(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Indeed, I also feel should sterilise before each pump, ok, will ignore custm svc person's advice.

Luv, cos both my gf's mum n mil only wants to help with 1 kid each. Actually her hubby stays at mil and gf stays at her own mum's place Mon-Fri, so to help out, very segregated hor?

Baby me, which photographer are you using? Must be quite looking forward

Pierced, your photoshoot is this weekend or next?
Tromso, aiyoh, that's definitely not an ideal arrangement at all. The siblings are separated and the couple have to stay apart. Hopefully they've worked out a better arrangement now.
Luv, yup, always adding on more jobs to do. Hee...
We can always meet in town next time.

Tromso, ya, think safer to sterilise every time, I did it every time after use too. The most just change parts more often.

My photoshoot is next weekend.
Tromso, mine is with White Room Studio. I signed up for maternity+NB photoshoot package. Did the maternity shoot in my wk34. Quite like it
Looking forward to my baby photoshoot.
Pierced, it's 20% off Avant at the fair, nett $27 for the shells.

Baby Me, nice pix in the White Room Studio website esp the maturnity ones, sensual
Babyjourney, wah..your bb already 1kg+.. I thought the bb will be around 1kg at week 28-29. I had my gynae appointment last Tuesday. Too bad I couldn't see my bb or know the weight since my gynae only used doppler. But I put on weight of about 5 kg so far and i have to do glucose tolerance test before next appointment. My appointment is now once in 3 weeks. oh.. I just found out this afternoon that my left foot is swelling..
Seems fast for you, going to cross the first trimester mark liao.... I really can't wait man... Dunno if it's age also.

I don't think i did a good first confinement. my girl was a difficult baby all the way from birth till 7 to 8 months.

Good idea to go on npl after ml. actually my idea is to go on npl after ml to spend more time with my #1, that it's if i can tahan being a sahm.
eskimo, it'll soon be ur turn too.
Think my 1st confinement was so so only too. Maybe that's why my body seems weaker than b4. And age makes a difference i guess. No longer in my twenties as I was with #1!

Hmm.. my #1 will be at CC most of the time, but still hope to spend more time with her too if possible. Hopefully can be done even with baby. Who's taking care of ur gal now?
Coolcool, i am also surprise at my baby's weight. I really admire you that u can tahan dont see your baby on every visit. I always look forward to every appt cos i want to see baby. Like that day when i went for detail scan, I cant see my baby bcos of the position of the monitor. So after that when i went to Dr Loh for review, i complained to him i cannot see my baby n he scanned me to pacify me... Hahahah...
Your left foot swelling? How is your blood pressure? Cos swelling can means you hv water retention that is due to high blood pressure or u walk or stand too long. Be careful okie.
Hi tanny, I also nv bath my hair nv put anything on my hair too. Hair so oily I only tie up. I only wipe my body cos gt wound cannot touch water. Today I can remove the plastic plaster on my wound so I can bath le. My tummy on off will feel pain and the wound area I touch dnt feel anything like numb...
I on the fan but I let it move, I doing confinement at my parents Hse so no air con. My mil ONI visit me when I at hospital once till nw she nv come over to visit me or the bb. Not even food lor. I also can't be bother with her. Beside my mil is staying with us so nw during my confinement I won't be go bk my Hse. So I will see hw it goes when I go bk hm. Not all pil will be auto de. Some need to push then she will move. Anyway this will only make them nt close with the bb.
Tanny, I dun recall having terrible cramps or pain during confinement. Perhaps cos u did c-sect, and ur wound is still healing so the contraction of the womb can hurt more. Just rest more if u can.
How long does it take for milk to flow? I only have a tiny bit of colostrum. I tried to use the pump to see if I got milk, nothing come out!! Oh no, does it mean tht I got no milk?
miracle, dun worry... it might take a few days for milk to come in. You have colostrum right? That is good for baby too! Just keep eating and resting well and your milk will come in soon.
And baby is the best pump! Latch on if u can rather than pump.
Angelxuan and LuvNhope, doctor's appointment is once a month, so happened the last time was 17++, so Doc said detailed scan next time.
I think should be still okie bah. They said detailed
scan usually between 18-22weeks

Ya, Babyjourney, like you, i also always look forward to see baby everytime.
I was so disappointed the last time when I got to see him for only a short while.
Doc said "social scan", so just saw baby for last then 5sec...... after one month's wait >.<
Cool, hahah... got such a thing as social scan one ah? ;p Who's ur gynae btw? I hear Dr Paul Tseng oso doesn't scan at every visit unless u insist.
Faithfully, no wonder u hv body aches. NO fan pls! Aircon is much better than fan. When u go out, say to PD, is long pants and long sleeves top also. Coz cannot be exposed to the wind too. I will nv on the fan coz the body ache is terrible &amp; for me, it comes immediately.
Miracles, have you tried these methods:

- warm compress
- drink hot drink
- fenugreek
- massage breasts

Not sure if I've missed out on anythg...

But can hold the horses a bit on fenugreek cos appears many gets engorgement...
Bbjourney, from what I hear, he's experienced enuf to feel the baby by touching mummy's tummy or just use the doppler i think. Some mummies like it cos it saves them ultrasound fees. But so far, he's scanned for me every visit. Think for early stages he'll still scan. I think I'd still prefer to have scan, heheh...

mc, I just signed with PEM. Wah, almost $1k gone ah... Guess what? The quadruplets in the news recently are born to PEM's boss' son!
Angel yes, the 3.5kg is me, faint...dunno why baby suddenly so hardworking. Now I can't do pelvic floor exercise whem I'm standing up or seated cos too heavy to 'lift', so will do so when I'm in bed. Should be anytime for me I think, fingers crossed

How heavy is yours now?
bbjourney, I think oso not ideal to do scans too much right? I remember someone here says 3D scan very high intensity, not gd for bb, so I guess normal scans are also somewhat 'penetrating'... but I get normal scans fr dr Loh each visit anyways.
miracle, maybe cos he has already drunk from u b4 the FM? That's why he doesn't take much FM?

Do try to make sure he latches on correctly so that he can suckle efficiently n effectively yeah?
Faithfully - no fan! My house also on the fan in baby room but I stay away from it. Hazel how about I store breast milk - got to open fridge n put the bottles in. got cold wind. if CL is bz, I will do it but on second tots better ask her to do it.
Coolcool, be careful about swollen feet, see if the swell goes away or persists. My feet got very swollen last Sun night after too much walking..hmm..actually too much shopping. But went back to normal the next day.

Coolangel, since your doctor feels that it's fine to do detailed scan for you at 22 wks then it should be ok bah...what does your doctor check in 5 secs of the social scan?

Tromso, 3.5kg is like a full 40 wk term weight already..does sound anytime..today you still go out shopping somemore, very brave!

My baby's weight 2 weeks ago (23wk 4d) was 700-800g. Seems heavier than expected..,
Wa to ask those go for c sec... Do u still put the tummy binder? Do u feel tummy heavy when u sit too long? How long does it take to recover from the wound? I feel better but nt that better... I laugh/cough/sneeze my tummy feel contract. Then there was a few time I startle due to my tummy sudden feel contract.
hi tromso, how many more weeks to go huh?

Pierced : how is everything for you huh?

today i went to taka ..majian like a bird out of a cage like that hahaah long time din shop..huggies got good deals on diapers leh...and i oso bought wipes as they run out fast...

tanny : dun worrie about taking care of newborn at night.initally i have the same feeling as you..but when i tink of CL leaving, i am more than happie to take of her myself hahahhaa

J03 : which foto package u taking huh? heheheh
mi too busy havent really read the past posts yet...

thinking whether should bring baby to go take some nice shots...that time kimmy has a fotographer that goes to her home one right...which is a young gal rite? anyone have the contact huh?

Hazel : i am letting my gal take rotavirus next week leh..did you let belle take this huh?
Tromso, Dr Loh told me too much 3d scan no good. But normal scan is ok. So far he only does normal scan for me.

Luv, Dr Loh also feel my tummy before he scan me.
Hi Tromso n Pierced, the Medela salesperson is correct. I m currently using FS. N the connector died on me twice. N the reason is cux I over sterilise. So either u get additional connector on standby or use hot water to soak the connector aft each wash.

Hi Sunbelle, Kimmy uses dphotofolio for her newborn shots. Photographer is a male. But maternity shots are taken by a female photographer
bbjourney, ic... hmm... never had a gynae feel my tummy b4, heh...

Tromso, my pump is Avent brand, may be different from Medela. Maybe Hopeful is right?
Sunbelle, yes she did. 2 doses, all done. She has also done Penunoccal dose 1 jab. Next wk, last dose. This jab can take anytime but we decided to give her early.
Tromso, 3.5 kg is very good and chubby. Megan ony came out at 3.1. Let's hope this little one will maintain weight gain and come out around 3 too. Anyway, your baby should be coming out soon.

sunbelle, good to hear from you. Me doing ok, baby picking up weight slowly.
so will you be taking care of baby yourself or anyone else to help?

Yup too much 3d no good, Dr Loh says that's why on,y usually last tri then he will turn on the 3d scan for me.yest bb dontbwantbto show face, keep hiding behind her arm. Hee...
He will also feel my tummy before he scans normally.
Hopeful, I see, just that you will feel so insecure if you don't sterilise. My medela's a single pump, thinking whether should I get a double though. My gf passed me her double, but don't know whether I should get my own.
Pierced, I m not sure abt other medela pump models. But for freestyle, I m pretty sure. Cux I was told by medela salesperson Tat d connector plastic mould is v soft n by frequent sterilizing, it will expand n contract easily. Hence, losing it's grip n thus d suction.

If u intend to latch, then I guess single is fine. But if u r a 'heavy pumper' like me.. Then it's better to use double. I was pumping 8-10 x a day during the 1st 2.5 mths. Can't imagine wat will happen if I m using single pump.

However, I know of a few ivf mummies who are looking to sell their preloved FS. So if anyone is keen, let me know
Faithfully, try to keep binder on for at least 2 weeks.

Do remember the cut is at least 3layers so best is during confinement period dun put pressure on abdomen even if is starting to "look" or feel better. Should only carry baby or anything lighter than baby. let the body heal
Thanks for sharing Hopeful. The connector you are referring to, is it the softest rubbery round disc? I checked online 'medela connector' gave me pix of the breast shields.... unsure which is correct. Thanks for clarifying

Sunbelle, I'm 38+ week now, hoping baby will decide to come out ASAP. Am already not putting on weight, so hope baby won't pile on again during nxt scan.

Pierced, I think you are on target to 3kg, well done
I'll be using FS too.

Angel, according to the scan paper edd, I'm supposed to deliver yesterday lol...anyways, will hv to exercise or walk more hoping baby will engage and bring on labour. Angel, above avg weight is better than below, so yours is gd

These days, when I visit the toilet, I'll be full of anticipation to see if there is any red on my panties heh...no luck yet
I think a bit of swelling on leg/ feet is ok right? My feet has def grown 1 size, just barely fitting into my Crocs covered shoes now. But my blood pressure remains at 110-120 range. But if have ankle etc swelling, gd to query with dr too.
Hopeful, did u mean the rubber tube which connected the shield to the machine for medela? I checked with the sales girl before. She said this part can't be sterilised bcos it's very soft. Just wash n air dry it .
Hi baby n tromso, it's not the rubber tube. It's d part u plug the tube into. The connector compose of 3 parts. The yellow rubber pad, a plastic mould, n the part u screw the bottle with. This is d one that u shd not over sterilize. u can google on medela official website. Instruction is also no need sterilize aft every pump.
Baby always come unexpected! I was fixing lunch apptm, meetings with my colleagues on handover; suddenly bb decides to come. Everything else stops!

And now my left wrist pain n sore ( not the palm side but the other side) . Sigh dunno why.
Hi, may I kw at wa level is jaundice consider normal as in no more under sunlight? Cos I find Vera skin abit yellowish still... Wonder is it her jaundice increased?
tanny, may be carpal tunnel syndrome brought on by pregnancy and childbirth. One of my colleagues also experienced it and had to wear wrist guards. Maybe check with ur doc to see if it is indeed CTS? Or cld be ur way of carrying baby that's placing undue stress on ur wrist.
Thanks Hopeful, I think I know which it is. It's the membrane (which is inserted between the connector and back cap) that can't be over sterilised.

In this case, do you just wash the membrane with water and dry it? Do you sterilise it once a day?

Hubby says when he read the hard copy manual, this info isn't in it...
