(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group


mine is stiff back, now like old lady leh. once i bend down to change clariss diaper, and after the cleaning and dressing part, my back becomes very stiff when i try to stand up.. think muz go for massage. have u tried acupuncture maybe might help for you?


yup clariss is taking 6-in-1 at her PD, not cheap le per jab $132 x 3 jabs. My GP opp my house cheaper $102 X 3 jabs same price as going to polyclinic. My sil brought her bb to polyclinic for her jabs.
Kimmy, congrats ! 4 pushes n 6hrs labor , tat very fast... Wow piang, I 19 hrs hrs...push dunnoe hw many times during midwife presence but aft dr loh is here, 2 push, my gal is out liao.... Haha.

Btw, regarding BF, I been using electronic pump these 2 days to stimulate but apparently I find tat my right boobs start to pain when I on e machine to pump. Ard e right areole got some po pi.... Hw ah ?

N dunnoe why today my CL complaint tat my gal start crying n refused to sleep since 5am. She juz manged to doze off oni. Hmm... She has been quite gd gal n zzz alot during e stay in hosp n yesterday when hm but dunnoe y this morning, she lau gai.... Carry oso cry..., hmm...

hi hi clariss sucking fingers too and her beanie ah..she loves to use the beanie to cover her face to sleep, very dangerous got to keep watching over her and normally i will stuff the pacifier in her mouth and that will help to leave quite a gap for her to breath. Like yesterday after bath, i leave her at her play gym for less than 1 min and she started howling cos she pulled the beanie to her face and couldn't breathe so crying for help. I ran towards her and got to pat pat and talk to her to calm her down, her face all red and eyes teary.
Hazel, is yr gal seeing pd fr KK ? Or any sisters here seeing pd fr KK ?

Do we nid to book appt to c KK pd or juz walk in? Any recommendation of KK pd ?

Kimmy- hw big is yr prince huh
I still feeling pain at my wound there thou today is my 3rd or 4th day oredi. Dr loh said take ard a week to heal... So tink haf to tahan la... Haha...
Hi Sashamama, hahaha.. I suppose I got all d essentials ready. But u nvr know what u need until u realize u dun ve it!

Hi Kimmy, thousands of congrats!!!

either u freeze it or fridge it can still use. Just apply the leaves on your breast and leave on for20-30mins then keep changing. Do this repeatedly for a few rounds (for me i changed like 30mins and leave the leaves there total 3hrs+) till you feel better or less engorged then must keep massage and express the milk out. For my colleague she same case as you, got ample supply and always engorgement got to pump every 4hrs anything after tat she pain like hell, she even took antibiotics 2x for inflammation. She poor thing till nite got to wake up and pump if not pain like hell. She used cabbage leaves too but it doesn't work on her or stop milkflow. To stop milkflow, she even go to extreme to apply it to cover our nipples as well. End up she took medication fr her gynae to stop milk flow, it took her around 1 week and she still got to pump it out. And during the last 2 days she engorgement i taught her to use cabbage leaves to ease the pain.

Try to use a smaller suction think u like me last time cos i dunnoe how to use so i pump quite often and on the higher suction power till my nipples sore then i called the Lactation consultant n she taught me to use lower power suction and to pump each side like 5mins then switch to the other breast. Total time, try not to exceed 20mins. And pump every 2-4hrs.
Congrats Kimmy!!!

Wow tats fast delivery, i still remembered mine pretty fast like 3hrs too but with induction and epi.
So happy for you!!! Remember to rest well and lie down more often and wear comfortable clothing n try to avoid getting chill.
Catherine, Nell, hazel

this few days keep having 2nd thoughts to have a 2nd one haha cos age catching up find tat i dun have the "stamina" like i used to stay up late nights and take care of bb and i dun have alot of patience too... hbs wan 2nd one faintz..Now with all the aches i having 2nd thoughts. How abt you gals?
catherine, nell ,hazel

at times i really quite bothered with wat my mil says..keep comparing the development of my gal and my sil's. Like keep telling me daily to talk to her and play with her cos my gal doesn't smile as much as my sil's. aiyoyoyo headache ah!!! Stress manz. And my sil commented tat i should do tummy up exercise for my gal ie let her lie on her tummy daily for a few minutes so tat she can practise lifting up her head which will strengthen her neck muscle. Whereas hbs told me to ignore her and let our gal develop naturally cos he dun wanna force her to do things tat are not suitable at her stage. Tat day i saw my sil put her 4mths old bb sit bb chair and my in-laws and the rest of the aunties stopped her and told her bb spine not developed yet cannot sit, then she no choice pull her bb up. is it true??? Hbs n fil finds tat she always try to "push" her bb to do things not at her stage and trying to "push" or train her bb to do things earlier than bbs at their stage should be doing and tat might at times cos spine injury to bb. For me i no experience so daren't comment.

By the way, is it true tat all babies will drop all their hair and become botak and new ones start to grow? cos my sil's said hers drop botak on 2nd mth and how come mine still alot of hair and i noticed clariss hair growing longer. so far no hair drop leh....hmmmmm?????????
Congrats to kimmy and bliss. Good to have your precious in arm now

I just did my check up n scan yesterday. The ultascan show bb is facing down but I only 16 week now. Like to check with you ladies if this is normal? Gynae never say anything n I never react to ask him on the spot too. Now a bit worry. Hence, would like to seek your advice.
Chris, hw to do e smaller suction huh ? I using e advent auto pump. E suction can control one huh ?

Re: pd. As I m staying in cck area, tampiness bit too far fr mi. Dun seem to haf any good pd ard my area leh....

Cherrie: thx for e wishes. Prev when I having my gal, she oso like to stay face dwn but dr said is ok coz bb got their fav position n tend to shift position as n when. Prev when go scanning, oso can't see her facevcoz she keep facing dwn. Tat y for my Oscar test, I took quite awhile becoz of her position n nid to walk ard to let her face up. So, dun worry too much ya
Hi bliss, thanks for your advice. Feeling better now
you do not stress about milk supply too. It will come. Most importantly must stay positive n relax
Hi Bbliss,

oh i'm using the medela pip where i can select the suction power like low, medium by just adjusting the speed of the suction.
Kimmy congrats. I m at tmc too!! But mine is gynae appt. which level r u at??

Bbliss, relax dun use breast pump to stimulate too much. It will come! Remember yr gal is in a new environment. She will cry cos she does not know where she is. Its ok. Elis went thru it.

Chris, I intend to speak to my gynae later. My case similar to yr colleague! If I dun pump at night I will have a painful time. Like u, my hb wants a 2nd child I said no!! Elis is enough to look after. This morning I choose not to do anything cos I need to rush to gynae here. Hb commented elis has lots of pattern. In my heart i smiled and he finally know what I m gg thru!!!! My mum dun dare to compare my sister kid and elis anymore cos I said each child develop differently! I tried to find the bottle that u recommend at metro and taka... Dun have. Later gg og to find. I need to do anything to get Elis free of colic

I m so angry with standard chartered bank! Hey elis birth cert shows she is a gal. Her name is also a gal name! They named her as 'mr'. I m gg to scold them. How rude can that b!
Bbliss, my mum told me my sis used the pd at bukit timah plaza. As compared to my pd, the pd at bukit timah plaza is more ex and in my mum view, my pd is better

Mums and babes, kiddy palace and mothercare has it. Most of this outlets sell Dr Brown's anti-colic bottles, except Bfree anti-colic bottle, i can't get it at mothercare outlets, but is able to get it at kiddy palace tho.

yup my gal gots lotsa of pattern, today smiling when i bath her and as usual suddenly while dressing her 1/2 way she started, making bb sounds like "protesting" and asking me to be faster cos she has this habit tat after bath, she wants her beannie and pacifier then muz put her to sleep ah. If not she tear the roof down. So just now she getting impatient when i dressing her also cos she wanna bath longer, but today raining weather cold so i bath slightly shorter and she bei song liao... She started screaming and crying again till i got to hug her close to my chest and pat her then give her pacifier and beanier and put her at her play gym mat, and she feel asleep in 1min no need to coax. Funny pattern haiz...

yup hbs know clariss funny patterns sometimes he also beitahan then i took the oppty to tell him so one is enough rite? And he pulse for a while then look at me say 2 is better...faintz.......If i'm in my twenties or early 30s i dun mind la but now sooo old liao (sorry not trying to pour cold water here) but physically and mentally old liao ah hahahaaaa

good tat your mum has stopped comparing..hehee mine tough la u know those old folks la..especially my mil dunoe pai seh keep saying my gal doesn't smile tat much etc and hinted openly tat i didn't spend time talking and "teaching" and playing with her. How to when most of the time she wanna sleep after her feed and her concentration level and time only that few minutes and if i dun let her sleep she'll turn cranky and then cry liao...Recently my fil commented tat my gal's skull like not rounded and tat maybe i should let her sleep on bouncer or sarong. I told him my gal hated sarong and as for bouncer she doesn't sleep long, we bought her a pillow at taka fair, which is washable and not cheap ah but got concave area supposedly the head won't be flat after sleeping. Told hbs wat my sil and fil commented on clariss head and he said just ignore them, healthy most important.
Chris my gynae said I should b happy. I have lots of
Milk whereas ppl need medicine to increase milk but may not get it too. So she is against medicine and wants me to use cold cabbage.

Y r men the same?? My hb also think 2 is better! He is not gg to go thru 10mths pump milk etc!! Besides 2 kid I really can't afford! Unless he can match my current salary if not we will not have our current quality of life.

To those who r gg to tmc now: my advise dun drive. The q to enter tmc is v v v v long. Dun know what the valet r doing. Everyone is horning.

To those who r giving birth: gynae told me bed situation in tmc is v bad. She expect herself to b badly overworked cos yr of dragon ... Poor thing.
Chris I totally agree with yr hb. Elis dun like any of her toys. She can b interested in 1 min and start crying. Like clariss she wants sleep. That's y I always play music for her. My mum also commented about Elis head cos I had a hard time pushing her out and she got stuck there until gynae came. No choice so I massage daily. Heehee it was pouring badly when I came out this morning. So din shower elis. Now gg to bugis to buy my fav chwee kueh and home to shower her. Bad jam to bugis now....everywhere is jam today!!
Hi Chris, I c. Both of us using diff brand of pumps. Hmm... So mine can't adjust.

Cherrie n Catherine, well... To b honest, kinda sad tat till nw, still no milk. Pump den 1 side of boobs pain. Feel rather useless n sorry to my gal at times. Today is my 3rd or 4th day, hopefully sOme milk can come in 2-3 days times.

Catherine, u r right. This period super peak for TMC. When I was giving birth on wed, nurse told mi tat day a lot of ppl cmg in for inducing. When I at e labour ward, wow piang a... Like production factory, 1 bed out, 1 bed in. Ctg machine oso running out. Yesterday also another hot date. When discharging, queue at valet very long. Wait for awhile be4 can collect car.
Oh ya... Btw, for those mummies gg to TMC for birth soon, if e nurses take quite sometime to response to yr needs, pls rem to remind them wat u have asked for coz they r super busy n may sometime forget abt u.

Tzac, counting dwn ya. 1.5 days more to go
Wow so many postings, no chance to go thru in details.

Bbliss, yes I m seeing KKH private children clinic, dr Yong. Can walk in also. Vacination I fixed appointments. Normal flu or cough I will go pd at east shore hospital, nearer. I like KKH, all the records n history in one file. Not like pte, all the records all with us. I passed KKH belle's scan n reports fr TMC earlier in her first mth.. When she was admitted from bronchitis, dr all knows her history. No need to repeat.

yup u should be happy like wat your gynae says u got lotsa of milk. Hbs hope tat i can bf clariss till 6mths, hope i can tho. heehee
Yup if u free go get the anti-colic bottle it works but not immediate take a few days cos it helps to reduce the wind bb consume while drinking milk and at the same time you continue with massaging her tummy to rid the wind.

Hbs got 3 siblings so he like big family and always think tat single child like me is "weird" and lonely hahahaa. No offence but i find tat with your income u should be fine to have more than a kid, just you might wanna give up some of your lifestyle which i know is tough. For me, i got to think 2x cos hbs not matching up to my income level and this 4yrs my career and pay stagnant (wasted 2yrs trying bbs at home, wasted another 2yrs in 2 teams tat doesn't generate revenue so zero revenue zero bonus). At times when i look back at my colleague who stayed on at my old dept she's doing v well and yearly increments etc.. i felt sad tho but then i looked back at least i got clariss after so many years of trying n my colleague who is my buddy altho career is doing much better than me now but is childless. At times, i comfort myself tat heaven or god has a way for you, when they close a door, there will be another door open for you elsewhere.

Mine also didn't come cos i didn't know how to stimulate at 1st, end up i hurt my boobs, got engorgement and finally milk actually comss after 5th -6th day when milk ducts are finally "open". Dun worry it will come eventually. You might wanna call TMC lactation consultant for advice.
Bbliss, kimmy

you might wanna visit madam rokiah :http://jamumassage.com/how-can-we-help

I just got the contact from my sil, she mentioned to me tat time she has blocked ducts and milk supply decreased alot, you can feel lumps in your breasts when there is blockage. She went for the massage and her milkflow increases after her ducts are cleared.

You might wanna visit her or call them to see if they do house visits, the massage will help you to open your milk ducts and milk supply will come. i personally haven't try before but heard from my sil tat mdm rokiah very good.
kimmy...a big congrats..I'm glad you had a short labour jus like you wished for...


For the CDA account, we must wait for some mcys letter is it? Wen will they give it to us.
Bbliss, relax. Did yr cl cook papaya soup for u? Did u massage yr nipple?? My mum was like u v Gan chiong and pressurize my milk. Now what happen? Too much! Remember mine came on day 6

Chris, it was not easy for me to conceive. I dun want to go thru the stress and painful birth process! Hb and my salary r miles apart. I leave everything to fate. Btw I got the bottle from og
Chris, just quarrelled with mil. She keeps passing no gd comments of relatives' toddlers. Told her if she din wan her grand daughter to be like them dun pass that comments in front of her! Scolded me supersitious n said she may as well go die & started crying., ya, that's my mil tactics always. Asked us dun come, etc etc. damn!
Hazel, thanks for your nice recommendation. I just have a good sleep after Nadia's massage, wanna give a thumb up to Nadia. Her massage ease my body pain at the same time soothe my heart pain, she really provides good service at the right time.

Thank you for always sharing good 'lobang'.
Michelle, no mention. Pls take good care & be strong. I know is tough but must still try coz there r many love ones around you. I hv been thru what you r going thru now. The heartache will always be there.. I visited my elder daughter's niche just now n cried still... Gwen will be 2 yrs old in 2 wks time..
Chris, Nell & Catherine, belle wun sit in the car seat if she is awak... How? Use rattle to distract or talk to her also no use. She will cry! After I took her out of the seat, she will still cry thru out the journey coz she is upset!
Bbliss, my #1 gal also went thru Kk's pd coz that time I gave birth there. I like KK's private clinic. She was under Dr Tan, a very old and experienced PD. my mum said used to be fr previous Alexander hosp.
Thk I will go back to KK pd too this time round once I give birth.

Dun stress ur self out with no milk. Some ppl take a longer time. My previous BFing was super stressful coz I brought my gal back on 2nd day and the whole nite she was crying away. I didn't even know she was hungry coz I had no milk coming out. I only managed to try to comfort her by feeding her water with spoon! Last min, rushed back next morn to KK to see the lactation consultant for advice and realised I had blocked ducts so had to massage and do lots of warm compresses etc. I got my Malay massage lady to massage my breasts too to stimulate. All these experiences but I managed to BF her for 8 mths.
Congrats to Kimmy too!

Sashamama, u really faithfully go 2 wks! I will wait till mid apr to see Dr Loh. So far 18 wks but still can feel bb movement so still rest assured that bb is there. But will still have some worrying feeling esp from previous no heartbeat experience for preg #2.

cool down, wow you mil very drama queen leh. u better dun talk back if not later your hbs not happy. I understand wat you are going through like yesterday, my fil mentioned a few times to me, my sil and the other familiy members tat one of their fren's granddaughter like bittergourd no matter wat they do she doesn't smile or "talk" at her unlike my sil's baby soo cute no need to do anything to her and she'll laugh all the way so smart etc. I told my hbs tat all bbs are unique n special in their own ways and they shouldn't compare and like wat u mentioned if they dun wan their granddaughter to be like them then dun pass such remarks in front of the baby.

is belle hungry? Cos if clariss is hungry, she'll cry all the way home in the car...we kena once b4 after yu guo's massage cos overrun and is her feeding time, we rush like mad home in the car still too late. she cried all the way home ah. faintz. Is there anything tat belle likes such as pacifier or toy or beannie. Cos we normally bring her stuff along the car ride, once she cries we will bring it out for her. So far it works for her unless she hungry then all hell broke loose. We also hang a toy near the seat to distract her and she loves looking at her "duckie" fren and when she's in her car seat she'll just look at it and starts her baby coos.

Is the temperature such as air-con too warm or cold for her? You might wanna buy those shades tat people put in the car window cos if the sun too glaring babies might not like it. For mine, the car sheet got a shade cover so i just pull it down for her, she loves to watch the scenery outside like trees etc then fell asleep.

old folks are like tat, when they are proud of their own grandchild they'll like to make remarks and to them they are praising the bb but to me i really dun like to be compared too.
Chris, think it in another way. Bb who may smile now may not b filial or clever. Whereas our bb r more pure? That kept me 'alive'... Chris mayb I v fierce type if my mil dare to say about elis I sure talk back and who cares about my hb feeling. Is she gd in upbringing a kid? No! So dun say Elis

Hazel, elis is the same! First attempt in car seat ok no problem. Less than 1 km of drive princess elis is a terror!!! My big boss told me no matter how they cry never take them out so I told my husband and mum the same. Boh soft hearted! Sigh....
Chris, elis is like me v short Attentjon span. We have toys, her beanie in car no use ! I give myself the excuse that she is still young. 5 weeks old only leh soon soon I will make her Sit happily in car seat

i soft hearted, cos there was once when she was very cranky so no choice i took her out and carried her in my arms till she dozed off. If not, she keep crying. any way bb's pattern different everyday, they might okie today with car seat then suddenly not okie liao.
hazel, catherine

even my hbs very pantang, if his parents there mention anything abt clariss infront of her, hbs will glare at them and signal them to stop. hahahaha

Chris, belle wun sit in car seat even after a milk feed. Toys to distract also no use. Just now? Hubs just kept quiet. Already warn him if he dun ask his mum to stop then I will air my views!
