(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Tromso, oops, I mean, better than wearing swim diapers alone coz bb may feel cold even under the hot sun. I dun think SG sells wet suit for such young bb. I m going to order fr konfidence USA website, 6-12 months size for belle since is for bbs 7-12kg. Going to bring her for a cruise. After that, can use at my pool downstairs where the water is cold even at noon... Btw, Huggis carries disposable swim diapers. $1 plus per piece. Can buy this at bigger supermarkets.

Tromso, found out that mothercare sells konfidence wetsuit for bbs. But it is $64!! USA website only selling at usd29.99... Spore is so ex!!
I see, haaa....Hazel, some mummies have concerns about the chlorine in pools, what's your take on it? Like my cousin only brings her kid to pool in the morning, supposedly cleaner but more chloride maybe...??

Guess I'll just let my baby 'swim' in my bathtub for a start then assess the swimming pool option. I'll probably get in the tub together with her to reduce her initial 'swimming' shock heee...
Hazel, elis went to put her thumb in when my hubby fed her. I saw it and hubby went to scold big time. Hubby put her hand into her rubber band of her shorts to prevent her hand into her mouth. She is like a woodblock now haha.... Hubby juz sneeze and scare her she scream v loud. Now she still can't turn but we put her on her tummy she can raise her head like 1 inch high.
Tromso, swimming in the bath tub is different fr swimming in the pool. The latter allows the bb to be exposed to the surrounding, a bigger environment, pp, sun, etc.

Bbspa pool has no chloride n does not change the water after each use. But is that gd? Chloride kills germs, so, swimming pool is better than the water in bbspa right?

Drs usu advise tt bb is min 6 mths old before going to the swimming pool. Even cruises, bbs less than 6 mths cannot board while airplane no such restriction. 6 mths old, bb's respiratory systems r more developed n hence can cope better.

At times, is not too gd to be too protective or too clean, if not, when there is a bit of dirt, bbs will fall sick. Mummies here sterilise the milk bottle after each feed. Ie, the bottle is not used again unless sterilised. Me too practice that. But FYI, my mum does not do that for all her kids n grandchildren. She only sterilise once a day regardless how many times the bottle has been used for feeding. Well, belle is still well n healthy... Hm...maybe I shld stop all the sterilizing so many times a day! Ha!
Catherine, I dunno why bbs love to suck their thumb?! I tell u, belle can pretend to hold her bottle when I m feeding her. Then, slowly put her thumb into her mouth... Ie, sucking teat (drinking milk) and sucking her thumb at same time!! I dun like her to suck her thumb or fingers.. Coz she will push them deep inside her mouth n puke milk subsequently.

She is still sleeping now... Since 4pm... Brought her out since 830am... N back at 3pm plus... When outside, she slept 1-2 hrs only... We r hungry... Waiting for her to wake up before going for dinner..
Heartbeats, my baby weighs 334g today. I am 19 weeks and 5 days.
Agree Hazel, my original plan was home bathtub and home baby spa pool at earlier stage, then when child is ready, public pool next. I'm not too keen on those shopping centers babyspa
Hazel, Baby Delight at IMM level 1 has baby wetsuits, for 6 mths and above. $30. They also have a mobile cart at Bishan J8 on level 2.
But hor...the wetsuit is like rompers sort, no sleeves no pants. You may like to call up the shop to confirm before you head down. Nice pink and blue suits. Opens at the side and groin area.
hey ladies,
was reading through some posts and see that many your dr. gives many kind of support.

i was only given folic and duspton(dunno how to spell). am i suppose to ask for more support?

luv: hope u are feeling better now
Tromso, I was at imm the whole weekend last week but din c the swim suit leh.... Mayb tomorrow i will do groceries there and see the swim suit. Oh on the pd u can try the one at forum. My big boss uses that pd.

Bb journey, u must eat more!! I vaguely remember elis was about 371g at week 20.
Angel, thanks for the link. My report also includes 'Fetal Growth Percentile Chart' which i dunno how to read earlier. Now i understand better.
Babyjourney, great! your bb is healthy and good weight too. Hope mine will be like yours. 10 more days to my detailed scan.

Heartbeats, good to hear that yours is just a false alarm.

Angle, when is your detailed scan? I am a little bit worry about my scan after one of my friends asked my age and suggested to go for amniocentesis. Haiz..
Coolcool, thanks. dont worry, you and Angel will pass e detail scan w flying colors. Did you do Oscar at ard week12? Cos if there is any issue during Oscar, your gynea would hv ask you to do amniocentesis. Dont think too much abt what ur frd told you. Stay happy, eat healthy and talk to baby.
Coolcool, my detailed scan is on this coming Tue. Agree with Bbjourney that you don't take your friend's words too seriously and don't worry unnecessarily. I am sure your doctor (an expert) should know your baby's condition much better than your friend!
coolcool, Angel, Bbjourney, all boys...heee...that's great, since so many little girlies here already
Hope the babies can meet up in the future and play together

Catherine, I spotted the wetsuits at Bishan J8 Baby Delight mobile cart, there are a few designs. There's also this swim suit with inbuilt strips of floats all around the skirt, just like the ballast on a catamaran lol...very cute
I suspect the IMM shop may carry more designs and range. Just checked the IMM directory, can't find Baby Delight
The sales person at J8 says its located at IMM level 1, perhaps you can explore a bit then...
Washed the baby fitted sheets yesterday. Purchased fr 3 diff brands, Aussino, Shears, Spring Maternity.

The Spring Maternity sheet is really shocking, felt tough and rough, I def wouldn't use this sorta quality myself

The Aussino is best, soft cotton tee material
I got it for $12.50 (2 fitted sheets in 1 pack) months ago, but original price is $29 I think. So if you like, can look out for this if you are not getting those breathedable waterproof fitted sheets.
Tromso, mayb it's the push cart. I saw one push Cart selling Carter's clothes and v v v nice dresses. V tempted to buy but I always tell myself no. If not Her clothes will overtake mine. I hate gg imm on Sunday. V hard to find car park. See later if got luck to convince my hubby to eat his fathers day meal there. Now trying to wake little princess up and teach her to say 'love'.... V challenging. Still have to try
JoT, u're having bad MS? Jiayou! Your babies are telling u they're doing fine!
Who will u have as ur gynae? Dr S doesn't do deliveries right?

Thankfully my spotting's more or less stopped. Think was really due to irritation of the v-wall, phew!
Dear Bruno,
Duphaston is a support med. if u need more, gynae probably would hv prescribed u. Some of us hv more because of our previous history, prior medical conditions or current situation. But u can always ask ur gynae the next visit.

Dear Tromso,
I just bought the sping maternity fitted sheet last week. Sadly!!! Lol.

Re: swimmer diapers
Jus saw this on gmarket! Dunno if it is a good deal.
bruno, yeah, as Sashamama said, duphaston helps support your preg. If u dun experience any spotting, then your support shld be sufficient. Dun worry!
Teaching Elis to say 'love' so cute...

Few mths ago, I was trying to teach little niece to say the Korean word for love 'sarang hay-yo' (can't spell) and doing the handsign at the same time, putting both hands' finger tips on top of head creating a heart shape. After a week, she could finally imitate the handsign but not mouthing the words yet...too many syllabus.

Previously, she would shake her head for 'no' and nod for 'yes' so I decided to teach her to say yes and no. To my surprise, she was able to say No instantly whilst shaking her head still and by nighttime, she has dropped the head shaking, just saying No, very smart ;) But cannot mouth Yes word yet.

My hubby is addressed as Ah Tiew but she can't pronouce that yet, addressing my hubby as no-no all the time, heeee so funny ;) It's really heartening observing their growth, makes parenting and 'sacrifices' all the more worthwhile indeed

Do let us know if Elis starts mouthing the word Love, maybe her version of Love is 'bo bo...'
Sashamama, you bought at Expo? Same as Angelxuan sort? Mums r Us still has 2 left between the 2 stores (I bought the other 2). if quote 2 for $36 expo pricing, they'll make good of it but only for this June month. Only bright-ish green color left.

They also carry another kinda breathable waterproof fitted sheets but at $40 a piece....Aussie ones (gd instructions on packaging), I like them
Spring Maternity ones look ''doggy" maybe the packaging...

The breathable waterproof sheets are fitted sheets too, no need to put on extra cotton fitted sheets, as I was told. So now I have cotton fitted sheets n breathable waterproof fitted sheets, so many
Angel...maybe Spring has diff fabrics for fitted sheets. I bought the polyester sort, using my $10 voucher fr Expo Spring ( $13). Perhaps yours is the better quality sort
If not, try washing a few rounds, maybe can soften it, that's what I'm gonna do.

Aussino, usu the cot fitted sheets looks like not on sale (no discounted price tags). You'll have to ask the shop attendance,, that's what I did and then realised only $12.50

But if u get enough of the breathable waterproof fitted sheets at expo, perhaps no need for cotton fitted sheets anymore
2-in-1 use, unlike the adults mattress protector...
Ladies, if you'll like to pleasure your unborn bb and little ones, can tune in to fm92.4 now...very interesting kids story-telling
Listening to animation instead of watching...story telling with orchastra as background music and all

Usually have story telling on Sat/ Sun mornings. Yeaterday's wasn't as good, today's really gd, story telling very animated

Babyjourney and Angel, thanks for comforting me. Yeah. I did Oscar test and the risk is low. Ratio is about 1500 for DS.
Today is 20 weeks exactly. Yay! 1/2 way already.

Started eating bird nest this morning.
Ladies, anyone knows which type / brand of lip balm is safe for pregnancy? Still experiencing chapped lips and hope to get sthg to soothe them. Thks!
luv: u can try aloe vera type.

btw ladies, when should i start using cream for my tummy to prevent stretch mark? and wat brand should i buy?
Actually i'm also keen to know what brands of stretch mark cream u ladies use and which u find effective. Preferably sthg that's not too oily but does the trick still?
I can't remember what i used b4 liao. Thks!
Hi JoT, did ur doc give ur MC to rest at home? I'm still eating, but i'd better not speak too early cos i've been feeling bloated this afternoon too. Been sleeping the day away, hahah... I looked in the mirror today and realised i looked like when i was 3-4 mths preggy with my gal b4. And I'm only 1mth+ now!!! Aiyoh... all the bloating must've made my tummy muscles lax liao.
Joanna & luv, at first i use elancyl, but i find that its smell too strong to me ( but not too oily) then i change to elastin from dr loh's clinic, smell better....

HOPE, thanks! I remember i used to use a cream that came in a pink tube. Trying to recall the name! Is Elastin in a pink tube??
