(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi Vann
I understand wht u mean and do not want to say any of the insensitive words too.. Just tt sometime being force by someone else's remarks.. I hv gd intention to share my experience but didnt expect to get so much bombard.. Tts why i say tt.. Anyway, i know i am lucky to hv one boy but hv been thru alot to get this 2nd pregnancy and to maintain it too (pray hard this time can hv smooth pregnancy). Infact, till now still early to know whether i can hv 2nd kids yet since nothing is confirm till carry them in my arms.. Lets hope all of us here will hv a smooth 9mths pregnancy..

Hi Vann
I understand wht u mean and do not want to say any of the insensitive words too.. Just tt sometime being force by someone else's remarks.. I hv gd intention to share my experience but didnt expect to get so much bombard.. Tts why i say tt.. Anyway, i know i am lucky to hv one boy but hv been thru alot to get this 2nd pregnancy and to maintain it too (pray hard this time can hv smooth pregnancy). Infact, till now still early to know whether i can hv 2nd kids yet since nothing is confirm till carry them in my arms.. Lets hope all of us here will hv a smooth 9mths pregnancy..
hazel : may i know the reason why u don wan the CL to share yr food? so yr mom will cook for your hubby and CL?

my home will just be hubby and me. i'm planning to find a stay-in CL. I need her to cook tonic food for me and baby (and hubby's simple meal if possible, then she can eat the same as my hubby) plus take care of mommy and baby's needs.

how abt washing? are they supposed to hand wash mom or baby clothes or all put into washing machine?

and where do they sleep? in a room with bb.
then my hubby and i one room?
hazel : may i know the reason why u don wan the CL to share yr food? so yr mom will cook for your hubby and CL?

my home will just be hubby and me. i'm planning to find a stay-in CL. I need her to cook tonic food for me and baby (and hubby's simple meal if possible, then she can eat the same as my hubby) plus take care of mommy and baby's needs.

how abt washing? are they supposed to hand wash mom or baby clothes or all put into washing machine?

and where do they sleep? in a room with bb.
then my hubby and i one room?
chocolate : i think u can go to the O&G and insist for a blood test. I brought along my form that time cos I always carry it with me just in case. but i heard that its not compulsory for the form. as long as u insist it to be done and paid for it, why not they can't do it. of coz u can also email dr loh, but not sure if he can reply u so soon. if they dont allow, u must insist. i did not have brown discharge in my 2ww - i bleed bright red that time on my 12th day.. good luck to you!!!
chocolate : i think u can go to the O&G and insist for a blood test. I brought along my form that time cos I always carry it with me just in case. but i heard that its not compulsory for the form. as long as u insist it to be done and paid for it, why not they can't do it. of coz u can also email dr loh, but not sure if he can reply u so soon. if they dont allow, u must insist. i did not have brown discharge in my 2ww - i bleed bright red that time on my 12th day.. good luck to you!!!
Hi Tanny
Last time my CL sleep with bb, middle of night when bb hungry, she will knock on my door and bring bb in for bf.. She hand wash all bb cloths and cook for herself and my hb.. Then cook for me.. Must be separate as what we eat is a much heaty food..she will get heaty if eat our food..;) Adult cloths use washing machine.. Only baby cloths handwash... I like my CL alot as she did a wonderful job in hsework, baby and take gd care of me as me go thru c sect.. Like wht Hazel say.. We cant use tap water so she prepare all water for me in advance.. Even toothbrush water..;) she is a malaysian CL..
Hi Tanny
Last time my CL sleep with bb, middle of night when bb hungry, she will knock on my door and bring bb in for bf.. She hand wash all bb cloths and cook for herself and my hb.. Then cook for me.. Must be separate as what we eat is a much heaty food..she will get heaty if eat our food..;) Adult cloths use washing machine.. Only baby cloths handwash... I like my CL alot as she did a wonderful job in hsework, baby and take gd care of me as me go thru c sect.. Like wht Hazel say.. We cant use tap water so she prepare all water for me in advance.. Even toothbrush water..;) she is a malaysian CL..
Thanks for your reply, Tanny. The discharge stopped liao. I rem tt time u also tracked ur bbt rite? When u had bleeding, did ur temp dip? Ur bleeding was on 12th day after ovulation or ET?
Cos my bbt dropped from 36.7 to 36.6 this morning. Usually when my menses is abt to come, it will drop to 36.3. N so coincidentally, my menses shd be due today so don't know what is what.
Thanks for your reply, Tanny. The discharge stopped liao. I rem tt time u also tracked ur bbt rite? When u had bleeding, did ur temp dip? Ur bleeding was on 12th day after ovulation or ET?
Cos my bbt dropped from 36.7 to 36.6 this morning. Usually when my menses is abt to come, it will drop to 36.3. N so coincidentally, my menses shd be due today so don't know what is what.
Tanny, our food during confinement is rich and can be v heaty. Eg, usu our food contains seamee oil n some ginger. Some CL can't take it n will fall sick... Heard a few cases already... We Just delivered, so weak n can take it. Also, if u use expensive herbs, do u wan the CL to "pu" also? We will take alot of fish too.. I can't that 生鱼. My mum will buy "gorh her".. That cost $40 one kg now. Even meat, my mum sais will buy 腰肉, coz taste nicer. So, depends on what u will be eating during confinement & if u wan CL to eat the same. I feel that CL should take normal food. My mum cooks everyday except wkends. So, not too much chores. On wkend, hubs need eat too so he will buy a pack for CL. U can tell CL to cook for hubs, that is included or all 3 of u eat same food. So, is ur own preference. My hubs is fussy with food. So, i tell him to Settle his own. Also, did u need CL to wipe the tiles, mop the kitchen, etc after CL cooks?

CL will take care of washing of mummy, bb n hubs. How u wan them to be washed, your choice too. So u hv to think abt it then during interview test if CL is ok ESP if u wan hand washed. For me, washing machine is ok but as long as bb clothes are separated from us. Btw, CL usu wun do ironing. Housework like basic cleaning, eg, sweep floor, wash toilets, CL usu so once a wk only. R u ok with that? For me, I need this done more frequently a wk. Of course we hv to be reasonable, that wld mean my mum or I hv to take care of bb when she is biz with cleaning.

Same for sleeping arrangement. Do you wan to nurse at night? Ur choice. For me, CL cares for bb at night n hence sleep with her coz i need to rest. I told agent cL must wake me to nurse when bb needs milk. So CL must be ok with that. Some CL said no, FM only. I even asked If CL is ok to sleep on mattress.

There is no hard n fast rule. Is all what u wan. During the interview process, u will know if the CL is willing to accomodate your requests.
Tanny, our food during confinement is rich and can be v heaty. Eg, usu our food contains seamee oil n some ginger. Some CL can't take it n will fall sick... Heard a few cases already... We Just delivered, so weak n can take it. Also, if u use expensive herbs, do u wan the CL to "pu" also? We will take alot of fish too.. I can't that 生鱼. My mum will buy "gorh her".. That cost $40 one kg now. Even meat, my mum sais will buy 腰肉, coz taste nicer. So, depends on what u will be eating during confinement & if u wan CL to eat the same. I feel that CL should take normal food. My mum cooks everyday except wkends. So, not too much chores. On wkend, hubs need eat too so he will buy a pack for CL. U can tell CL to cook for hubs, that is included or all 3 of u eat same food. So, is ur own preference. My hubs is fussy with food. So, i tell him to Settle his own. Also, did u need CL to wipe the tiles, mop the kitchen, etc after CL cooks?

CL will take care of washing of mummy, bb n hubs. How u wan them to be washed, your choice too. So u hv to think abt it then during interview test if CL is ok ESP if u wan hand washed. For me, washing machine is ok but as long as bb clothes are separated from us. Btw, CL usu wun do ironing. Housework like basic cleaning, eg, sweep floor, wash toilets, CL usu so once a wk only. R u ok with that? For me, I need this done more frequently a wk. Of course we hv to be reasonable, that wld mean my mum or I hv to take care of bb when she is biz with cleaning.

Same for sleeping arrangement. Do you wan to nurse at night? Ur choice. For me, CL cares for bb at night n hence sleep with her coz i need to rest. I told agent cL must wake me to nurse when bb needs milk. So CL must be ok with that. Some CL said no, FM only. I even asked If CL is ok to sleep on mattress.

There is no hard n fast rule. Is all what u wan. During the interview process, u will know if the CL is willing to accomodate your requests.
Tanny, bb clothes hv to Use bb detergent/ powder. Adults one too harsh on the bb skin. If mummy dun go out, I m ok to wash bb clothes n my clothes together usIng bb detergent/powder. Coz nv go out means our clothes no outside germs. Hubs clothes defintely has to be separated.

Even washing of bottles, brushes, need to use bb washing gel. Unless u r not fussy. Even washing detergent, there is powder version. So which do u prefer? For me I prefer powder as it has less soap subs for front loading washing machines. Lots of homework for u to do now? Do abit at a time, my knowledge is accumulated over the yrs though someone commented that I m not a mommy yet so not as experienced as those who already n 自我 n think I m always right. I m just sharing wat I want and what I believe in over the years I hv seen n heard. My mum is an experienced cL but she cant take the night caring and also boiling water is not joke. The pails r v heavy when filled with water.

Also, how old is the cL, do U hv a preference? For me, CL at most early 50s. No older than that coz is it quits taxing in that one mth cL is taking care of bb n me. My mum only 60 yrs old but already can't take it. I told agent, if bb is fussy at night, n deprive her of sleep, she can nap in the PM when bb sleeps. If I need her help on other things, I will get someone to attend to bb or I attend myself. She is human afterall, noty slave.

Even tap/boiled water. Some mummies are fine with either. Herbs or rice wine for bathing? Ur choice too. That one mth ia v impt to us. Mommies with weak health previously can take this oppoerunity to nurse bk to gd health. Mommies with good health may end up weaker after delivery n confinement If she does not do a gd one.
Tanny, bb clothes hv to Use bb detergent/ powder. Adults one too harsh on the bb skin. If mummy dun go out, I m ok to wash bb clothes n my clothes together usIng bb detergent/powder. Coz nv go out means our clothes no outside germs. Hubs clothes defintely has to be separated.

Even washing of bottles, brushes, need to use bb washing gel. Unless u r not fussy. Even washing detergent, there is powder version. So which do u prefer? For me I prefer powder as it has less soap subs for front loading washing machines. Lots of homework for u to do now? Do abit at a time, my knowledge is accumulated over the yrs though someone commented that I m not a mommy yet so not as experienced as those who already n 自我 n think I m always right. I m just sharing wat I want and what I believe in over the years I hv seen n heard. My mum is an experienced cL but she cant take the night caring and also boiling water is not joke. The pails r v heavy when filled with water.

Also, how old is the cL, do U hv a preference? For me, CL at most early 50s. No older than that coz is it quits taxing in that one mth cL is taking care of bb n me. My mum only 60 yrs old but already can't take it. I told agent, if bb is fussy at night, n deprive her of sleep, she can nap in the PM when bb sleeps. If I need her help on other things, I will get someone to attend to bb or I attend myself. She is human afterall, noty slave.

Even tap/boiled water. Some mummies are fine with either. Herbs or rice wine for bathing? Ur choice too. That one mth ia v impt to us. Mommies with weak health previously can take this oppoerunity to nurse bk to gd health. Mommies with good health may end up weaker after delivery n confinement If she does not do a gd one.
Hi hazel, catherine. tanny

not only we will be emotional during this times, dun forget our hbs too will be emotional..they will have their own stress and ups and downs too...

Like my hb too, he very stressed with the preparation and cleaning up all the big stuff that was passed to me from our buddies. Cos i can't help much, due to my aches in my pelvic area and also i can't carry heavy stuff. Once i preggy he doing most of the households except laundry i do la.... So at times when i asked him to bring me stuff he'll ask me to take myself during my 1st and 2nd tri. Nowadays he does bring me stuff cos i can't walk properly due to the severe pain at my bladder and pelvic area. At times, i'll joke with him say, ha like tat u also complain that u are maid, then dun ask to have a 2nd bb ah..then he'll laugh and give in lor. If last time, u think he sooo good sure tell me off hahahaha

I also not young liao....so thought of having 2nd one frightens me too...so i told hb we try 1st one see how lah...Cos really dun have the energy and time to care for both...
Hi hazel, catherine. tanny

not only we will be emotional during this times, dun forget our hbs too will be emotional..they will have their own stress and ups and downs too...

Like my hb too, he very stressed with the preparation and cleaning up all the big stuff that was passed to me from our buddies. Cos i can't help much, due to my aches in my pelvic area and also i can't carry heavy stuff. Once i preggy he doing most of the households except laundry i do la.... So at times when i asked him to bring me stuff he'll ask me to take myself during my 1st and 2nd tri. Nowadays he does bring me stuff cos i can't walk properly due to the severe pain at my bladder and pelvic area. At times, i'll joke with him say, ha like tat u also complain that u are maid, then dun ask to have a 2nd bb ah..then he'll laugh and give in lor. If last time, u think he sooo good sure tell me off hahahaha

I also not young liao....so thought of having 2nd one frightens me too...so i told hb we try 1st one see how lah...Cos really dun have the energy and time to care for both...
Chris, actually u shld take mc/Hl to rest at home. Pelvic pain is no joke. I m supposed to go bk to work tomorrow but I really dun hv much energy n I feel ucomforable after siting for a while coz of the grOwing tummy. Night time hard to sleep too coz of the tummy n my back aches. I get heart burnt too now.. In the middle of the night also! V uncomfortable. The gaviscon I get from guardian is ex. Going to ask dr loh for some med. m going to go see a GP n take MC until I see dr loh next wk. See wat he says..
Chris, actually u shld take mc/Hl to rest at home. Pelvic pain is no joke. I m supposed to go bk to work tomorrow but I really dun hv much energy n I feel ucomforable after siting for a while coz of the grOwing tummy. Night time hard to sleep too coz of the tummy n my back aches. I get heart burnt too now.. In the middle of the night also! V uncomfortable. The gaviscon I get from guardian is ex. Going to ask dr loh for some med. m going to go see a GP n take MC until I see dr loh next wk. See wat he says..
gosh..i was down with a very bad tummy ach wee early morning the day before..was at the loo and tummy pain like mad! Almost throw up too..im hoping that it did not affect the embryo/s..
Any one experienced the same with some constipation during 1st trimester? ..no bleeding though..
gosh..i was down with a very bad tummy ach wee early morning the day before..was at the loo and tummy pain like mad! Almost throw up too..im hoping that it did not affect the embryo/s..
Any one experienced the same with some constipation during 1st trimester? ..no bleeding though..
Dear sisters, wonder if this qn has been asked before. Can we do hair treatment n straightening during e 2nd trimester? Hair like growing weeds now. Any advice ?

Many Thks !!
Dear sisters, wonder if this qn has been asked before. Can we do hair treatment n straightening during e 2nd trimester? Hair like growing weeds now. Any advice ?

Many Thks !!
Hi Chris!
I've the same experience of having constipation 1x during my 6th week.. its normal cos with the sudden surge in progesterone our body system react differently. i had gastric, reflux severe vomitting, unable to consume food/water etc..during that 2 weeks, i wasn't able to sleep the whole nite cos puking all the way and went 4-5x kk 24hrs for drip due to dehydration and also UTI. I was super exhausted as still got to go work and abit depressed during tat time...But once i hit my 12 wk, i suddenly felt better. Not all will have the same symptoms like my sil and a few of my colleagues enjoy their 1st trimester peacefully and have v good appetite.

Hi Hazel,
I also wish to take mc to rest at home, but like my office short of sfaff and i work in a bank so i tried to be around and clear my work and helped my partner cos another guy clearing his bloc leave. Did u try to take smaller meals at nite?? For me, i got history of GERD, therefore when i get preggy hb very worried i might get it as during preggy the chances of having reflux is higher... touchwood!!! so far i dun have it from 2nd trimester onwards and have been eating well. U might want try drink abit of milk at night as supper then dinner take food tat are easily digest and see if it helps. This 2 days, dunnoe why i poo alot hahahah like yesterday 3 times all soft stool le but no diarrhea. Hb joked say maybe we have being telling BB tat we gonna c her today at gynae's appt so she clearing out the poo so that we can see her clearer today hahahhaa
Hi Chris!
I've the same experience of having constipation 1x during my 6th week.. its normal cos with the sudden surge in progesterone our body system react differently. i had gastric, reflux severe vomitting, unable to consume food/water etc..during that 2 weeks, i wasn't able to sleep the whole nite cos puking all the way and went 4-5x kk 24hrs for drip due to dehydration and also UTI. I was super exhausted as still got to go work and abit depressed during tat time...But once i hit my 12 wk, i suddenly felt better. Not all will have the same symptoms like my sil and a few of my colleagues enjoy their 1st trimester peacefully and have v good appetite.

Hi Hazel,
I also wish to take mc to rest at home, but like my office short of sfaff and i work in a bank so i tried to be around and clear my work and helped my partner cos another guy clearing his bloc leave. Did u try to take smaller meals at nite?? For me, i got history of GERD, therefore when i get preggy hb very worried i might get it as during preggy the chances of having reflux is higher... touchwood!!! so far i dun have it from 2nd trimester onwards and have been eating well. U might want try drink abit of milk at night as supper then dinner take food tat are easily digest and see if it helps. This 2 days, dunnoe why i poo alot hahahah like yesterday 3 times all soft stool le but no diarrhea. Hb joked say maybe we have being telling BB tat we gonna c her today at gynae's appt so she clearing out the poo so that we can see her clearer today hahahhaa
Bbliss, out of prudence I didn't do anything to my hair coz these stuff actually contain chemicals & may go into our body if they touch the hair roots. I only cut. That said, I do know of pregnant ladies who did stuff on their hair. Also, the ladies in hair salon continue working even after they get pregnant right? So, they hv to breathe in ammonia fumes, get in contact with chemicals everyday. Their bbs also fine wat. Some sisters said go for the non-ammonia types.

Chrisl, ur tummy ache is fr constipation? When pregnant, tummy aches will hurt more... Maybe coz of the growing uterus pressing on it.. Drink more water n eat more fibre. Once in a while my constipation is so bad that I need to Use depository.. But that one cannot use frequently coz may cause rectrum issue in mommy later. Some sister takes lactus (actually is laxative) given by dr.. Can be bought on SG guardian too... But that does not work for me.. So for me, I hv to really eat papaya, drink 2-3 Litres of water, take prune juice etc.. If not, with the big tummy, constipation is no joke. Take care.
Bbliss, out of prudence I didn't do anything to my hair coz these stuff actually contain chemicals & may go into our body if they touch the hair roots. I only cut. That said, I do know of pregnant ladies who did stuff on their hair. Also, the ladies in hair salon continue working even after they get pregnant right? So, they hv to breathe in ammonia fumes, get in contact with chemicals everyday. Their bbs also fine wat. Some sisters said go for the non-ammonia types.

Chrisl, ur tummy ache is fr constipation? When pregnant, tummy aches will hurt more... Maybe coz of the growing uterus pressing on it.. Drink more water n eat more fibre. Once in a while my constipation is so bad that I need to Use depository.. But that one cannot use frequently coz may cause rectrum issue in mommy later. Some sister takes lactus (actually is laxative) given by dr.. Can be bought on SG guardian too... But that does not work for me.. So for me, I hv to really eat papaya, drink 2-3 Litres of water, take prune juice etc.. If not, with the big tummy, constipation is no joke. Take care.
Chris, take small meals also like this. I cant eat alot now either n weight still going up.I m already careful with food. No use, milk doesnt help either. Very grouchy, whole body aching and can't sleep well.. Going to toilet in middle of the night pelvic n butt areas hurt. Turn also difficult. Hubs ended up my sand bag... Now v tired n the rain is so super heavy! Very pek chek, just wan to lie in bed...
Chris, take small meals also like this. I cant eat alot now either n weight still going up.I m already careful with food. No use, milk doesnt help either. Very grouchy, whole body aching and can't sleep well.. Going to toilet in middle of the night pelvic n butt areas hurt. Turn also difficult. Hubs ended up my sand bag... Now v tired n the rain is so super heavy! Very pek chek, just wan to lie in bed...
Chris, u 35 wks now? Having loose stools suddenly? If I didn't remember wrongly, it can be one of the signs of labour.. Pls on the look out..
Chris, u 35 wks now? Having loose stools suddenly? If I didn't remember wrongly, it can be one of the signs of labour.. Pls on the look out..
Bbliss - I did hair treatment & organic colouring during 2nd tri because I couldn't tahan my root outgrowth and dr loh told me if I must do, do it in 2nd tri. I went to a salon that carries organic products tho (even shampoo & conditioner), and my stylist has dealt with several pregnant customers before so she will put an ampoule to protect my sculpt and proceed with treatment. I did ask her about straightening for some frds before and she said she wldn't recommend it but if you really want to, she will only start straightening hair at least 1.5 - 2 inches from the roots to play safe. Her colleague (whose also preggy now) still continue doing treatments etc for customers and her gynae din't say anything... So I wld think at of the day, its up to your comfort level. For me, I felt really happy & confident with a more manageable hair than before, and it helped me with my moods. But it's really up to you at the end of the day
Hope this info helps.
Bbliss - I did hair treatment & organic colouring during 2nd tri because I couldn't tahan my root outgrowth and dr loh told me if I must do, do it in 2nd tri. I went to a salon that carries organic products tho (even shampoo & conditioner), and my stylist has dealt with several pregnant customers before so she will put an ampoule to protect my sculpt and proceed with treatment. I did ask her about straightening for some frds before and she said she wldn't recommend it but if you really want to, she will only start straightening hair at least 1.5 - 2 inches from the roots to play safe. Her colleague (whose also preggy now) still continue doing treatments etc for customers and her gynae din't say anything... So I wld think at of the day, its up to your comfort level. For me, I felt really happy & confident with a more manageable hair than before, and it helped me with my moods. But it's really up to you at the end of the day
Hope this info helps.
Ritzc - sorry I'm slow, haha just read your post. You bought the mobile cot? nice...how much? there's only one type the 2-in-1? I was at my nephew's place for xmas party ytd and he has a fisher price mobile too (they took out the mobile part now that he is about 21 mths now of course) but he still press the buttons and play with the music/lights
Ritzc - sorry I'm slow, haha just read your post. You bought the mobile cot? nice...how much? there's only one type the 2-in-1? I was at my nephew's place for xmas party ytd and he has a fisher price mobile too (they took out the mobile part now that he is about 21 mths now of course) but he still press the buttons and play with the music/lights
fuyutshuki - sure! hair salon is Phyto Hair Spa. You can read more about it here: www.phytohairspa.com.sg/
If you're keen in doing anything, I've a package which you can use and get a 20% off. PM me if you want the details.
I'm heading out now and will only be back evening so replies will be slow :p
fuyutshuki - sure! hair salon is Phyto Hair Spa. You can read more about it here: www.phytohairspa.com.sg/
If you're keen in doing anything, I've a package which you can use and get a 20% off. PM me if you want the details.
I'm heading out now and will only be back evening so replies will be slow :p
kimmy, thks
i am actually a regular customer of phyto, have scalp and hair treatment package with them but stopped going after i am preggie, coz not sure whether can still continue the scalp treatment.
kimmy, thks
i am actually a regular customer of phyto, have scalp and hair treatment package with them but stopped going after i am preggie, coz not sure whether can still continue the scalp treatment.
Kimmy, thx for e info ! Can u email mi e details of yr package ? N oso to share on e price for treatment u haf paid. My hair length is quite close as yrs....upon e last time I saw u.... Hehe.
Kimmy, thx for e info ! Can u email mi e details of yr package ? N oso to share on e price for treatment u haf paid. My hair length is quite close as yrs....upon e last time I saw u.... Hehe.
Fuyutsuki - that's great! Yea stylist mentioned to me about sculpt treatment (prevention before hair loss after delivery) and said a lot of preggies do it but will see how.
yea the moment they see your belly or if u tell them they will straight away assure u the measures they take etc. Went there to style my hair recently and to trim. Doing hair is so therapeutic!

Bbliss - hehe sure! Will drop u a note. I'm out now and batt a bit on low side so once I can, will pm you details ya? Yea our hair is abt same length! Heh.
Fuyutsuki - that's great! Yea stylist mentioned to me about sculpt treatment (prevention before hair loss after delivery) and said a lot of preggies do it but will see how.
yea the moment they see your belly or if u tell them they will straight away assure u the measures they take etc. Went there to style my hair recently and to trim. Doing hair is so therapeutic!

Bbliss - hehe sure! Will drop u a note. I'm out now and batt a bit on low side so once I can, will pm you details ya? Yea our hair is abt same length! Heh.
Kimmy, thks for the assurance
so glad to know that i can continue with my scalp treatment. Agree with u that doing hair is therapeutic, feel so good after every treatment, hehee.
Kimmy, thks for the assurance
so glad to know that i can continue with my scalp treatment. Agree with u that doing hair is therapeutic, feel so good after every treatment, hehee.
Hi hazel,

just came bk from my gynae's appt. today super bad day for me too...cos raining whole day. Early morning me and hb got to rush to in-law hse to fetch my old dog see doc around 10.30am. Before that went to eat bfast and found tat the wanton mee stall close shop liao so no choice left to eat "kao Ji" niang tou fou not full le then ate another plate of chee cheong fun. After vet's appt, reached in-law hse around noon, got to feed dog medicine and rush for my gynae's appt at 2pm. So thought eat at gleneagles lor, suay the whole foodcourt renovation and got to q 20mins for food at one of the cafe...some of the food sold out so ordered kuay teow soup %5.50, and super small bowl..poor bb today whole day didn't have full meal. waited 1hr+ to see my gynae as she got emergency delivery.

Finally get to see gynae, i'm now 35wks ++ going to 36wks on Wed, bb's weight 3.1kg. Gynae said based on my hb and my height be prepared tat bb might reach 4kg...Faintz...Then told gynae abt my pelvic pain and pain at the centre she say of cos la cos my bb big its pressing down hard tats why i felt the pain eventho bb hasn't engage yet. Faintz..2x. Got to watch my diet as gained 3kg in 3wks. told gynae abt y UTI and she warned me the danger that bacteria might travel up to kidney and i might even go to premature labour. Told me to be careful...Now she told hb to bring me for daily 45min walk after dinner to build up for stamina for labour cos bb might be quite big and i'll have a hard time...
Hi hazel,

just came bk from my gynae's appt. today super bad day for me too...cos raining whole day. Early morning me and hb got to rush to in-law hse to fetch my old dog see doc around 10.30am. Before that went to eat bfast and found tat the wanton mee stall close shop liao so no choice left to eat "kao Ji" niang tou fou not full le then ate another plate of chee cheong fun. After vet's appt, reached in-law hse around noon, got to feed dog medicine and rush for my gynae's appt at 2pm. So thought eat at gleneagles lor, suay the whole foodcourt renovation and got to q 20mins for food at one of the cafe...some of the food sold out so ordered kuay teow soup %5.50, and super small bowl..poor bb today whole day didn't have full meal. waited 1hr+ to see my gynae as she got emergency delivery.

Finally get to see gynae, i'm now 35wks ++ going to 36wks on Wed, bb's weight 3.1kg. Gynae said based on my hb and my height be prepared tat bb might reach 4kg...Faintz...Then told gynae abt my pelvic pain and pain at the centre she say of cos la cos my bb big its pressing down hard tats why i felt the pain eventho bb hasn't engage yet. Faintz..2x. Got to watch my diet as gained 3kg in 3wks. told gynae abt y UTI and she warned me the danger that bacteria might travel up to kidney and i might even go to premature labour. Told me to be careful...Now she told hb to bring me for daily 45min walk after dinner to build up for stamina for labour cos bb might be quite big and i'll have a hard time...


hb told gynae tat i can barely walk now cos of the pain..gynae says ask me rest 1 wk then die die muz walk so tat i can have a easier labour....
no choice lor....hiaz pain siah....



hb told gynae tat i can barely walk now cos of the pain..gynae says ask me rest 1 wk then die die muz walk so tat i can have a easier labour....
no choice lor....hiaz pain siah....
