(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Bbliss, pls rest as much as possible by lying down in bed n if possible fun touch water. My hands n fingers r numb after confinement n weak. Now, is problematic. Coz is a result of the back n shoulder.. Was told need to go for regular massage to cure.. I signed a package but hard to find Time to go...

I agree with u hazel, but if dun shut light and sound this gal dun sleep and stare at us. Now our quiet time is in the kitchen. This weekend hb will move 1 tv in the dining room to the master room so that we can watch tv. Really deprive of leisure now. My only leisure is at night go to ntuc for a walk! How pathetic
Dear Joanne,
I think best person to ask is Dr Loh himself. Did you try emailing him or calling his clinic or asking him when he recommended you? I'm unsure if it is compulsory to the scan. But I love scans, going every 2 weeks to ensure baby growing well, i won't mind any scan! I have also heard of cases where boy become girl or girl become boy in later stages. nothing is confirmed till birth i guess! unless baby really open legs big big to see.
Hazel, cos my place has seen feng shui and master room is not 'ideal' for me. So we have to occupy elis room. All 3 of us r sleeping in her room. Her cot is beside me. I m the official 'bodyguard '

Ladies did u read in the papers now got ppl try to take out kids away when we r not noticing? Better hold tight to our bb.
Joanne - this stage is growth scan. nothing is compulsory but like the rest says, the scans are usually at week 28 for singleton, it does cover more detailed scan. They can scan for growth of key organs (heart, kidney, brain, etc), blood flood to bb, key growth measures, and by then can usually see BB sex clearly. But as they say, nothing is ever confirmed even w/ scan
for me, this scan is more important to ensure that key organs are growing ok.
Hi Hazel
Oh is it his common practise that he will require us who hv twins to do this extra scan? Yes, he did mention to check blood flow too...Thk u.. Actually i want asks him more questions but oways see him so busy tt i worry he gets angry if i keep asks.. Sigh...

Hi sasha
I like scans too but tend to worry more if the scan he asks me to do is not u gals r doing too so will think alot whether everything ok else why need to specially scan.. No slot for the scan n i need to queue there early morning..
Sashamama, mine's 16th apr and my gynae's dr Loh too. This time really wait more than a mth to see bb as dr Loh scheduled my appt same day as detail scan and I saw him beginning of Mar. Can't wait too see everything is fine .

Bbliss, congrats on the birth of ur bb gal.

Catherine, yup the kidnap news also all over FB. But some are asking whether it's true. Whatever it is, just keep a look out and make sure hold tight to strollers too. My gal now likes to walk on her own so I have to make sure I hold her hands tight!
Chris, have u make passport for clariss? I m thinking of bringing elis to nearby b4 I go back to work. At least some relaxation for me. I have no idea where is safe and water is clean.. Who knows I may juz end up in sentosa...
hi Hazel,

think i am like you always ask dr loh lots of questions hehee cos i know that i will tink if i din ask. heheee..

J03, there are some questions which only when out of room or back home then u tink of it. can also email dr loh on them too. at least give u a peace of mind leh...
Hi ron
U oso been thru this growth scan request by doc Loh? Oh, more detail than detail scan? As i thot they already check organs r well on detail scan liao?

Hi tanny
Not confirm yet.. Sonographer say two gals but doc Loh suspect is one boy on last scan so he request the growth scan to check on bb sex again.. I was quite puzzle as at 20th plus wk still cant confirm bb sex? Btw, whts ur bb sex? I know u heard fr teacher right..Hee.. To me, i dun mind boy or gal as long as they r healthy..;)
Hi bbliss, congrats on ur newborn!! More n more graduating!

Perhaps should start another thread for happy mummies!!!

Hi Jo03, I m not with DrLoh, n m having singleton. Still my gynae arranged for the FA scan. It's exactly whet Ron mentioned.. Nothing serious, just another very detailed scan to see d wonderful babies!!!
Hi J03, same like hopeful, I am also not w Dr Loh and having singleton, and did growth scan at week 28. The earlier scan because it's early will be able to see that key organs are there & growing. At growth scan, it's a more detailed measure of these and more key organs. Up to you
I know a lot of ladies also didn't do.
Re: tap water. I use tap water when necessary such as washing my wound (use heater warm water), visiting toliet. Other than tat, can avoid using will avoid. Izit ok ?

Catherine n hazel, u all tat time completely din touch or ?

Sun belle: my gal is induced at wk 39. Kimmy one if I m nt wrong, her oso wk 39 as our edd oni a day diff

Hmm.... Wonder hw she is nw. Shld have popped liao bah...

Catherine: tink u can oni get to c kimmy during yr gynae appt as I hm today le
finally bk to hm sweet hm....

Dr loh asked mi bk for review abt 8 weeks later. Do u gals oso get to c him at such long interval for review ?
Bbliss, I washed my wound n hands with boiled water. I hv a Pail of boiled water in my toilet n kitchen each for my use. Best is sun touch unboiled water. I hv to touch cold tap water whenever I visit belle in NICU.. No choice.. Maybe my body is weaker so can't take it.. But I rarely fall sick type even during pregnancy.. So I also dunno.. My joints are v stiff even till now n fingers really r numb.. Now hv to find a way to treat it.. Saw 2 sinseh already still like this.. V sianz..
Bbliss, I m also seeing 8 weeks later end April.. Actually, he is trying to save our money. After we hv recovered fr the wound, n lochia / menses cleared, he will do a pap smear. But for some ladies, Like me, hormones will go haywire n will continue to bleed or stain for long period of time.. FYI, belle is 2 mths old now n I m still staining.. At times heavier n hv to wear a pad.. If so, can't do pap smear at all.. Hopefully when I see him end April all is cleared..

Growth scan for singleton, dr loh's style is he wun order for it unless there is a need to. I didn't do growth scan.. But I do notice for multiples he usually orders for the scan..
Hi ron n hopeful
Ya, doc Loh want me do at 25th wk as is due to twins ba so do early...;) Now feel more relax after see few of u oso got do..;) thks ya.. But slot is very full tt i hv to go queue as no appointment le.. Available one is only end April..

Hi tanny
Oh.. Ur bb so shy too ah..;)
Scans for bb gender is nv confirmed Until bb is born! Is not 100% accurate. At 20 wks, is abt 80% accurate. Nv hear of mark lee's first bb case? His gynae said bb was a boy n he bought all boy boy clothings! But at birth, it turns out to be a girl!
Bbliss, u may wan to sit in a basin of warm boiled salt water once a day.It helps the wound to recover faster.. No worry, Not painful at all, just a little sting at the beginning..
Hi sunbelle, yes. In SGH they will also ask us to do a 28 wk scan.. In fact I did twice.. 1st time was when i was only wk 26 n I was super paranoid cux my pte gynae said my bb was growing too slowly. So when I went SGH they let me go for an early scan just to assure me. Then at wk 30, my bb suddenly decided to turn breech n gave me quite a bit of pains. So while I m already with the sonographer, they just did another growth scan for me... Hahaha... At no additional cost!

Hi Jo03, dun think too much! It's gd to know if one will b boy or both are girls so u won't b buying d ' wrong' color bb clothes!!
Bbliss, Congratulations!!!!

Chris, Well Done!!! I can see more outing coming!

Catherine, You feeling better liao? No worry abt water if bb on bf. easier to bring now when u r still bf-ing. We are planning another trip on first week of may before I start work if we survive our Osaka/Kyoto trip next week.

shag, last nite after her last feed at 10pm, clariss siao siao wake up at 3.30am, didn't cry but made noises, so i went at pat pat her, she woke up again 3x and i got to climb up from bed to pat pat ah then finally 4.30am she slept all the way till 6.30am and this time really cry for milk. After feeding she slept till abt 9.20am. phew...

i'm being too preoccupied with clariss tat i forgotten to book by batam massage lady when she is her this mth, just called her and she said she going bk on monday. sobs..sobs.. will be coming bk after 15th may. oh my neck and shoulder aching and back also after giving birth ah...hiaz my fren says could it be due to epi. i dun think so lah cos when i preggy i already got the aches liao maybe confinement i didn't rest well lor have being running about.
Oh... Gotta used boiled water to wash wound ah... Ok ok... Trw ask e CL to prepare for mi. Today I go used heater water...

Izit ok to zzz in aircon rm ? I sleeping in nw coz CL said better dun blow fan. Any advice ?

Re: PD. I was assigned to Dr Ang AT and as shared in earlier post, hazel n one of my colleague shared tat her knife very sharp one. Prepare to pay high cost (for nothing). So mi n hb decided to change pd. furthermore, the carpark condition deter my hb fr gg bk TMC juz to c pd.
Chris, I went for shoulder, neck n back massage at Wayang just now. Bones feel looser now.. Hope my fingers numbness can go off soon..

Catherine, I noticed a pattern in belle recently. She wants to suckle on my breasts before bed time when I pat her to sleep. If not she will fuss n cry even if it is just after her milk feed,..
Bbliss, protect your fingers joint especially. Wear gloves if u need to do some washing if u hv no choice. Got CL just rest. I nv listen so now aching everywhere. As for aircon, yes can on. Wear a pair of socks to keep your feet on in aircon room. No fans, I will get body aches immediately the fan blows at me!
Chris, Clariss did 6 in 1 vacinnation? How much it cost? I read some where is like $300plus... So If include PD fees mah $400plus?
Catherine, if Elis fusses, try giving her your boobs to suckle.. Is comfort sucking. Belle fell asleep while sucking.. Faster than I pat her which usu take an hr or more! The best part is, is after a milk feed which she didn't finish.. She push the bottle away!

If Elis keeps crying? Lie her face down on our body. For watever reason that soothe belle.. Or carry her upright with her Her heart next to ours while she looks at our back.
Hi bbliss
I see but when u r at hospital, u need to see the pd at tmc right? Wonder which pd knife not so sharp n gd in tmc? Hee...

Hi hopeful
Thk u too.. Btw, how many wks r u now? Bb kicks stronger day by day hor.. Did u monitor bb kicks?
J03, u can get pte pd to go see n check your bbs after birth. No need use TMC pd. Just tell dr Loh before delivery. Bbliss meant she will not use dr Ang after bb is discharged for growth assessment, Vacination, etc.
Bbliss, my mum was my cl. I touched tap water no choice leh u dare to command mum to do this and that for u? Furthermore she din ask me for single cent i lagi feel bad. I saw my gynae 3 days after discharge to check on my wound. 5 weeks later for pap smear test. I slept in aircon room and wore socks and cover blankets

Haha hazel, princess elis suck anything include her daddy's nipple.

Neil, hazel n Chris, my 2nd attempt to bring elis out has failed again. We juz went to tiong bahru plaza to buy hankie for her. Moment she step into the car she cried but I manage to coax her. Buy when we went to Tom and stephy, Cham leh cried as I want to buy things so no choice rush back to car. Thx hazel, will take note. That leave me with juz a night stay at hotel?

Ya Chris update us on the cost of vaccination. My pd dun accept credit card So must prepare cash. I m thinking to ask Nadia if she can squeeze me in next weekl. I m also v tired.
Hi Jo03, m 36 wks tmrw.. Suppose to monitor bb movements. But too bz in office. Can only do it at nite n by then too tired.. Hahaha.. But will disturb bb whenever I feel that she has not moved much. Like this afternoon I suddenly realized she has not kicked me so I disturbed her n told her to give me some movements n if she does Tat I will feed her ice cream for dinner. Nx thing I know, she had a series of hiccups..
Catherine, don't be dishearted, slowly lah. Baby hard to predict. I normally fed my gal before my dinner in restaurant so that by the time my dinner is served she would normally be sleeping in pram or quietly play by herself. But today she chg pattern. Refuse to stay in pram m kept fussing. We were in a high end italian restaurant so no choice have to take turn to eat n carry her so that she won't cry.

Chris/Hazel/Catherine, your baby suck thumbs. My gal these 2 days start to suck fingers n now sucking thumb. I give pacifier but she don't want. She will wake up in the middle of her sleep n start to suck thumb. I turn over her scratch mitten sleeve n she started to cry when she can't get to her thumb. Charm lah. My nightmare is here. She was able to sleep by herself for a while already until tonight she keep fussing when I don let her suck thumb. End up I have to carry her till she sleep so that she don't look for her thumb.
Dear Joanne,
MUST MUST MUST ask questions when u are at Dr Loh's place. It saves us the worrying and clarifying elsewhere as when we ask him and clarify everything with him, we will feel most assured. Even if we get answers here, we will still worry cos we dunno if that is his intention. He will not be angry one la. For my baby, i will thick skin and ask him what i wanna ask, won't consider whether he will be angry or not cos i trust he won't. He knows i just gan jiong la.

Dear pierced22,
So when is your scan date? Im seeing him every 2 weeks, next appt on thu.

Dear Hopeful,
You finished buying all ur bb stuff?

Dear Cock Cock,
Long time no see. How r u doing? Stay positive ya?
Neil, I fed elis b4 we went out. This is our 2nd failed attempt. The only thing I note is she like to observe. U can't hold her facing u. She will fuss a lot. Now I make sure elis has her mitten put on to avoid her sucking her fingers. My hubby said she is sucking arms of ppl who carry her

Chris / hazel, I use Beijing cabbage but din work. Still v v engorged. Should I get the normal cabbage?
Neil, belle sucks her entire fingers n thumb when she is hungry! If she is wearing mittens, she will suck still incl the mittens.

Catherine, did u tear out the big cabbage leaves n put in the freezer? Use it only after it has frozen & cup the leaves on your boobs? Normal cabbage will do.
Hazel, Chris said to fridge it... Ok I put in freezer now.

I dun know if elis is afraid of thunder or is hungry. At 5am, there was a loud thunder sound she yelled. Can't coax her so gave her milk. She seems ok after that. Now she is playing a lot with her saliva and form bubble. So irritating .. She either get choked or spill out together with milk.
Hello mommies!!!

Congrats bbliss! Hehe.

I gv birth at 8.53am Friday morning after 6hrs labour. Tried to tahan contractions till 4cm but it was very strong at 1min apart so asked for epidural (yay happen the anesthetist I liked was the one they called too) and after epi, dilated to 6-7cm within an hour then dr loh come visit and at first estimate maybe 12pm can pop (cuz I also complain no rooms unlike what he told me got rooms! No beds even). Then he felt me and said anytime now! So within 45min I was pushing and baby was out in 4 pushes (I got my dream delivery!) well, actually cld be lesser but baby incubator dint work in my room so nurse ask me wait. Haha! But yea I had a pleasant experience, dr loh also happy it was really quick and smooth. But after that I just ko all the way at delivery suite till 2pm then they finally had 1 single room available (no premier suite) so we had priority and took it first. Hehe.
But I must say the recovery sucks! Down there started to get pain and I couldn't sit up properly nor lie down (so tired somemore) and woke up to latch twice
then took painkillers cux my first urine experience was owww and finally this morning can wake up to walk ard already. Hehe yay!!!!

Also assigned to Ang AT, so far came to see us twice on updates re. baby but likely to switch after discharge to one nearer my home at mt.A. How long the natural wound takes to heal ah?! I buey tahan!!! Oh no snip for me too!
Congrats on the arrival of ur bb boy. Ur delivery was fast. It took one week for me to recover. Can take the pain killer if buay tahan.

Haha....recently my girl also playing with saliva n blow bubbles.
Congrats Kimmy, finally holding your precious little prince in your arms
Wishing you speedy recovery and breastmilk come fast fast too! btw possible to share who was your anesthetist?

Congrats to Bbliss too, proud mummy of sweet princess

Joanne, hope you can rest your mind now after hearing what others have to say about 2nd FA scan, I also know nothing about it. hmm...you know dr Loh lah, he's always so busy, he'll be staring at his computer screen each time I pause inbetween asking him questions but good thing is that he doesn't hurry us outta the room, so don't be paiseh to slowly think about your questions and consult him.

Dear all, I need advice.

I was diagnosed with yeast infection earlier this week but after applying cream and inserts, still itch slightly once a day. Dr Loh says its common for preggers and to ignore it if no major discomfort, no harm to baby. But I'm still worried.

I'm just wondering if you can share your experience if you have encountered this during pregnancy. Thanks a lot.
