(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi tanny, ur cycle buddy is here ~ I'm counting down to 13dec... So loooong. So stressed.. Today is my 5w4d, wat abt u?
My appetite getting poor.. Mouth also bland taste, but dun feel like eating sour plum.
Update us on ur scan, Joanne,fatefully & babyme too! I'm curious abt babyme.. Twins or singleton

Miracle happens- think I'm 5 weeks 6 days using nov 11 as thaw date for the online fet calculator. also dunno correct a not. I'm still eating as normal.. Drink Milo eat biscuits.. Eat fish soup, eat rice....I think I'm so strange leh.. My tummy no cramps, no bloat.. No sore boobs. Now feeling hungry again. My shifu did say something abt my beanie and I hope all is going nice still... Today only Tue..

Update us on the scan ok!
Bbliss, bb moves all the time but we may not feel all the movements. Also depending on bb's position & gender. Movements if bb girls r usu lighter too. How many wks r u? Usu fetus movements r monitored from 28w onwards. Dr loh said from 9am to 9pm daily, at least 10 movements. Can be kicks, turns, scratching mummy's tummy, etc.
Hopeful, poor thing, glad that you're feeling better now. Enjoy your detailed scan today and get plenty of rest at home after you get discharged..

Catherine, you take care too. Hope the rashes will be gone soon so you can sleep better.. I'm sure i'll get depressed too without enough sleep. Nowadays i can't really sleep well too because of backpain when sleeping on one position for too long at night. Haiz..

Fatefully, get well soon too! Rest well..

Kimmy, count me in for xmas dinner, am ok between 13-18dec. Apart from 15 & 17 ;) oh i finally bought that bonbebe cot at taka, $399 including mattress, bumper, bedding set. And added $99 for extra bedding set (12-pieces). The cot can be converted to junior bed which i thought is quite good, and the original price incl the free gifts was $700 over so thought was quite a good deal.. I also bought 2 maclarenquest mod strollers @ $249 each from taka.. And asked all these to be delivered end of feb, no storage cost ;)

wanted to pantang buying baby stuffs until i hit 7months but really no choice lah, i will be stuck at home to bedrest by then, and back on injections too to prevent preterm labour.. I don't trust my hubby to be able to find good deals if i leave the task to him, haha..

Still have to find carseat now, my friend wanted to pass 1 infant maxi cosi car seat, do u know this one can be used until how many months? Am thinking if i should buy another one so we have 2.. But later have to buy again to accommodate bigger babies.. Or might as well buy bigger carseats at once, i know some can fit 3months babies up to 3-4 years.. But that means before 3months, cannot go out ;)
I bought a maxi cosi car seat too. Can used up to bb is 13kg. Is better to buy an infant seat, that can use from birth because they are all rear facing. So, is safer. Bb's head is very soft n neck muscles are not strong. Bb will jerk forward when the driver is hard on the pedal / brake or do emergency stops.
Oops paiseh.. I mix up Tromso n Tanny.. My earlier mail shd be for Tromso abt Ricola..;p

Hi Baby
Any update on ur scan? Singleton or twin? So anxious for u..;)
Ashley - was looking @ that cot too but only 1 colour right? Did u manage to get white :p my nephew uses that cot too and soon converting to a toddler bed, not bad!

Hazel -maxi cosi u got cabriofix or pebble? I only saw pebble at taka last wkend but not too sure what's the diff cuz they all look similar to me, haha.

Hopeful - dinner next wk which dates good for u?! Anyone else wanna join?
kimmy, i bought pebble, the last display black set & was given additional discount. hm.. just realise dunno if the sales person has included the manual to fix the car seat onto the car by safety belt or not... since it is all wrapped up now. pebble & cabriofix are smiliar, only difference is pebble is easier to remove from the stroller so is slightly more expensive.
Hi Ashley, yeh!! Detailed scan went very well! I can b at ease now.. She is super cooperative n active!!! I guess now I m 110% cfm I m having a girl!! Wahaha.. Wat abt u? How's ur 2nd twin? Cfm boy or girl already?

Hi Kimmy, any wkday nite nx wk is fine wif me!!
Hi Ritzc,
How's ur diet control? Hope all are well for u. PM replied.

Hi Hazel,
Tks for the infos. Bought kodomo shower gel fm Giant. Hubby hate to dirve to Chinatown.
Summer, I m getting v tired lately n I m on leave some more! I wake up at 8plus, prepares breakfast for hub, then surf abit of website, fold away the clothes, wash clothes using washing machine & hang them to dry... I already feel like dying from fatigue!! Best part is, I dun seem to recover from the fatigue... Goodnes, after 2 wks leave, I still going bk to work!!
Sisters, pls try to get as much bb stuff as possible when u still hv the energy... Wow.. I m like dying from fatigue everyday... N feeling breathless...
hazel - thanks for the info! Oh since like that I might as well look at pebble too. Haha I like easier to remove stuff otherwise I fiddle like mad, plus if baby crying and all I will *panick* I think the maxi cosi website has manual to fix it too. Does it come with warranty? Ya agree, I'm starting to buy stuff bit by bit so won't kan cheong last minute and like you said, fatigue! By then I feel even more of a bad rush!

Hopeful - okie! Good. Can PM me your tel number? Or maybe I will get it from ashley too. hehehe. This time can really catch up !!!
J03, in 30th week.

Kimmy, just found out YouTube got lots of life video on how to fix it! Better than reading manual.car seat n stroller warranty starts when bb is born, so, wun lose out even if we buy early. Hey, ur bb us a boy right? My bb's movements r so gentle even till now. The strongest at most make my tummy jerk. But I dun feel any pain at all.. Wonder if coz is bb girl, so more 小姐?
J03, I m only working for 1 wk in dec.. The rest m on leave! Need to clear by year end. Next yr, I hv another 30 days to clear by end 2012, annual leave, family day leave n child care leave. I plan to take one stretch of the 16 wks ml, followed by these leaves. So I will be away from office long :p
Hazel - cool! Oh yes of course youtube will have videos. hehe silly me! Oh so good, car seat & stroller warranty starts when bb is born? Did you need to negotiate for this or it comes with it that way? Oh then I'm assured to buy early. Yes, my bb is a boy. haha gosh. I can feel his movements quite strongly until 5pm to 7pm he will nap and then 7.15pm there abouts, I will feel movement again...this morning felt hiccups. wahahahaha!!! I think girl tend to be more gentle & demure too
Kimny, dun need to negotiate. Sales staff at taka & bb kingdom all told me the same. Remember to keep receipt. How u know is hiccups? From the jerks? If I m doing things, can't really feel her movements coz they r really light...
I can't tell when she is sleeping. Sometimes when she is quiet, maybe coz sleeping, I may wonder why n go disturb her n make her moves... Bad mummy! :p
Fatefully, medicine is nv good for bb even when they r Safe. U only take when necessary n required. I hv common flu n cough syrup at home where I requested from dr loh to stand by. He also told me when necessary. I hv not touched them so far. If u take the med, n feel drowsy, ur bb will feel the same. End of the day, the med dun help u to fight the virus unless is antibiotics which preg ladies are rarely given unless no choice. End of the day, ur body still need to fight the virus. Drowsy med is to make u sleep n rest. Med just controls the symptoms. That is why I say, drink more water n rest. N take vit C rich food. Scan of course u can go lah
When med is safe to bb, it just means it does not cause deformities or harm bb. Wat we mean by when necessary? Say mummy is coughing non stop n all the generic med safe for bb dun work. The dr will prescribe antibiotics at the last resort though they r not gd for bb. Drs hv to weigh the pros n cons. If mummy's health is so badly affected by the cough, it will affect bb too. So, it has reached a pt where there isn't a choice but to give antibiotics.

Or mummy fell down & hurt herself, No choice hv to take x ray right though is no gd for bb.

That is why when preg, try not to get sick. Hv to build up on immunity by eating well, sleep well n less stress. If mummy is always sick during pregnancy days, how u expect bbs to be born with good immunity?
Summer, I emailed u
Anyway, didn't get the glucose meter right initially so end up unnecessarily pricking my fingers a few extra time coz of error readings. But finally get it now. My sugar level is higher after meals. Ay, already cut down a lot liao, going to email dr ben my tracking sheet tomorrow and see what he says. I think I should be coping ok la

Anyway, xinmsn got online re-broadcast of the celebrity show, Daddy 101. Quite interesting, check it out!
hazel - coolness! Will keep receipt. Haha I guess its hiccups only becuz it didn't feel like other movements. It felt a bit of an air on and off and v light. mwahaha.
RitzC, strict diet itself may not control the sugar level well. My gf followed strictly the diet she was given, sugar still high n dr wanted to start her in insulin jabs. She asked dr to give her 1 more wk to bring the sugar down. That wk, with strict diet, she also swims 3x a wk, her sugar came down n in control. She has already given birth now.
Hazel, I think my results are borderline, slightly higher only after lunch and dinner. I don't want anymore extra medication for this pregnancy, think will increase my walking exercise instead.
RitzC, ya, exercise is good n will help to manage the sugar level better. 2hrs after food, reading has to be below 7. My gf's gynae was v strict. Hers was 7.2, just slightly higher n her dr said not acceptable. For her, walking does not help. Only swimming. But everyone is different. We mummies will do our best for the little beanie. I believe u can hv a gd sugar reading soon too!
Anyway, found out from Jan MTB thread mummies, think some gynae do not check for GD even if mummy have big babies, think dr ben is more on the cautious side but I really appreciate it. Hazel, thanks for ur info anyway
Ya, but I still have nagging fear about complications coz I'm on so much medication since conception - the standard duphaston to week 12, then week 13 to 20 still duphaston, then week 21 to 26 progesterone jabs and duphaston, then after that til now nifedipine. As much as I prefer to be delievered by him, I think I should stick to kkh. Thank goodness, dr ben still seems understanding enough to date coz I tell him my concerns very clearly that I most prob will still stick to kkh. So that's why I keep raving about his professionalism.
Hi Ladies, just finished my scan. It's singleton.
saw the heartbeat just now. Wow so excited! Hehe. My hubby too, keep looking at the screen. Now waiting for my turn to see Dr Loh. It's 7.5wks now. Edd 20 July.

Hi Joanne, I was fast asleep last nite. Didn't think abt this scan at all till just now in the scan room, suddenly tense up. The girl kept asking me to relax hehe. They scan from tummy, can see heartbeat. She said if want to see clearer one must scan from V. So I said ok. Really very clear.

Hi Tromso, congrats on your bfp!

Joanne, Tanny, Miracle, Fatefully, good luck for your coming scan! Will wait for all your good news
Babyme- congrats!

Hazel, i'm too paranoid la, thinking as far as complications even after reaching full term, coz some things can only be detected after bb is born. If i have a less medicated pregnancy i wouldnt have think so much. Haiz
Congratz babyme!!!! U r already 7weeks..almost 8weeks! Thts fast. How I wish today is the 13dec.. The wait is killing me. Everytime my left eyelid twitch, I worry more...
Hi Baby
Sooo happy for u...;) really must learn fr u to stay relax always..;) wah.. So fast tt ur bb already 7th wks plus.. How big is ur bb now? Bb hb rate? Can figure bb shape already? Whens ur next scan? Soo glad for u.. Btw, ur hcg level is how much at day 19? As i remember u quite high n thot u will hv twins..;) think ur bb is a strong bb..;)
Bravo baby me!! singleton is great
I read up a bit, appears that twins may have more 'problems' on mummy's health and almost certainly out by 36 weeks or earlier. So, good for you!!

Healthy is most important.

Hi Joanne, thanks, no probs

Any idea can take those ribena soft rubbery sweets too? Or clorets mints? Sometimes just wish to taste something sweet/ minty...
Hi miracle happens
Usually at wk 6 scan, they wun turn on the volumn for you to hear.. Only can see...;)

Hi Qin
Am not sure... Think shd be same...
Babyme, congrats on seeing hb! It was amazing right..

Hopeful, yay! Detailed scan cleared. Haha.., 110% confirmed girl. Nice!! My other twin's gender is still not clear from last week scan, am counting down to my detailed scan next week! See you soon at xmas dinner!
Ron, RitzC, thanks thanks

Miracle, don't think negative. Try to be positive. I had bad dreams few nights ago, but didn't really bother, was busy by work hence notime to think abt it. After work, go home so tired already. Watch tv n sleep early. Really no time to think much

Yah hor! I didn't think of recording it hehe. Was too excited. Maybe you should try. I only got the scan photo.

Joanne, yah I saw the scan report. It's indicated 7.5 wks at 6 Dec which is today. Not so sure why. Wanted to ask Dr Loh but forgot everything just now bcos he is so chatty. Some more talked n joked in hokkien. Tell stories hehe.
From this scan, baby length is about 12mm, heartbeat is 53Hz. I think I can see bb shape, not sure if it is. But look like one. But the heartbeat really very obvious, too bad can't hear.
It was day18 when tested hcg which is 2566. Anyway for me singleton or twins doesn't matter as long as bb healthy

My next scan is 20 Dec, another 2 more weeks. Still seeing Dr Loh n after that will be seeing him at Thomson already next year.

Hi Tromso, thanks
I asked Dr if any food to avoid. He only mentioned banana, pineapple, papaya n blue cheese. The rest can eat, moderately.
GV katong is opening at the new 112 Katong mall and selling peranakan delights! Yay.

Baby_me >> congrats !!!

Joanne, thanks for answering for me
yeah mine is natural FET. I'm also confused why it's 7.5 wks now. That time the nurse told me 6wk5days during HB scan. Why so different? Any sisters here know?

Ashley, yeah! It's really amazing! It's like a dream. I asked my hubby whether I was dreaming. He pinched me! Ouch!!

BabyPenguin, how many wk yours that time during HB scan? What is the length n HB rate?
