(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group


ya i'll try to tahan..just now go cold storage buy stuff and pass by durian stall smelt durian..ooooh yummy...bb kicking inside, then hb stared at me and said no durians...sob..sobb... i turned to bb and said next time when u out lah then we eat okie....


ya i'll try to tahan..just now go cold storage buy stuff and pass by durian stall smelt durian..ooooh yummy...bb kicking inside, then hb stared at me and said no durians...sob..sobb... i turned to bb and said next time when u out lah then we eat okie....
Chris, there is this thing called epidural! No pain with that! When I bent my body forwards say from Lying down position, my tummy will form a small hill where peak is at centre abdomen.. So bb is at centre?
Chris, there is this thing called epidural! No pain with that! When I bent my body forwards say from Lying down position, my tummy will form a small hill where peak is at centre abdomen.. So bb is at centre?
chris: You are reaching the finishing ling soon...hang in there...

Kimmy: Pls rest more...can shop more during March Taka sale!
chris: You are reaching the finishing ling soon...hang in there...

Kimmy: Pls rest more...can shop more during March Taka sale!
Hi hazel,

For me, bb head down liao, so when i lie down position trying to lift up my body abit, aiyoyo i can feel a huge lump just above my "groin area" tats y bb pressing down there and the pain from there. I remember last time u said bb head down liao, so most likely the small hill u feel could be either bb's shoulder or even her bump, cos sometimes when bb rotating i can feel alot of tiny small hill at one time, this will be more obvious when u reach your 32 mths onwards cos bb quite big by then not much space for he/her to move. So slight movement, u can see alot of small hills n maybe 1-2 mountains forming. Esp when u lying down or wake up in the morning. U'll be surprised how their body (like yoga) can sits in your tummy...

I just finished with ironing bb clothes, cos these few days raining so hb say better iron those clothes cos no sun scared later after keeping them they turn mouldy..
Hi hazel,

For me, bb head down liao, so when i lie down position trying to lift up my body abit, aiyoyo i can feel a huge lump just above my "groin area" tats y bb pressing down there and the pain from there. I remember last time u said bb head down liao, so most likely the small hill u feel could be either bb's shoulder or even her bump, cos sometimes when bb rotating i can feel alot of tiny small hill at one time, this will be more obvious when u reach your 32 mths onwards cos bb quite big by then not much space for he/her to move. So slight movement, u can see alot of small hills n maybe 1-2 mountains forming. Esp when u lying down or wake up in the morning. U'll be surprised how their body (like yoga) can sits in your tummy...

I just finished with ironing bb clothes, cos these few days raining so hb say better iron those clothes cos no sun scared later after keeping them they turn mouldy..
Hi kimmy,

ya pls rest more, when i was at your stage i also cheong shopping ah heheehee but i do take a break la...cos if u walk too much your legs will swell ah..
Hi kimmy,

ya pls rest more, when i was at your stage i also cheong shopping ah heheehee but i do take a break la...cos if u walk too much your legs will swell ah..
Chris, my is in vertical position, head down, legs at belly button lying right in the centre abdomen.. So when I bent upwards trying to get up from lying in bed, the bump is right at the centre.. Big bump like a hill..

Oh ya, bb head down since 25w but doesn't mean bb has not changed position coz there r rooms for her to turn then... Then again, my gut feel is maybe still head down.. Coz from the movements I feel.. Will know at next scan..

Irritated, v tired.. Lying in bed since 4plus trying to sleep but can't sleep! Oh.. Not everyone the legs will swell from too much walking.. Or at late pregnancy stage.. Like me, no swelling at all...
Chris, my is in vertical position, head down, legs at belly button lying right in the centre abdomen.. So when I bent upwards trying to get up from lying in bed, the bump is right at the centre.. Big bump like a hill..

Oh ya, bb head down since 25w but doesn't mean bb has not changed position coz there r rooms for her to turn then... Then again, my gut feel is maybe still head down.. Coz from the movements I feel.. Will know at next scan..

Irritated, v tired.. Lying in bed since 4plus trying to sleep but can't sleep! Oh.. Not everyone the legs will swell from too much walking.. Or at late pregnancy stage.. Like me, no swelling at all...
Hello ladies,
Thanks for the advice...yeah today I had a full rest (and nap) at home! Hehe. Really needed to recuperate from all that walking yesterday. :p
Hello ladies,
Thanks for the advice...yeah today I had a full rest (and nap) at home! Hehe. Really needed to recuperate from all that walking yesterday. :p
Chris, r u seeing ur dr in 2 wks time? Is she doing a vagina swap for u if u doing natural delivery? Better make sure UTI n other infections, if any are cleared before natural delivery since bb needs to pass thru the birth canal to the vagina..some infections I read r harmful to bb. Check with your dr.
Chris, r u seeing ur dr in 2 wks time? Is she doing a vagina swap for u if u doing natural delivery? Better make sure UTI n other infections, if any are cleared before natural delivery since bb needs to pass thru the birth canal to the vagina..some infections I read r harmful to bb. Check with your dr.
Hi Qin, i had green discharge during my first trim. I told Dr loh this morning and he prescribed me with Lactacytd, ph 3.5 , cleansing for daily protection . It is safe for pregnancy and you can get it at any pharmacy.
Hi Qin, i had green discharge during my first trim. I told Dr loh this morning and he prescribed me with Lactacytd, ph 3.5 , cleansing for daily protection . It is safe for pregnancy and you can get it at any pharmacy.
Hi Meryl, thank u
Btw, what is amniotic fluid?

Today i went kk 24hr clinic and the doc prescribe me flagystatin, virgina insert.
Hi Meryl, thank u
Btw, what is amniotic fluid?

Today i went kk 24hr clinic and the doc prescribe me flagystatin, virgina insert.

suppose to go bk c dr 2wks later ie 3 Jan 2012. by then i should be 28 wks...dr says will help me scan to ascertain bb's head circumference to see if i can do natural delivery cos she did mentioned tat if too big might suggest c-section. And also see if bb engaged or not...etc


suppose to go bk c dr 2wks later ie 3 Jan 2012. by then i should be 28 wks...dr says will help me scan to ascertain bb's head circumference to see if i can do natural delivery cos she did mentioned tat if too big might suggest c-section. And also see if bb engaged or not...etc

Hi hazel,

mine alot of positions esp in the morning, she likes to lie on the left side of my tummy..heehee whenever i wake up will find her in different position then i'll ask hb to look at my tummy and we will guess which little hill is her bum, shoulder etc...

Super shag this 2 days as we set up those big items, cleaning, washing etc...phew!!! and clearing out our storeroom...more tiring then cny springcleaning...
Hi hazel,

mine alot of positions esp in the morning, she likes to lie on the left side of my tummy..heehee whenever i wake up will find her in different position then i'll ask hb to look at my tummy and we will guess which little hill is her bum, shoulder etc...

Super shag this 2 days as we set up those big items, cleaning, washing etc...phew!!! and clearing out our storeroom...more tiring then cny springcleaning...
Hi hazel,

i ever heard from my colleague abt one case whereby bb head down then during delivery, bb suddenly turn to breech position...end up doc ask mummy to do c-section ah..
Hi hazel,

i ever heard from my colleague abt one case whereby bb head down then during delivery, bb suddenly turn to breech position...end up doc ask mummy to do c-section ah..
now me quite heavy, once i sit on the floor will had hard time climbing up ah..esp when i climb 1/2 way up bb press on my "groin' area super pain ah...So at times, hb will come over and "lift" me up hahahaha
normally now i sleep ard 5-6 hrs daily... once wake up go pee, very difficult to fall bk to sleep
now me quite heavy, once i sit on the floor will had hard time climbing up ah..esp when i climb 1/2 way up bb press on my "groin' area super pain ah...So at times, hb will come over and "lift" me up hahahaha
normally now i sleep ard 5-6 hrs daily... once wake up go pee, very difficult to fall bk to sleep
My Frn is due to deliver her bb in feb and now her tummy is still quite small...Not like the ladies with huge round tummy. She dont look preggy at all u know! Like a bigger spare tyre only... Just like a build in wardrobe she says.
My Frn is due to deliver her bb in feb and now her tummy is still quite small...Not like the ladies with huge round tummy. She dont look preggy at all u know! Like a bigger spare tyre only... Just like a build in wardrobe she says.
Meryl, the doc said have to complete the 10 days insertion. I don't feel comfortable as well but the doc said even no green discharge aso must use finish.
Meryl, the doc said have to complete the 10 days insertion. I don't feel comfortable as well but the doc said even no green discharge aso must use finish.
Hi hazel,

try not to avoid sitting on the floor directly, put a pillow or cushion, my tail bone hurts so i learnt fr wong bb's class and brought a cushion to sit on top of my office chair. .

How's ur reflux? U can actually call dr loh and ask for medicine. My gastric specialist ever assured me b4 i preggy tat if i've reflux (cos my his regular patient) dun worry preggy woman can still take reflux medicine such as gaviscon and other medication. He did told me tat reflux will be more uncomfy during preggy stage.

During my 2nd trimester, i was hit with sudden gastric pain, i called my gynae and she immediately advised me to continue the leftover gastric medicine from KK cos I'm working and dun have time to go to her clinic tat day to collect medicine and i've leftover medicine from my hospital stay in kk. She told me to take at least over 1 week. She told me tat its safe to take and tat should take early when gastric starts and dun play play cos during preggy the gastric will be more intense so better start medicine early to bring it down,
Hi hazel,

try not to avoid sitting on the floor directly, put a pillow or cushion, my tail bone hurts so i learnt fr wong bb's class and brought a cushion to sit on top of my office chair. .

How's ur reflux? U can actually call dr loh and ask for medicine. My gastric specialist ever assured me b4 i preggy tat if i've reflux (cos my his regular patient) dun worry preggy woman can still take reflux medicine such as gaviscon and other medication. He did told me tat reflux will be more uncomfy during preggy stage.

During my 2nd trimester, i was hit with sudden gastric pain, i called my gynae and she immediately advised me to continue the leftover gastric medicine from KK cos I'm working and dun have time to go to her clinic tat day to collect medicine and i've leftover medicine from my hospital stay in kk. She told me to take at least over 1 week. She told me tat its safe to take and tat should take early when gastric starts and dun play play cos during preggy the gastric will be more intense so better start medicine early to bring it down,
Chris, i remember my gayne give me one pill before doing ivf as i told her i got green discharge. Now the 24hr clinic give me 10 pills. Not sure if there is side effect on the fetus or not. Abit worried.

Wanna see my gayne but she is on long leave.
Chris, i remember my gayne give me one pill before doing ivf as i told her i got green discharge. Now the 24hr clinic give me 10 pills. Not sure if there is side effect on the fetus or not. Abit worried.

Wanna see my gayne but she is on long leave.
Chris, yes, I take gaviscon if reflux is bad... Can be easily bought from guardian. The liquid sachet type gives immediate relief.. I just weighed myself this morning.. 3 wks.. Only gained abt 1kg at most. Wonder how much bb put on... Put on too much, worry, out on little also worry... Haiz...

Chris, yes, I take gaviscon if reflux is bad... Can be easily bought from guardian. The liquid sachet type gives immediate relief.. I just weighed myself this morning.. 3 wks.. Only gained abt 1kg at most. Wonder how much bb put on... Put on too much, worry, out on little also worry... Haiz...
