(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Thanks ladies! Yeah, I'm sure 1 week will pass fast. Today got activity, tomorrow also, thursday also & friday shopping day then Saturday need to go pick him up - alamak so soon. Wahahahah. I drove so slowly ytd from airport kena overtake so many times. But I also had one of the longest conversation with baby and said "mummy is going to entertain you till Sat okay?" and I got a kick back. Blessed with smooth traffic too, hooray.

Hazel - ya loh was bz helping dh pack luggae then emo also...that's why not checking my phone for forum updates as much as I usually do when DH is next to me. Mwahahahahaha.

Joanne - yeah it's liang that's why I take maybe 1-1.5 mini ones to satisfy that crave only.

Tromso - hah this wk has been lazy w yoga cuz so many things to do. But the nice thing is mom is coming over to do a sleepover with me then we'll probably do a dinner-dvd thingy, so that will be nice. Great time to get my present wrapping sorted too :p

pinkdoll- I use the bella band from Ingrid & Isabel. It was useful for me end of 1st tri to early 2nd tri and then I couldn't use it cuz my hips were expanding crazily!!! Bought mine from Maternity Exchange.

Mm I was at Kiddy Palace earlier and they were selling Avent Sterilizer @ $159 with 2 bottles and teether & bath/shampoo tubes. Not sure if worth getting it...hmm went Isetan earlier and they were selling juz the sterilizer @ $199 (madness) with 20% off... So tempting to get but as it is I'm busy stacking up things on top of each other already and kena nag by DH. LOL.
Just seen dr Loh, he mention tht I should be 6w4d according to ET date. Then he say my hcG level is high & expected to be twins. So for the next 2 weeks if there's intense pain, I hve to admit to hospital.. Might be etopic. Though chances r very low & rare.
If any of your are looking for rompers for babies, do Pm me.
I have a few brand new carters and old navy for sale.
My girl has outgrown them.
Selling all below $10.

Hazel - wow that's such a good deal! Grrr. I know the previous Robinsons sale was goin at $135....so at least I know the benchmark of a good deal. Will probably wait it out then :D
I hv started to feel the strain on my lower abdomen. I read the growing uterus has compressed my lungs, limiting their ability to fully expand when i ake a breath and causing me to feel really breathless now, worse with a full stomach. So bad until I hv to sit up!
hazel - wow your link does sell it cheaper!

baby_me - yeah bella band is to support growing tummy and also to hold up your bottoms that you cant zip or button. So when for instances when you stretch etc, the band looks like an inner layer of clothing
I did a short blog post which u can read about it here: http://www.natashaa.net/2011/10/13/belly-banding/
hazel - lower abdomen = near pelvic region? wah today I feel him pressing again and it ache and ache. Worst when I needed to go to the loo and my pelvis ached like mad. do you sleep sitting up? my ex-boss was telling me she had to sleep like that otherwise can hardly breathe.
Kimmy, I try to lie on 2 pillows to sleep yesterday night.. But I find it hard to lie on the sides to sleep in that position... Backaches after a while.. Also, sleeping on The sides promote optimal blood flow to bb... Haiz dunno how.. Yes, lying down is worse, like cannot believe.

I feel he strain at pelvic areas, but I wun describe as painful. Is like carrying a barrel down there...
Hazel - ya I find sleeping on 2 pillows not as comfy and lying on the side too but as you mention, it does promote optimal blood flow to baby. Sometimes I feel like the whole thing is going to drop down anytime...which is scary. yeah the pelvic area is like something pressing down or like I got sting..
Kimmy, dun worry about not sleeping on ur side now, I'm used to think so previously. But nowadays sleeping on my back gives me more back aches so I usually automatically end up sleeping on my sides
Think when u hit third trimester u will be automatically sleeping on ur sides too.
RitzC - thanks for the advice! Yeah...was a little concern that I was not 'doing my part' by not sleeping on my side but realized when I wake up in the morning; I'd either be on my back or on my right.
Ritc, not true leh, I still ended up sleeping on my back always now even though I hv a pillow to block me from turning.
Kimmy, my first parcel from USA just came!! Wow, the Ralph Lauren bb dresses are indeed v pretty! So happy, I saw them selling at $120 at the shops here,
. Still got 2 more parcels on the way! Hehe

Im joining you ladies here ok? Tested HPT yesterday and was positive! But pending BT/scan date from clinic
J03' it does not matter to u now at early stage. Take a step at a time.

Kimmy, I just goggled. It said "Sleeping in a chair during the very late stages of pregnancy might result in your best sleep! In the final four to six weeks, you may find that you get your best rests by sleeping sitting up."
xie xie miracle
I see there's a lot of familiar nicks here

I want to ask..these few nights, i've been feeling very hungry in the middle of the night, woke up and stomach was rumbling. Did you gals here experienced b4? What did you gals do then?
Chrisl, congrats!

Hazel n Kimmy, the belly band looks very useful. Especially now my tummy really protrude out quite obvious, n can't button/zip my pants n jeans anymore. Everyday only can wear whole piece dress. At least still can wear those pants with baggy top

Hi Ladies, feeling especially giddy n headaches this few days. Every night when I try to close my eyes, I feel my head n body like flying n turning. Today worst, early morning feel very giddy but still went to work, luckily didn't drive. Just now on the cab home, I just closed my eyes bcos feel like the whole world is turning. What is happening? Thinking of taking mc tmr n rest at home.
Chrisl - congrats & welcome!!!

Hazel - nice hor the items? Haha im still waiting for the v slow vpost to send mine over (they said delays by few days but I'm starting to get impatient, haha). I saw Carters got dress at isetan gg $69 when online $10.90? Gosh! The profits they make here...
Kimmy, I waited 2 long wks n only 1 parcel is received so far.

Hopeful, that is applicable on later stage of pregnancy. I asked dr loh b4. Now, just be happy n eat well. N dun worry so much!

Chrisl, eat well, rest well & be happy!
Hi baby,

How abt drinking more soup since u find it hard to stomach your food at nite. There are a few nutritious soup like spareribs with black bean soup (high in protein and rich in iron) or chicken soup, or fish soup if you can stomach, or even ABC soup.
Hi meryl,

i bought my birdnest from lady's boss and double boil it with rock sugar and add maybe 2 red dates in. I went to lady's boss in bugis and they told me that the price of bird's nest has gone down so can buy some. I dun take bottled ones cos i don't know if they contain preservatives or not. And my mil made the birdnest soup for me like every 2weeks once. Actually for me, i never like sweet stuff such as bird's nest as finds it ex also but hb and mil asked me to take says its good for bb, so i take lor.
Hi Chris, yeah, soup always in my dinner. But if just drink the soup, feel hungry very fast. So need to eat some rice or meat too. That's difficult part. But I still can manage to force myself to eat hehe. What I can't stand is the giddiness. Really dunno what should I do to reduce it
my MIL n hubby don't allow me to take chic essence at all.
Hi hazel,

me too felt the pain at pelvic area... wat i do is i sleep on 1 pillow, hug a bolster and a pillow below my ankle area and a long body bolster to support my back.. heehee now my poor hb got to sleep with alot of pillows in between us and quite crampy hahahahaa.. I just adjust till i feel comfy lor.
Hi baby,
huh why they dun allow u to take chicken essence? i took EYS chicken essence (plain flavour without any other added herbs) daily in the morning b4 breakfast. It's very "bu" and also helps to keep my energy levels up esp during 1st tri i wasn't eating well.

Remember to avoid taking "Dang Gui" during this period.
Chris, S$30-40 per pc. U can check out the website. I can't breathe when I lie down. Guess hv to sleep sitting up soon.....
Hi hazel,

can you provide me the link to the website?

My bladder and pelvic area hurts today, esp when i stand up to walk but if i sit down at my wk desk still okie le. or if i feel like peeing it hurts got to loock for toilet fast ah. Think tomorrow i'll go bk to my regular company doc for the urine test and see whether did i kena urinary tract infection and take antibiotics fast to clear it. too bad my gynae now overseas.

Hi Chrisl, congrats!! Hope you'll get good HCG reading in your upcoming BT

Hi Baby_Me, I read that giddiness can be caused by more of our blood flow being directed to fetus now, I get it too. You may let your gynae know and can then determine if need iron supplement. Sigh...headache is one of the preggy symptoms too, I'm starting to get this impending headache this week

Miracles, 10mm at only 6 weeks plus, wow, champion!! Congrats!!
Hi ladies, I went to the johor premium outlet today. I must say I mv disappointed.it's far too ex! Went to another mall bought my bathtub , princess clothes, wet wipes. So tired now.

Hazel pls remind us of the boxing sales again... Thx a lot
Tromso, Dr loh also comment tht my bb quite big, growing very well. my next appt will be on 5 Jan night at TMC, KKH increased the consulation rates. His consultation rate will be cheaper @ TMC, but he nvr mention how much though.He also jokingly said tht medication will be cheaper @ his clinic.
Hi kimmy, thanks, will try the juice and milk shake

Hi Chrisl, congrats,, so happy to see you here!!

Hi Chris, thanks for the info

Miracles, hope the rates will be comparable like dr Loh says. Nonetheless, nothing is more important than being in good hands, so we can definitely rest assure
