(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Bnb, good u bk to normal and baby is fine. Next time double confirm on wat u eat or drink or do will not cause any harm.
As such wenvr I want to eat something new, I always ask someone or chk in net if it is safe.

I hope I m not being irrelevant again.. But I need to attend hubby niece wedding soon n I wan look my best instead of haggard looking pregnant woman. Thinking of going mani n pedi. O vaguely recall reading abt this in previous threads. But I can't find the history... If anyone knows Whr I get an organic mani pedi, pls let me know...
Bnb, a salesgirl at a maternity clothes shop ask me to eat potato to grow bb. I really did try. No one could tell I was 17 weeks preggy only recently I help a fren eat Mac to play the monopoly game my princess juz exploded. I m gg for detail scan and c gynae on sat. Scare gynae say too big though I din increase much weight

U gals r lucky that yr bb allow to drink water. I get so bloated if I drink too much water. My princess juz dun like....
Hi Cath, when do u get to noe u r carrying princess? (coz u mentioned u r 17 wks now).

Gg to see dr in couple of weeks, wonder able to see e gender not coz my detailed scan oni gg to be nex mth.

Do anyone noe abt some old wives tale that they actually say if expecting princess, mummy will look pretty during pregnancy while if prince, mummy tend to look bit ugly than normal. Haha... Can anyone here able to verify if it's true.... ;)
Bbliss, my colleague was telling me tt during her 1st pregnancy, her head ache so badly & frequently tt she almost wan to bang her head to the wall.. Haha... & she had a boy then.. :)
Bliss, I m 20 week now. I knew I was carrying a gal around week 12. My own gut feel cos I was not eating well and my ms was v bad. My gynae could confirm at week 14 but I told her not to cos my hb was not with me. When she showed her gender she even gave gynae a high 5... Cute little fellow.

I m also having v bad headache. 2 possible factors
A) dun rest well and stress at work
B) gynae say it could b me having headache b4 my period comes mthly

Now gynae told me to monitor if I can't bend my head downwards to touch my chest or if there are sparks flying past my eyes or if I feel dizzy, must rush back to her clinic asap. So far still ok that's y I link to stress at work

Does anyone has ear block? I have it occAsionally .. Gg to tell gynae on sat

I've heard that too! Mummy looks better if carrying a princess. Also heard about the shape of belly too. If it's rounded, it's princess. If belly looks pointed, then it's a boy. Hmm... I wonder how a pointed looking belly looks like :p
Sunnie_gal, my knee specialist told me if u c a lady from the back and could tell she is pregnant, then it's a gal. The reason is bb gal has more water retention than boy. I told my gynae what my knee specialist said gynae say not true
Summer, c-sec also easier given thaty hubby is in HK. If normal delivery, think by the time I baby come out liao he is still on board plane. Guess c-sec is the best choice for us now. Just hope that she don't pop out earlier.
Hi everyone! didnt log in today as Im on course today and tmr so am not in office.

BNB - I think its the proluton jab. Cos the nurse did tell me if I ended up in rashes to go to emergency asap. She said doesn't matter how many times ive jab before and if it happens, must go immediately. I don't have any reaction except the itchy bumps ard the jab area. I hope your hives are better today. Pls take care and glad to know your baby is doing well!
Hello Hopeful!

I did the organic mani/pedi @ Vedure nail spa (wheelock place, 5th floor I think. Google to check). They have an organic range and if you tell them u preggy, they also take extra more precaution. These days I buy organic nail polish & strengthener and remover and just bring to mani/pedi shops to do. Just ensure that the shop is well-ventilated can liaos
I understand that, I also in my quest try to look my best as a mom-to-be so next time when bb see photos, can see how happy & 'pretty' mommy was carrying him/her :D

Bbliss - ahhh really ah? I got feeling mine's a boy although when I go and see the pretty bb clothes and animal prints, I wish maybe a girl but hor, people ard me telling me I'm looking good & radiant leh. Better than before I was pregnant. haah so maybe got chance to be princess and do dressing up?? Hmm....Oh gender from week 14 can see liao. Dr loh was trying to look for mine but bb bended knees last week
And yes, I got headache at the back of head. Very annoying.

Sunnie_gal - apparently for my SIL her belly was rounded but it was boy! hahaahah

Catherine - wah? really? you ate potato and bb grew bigger? Haha Ive been eating lots of potatos cuz thats one of the easiest thing for me to stomach
Mm my frd told me she went penang trip, ate a lot and baby grew like twice in size than anticipated. So doc told her aiyo...too much carbs, cut down otherwise bb grow too big cannot natural. Then she said end up born he was avg. size. LOL hehe
Hey kimmy, u got feeling urs is boy ah. Haha... Mine opposite as urs. I told my hubby n my mum I haf a feeling tat it a gal. Better to prepare them well in advance. Haha. But honestly, to them, they r fine wif either boy or gal as long as bb healthy.

I mean for ppl like us, I been thinking to be preggy indeed is our blessing, isn't it? So we shldnt stress over e gender of bb ya. Haha.
Hello sisters,

Wow, I disappear for one day and there's so much to catch up.

Can I check when is Oscar done? I need to prepare for my transfer to private gynae.
Bbliss - ya I agree with you 200%! For us doesn't matter gender. haha for me gender only makes it easier in deciding what colour of clothes to buy and all...and names. Just for fun. And yes to already be preggy is a huge blessing, I couldn't ask for more. haha
Oh tell me about the headache, its mad one right? Behind throbbing somemore..

Koirc - Oscar usually done between week 12 - 15 if I understand correctly. Can other sis confirm?

Anyway another reason why I wanted to post is to announce I got mailer from Maternity Xchange that they are having 15% pre-reno sale! For those who are interested :p Spread the love. Share the joy!
Mumtobe- so cute! I was just reading the yahoo articles you shared this morning and thinking wah so apt hor? Hahaha

Koirc - maternity Xchange is at marina sq level 2, along with other maternity shops nearby. But you can also go to their website online to browse or buy
They also do rentals, which is great for one-off events.
Hi Ladies,

Am new to this thread. Thanks to Sunnie Gal for recommending me
I just did my HCG BT on Thursday and the reading was a super high at 6474.1!!!

I am now waiting for confirmation of the first heartbeat(s) 2 weeks later. Now my feelings are escatic, scared and worried at the same time. Is this normal?
Cocoa pops,

I understand how u feel cos I'm still waiting for my 1st scan next week
seems like we've managed to jump over a hurdle and in front of us, so many more for us to jump. One at a time now...
Hi Kimmy, I just knew I can count on d shopping queen! So u bought the organic nail stuff from the same shop?

Regarding: looks whether boy or girl, what I heard is d other way round. If u look not too gd, it's a girl n vice versatile. But I realize 1 thing. Those who r preggy wif girls then to ve swollen noses during 2nd trimester..

Hi koirc, Oscar is done ard wk 11-14 I think. That's wat the SGH letter says. In fact I m waiting for my scan now..
Haven't been coming to forum for these few days. All i want to go is sleep, sleep and still sleep. I will get nausea and feel weak. How to keep myself awake?!

Vann, drink some warm water.. that might help ease the pain. Go and rest k..
Hey Hopeful,

What letter is that? I was told by nurse that you will be issue a pink card after week 12. I don't know if I should start seeing my private gynae now or wait till after the week 12 scan! I know you're doing both but I don't think I have the time to do that.

Sometimes I think my boss is maniac. On one hand say ok to let me work from home. But when I work from home, he has 1001 questions to ask me. As if afraid I am skiving and not working. Today, just got an email from him which annoys the hell out of me! Argh!
Tell me about annoying boses. I am having a bad time. Want to complain to mom. Seriously do not understand their behaviour. Talk very sweet in front of us followed by emails & phone calls.
Hopeful / Sunnie_gal >> after next Fri, I also v free liao! haha more time to do research and pass on info to you all...

Hopeful - I dint buy organic nail polish from vedure nail spa bcuz i found the colours limited. BUT you can buy from (and I went to these shops) this organic shop @ My Village (Serangoon Garden, chomp chomp area) or this organic shop @ Novena Sq 2 1st floor (I was just there yest!). Its near an escalator. I went there ytd to get organic eye cream (cuz I ran out) and more nail polish colours. Kekekek.

Now my nose is dripping like a tap since morning! its horrible.
Horrible, horrible bosses! Speaking of which, anyone watched that show?

On selfish people who do not give up seat, I actually think that govt should give all pregnant women a badge or something so that it speaks loud and clear that we're pregnant. Or maybe fine those who don't give up seat. After all, we are a FINE city right? :p
Mumtobe, just read the stomp article. Think someone shd be 'righteous' enuf to ask the man to give up his seat. Think we as preggy ladies shd also rise up and speak for our right. I'm sure if we ask, they won't be shameless enuf to reject us.
Btw, I scroll down & looked at the comments. Don't think it's right for ple to jump into conclusion that it must be a chinaman. Think it's so biased and prejudiced!
Sunnie_Gal, I agree with you. Some PRCs are kinder than Singaporeans. You know I used to go for tuina massage at a TCM clinic. My masseuse is a PRC and speaks with an accent. Since IVF, I have not gone for my massage. She was so nice to call to ask how I am. And when I told her I am pregnant, she gave me a lot of advice like a big sister.

Last week, when my colleague went for massage, she even ask my colleague to bring back dessert for me. So nice right?

I always think there are black sheep no matter where you're from. We have so many in Singapore!
i was having this pain at my right groin and right inner thigh...my hubby says it's because uterus expanding...napped for a couple hours and feeling better...not easy being pregnant!

koirc- Oscar's is to be done between week 11 to week 13 and 6days
Babymaking, I was taken off progesterone coz my cervical length increase by 0.1cm last week; gynae put me on 1 week duphaston instead. Was so paranoid about further shortening that I was on nearly total bedrest for the past 10 days. Quite surprised that today my cervical length increased to 2.6cm, it had been in the range of 1.9 to 1.7cm since week 20. Anyway, she told me she will not schedule me for cervical length scan anymore coz she felt it made me stress. I tried to insist on forthnight scan but she said nothing could be done at this point. Anyway, I think I will go for another scan at another private gynae maybe 2 or 4 weeks later, since I'm no longer given progesterone nor duphaston. Now given Nifedipine instead. My hubby was worried whether our bb is too medicated with these pills I'm taking, but it really haunts me when I recall what my gynae used to say initially that short cervix may lead to premature birth. Haiz.
Happy weekend sisters! Tell u something ironic. On the train now & preggy woman sitting in reserved seat. She looks bigger so it's right she sit. She gets off her stop and rightfully since I stand in front of her I should sit next right? Wrong!!! Another young ol Lady besides me squeeze and take the seat!!!
Toking abt asshole bosses.. (pardon my manners)...
My old male boss put such tremendous pressure on me for smthg beyond my control & I finali broke down.. & I got sharp cramps for a minute or so...
Was tinking I shall go MOM & sue him, causing great distress to preggie woman!!!
Juz sooooo glad tt the weekends r here.. & it's baby & me time, w/o having to sit in the office together...
& I wanna go shopping for belly bands cos my pants r falling off from being unbuttoned.. :p
The biggest badge we have is the big tummy. So think with ppl who act blur we need to do what is right.
Sunnie_Gal- I felt bad too after reading the comments in the stomp. The comments usually blame expats, which is not really true.
All the mummies happy weekend, relax and enjoy motherhood.

Hi Sunnie gal, hahaha.. Yeh.. Reading the forum is a relaxation for me!!

Hi koirc, it's a letter they gave me during my 8 wk scan for my 12 wk Oscar test appointment. When is ur nx appointment? Ve u checked ur pte gynae package? Does it start on wk 12 or 16 or 20? Maybe u can consider switching depending on d package so as to maximize it?

Hi Kimmy, so starting nx wk u can do more research on shopping to share wif us.. Hehehe..
thx! I will go check out the shop. Btw I just went vivo to check out the prams.. New love: prego ( I think thats the brand if I recall correctly..) very steady. But a bit of d heavy side

Hi Meryl n elyna, welcome welcome!!
