle
Hows ur scan? Anxious for u..;)
Oh!! I know why liao.. As hv take porriage on last Sunday night.. Maybe that explain why.. I remember when take proluton injection, will feel tons of gas in my tummy too.. Learn something new today..;)
Hihi! I did my scan at 11am..now still waiting to see dr Loh. Been waitin for almost 2hrs..

The scan shows I'm having singleton. CRL is 10mm, HB is 59Hz..blinking so fast. I was told I'm 7.2weeks instead of 6.4 weeks.
Found the oatmeal nutty bread with raisin at breadtalk. Not cheap $4.20 for abt 8 pcs. I like it.. Will try munching that during my work. Four leaves selling similar but in round bun size at $2.70..
Hi Miracle, same as me. High HCG but singleton, bcos bb is quite big already which caused the hcg high. Mine was 12mm n was already 7.5wks during scan instead of 6.5wks.

Congrats miracle happens : congrats on seeing blink blink!!

Wah baby, that's fast... So big baby
shows that baby is growing well n strong.
