(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

RitzC - thanks for the info. Wah, consultation fee increase ah... inflation! hehe. I'd check out the first few years the next time I'm here. So painful, next visit is in 5 week's time. The wait so long!!! Haha I was hoping for a month's wait only :p Grrr.

Fatefully - I read 'what to expect' to learn... haha havent got to the part about diaper bags and all yet. My relative did pass me her 'thomson book's on childbirthing and care...maybe will start reading in 3rd tri...

Msmiele - good to know you had a good & comfortable journey

Baby_Me - welcome and glad to hear you succeeded :D here's wishing you & all of us a very smooth journey all the way till we see baby in our arms and hear their cries.

Those going TMC - did you purchase the FBI? Is it worth it? I was wondering how come those who sign on later at 28 weeks have to pay $40 more than those who sign up early ? This will entitle us 10% off hospitalization bill from what I understand...right?
Joanne, ya, I most prob will deliver at kkh. Who my gynaes r is not important la, so dun ask. But tmc dr Benjamin Tham will most prob be quite suitable for u as he is v reassuring n will answer most of ur concerns patiently. I'm impressed when he even took out a chart to explain to me about contractions. Actually after bfp, not necessary to stick w ivf gynae, in fact gynae specializing in pregnancies alone may be more experienced in pregnancy complications.

Hazel, ya, hope so, ha ha. A cup of coffee doesn't cost much but will be value added service if it's free
Fatefully : regarding yr office move, remember noooot to carry heavy things. Now is crucial stage and you have come a long way, so must not do anything to jerpodize it. ya perhaps u can tell the truth to get all the help u need? Sprain back excuse also ok. My colleague did not move much or carry much stuff as he also had a sprained back. Do yr packing bit by bit possible?

Actually sometimes I forget and carry 1-2 arch files during my work then later will think how huh? regret it. Carrying files is part of my daily work...

By the way someone shared with me "don't raise both hands up, as it will cause miscarriage - at that unlucky timing hour". I dunno the reason abt but the story I heard it's that the lady lost her baby at 8mths as she raised both hands attempting to wipe something on her cupboard.
Fatefully, this thing abt pantang, I do believe too. But shld always weigh wat is more impt noe. This period is b crucial, u r NOT supposed to carry heavy stuff! Even benting up n & down to pack also no no. ESP when u r still spotting, I dunno why r u so stubborn n still wan to risk it. Also, spotting means u hv to rest more until pregnancy stabilizes. So, reasons like colleague away, no more mc/Hl, etc r all not valid reasons. Wat is more impt now? U know how tough it is to get pregnant, but u did. Why u still wan to risk it when the pregnancy is so fragile now? Take no pay leave if needed n tell your boss the real reason if necessary. End of the day? Is your bb, if u dun even wan to be careful, No one can help you. Just dun regret later. I hv to be v frank with ur even at the expense of u think I m harsh. U can google online wat does spotting in early pregnancy means n wat r the risks.

FYI, I dun trust dr M anymore after I knew of an incident I was n is a road of no return. I wun share it here coz I promise someone. Wat spotting from implantation? Pls Go read up. U hv long passed the implantation spotting stage.

U take care!
At 22+ wks, dr loh was away, I saw his covering dr. Was told bb was 800g n average on growth chart. I asked 2x n was told the same. I dun believe coz if bb was really at the weight so early, she is obese n cannot be average. 3 wks later I saw dr loh n bb was 900g, average. I told him what his dr told me, guess wat he said? His dr estimated wrongly!! Can faint!
Kimmy - dun think it is 10% off hospital bill. You get $100 off room rate with the FBI if 1bedder (less if 2B or 4B). I paid $128 but got discounts (10%) off my scans at Fetal Assmt Unit (downs scan, detailed scan, growth scan), mrs BB wong's parentcraft classes, and if your doc is a participating doctor will get 10% (I think) off the consultation pacckage - hehe, my doc is not participating. U can get the details from the customer service centre when u do the tour this Saturday.

You get a goodie bag w mrs wong's books (on childcare, breastfeeding, birthing), one tin of prenatal milk (tastes errgghh I stick to my Meji milk), and a TMC bfeeding cover shawl so I dun have to buy), and a bag - which I have no idea what it looks like coz out of stock until 2012

For me, excluding the goodie bag, I recovered the entire cost of the card plus more as I have to do everything at TMC. Later pedi also got discount if pedi is participating. But if not, suggest do a quick calculation to see if cost worth it.
Hi Ladies, can I check how u all settle your hair during this pregnancy. Is it just trim? I heard cannot do treatment, dye or rebonding? My hair is very thick n dry. I must do treatment every month. Now I really dunno how to take care it. Can't cut it short without rebond it, otherwise it will stand up just like lion. It's too thick, dry n my head big too. Last time I always wanted to try short hair, tried few salons, all told me to keep long hair n don't cut short bcos doesn't suit me and my hair will be always messy once it's short. How ah?? Really need your advises here. Any good hairdresser that can handle my type of hair?
Fatefully - I got an old edition of "What to Expect when you are expecting" after saw hb. Quite informative. If not, can also try this book by the KKH doctors "The New Art & Science of Pregnancy & Childbirth - What You Want to Know from your Obsterician", by Dr Tan Thiam Chye, Dr KT Tan, Dr Tan Heng Hao, Dr John Tee. More localised information.
Hi Hazel,

I like you been straight and frank. It ok cos we dont kw each other.

I know having a IVF bb is not easy to come by and I am taking each day very carefully. I didnt know was it the heavy box I carry make me spot or was it becos I am thinking too much and stressing away. There this "stone inside" kind of feeling on my left adobminal and somehow it bothers me. Everyday I talk to my bb asking him/her to be strong and hold on for mummy.

As for resting at home, I dont think I can rest at home as I will think alot so I rather go back to work to make me occupy. I have enough of MC/HL/AL to take, but if I am ok and no spotting I dont think there a reason why I should be absence. I will take leave if nessary and this fri I am going to take half day cos I am going for my early HB scan.

As for trusting own gyna/Dr. it all depend on individual. I know a friend who had an opt from Dr M. didnt turn out well, but I wont becos of her incident I have no faith in her. I am not as lucky to have Dr Loh. I was with Dr M. when I go for my 1st checkup to see what is wrong with me. Then she found out I hv endo. Then she ask me to try IVF. At that pt of time I dont kw what is IVF I just wa to hv a bb no matter wa. I just follow the flow. She help me to conceive in a way. As what my friend say doc oni help us during IVF process. No matter wa doc u hv. I must have faith in her if not it wont do me go or others. There are others who are under Dr M. and they are already so stress up with the precious and fragil bb and imagine u saying "u dont trust her blah blah..." how will others feel? Can they change doc to Dr Loh? No matter how, sometime there are thing that shouldnt mention here althou u mean well... I hv hear alot of gd things ab Dr. Loh and I believe he is gd. If not he wont be going to TMC and so is Dr. M. I believe they are gd maybe in a diff way. If everything goes well for me, I might still stay with Dr. M since she kws my problem.

We are all here to share and I like the info u provide. Keep it up.
Morning Ron,
I saw the book "What to Expect when you are expecting" at kino and it like a very thick book with lots of words. I download an apps "What to Expect when you are expecting" and it so funny the way the author wrote. I might get the book once everything confirm.
Hi Babyme,
Maybe u can tie ur hair up? I also need to go for a trim. Might even cut my hair shorter easy to maintain. I know during our preggie, we cannot go rebond/treatment those that contain chemical. Some even say we cant do pedi/mani. But I still see some hollywood or HK stars or local stars doing all this.
Fatefully, thanks for sharing. We all have our worries n concerns. Me too. I wish time passes faster n I can carry bb in my arm.

A sister from here just delivered last wk at 26w n 5 days n her bb is so tiny n is fighting for survival. She is in a critical condition. Not only I worry for her n her v prematured bb, it also stresses n freaks me out.

Other sisters also shared privately with me that they r stressed too... Worried bbs play with umbical cord n later get tangled in neck, etc. All the worries r real worries. First tri, we worry abt pregnancy viable or not, stable or not, 2nd tri n 3rd tri they r another set of worries.

But, remember, everyday we pass safely, we are 1 day closer to holding our bb in our arm. Always remember that our bb is the most impt thing now. If your body tells u to rest, pls rest. The rest of the stuff can wait. Do take gd care of yourself. Just remember if not u who r worrying, I m too! Everyday. Just that we hv different set of worries coz we r at different stages of pregnancy.
Hi Fatefully,

The nurse told me during HB scan on 6 Dec will be 6 wks + 5 days pregnant. From there I think u can count backward.
Hi Joanne, mine is on 6 Dec. Same as Fatefully.
Today I collected my Meds, only given Duphaston 10mg x 2 daily. She said this Meds can cause nausea, vomiting, bloatedness and migrain.
Ron - thanks for the breakdown! Hmm yea dh ask mr to access if worth it, as in a lot of savings? Will probably check out hospital bill arrangement after hospital tour this sat. Also need to check if dr loh is gg to subscribe to this 10% privilege... Appreciate the info though. Yea think my aunt passed me those mrs wong's books! Hehe... The pix inside there still looks old skool though!

Meanwhile, I finally succumb to.. My fav milkshake from once upon a milkshake. Mwahahahahah
Hi Babyme,

I was given same med as u except they add in folic acid for me. Now I am eating 2 pills of Duphaston per each time. Same HB scan as u but I am going an early one this fri cos I worry.

Btw gals,

If I ET on 03.11 and going for HB scan this fri, 25.11. Can see anything?
I see Baby..;)

Hi Fatefully
I think is too early for hb scan. Usually can see only at week 6.. Maybe can see sac this friday..
gestational pregnancy calculation starts from last monthly period coz most mothers don't know when they conceive. So doctors just take the LMP as starting point. For IVF, the actual date of conception is known (fertilisation date) and they just add back 2 weeks (14 days) from ER date coz 14 days is usually the period most average women would have their LMP if count from ER.
I posted this a few days ago and perhaps you might have missed it.

Week 1 is actually the start of your LMP. The reason for this is under normal circumstances, it is extremely hard to pinpoint the exact moment when the sperm meets the egg. With IVF, it is calculated the same way. Therefore, when you get a BFP at the end of your 2ww, you are already considered 4+- weeks pregnant.

There is also a slight difference in calculating your EDD depending on your IVF protocol. Below was taken from

1. If you conceived naturally and you usually have regular menstrual cycles, use the first date of your last menstrual period (LMP).
2. If you conceived following insemination, IVF or after replacing frozen embryos in natural cycles, use either your LMP or the date of ovulation.
3. If you conceived following IVF or ICSI in a stimulated cycle, use the date of egg collection.
4. If you conceived following intrauterine insemination in a stimulated cycle use the date of insemination.
5. If you conceived after replacing frozen cleaved embryos whether in a HRT cycle or stimulated cycle, use the date of replacing cleaved embryos.
6. If you conceived after replacing frozen blastocysts, use the date of replacing blastocysts.
7. If you conceived after replacing fresh blastocysts, use the date of ovulation.

I believe you did FET and had your ET was on the 3/11. Since you are now pregnant, you were actually 2 (gestational) weeks pregnant during your ET (3/11). Wow! Amazing isn't it? I know this sounds strange and is very confusing. Look on the bright side, we actually gain 2 whole weeks. So base on the calculation and from the wesite posted by Ron as of today you should be 4w 5d.

To answer your question about seeing anything during your scan this Friday (5w 1d), there is a 50% chance you might detect a heartbeat which generally takes place 6 ½ -7 weeks. So please don't worry if you only see a sac.
I totally understand how you feel about wanting to look good when you are pregnant especially with your crowning glory.

Below was taken from http://www.babycenter.com.ph/pregnancy/isitsafeto/curl-straighten-hair-expert/

There are no studies that tell us if the chemicals used to curl or straighten hair are safe.

That said, it is best to avoid curling or straightening hair during pregnancy. We still do not know how the chemicals used for curling or straightening hair can affect your growing baby. It is possible that the fumes that are released may be harmful when inhaled.

When it comes to hair treatments, it may be best to have some guidelines in place:

• Avoid chemicals that touch the scalp. Once the chemical comes in contact with the scalp, the chemical might be absorbed into the bloodstream and reach your baby.

• If you must, apply chemicals to the hair strands only. Hair strands are dead tissue with no blood vessels. This means that the risk of these chemicals going to the bloodstream and reaching your baby is smaller. Try to avoid inhaling the fumes of these hair coloring or curling chemicals -- make sure the salon is very well ventilated.

• Most hot oil treatments are safe. Hot oil formulations generally contain oil (such as soybean oil, almond oil, virgin coconut oil), water, and fragrances. These products are safe to use. You may have a hot oil treatment in a beauty salon or do it yourself at home. When doing it yourself, be careful with the hot oil. The temperature should be hot but not boiling -- you might burn yourself!

• Avoid hair rebonding just to be safe. While there have been no studies about its safety for pregnant women, hair rebonding chemicals are harsh. Also, they are applied up to the scalp so they might be absorbed into your body and reach your baby.

I have heard of organic hair colorings but I've yet to hear about organic perm, straightening or rebonding. If you REALLY REALLY need to have it done, it would be advisable to do it after your 1st trimester. As for me, I've decided to be a little bit conservative and let my roots and greys show.
Hi msmiele,
It still sound very chim to me... I dnt even understand... haha... but at least I know I am 4W+ preggie... so which mean is like 1 mth leh??? I thou I am like 3w+ preggie cos I count from the date of ET (3/11) to now.
msmiele - indeed, its very yummy! they have an outlet an Ion basement 4, so we can go and grab one together some day. As I drank the milkshake (which is milk + icecream, talk about calcium!!!) which remains cold and un-diluted and not 'jelak'; I could feel baby moving so much! haha maybe he's enjoying it too! I was one very happy preggy lady after finishing that tiny cup. Ooo. Enjoyed a lot of baby action time too. :D

. Tell me about. I was just as confused as you. But you will get the hang of it. Yes you are about 1 mth preggie. Since you are now 4w 5d, you are now in your 5th week (the days between 4w-4w6d is known as Week 5). You actually start counting 2 weeks before your ET (3/11) which is 20/10. So on paper your last period (LMP) is on the 20/10 even though it could be a different date. If you are using an iPhone, there are many free applications (What to Expect, Baby Centre) that will help you track your pregnancy including useful informations. Hope you are less confuse
Welcome baby n fatefully

Yeah, finally able to c bb tomorrow! Will b doing detailed scan too , hope everything goes well :)

Kimmy, ur milkshake looks so inviting leh. Make me wanna hv a cold drink too but cant as still hving a bad cough.

Anyone any idea we can drink bubbletea??
tzac - well from what i know all my colleagues during pregnancy drank bubble tea everyday. ahah it was like their craving.... so I suppose that we can drink it. all the best for detailed scan, hooray!
Msmeile : Thank u for yr kindness in writing it for us - for me, I'm also quite confused initially. Now I understand better. Fatefully, I also asked the same question before.
Tzac, enjoy your detailed scan tomorrow! Mine is still so far away in mid dec ;( i drink bubble tea once in a while ;)

Kimmy, your milkshake looks yummy, shall try it one day! It is definitely still healthier than my favorite bubble tea koi;)

Msmiele, enjoy your stay ;) when will you be back?

Hopeful, yes you have to eat more, you're so skinny!! ;)

I am on wk19 now but can't feel any kicking yet;( hope it will come soon!

MS finally subsides (crossing fingers that it will stay this way) so am trying to catch up on milk and fruits that i've skipped a lot during 1st trimester. Still not much appetite for veggie though, mostly cos i can't stand the garlic
Hi Kimmy, u r so bad!! Posting it to tempt pple!!! Now I feel like drinking koi..

Hi Tzac, I asked my TCM Sinseh the same question. Can I drink bubble tea? Cux when I bfp he told me Bo cux sago is not gd. But now 2nd trimester already, he say ok a little bit. So I m going to ve a little bit. But I think I will order Mango smoothies wif pearls( not from koi) just to satisfy my craving

Hi Ashley, yeh!! Happy for u tat ur MS has subsided.. Now u can enjoy ur pregnancy!! Ya, today I ate a lot.. Keep telling girl girl she need to put on weight..

Hi msmiele, u r away for shopping spree?
if so do update on ur gd buys ya!! Ve a gd trip!!!

Hi baby, I waited for 2nd trimester to do NY hair. Only thing I did was hair treatments to ends. Nothing touches my scalp. In fact, my hair stylist knew that I was preggy so he was the one who brought up that the only treatment we shd do is only those that does not touches the scalp.. N they were very careful thruout d whole session.
What shopping spree??? I haven't even bought ANYTHING!!! I'm in Malaysia visiting the parents. It's good that you are eating more....but are you still indulging in MacDonalds?????

I will be back in Spore this Friday. Unfortunately this is a short trip because I'll be having friends visiting Spore this weekend. Yipee!!! Your MS has subsided. Now you can eat almost 'everything'. Btw, LOVE garlic.

Do enjoy your detailed scan. Do you already know the gender? If not you might get your answers tomorrow
Actually, tea is v cooling, including bubble tea. I wld advise to avoid in first tri. After that, once every day is also excessive. I rarely take tea, all types of teas, pregnant or non pregnant days. Bubble tea, I just sip a few mouthful from hub's only.
Kimmy, ur bad I want that milk shake!!! Will drink it tomolo!

Looking thru what u ladies posted today, an ex colleague SMS me telling me I m not ready for my princess arrival. I admit. First, I absorb nothing from the parent craft class. Second I dun have time to read anything. Third, I m so busy at work. I admit I may not b a gd mum but I will try my best. Same I may not give my gal the best nutritious food but I will try to make do... B it sacrificing my own food to give her or buy her what is available. There r so much worries one can have. Let's juz dun care and take care of ourselves and wait for the day our bb r in our arms... After all we tried so hard to conceive .... No one can understand! Anyway I m happy I have max 99 days more to go. Yippie......
Ashley / Hopeful / Catherine - hehe the milkshake was really really yummy and made my day. I posted it to 'spread the love, share the joy'!

Catherine - can start to do countdown already!! hooray!!!
Hi sisters, can anyone of u share wat is e TMC FBI, 10% prileavge u r toking abt? Paisay ah, really catch no balls fr e threads.

I have yet to sign up for any hosp tours & annenatal class. Wld it be too late if ONI I join for such tours say, in Jan next yr. Hehe...

Really envious u sisters cAn take cold drinks. I haven been drinking cold stuff for quite a period. Used to b a "gong Cha" lover but stop completely le. Nw everytime ONI take warm water.
BBliss - can check out at

The discounts are mainly what I listed yday, biggest component is the $60 (4B)-$100(1B) off room fee & if you are planning on Cordlife - you get $450 off (Kimmy - forgot this y-day. There is a Cordlife booth but not sure if the lady is there on Saturday).

The rest of the privileges are abt 5-10% off the services (varies). Whether worth joining or not depends on how much TMC facilities you intend to use.
Going for DS screening at ADC today. Appointment is at 12.30. What is the usual waiting time there? Wondering if shd get lunch before that. Thinking Mac :p
Hi Ron, thx. Will chk it up.

Sunniegal, waiting time at ADC is quite ok. No those long time like waiting to c dr loh... Ha. So far, max is abt 20mins for me
My DS screening took a LONG time because the little one wasn't in the right position. It took me 3 tries before we could see the nuchal fold thickness. I was told to walk around and talk to the bb in between each scan. I even managed to squeeze in lunch. The only good thing is we saw the bb in different positions and even saw bb having a bout of hiccups. Good luck and hope yours won't take too long.
BBliss I suggest u call tmc to book the tour in advance. It's v difficult to get a weekend slot.

Like u I can't drink much cold water but I will still buy and put there to let it 'warm' up
Back from Kk ADC & Mac lunch :p We arrived early at 12 & managed to start scanning right on time. Baby was upside down and the whole scanning took abt 20 mins. Now wk 12 CRL is 51mm. Heartbeat was 167per min. Pretty active little fellow, kept moving! Waving it's hands & kicking. It was having hiccups too! So funny!

Hi Cath, difficult to get wkend slot ah?? Ok ok. Any idea go where book? Their website ? Btw, izit free.

Haha.... At times when I go buy those fresh fruit juice, I wld stress that no ice pls but end up e juice still bit chill. Drink liao I oso bit scared. So end up I will wait for e juice to "warm" up as well. Haha.

Sometimes see my DH eat ice cream, drink coke, I tend to drool. OMG.... Keke....
