(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hopeful ! Prego is good! One of my shortlist too... But try the SI for the lighter version.

Hi RitzC - hey, that's great news!

Hi BNB - your hives sounds bad! Has it decreased now w/out the proluton?. I get a rash on proluton site each week too..but definitely nothing compared to hives. End up scratching my bum even in office.. Haha v unlady-like. Glad to hear bb hb is good & strong.

Hi cocoa pops, meryl & elyna - yeah! More ivf mummies!

Hi queenie - ignore the mean old man! ESP if beyond your control too. Just chill & think of which colour to pain the nursey & all those nice things instead.

Hi Ashley - poor gal! Is the new meds helping?

I had a sad few days as a schoolmate unexpectedly passed away while exercising at tender age (mid-30s) leaving a young family. a shock & reminder we should all treasure our moments until our time is come. Sometimes we worry about all the samll things & forget to treasure the beauty of life around us. Have a good weekend, sistas!
Hopeful - peg perego P3 is not bad as very sturdy but note that it can get bulky/heavy. So if you are okay with that, then no issues.
I also have a few more on shortlist but will slowly compile it when i got more time on hands :p hehehe. My criteria is must open and close easily esp, since on public transport to dining places where they dont allow prams etc. And of course light and easy for me to manage. I mean, not like hubby gonna be with me all the time... so if i can manage, i think caretaker (Whoever it is) will be able to manage on her own as well

Have a happy weekend ladies. I'm off to sign myself up for Taka card!
Kimmy, after bb is 3 mths, a gd baby carrier u wear on your body with back support is a better choice than a pram is hubby is not with u. All u need is just a shoulder bag or back pack when u bring bb out alone. No matter how light a pram is, is still in convenient. We hv decided on quinny zapp coz it is not too light n compact enough when we bring bb for holidays. Car seat we will be getting maxi cosi carofix coz bb tends to sleep alot n we go out quite often. So the car seat can fit directly on the pram n not disturb bb when she sleeps. Even at eating plc, we dun carry bb, leave bb on the car seat. The whole set car seat n pram form a travel system that we can push up to the plane. Car seat can also be fixed on rental car when we are overseas! Heheh
Hazel! I also shortlist or roughly decided on maxi cosi carofix because I saw how amazing it was for my SIL. hehehe ^5.
Oh yes, I got a baby carrier liao, passed on from SIL. Because I also carried my nephew/godson in it a lot when he was in SG and I found it very convenient that my hands were free!! Yay! So that was the first present they passed to me and I am so going to use it. I think the bjorn can use from newborn bcuz it has neck support. Must be a certain minimum weight though. Yipee. I agree, when Im alone, I wont bring pram out unless really have to!
Ron, thanks, but I'm a natural worrier. Going to see another gynae for second opinion since mine refuse to scan me anymore. To me the condition doesn't go away n I should be monitore at least fortnightly rather than just be prescribed medication without further monitoring. Also my new medication is a type C drug which is ambiguous in its risks in pregnancy. I always goggle the prescription before taking since my bb is already heavily medicated w duphaston since week 6 til week 25. At least duphaston I dun think it is a grade C drug. If the new gynae is good n I can carry near full term, may switch to the new gynae instead.
Hi kimmy, hazel, does the maxi cosi carbio car seat can be fitted into any other brand of prams? Apparently wat u r tiling abt is e car seat only rite?
RitzC - I would do the same in your position actually (ask another gynae for regular scan if mine refuses). Maybe we all ivf mummies worry a bit more but Better safe than sorry, I'd say!
glad to hear ur condition getting better.. its also good that ur going to see a private gynae to put ur mind at ease.. rather than worrying whether the length increase or decrease.. all in all we just want to see our babies safe and sound and be born at the time he should be born.. do update us about it k.. i hope u get a good gynae to take care of u n bb..

i do feel very attached to your case cos technically, our babies were conceived about the same time..
Thanks, Ron n Silsilly, anyway, i booked appointment w the new gynae for this coming tuesday. Silsilly, u made a wise choice to switch to a reassuring one after bfp.
Hi Kimmy n hazel,but the sales guy told me that the maxi cosi is only gd till when baby is 12 kg abt 6-7 mths old. Is it true?
Hopeful, depends on bb's weight, it takes up to 13kg. Abt bb 12-15mths. If bb hit 13kg at 6 mths means bb is excessively over weight n that is NO good wor. I prefer this type coz more suitable to infant n younger bb because they r more fragile n their heads r not stable yet. These car seats can be mounted as rear facing too which is safer for young bbs. If not when the car jerk or driver makes a sudden break, their heads will moves forward violently..
Oh 12-13 kg is abt 12-15 mths. Soery for ignorance. I ve not read up on bb weight yet.. Hahaha.. So i believed wat the sales guy told me. Then its ok. I almost struck out the quinny idea cux I thot if it's only for 6 mths not tat worth it.

Another question. Quinny zap is wif 3 or 4 wheels? Can hang things on the pram? Cux d one d guy showed me is 3 wheels n cannot hang things. I did not ask which model is it
Hi all, did my detailed scan today. Big relief.. Princess is ok doing well except she is a little big! I dun understand y!!! I m not eating a lot 1 packet of mixed veg rice can last me 6-7 hrs .. I dun snack much. yet she is big! Y??? My weight also shot up. Put on 4 kg since I got preggy. What cause my weight gain?gynae say princess is at now a gd position for natural birth but she may move. gynae told me to watch my carbo cos if bb is on the big side, I may have diabetes. Anyway I m juz happy princess is well. Hope all yr princes and princess r growing well too.

Oh ya I did a 2 hr hour at mt a today juz walk in, ok la saw bb ward, delivery suite. Juz noted they have a lot of philippino, myanmar nurses. The sister was v v v v v nice and explain a lot to us. Will check out tmc next mth b4 deciding where to have princess at...
Hopeful, quinny zapp is 3 wheels. It comes with a basket net which u can fit it at the bottom of the stroller. It is not v big but can place a bag there, depending in your bag size. U can also buy those hook n hand on the handle to hang ur stuff too. But not too heavy cox it may topple the stroller. Quinny Sennz can take heavier weight at the handle but is heavy. All strollers r the same, if u intend to hang heavier things u hv to go for a heavier one so as not to topple the stroller. My last visit to see dr loh, I saw this japanese stroller with new born bb inside topple right in front of me coz the parents hang lots of things on it. My heart almost dropped! Quinny 3 wheelers can be manuvore around very easily even is the ground is uneven or has lots of pebbles or sands.
Bbliss - yes this is car seat which can be easily
Adapted to various pram brands if u lazy to carry bb in and out of pram/car seat. During younger months I a bit hesitant to keep carrying bb in and out since they always sleeping...

Hopeful - yup dependent on bb weight and size. Like my sil baby (cuz half German) so by 6 mths can't fit in liao, it's true some moms tell me it's waste of money cuz use for Such short time but depends on u. If u okay carrying baby in and out of car seat/pram instead of just carrying the carrier also can - some of my relatives do that too. Cux they said hardly drive except during weekends when hubby is ard. Hope this info helps. Btw for quinny doesn't mean u need to use the maxi cosi car carrier, u can choose to use a basinet first which you can carry ard the hse too but again, not necessary since its for initial mths
if someone can pass or loan u a bassinet/Moses basket, even better!!!
Ritzc - great hearing yr update w new gynae. I agree w the other sis, reassurance is most impt and we deserve that ;)

Catherine - hehe maybe you & hubby got tall genes ah?! Anyway mm my 2 good frds were both told that their bb would be big but at birth they said avg weight. Hehe. What's impt is like u said, healthy princess! So nice.. I saw so many nice stuff for bb princesses earlier. Aiyo everything so cute inclusive shoes!!!! I also heard good svc about mt a. My cousin just pop there 2 wks ago and told me actually what matters most is midwives super impt! And she said they were like very 'motherly' over her at delivery so she felt so relaxed and happy then. Hehe she said gynae only appear at last part when bb being pushed. Hehe
Just did mani/pedi but forgot to bring my organic polish along so just néed cleaning. Shiok!!! Feet cramps, be away! Wahahahahah
Hi hazel n Kimmy, noted for the notes. Now really need to think hard. Also to complicate my life my car is a 2 door one. Thinking of changing car.. Faintzzz...
Kimmy, thanks, between when u see your private gynae did you get ur kkh records transferred over too? Or see the gynae and do scans separately?
Kimmy, where did u see the cute lovely things at?? Pls tell me! I dun have time to shop for princess thing this week. C today left house at 8.30am came back only at 4.15pm. Did detail scan, c gynae, lunch with frens, go mt a... So much time spent waiting and waiting. I only had a 15 mins nap and have to do housework. Now want to sleep princess is Kicking me up and down seems like telling me her dad is snoring too loud n disturbing her.

Btw the young lady who did the scan for me said that the detailed scan is enough. No need to do growth scan at week 28 unless gynae detect any abnormality. The growth scan is juz to c how bb looks like no need to waste $. For detail scan best is if bb is sleeping unfortunately my princess is so active.

Also the sister at mt a told us not to let ppl touch bb hand and face. Make sure all disinfect their hands b4 they touch bb. Tell ppl to touch his arm or thigh. Y nt hand is bcos bb put their hands in their mouth so bb will get germs from us!!! Also the sister share with me I should Bf till 6 mths though I told her I intend to stop at 4th mth cos office toilet v smelly. She shared with me tips how to do it from 4th mth to 6th mth and not to do it in my office toilet. V nice sister at mt a
I went to Spring Maternity and Takashimaya today. Went to look at the different prams, now so confuse! I love 3 wheelers but it seems that Quinny is just not practical at all and heavy! There's not even a basket underneath, if have also so small. I have been eyeing on the Mclaren Grand Tour LX but not available in Singapore sadly.

Will be gng to the Baby expo next week and see more stuff. Now is the time to check out the price since already in my 15th week. Time just travel too fast today!
Hi Catherine, wow u still got energy to do housework? *applause*.. any intention to get a helper?
Hmmm.. A bit diff to ask pple not to touch BB face or hand lei.. ESP if it's during the 1st nth BB shower rite? Pple come c BB how to tell them not to touch?

Hi Kimmy, wow u really a well maintained mummy!! I must buck up also. Am looking so haggard recently..
Hi girls, hv severe nausea from yesterday. Started throwing up after every meal. Went to gp in the morng and got nausea tablets. (novomin 50mg) hv told dr there tht iam pregy.

Howver not sure if I shd take the tablets without dr loh's advise. Can anybody advise plz.
Hope, I usually take what gp says. Then show gynae what I took. Thankfully all is fine. Not fine also Bo bian since u told the doc u r preggy it should b ok.

Hopeful, I usually have a helper on weekend but this week is really bad. Too much things on so ask helper dun come. Any case I usually iron and wash clothes by myself. Like yesterday iron a few pieces tonight another bulk. Take it as I need to work out ....the sister at mt a told us to tell ppl doc N nurse say can't touch,. She ask me to put the blame on them haha
Hope283- is there another name for it? I tried to search from safefetus.com for u, but no such medicine.
The common one use is :
 Generic Name  Metoclopramide 
 Trade Name  Maxolon 
 Manufacturer  Beecham 
This is also safe for pregnant mummy to take.
Hopeful - if its a 2-door car means u will need to bend a lot to get bb out of car seat or take the carrier out? Will it be troublesome? I think all carriers are the same, as in you strap it using the seatbelt at the back. Hope u can solve 'dilemma' soon. hehe. Me ah, not well maintained ah...my hair looks awful bcuz black roots growing out. Grr. I'm contemplating dying. Read in magazine during mani/pedi session ytd that fox salon does 95% water dye and free from amonia which is safe for preggy women BUT it can only last for 3 mths. Boo. Maybe I shall do it closer to Xmas/CNY so can last through then after that heck liao! hahaha

Ritzc - hah so far i do detailed scans at pte gynae only and kk doesn't ask for any detailed scans to date. Prob the detailed one will be week 20 which is next visit but b4 that I will be seeing my pte one in 2 weeks' time so will ask whether i can transfer kk records to pte a not. I understand that with kk, u must ask for your records during visit so that they can give it to you on the spot otherwise they take super long to duplicate copy for you...

Catherine - i saw girl girl stuff everywhere! haha first i was at nex mall, and then taka, and then paragon. Oh goodness i tell u ah...everytime i walk pass bb shop i see pretty girl stuff and the boys one like people rarely display. LOL. wow sounds lke the sisters at Mt A quite nice, give u tips and advise somemore. I've not heard of bad feedback of that hospital so far from those I know who delivered there...

Andreanie - I'm with u! hah at first I tot is it too early? Then now in week 16 im thinking, aiyah might as well go there see sell what, the prices all as part of my homework. u r right, come yr end it will pass even faster...zoom all the way to 2012 then we'll wonder wow? What happened to 2011? hahahaa

Hello Amelia! Welcome here. hehe you are never too early to join this! We love to have all mamas here! I recall seeing your name in the other thread. Congrats! Woohooooooo~ another dragon bb!

Hope283 - I believe other sis here can advise u on ms pills as I read b4 some were prescribed and taking them ;)
Sisters, how's everyone doing this weekend?

I found some brownish blood stains on my panty last night and it scared the hell out of me! Called the hospital and spoke to my doctor. She asked me not to be too alarmed. It's probably some old blood in the body... She just asked me to monitor to see if I have any cramps or contractions and if there's fresh blood, ask me to go A&E.

Hopeful, my next scan is this Tuesday. I went for scan at week 8 but wasn't given any letter leh. Let's see if they give me this week. Sometimes I wonder why SGH procedure is not really standardized among the patients. Seems like you didn't need to do week 10 scan? I haven't check with my private gynae. I thought I will do it after week 12 scan with SGH. Is it too late?

I am a tad stress out now. Seems like you ladies are so well-read and prepared to welcome your little ones... I am still procrastinating! My friend just asked me if I've booked my confinement lady. Need to book so early? Where to find confinement lady btw?

And I just found out that my friend's EDD is the same as mine. Hmm... she did her ET a few days after me. How come EDD is the same?
Oh... more questions for the sisters...

We are not supposed to drink cold drinks right? But what about milk and yogurt drink that needs to be refrigerated? Ok right?

And does anyone have recipe for black chicken soup? Is it just black chicken and wolf berries since we can't take herbs now?
Koirc, I went for my pre natal class today, a dad ask if ok to drink cold water. The instructor say western medicine say ok but Chinese med say no. She is a believer of Chinese tcm so she encourage us to drink warm water. Cold water, Milk, yogurt... I usually pour let ir 'cool' down for a while b4 drinking. Since u r at week 8 now u can put red dates, wolf berries and cook with black chicken when u r at 2nd trimester I share with u how I cook. V yummy my hb loves it too

Kimmy, my hb dun allow me to c princess clothes. So this weekend bb fair I drag my mum along. My mum will buy I pay $, hb carry! Yeah! If not I got to ask frens to help me buy or I buy during lunchtime
Hi everyone, hope u have enjoyed ur weekend! I have just finished readimg all the archived posts, hahaha...very informative and useful!!
Thx girls. I hv taken one tab in the afternoon as nausea ws gettg severe. Now I feel better. Anycase I will call up the clinic tomorrow to cross-chk if this is fine or need to change to another.
Kimmy - today we went to Baby's Hypermart at Kaki Bukit with my parents and sis. My hub got smitten by Quinny Zapp but after the salesguy told us everytime we want to put away must take the seat out, aiyah forget it. It's too troublesome.
McLaren we found out tdy is made in china, salesguy and another salesgal said not worth to buy cos very light and easily to topple over.

We already kind of decided on Peg Perego Compact Classico. So now just wait for the correct time to buy which is after 20th week. Then can start the ball rolling hehee....

Told hub, last time we always look at what branded latest bags people are carrying. Now we always look at what prams people are pushing..haha... Priorities change alot!
Hi Kimmy, I have been thinking so much abt car seat and baby pram that I am even dreaming abt them.. hahahah.. Ya, the more I think the more it does not seem to make sense to have maxi cosi cux putting baby in the car seat is already going to be a challenge let alone bring the whole thing out.
Btw, which mummy magazine is gd? I thot of subscribing to one and start reading up instead of just watching tv every wkend..

Hi Koirc, dun worry too much. I guess Dr Yu will decide on a case to case basis how often she wants to see the patient. 2 weeks break is gd cux u know hows the baby progressing. I was not comfortable with the 1 mth break, which is why I am starting to see pte gynae so early. Seeing Pte gynae at week 12 is ok. Its very ez to get your records. So far pt gynae only want the BT reports that we did b4 we started on the IVF. Mine was taken in April. So pte gynae is ok with it. On Tues when u r at SGH, just pop back into CARE and ask the nurse to help you print report. They will give u all except the HIV report, which she says hospital policy dont allow them to. Then go see Dr Yu. When you are done with Dr Yu, go back and collect the reports. The moment u ask for a copy of the report, they will know that its for pte gynae n they are cool abt it.

On black chicken, I am just brewing the black chicken by itself. And yes, if you are believer of TCM, they dun encourage cold drinks. Concept is heat expand and cold contracts. So when cold water goes into stomach, it causes reflux n may cause the MS to worsen. It has been proven for myself. Initially, I thot as long as I dun add ice, its ok. So kept drinking sprite and snapple. End up, MS was very bad. See TCM, got scolding then stop all cold drinks and MS started to go away..

No need stress on preparation lah. Just do what you feel like doing. Got time and energy then go do research and shopping, if not, we have a shopping queen here to help us!! Right Kimmy???

Initially was thinking I can start buying baby stuff aft 1st trimester. But after reading earlier posts abt pantang, buy only during the 7th mth, I decided to follow. Cux I super pantang too!!

All mummies, rest well for the rest of the weekend, we need it for the next 1 week at work!!
Hi hazel, mrs Wong class is at amk hub which is far from my place. I went to the one at tmc.

Hi andreanie, thx foe sharing mclaren is from china. Ya my hb is also staring at ppl with pram. Really our priorities have change too.

Oh ya koirc, the instructor told us not to drink coke, tea, coffee cos bb will b addicted n not sleep. Same for yomeishu or Dom, dun drink without double boiling if not when we bf, bb will b drunk!
Catherine, seems some stuff shared by your lecturer r diff from mrs Wong. Eg she said caffeine drinks can take up to 2 cups a day. N if breast feeding take after feeding bb n not before. COld drinks she said can take coz by the time it goes into our body of 37 degree the drink is warm! Liquor yes must double boil when cooked with food. She said liquor if take on it's own, is just 10cc. The cooling stuff like kan kong, is Ying but but it is always cooked with heating stuff like balacan which is yang.. So the dish is ok to eat since it is Ying-yang bslanced!
Thanks, Catherine & Hopeful!

I am so sleepy now and so reluctant to go to bed cos when I wake up, it means I have to go to work again.

Btw, any one keen to do prenatal yoga? Kimmy, you were keen right? I am ready to start in the next two weeks.
Hows everyone's weekend :D

Catherine - how come hb dont allow u to see bb clothes? too early to buy?! hehe

Andreanie - yeah, it can get quite troublesome to always remove the seat from the bottom. Perego is good in that you can open with a 'swing' and close with a step.

Koirc - ya no need to stress about preparations. Actually most people start towards end of 2nd tri / 3rd tri for preparation. For me I'm just throwing out what I know so far because I got friends that are popping in Dec/Jan/Feb. So they ask me pov about what I've heard about certain things, what else I'm getting etc. just to 'calm their nerves'? hehe. And yes, I'm going to do pre-natal yoga for sure. Same, ready to start anytime from the nex week or so. Will PM you to make arrangements :p

Hopeful - haha yes! shopping queen is here to help & share & spread the love. Mummy magazine I usually read Young Parents or Mothers & Babies. But I would say...go into a bookshop (i.e: Kinokuniya / Times since our poor Borders close liao) and then go through the issue, see if you like their kind of articles and information in it vs. other magazines and then from there...subscribe. Because I think young parents sometimes I read is more on young toddlers? Whereas Mother & Baby tend to skew towards more newborn onwards etc. That's just my 2 cents worth...

Hazel - Mrs wong quite good hor. Haha. I mean I feel what she says, there's a 'back-up' and it makes sense. Recently the weather so hot over the weekend, I buey tahan cuz eating sambal kangkong & steamboat all...then I ordered a cold drink and you're right, by time it went down..I didn't feel 'cold' in my body because all the 'heat' in the body made it warm. Haha usually when I drink cold stuff I can feel my tummy twinge. But these days ... none!
Hello all MTB,
Hope everyone had a nice weekend. I'm new to this forum. Just a little bit of information about myself. This is my first IVF with my first child. I'm 11wk 4d pregnant (EDD 26/4/12). I'm seeing Prof Ng at Gleneagles. I have no cravings, no food aversions and no MS (just the occasional nausea) but LOTS OF GAS. I am on proluton since the beginning (as I was spotting quite a bit) but today will my last injection. Yipee! Hope that is not TMI
Good morning everyone!

Welcome msmiele!

Weekend is so short.. New week. Gambatte everyone!

Koirc, when is it safe to start prenatal yoga?
Hello Msmiele!
Welcome and congrats

Wooo, my pte gynae is prof ng' son - Dr ng. wahahaha. Good to hear MS / food aversions are not affecting you and I can totally relate to you in terms of GAS. haha especially at night. Do join in our forum if you've anything to share, rant, ask, discuss. We're an easy-going bunch.
Hi Msmiele,

Congrats! & welcome
If you want to (& for the other new mamas too!), can update your details in the spreadsheet. No worries if you don't want to, we are just tracking for fun & to find buddies.


Hi Koirc - hahaa. .i felt the same way last night, dun want to go to sleep coz wake up will be Monday. But I start to think of it as one more day for BB grow big & healthy, so I hope the days go faster now! hahaha..

Kimmy, my hb thinks that I will keep buying non stop. So need to stop from seeing . Also I m the opposite I drink cold water my princess will not like it and give me an uncomfortable feeling. I wish I can enjoy ice lemon tea etc but now m told to watch my carbo and sugar intake. My lunch today is long bean, tofu and spinach ... Dinner pork chop and cod fish mayb with veg. ;(
