(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi Gals, how long do your baby latch on one side? Mine is about 20-30mnts one side, and I'm not sure if she gets the hind milk.
Baby, try not to touch unboiled water. Chilly and wind. Get CL to boil a pail, cooled already for u to wash hands, face etc. u dare to take Dom? Take a bit immediately after pump at night. I did that.
Luv, I've been nagging hubby to read, so he bo bian...heh... trying to get him to be more invovled. I'm sure your hubby helps in many other ways too

For my sis, it was quite amusing. Both hubby and wife didn't test out the steriliser and BP prior to birth, so on Day 1 of arriving home...both scratching their heads staring at the devices and sighing away. I remember that scene very well...lol... luckily both are the layback sort, otherwise a war would have broken out heh...
Swelling can be water retention, as long blood pressure dis fine. Mine both pregnancy confirm bad water retention. N
And to time round, very funny, left foot swell more than right, even Sandra noticed the other time during check up. Hee...

Tromso, hee, your baby is still comfy inside. Anyway, still quite ok since not 39 weeks. Can be anytime, hee.
Good to have hubby to be more involved.
mine will go later later...haha
Tromso, yeah, true, my DH helps in other ways, but definitely not with the breast pump! LOL.
I'm sure ur sis and her hubby figured out how to work the equipment soon enuf, hahah... but yeah, good to be prepared, which u definitely are!
Hazel, you mentioned you bought a netting bag to hang on your stroller handles. Did you get it fr gmarket too? I saw some at Kiddy Palace ranging fr $15 to $30, def looks useful than having to dig into the diaper bag all the time.

Pierced, true, some guys very clued on, will auto move but mine is the very last minute sort, even paying bills will only happen on the night before expiry, so I need to 'design opportunities' for him to get involved earlier haaa.... otherwise I think I'll get quite upset if I see him playing iPad iPhone excessively during confinement, claiming he doesn't know what/ how to help out...lol... Have seen this happen a lot to pple around me, no need extra stress de...
Luv, babyjourney, and Angel :p haha oops what I meant was I only managed to see my precious for
solid 5 sec on the screen when the doc was not moving the equipment and I get to see baby move.
The scan was about 1min including showing me the heartbeat flickering light & printed a superblur "photo" and the doc was moving the scanner left to right and back.

My doc is Dr Yu from SGH. I feel that she is very experience.

Ya, I read somewhere that too much Ultrasound is no good for baby too.
I was joking telling my DH that many mothers shared that we saw baby waving at us during the OSCAR scan, maybe it's the baby's natural respond to
shun away from the Ultrasound wave :p heehee
Tanny, cld be or can coz of poor blood circulation fr carrying bb too long. My fingers were numb for months... Seeing tcm n doing massage n accupuncture also useless. My root cause was keep carrying belle... Even at night, I carried her n sleep coz put down she will cry. My condition only improves when I went bk to work

Tromso, if I remember wrongly, paid $11 or so but the mash netting to hand on the handles of stroller. The brand is jeep, recommended fr a mommy friend in the forum. Can get at taka fair. Was told Robinson also has.
Tanny, try not to bend ur wrist in an awkward position while carrying ur gal and try shifting the centre of gravity to ur arms rather than ur wrist. Hope it helps.
tromso, haha, ya most guys will just be clueless, except for some who are very motivated. guess it's diffferent for individuals. Mine will also claim he dont have anything to do, or don't know what to do. Guess coz mostly my mum helped out with lot of stuff as well.

Already during my labour stage, he can take it so easy, I lying on the bed, and he was sleeping on the sofa bed all the way. Guess maybe also we as mothers are more kan cheong about certain things to be done immediately, while guys prefer to do it at their own time.
Well, as long as they help out in different ways, cant expect them to be perfect. i learnt to close one eye sometimes.
tanny, maybe try carrying your gal in another position like Luv said.
I did have a time when i was having bad wrist pain too from carrying my gal but she was of hefty weight size too and i think maybe the angle affect too.
Just came back from appt with Dr Ang... Baby's jaundice level increase from 9.9-12.5, so dr ang say better to admit for 2 days. Although bb's weight is now 2.7kg as compared to his weight at the point of discharge of 2.5kg, Dr Ang comment tht bb did not gain weight. Coz the hospital weigh bb naked, while the pd clinic with diapers on. I didn't know tht diaper wear 200g!
Now hve to spend $240 (for dr ang's charges) + a minimum of 2k excluding medisave for the baby jaundice.
How come I got a feeling tht I'm being "砍"
I should hve change pd.. Now feeling regret
Gotta try pump more bm for bb.. But im having engorgement now... Breasts are like 2 rocks now.
miracle, jiayou! Keep massaging and try to clear the engorgement.

Not to late to change PD now actually if u really want to. Is it Dr Ang AT or Dr Ang PL u're using now?
Hi miracle happen, the 1st I see Dr Ang PL, Vera jaudice went up from 9.9-14.7, but he ask me to rent the machine home although he did mentioned abt admit bb. So we rent the machine home for 3d 2n for $400. Then 2nd visit I see Dr Ang AT, her jaudice drop from 14.7-9.2. She only ask me to sun her under indirect sunlight. 31st I hv to go bk see doc to check her wgt gain and her jaudice too. I am still worry although I sun her everyday. I really dnt kw hw to bring dw her jaudice.
Hazel thanks. I saw Jeep in Kiddy Palace too although I think abt $20. The bag has 3 compartments on top (for bottles etc) and netting below right? The Munckin one is nicest (largest too) but whopping $29. Tommee Tippee $15 but cmi.
Miracles, when I queried with tmc the other day, was told for phototheraphy whilst mummy is still warded, is about $250 per day (for baby's bed and light). Do you what does the min 2k comprises of?
Miracle, why Dr never ask u to rent the machine instead? Admitted to hospital really cost a lot of money.
Try to massage n pump your breasts. Everything will be okay afterward. Jia You!

Faithfully, keep suntanning your baby. This is what we can do at the moment.

My baby likes suntanning so much. Took out her clothes under the sun, she never make noise. Just lay down and relax. Usually at home, take out her clothes awhile only she will scream like hell.
Tromso, jeep's brand only 1 compartment. When mummy's in hospital, phototherapy can be done at normal nursery. Now, bb if admitted again will go nicu In TMC is m not wrong.

Tanny, $470 monthly. Excl govt levy of $170. 1 dayoff per month. Ex Singapore / ex HK is more ex coz they r considered experienced. My is Indonesian, knows how to speak english n Cantonese. I dun hv to teach much.!
Hi Tromso, its all 3 parts Tat I sterilize only once a day.
Check this Wen page http://www.medela.com/IW/dms/global/breastfeeding/products/pumping/freestyle/pdf/htu_freestyle_cleaning_en.pdf

It shd b d back cap Tat is d problematic one cux it's d one that creates the suction.

So aft every pump, I will wash them n soak them in hot water. N I also ve another connector in standby. U won't want to b stuck in a situation whereby d FS loses it's suction in d middle of d nite when u r having engorgement. It's a torture!!!
Re: jaundice. My girl also had slight jaundice when she was born. Was told most impt thing is to flush it out, so I fed her wif fm cux thr is ready supply of fm vs bm at that stage. N when she went back for review at SGH, pd dun even wan do blood test to cfm d level, as she looks fine. N SGH PDs seem to ve another school of thinking regarding jaundice. We were given instructions not to sun cux it will cause dehydration n hence worsen the jaundice. Though it's not d norm, we followed d instruction.
My pd is Dr Ang AT.. She nvr mention abt renting the machine. Just say admit for 2days. The 2k is mentioned during the admission procedure.. It's the cost of cot & light.. I wasn't there when registering, only my hubby is there. I didn't know tht renting the machine is cheaper!
Thanks Hopeful
Dunno why the Medela salesperson told me its the soft membrane that spoils easiest, nonetheless it's def good idea to hv an extra set for standby.
Tromso, nurse told us to do it under filtered sunlight, we did before but didn't reduce the jaundice. So today we just do it under direct sunlight with eyes covered. We do it ard 7.30-8am sun, not later than that n only 5mnts on each side. She looks much better today. And feed her more so that she can poo more n will flush out the jaundice like what hopeful mentioned.
I sun Vera around 9-10am as advice by Dr Ang AT and 10min on each side. We use indirect sunlight but she always sun until whole body red and face also.
Faithfully N miracle.... U should sun bb then bring bb to polyclinic for test. That's what I did. I brought every few days there. My gp refer me to his wife and she juz test for us every 2-3 days. Until elis condition stabilize. What my mum did is no pig trotters or ginger for me. My mum also suntan with my Gal. she carry her and sun. Thankfully my gal condition stabilize only after 2-3 weeks after she is born.
Hi gals
I desperately need to know which cake shop do delivery as need to arrange a cake deliver to my office on monday.. Hope am in time.. Kindly help me.. Thk u..
J03, do u mean u need to deliver the cakes to your ofc this coming monday (30Jul12)? From wat i read from Sweetest Moments, need to place order 7days in advance.
For Chocz Confectionery, no info online. Need to call them to check.
Hi bbjourney
Ya., not sweetest moment as already use them for my tomorrow celebration.. Just need a big cake for monday.. Hope i am in time..;(

Thks so much luvnhope
Anymore choice girls?
Hi ladies... Anyone hve engorgement problem?? It is very painful!! I can't lie down...tried to pump every 2hrs, used cold cabbage too. How long does it takes for the engorgement to subside?
Miracle use hot water to massage yr breast. If really cannot get bb to suck or call lc for help. The lc kimmy recommend is v gd mine was unblocked v fast
Catherine, I'm now trying the warm towel massage. Really feel better though still hard. Bb still in TMC coz of his jaundice..hopefully tml bb can help me relieve my pain.
To seek help from lc, I hve to make an appt at parent craft right? Available on sun?? Or just weekdays?
Miracle, the lc kimmy recommended is a privAte lc she will go yr place to help u on the blocked ducts. Btw how is yr gal? Really dun go the light route. Elis was sooooooooo dry after she Was on light. After she is out, My mum and I had to apply a generous amount of moisturizer for her to keep her hydrated. If u can bring bb to polyclinic ... U can cut q cos it's a baby and u pay something like $12-13 and result is known immediately.
Will the LC press/ massage hard? I scared of pain.. I know it v painful - my hubby massage normal and I use a towel and gritted my teeth on the bed grimacing with pain during the days of engorgement. After that stage, ok now... But still got some lumps which is cleared after pump. But by next few hrs another lump come again..

I wan to buy another pump.. My pump is working fine able to yield me milk so far so good until..... Think I too intensive use, it trigger the thermostat if I use it for too long. Rem sometimes I use for 40min to 1 hr with some breaks in between. I'm told can only pump max 20 min per 3 hr. Silly! I bought from kiddy palace - a korean brand. Some acquintance use this brand before and swear by it leh. Now 20min also can empty breast how? Cannot be I need to wait another 3 hr leh.. 15min can yield 120ml. 30mi can drain more milk like 180ml. Now I keep getting stuck at 120ml at 15min.

How long u mummies take to empty breasts previously?
Thanks Baby Me, Faithfully and Catherine on the advice in sunning baby. I've also been thinking about the no-ginger and polyclinic routes if it hits me. Thanks for sharing. Hope your little ones will graduate fr jaundice asap.
Hi Catherine, just wondering for Dr Ong if we can email or call him up for advice, e.g. how much baby should be drinking at certain weight, etc. Cos I read in other thread that some PD entertains phone calls...
Tanny, I always have this mentality. No pain no gain. To clear blocked ducts must 'ren'.... If not fever how? Same as giving birth...

Tromso, if u want to speak to dr ong juz leave yr no to his nurses. He will call u after clinic hrs. I will see him tomorrow I help u ask for his email addy
Hi tanny, I think over pumping will cause engorgement. I usually pump 20 min every 3 hourly.. If u want higher yield n yet try to prevent from over stimulating, maybe pump 20 min for every 2.5 hours?
Seems like pte pd quite particular about jaundice... When i gave birth at kkh, they just ask me to bring bb to polyclinic for bt every few days, quitr hassle free and once reach acceptable level dont habe to go anymore.
Catherine, can give me the contact of lc? Nurse called this morning to inform me tht bb's jaundice level hve drop from 12.5-7.4. Dr ang wants bb to continue till 5pm then can discharge. But we want to discharge bb now, so dr ang called us to let us know the blood test results is due to the exposure to photo light & they feed alot of milk to bb. We insist to discharge him before the extra halfday charge, die die dun wan to let them "tok" my money. Anyway, I intend to switch pd for the next blood test.
Bb's skin peeling lor.... So sad. What brand of moisturizer u used??

Tanny, u hve so much milk! I only yield like only total of 50ml both sides for 30mins. Yesterday, dh massage for me to clear the block ducts..hopefully more milk can pass thru to feed bb. Warm towel & massage really useful, just tht need patience & tahan the pain.. Chatted wif dh throughout the massage so distract myself from the pain.
Miracle, I swear by avent magic cream!! Abit of rashes or some reddness or peeling etc, just apply n they will be gone! Ex but worth!

Miracle I m outside. Later pm u the lc name card. I use gaia. I din go pd cos the result must wait. Polyclinic v fast... My logic is save my $ cos if go polyclinic hubby co reimburse us. Which pd r u gg? I realise now I must have standby pd. ESP on thurs afternoon and Sunday dr ong and my gp not open. Gg to ask my gp for referral
