(2012/12) Dec 2012

He's in Monday - Saturday. Closes around 7.30PM IIRC. I left the details in my old phone.

Wednesday is by appointment only
Saturday half day - from 1.30PM onwards.

Why not give them a call tomorrow to check? First consultation was $80, subsequent is $40.

Hi Catherine : sure noted and thanks...

Dono isit I'm over sensitive...

I'm well etc n no spotting xcept tired and no appetite..
Don't worry too much. Let's go catch some sleep.
Chat again tomorrow morning. Goodnight, sweetie
Catherine- r u staying at Clementi?

Someone asked me abt my GPLS auntie... I checked. Her name is Lin Qing Lian. She's good
Super morning mummies

Was aslp n felt that I smell shit!! Decided to ignore but the smell remain, no choice but to wakeup!!
My 30 month old son who zz between mi and hubby shitted!! Whole of bed!! Ridiculous as this is the 1st happen it happen! Quilt and quilt cover n mattress r thrown away, leaving the mattress with a patch of shit sprayed with febreeze!!

Mi and son have to zz in sofa! When bathing my son, he seem blur about what happened!! Still crying due to being waken up only.. Felt slight side of tummy ache when bathing him! Decided to take mc to see doctor..
Catherine: does dr Ben gave u the photo of the scan on ur 1st visit?

I'm hesitating between dr Ben and my gynae. Worst is my gynae doesn't accept walk in case.. Thought of calling urgent hotline n let him call me back to explain my situation to him.. Hoping to squeeze in a slot today.
Morning ^^ !! It's Thursday!

Kong kong: I think you can try out different Gynae before making any decision which Gynae you wan! My hubby fren recommend to us her Gynae dr Irene chua. She is good also. Maybe can consider.

Catherine: my Gynae consultant is ex! Consultation is 95. Hmm not sure about subsequent visit.
Good morning all,

Kong kong - hope u still manage to get some good rest. I think I will freak out if my son poo on our bed.

Who's ur gynae btw? Then if there's emergency, won't he accept walk in?
Pommes, yes, I am staying in Clementi

Kong kong, yes, Dr. Ben gave me a scan on the first visit. As long as you are at least 5 weeks, he can give you a scan. But it'll be a vaginal ultrasound not a belly ultrasound.
Jellow, I got a huge bill for first consultation too - S$200+. Probably also due to the large quantity of supplements he prescribed to me.
Morning ladies! Been puking & not eating well for past 2 weeks. Hate eating & drinking! Force myself to eat 1 slice of bread yest. 1st appt next morning, cant wait to see if bb is ok. Cant seems to get anythg in.. Help!!!
Morning All..

Finally its Thursday! 7 more days to my 1st checkup then i can break the news to my parents. Hopefully got many nice soups to drink! lol

The Chicken Essence soup link is tempting.. Let me go home and dig if i have a chinese pot!
Oh dear, our MS all seems to be getting worse. Thank goodness it's Thursday, can finally rest over the weekend!

Sasayeo, envy! I wanted to wake up a bit earlier to buy brekkie from Mac, but succumbed to the '5 more minutes' monster.
I always pass by 2 Mac Drive-thrus on my way to work but always late for work
No time to make a U turn to buy... ARGH!

I want the Hash Browns!
Morning ladies, too tired to log in yesterday evening. Totally exhausted and extremely bloated after dinner..

Xta: U make me crave for hash brown too!
morning all,
i feel that my MS sets in more after I take the pre-natal medications... thus, I'll try to eat more for breakfast when I have better appetite.

Yesterday I had vegetarian sliced fish bee hoon soup near my office and it was really yummy. Because it was quite light, I felt ok in the afternoon =)

In the evenings, I usually take some rice and little bit of each dish + soup, can't eat too much..

my next checkup is in a week's time =)
Good morning!

I am in my 9 weeks now, EDD 29 Nov although initial calculations using calendar showed 1 Dec. Anyway, my appetite is really lousy as well. Can't eat much for the whole day and I seem to be only able to accept vegetables & fruits. When I try to take meat, I will just take one bite and decide that the taste is not acceptable. Don't recall this happened for my #1. And like all of you, tiredness rules the day. So I am really thankful that hubby is supportive and can help in taking care of #1 during this period.

Kong Kong, is your #1 toilet trained already. Was it diarrhea that's why the whole bed was stained? You gotta take a good rest today.
Morning all. Recently I don't feel any MS. But keep having diarrhea. This morning just had two rounds.
Don't know is it due to the tom yum noodle I had last night.

kong kong, I will be damn frustrated if my son poo on our bed! The night before yesterday he puked milk when I'm about to sleep with him on bed. My hair was stained with his milk and I had to get up to bathe and change him and washed his pillow, etc. Luckily, I did place a waterproof mat on my bed for him to sleep on as he will puke milk once in a blue moon and we kena several times le. So must take precaution now. haha...
sasayeo, most otah made from mackerel which is very high in mercury content, try to not eat too much

san2, i have been spotting since 4 Apr and still spotting. BB heartbeat spotted last week. Nurse says to watch out for cramps. Going for my next appt this sat.
Morning mommies and mommies-to-be!

Kong Kong, oh dear, hope you are feeling better now. My gynae is at Gleneagles during the day and Boon Lay MRT at night. He do accept walk in. Let me know if you want his contacts.

Later gg for Thai lunch. Doing a birthday celebration for one of my collguea. I always like hot and spicy food..lucky no LS even if i take very spicy food.

Mommies that has #1 sleeping with you: when #2 comes, how are you gg to arrange the sleeping position. Even though my #1 is sleeping in our room, he doesnt sleep on our bed. He sleeps on his own mattress. When #2 arrives, i am thinking how. Cos #1 is a very light sleeper and if #2 cries, #1 surely will wake up. Also my house only has 2 rooms (as we knock down 1 room to join with our master bedroom). And now the other room is slept by my helper. I do not wish to put my #1 to sleep with my helper...so dunno how to make sleeping arrangement next time
sun_tan, my hb and I planned this way - after #2 out, he will sleep with #1 in another room while me, #2 and CL will sleep in master bedroom so that if my #1 whines at night won't disturb my #2. Then after full month, my #1 will sleep on mattress next to our bed while we will co-sleep with #2 on bed. Coz I will be latching, so is better #2 can co-sleep with me for convenience sake. Then I no need to get up from bed whenever #2 whines. Now my #1 will sleep on mattress first until we all wanna sleep le then shift him up to bed with us coz scare if he sleeps alone first he might fall off from bed, which happened b4.
JAJ, so after 1st month, the 4 of you would be in the same room right? then if #2 cries, and #1 wake up then how..
sun_tan, ya coz my #1 only 13 mths now, still young to be sleep on his own by end of this yr or early next yr. I think #2 will wake up more than #1 lah. hahaha... But I latching, so I not so worry, if #2 wake up just latch him/her to sleep can le. Latching is like a drug to them, can easily make them drowsy de. wahaha.
Gd morning all mummies,

Remember to take your pills and supplements

Have a great day ahead, with little or no MS!

Xta - i cooked the chic essence using a Cornell soup bowl and cover using the plate. No need for any special chinese pot
WTS: (New and never used before)Combi Travel System Multi 5 Ways [Beige color]

Hi, i just received this yesterday from Taka lucky draw. As i already bought mine, so i would like to sell this. It is new and unused, i only open the box to check the items.

Retail price is at $729
Me selling at $550
(self collection)

Email me if you are interested. [email protected]

For more info on the product:

Product Information:
Combi's Multi 5 Way is a five-in-one multifunction baby vehicle. It's a three-mode baby-stroller, a baby car seat and a rocking cradle. Carry your sleeping child from your car straight to the stroller without waking her up. Configuration also adjusts to growth of up to approximately 24 months.

• Detachable Car Seat/Carry Rack
Detach and use as a car seat by pulling the seatbelt through the handle. Also conveniently doubles as a rocking chair and carry rack.
• Soft suspension system
Wheels absorbs shock for a comfortable ride
• Extra soft, quick-dry cushions
Padded 3D cushions made of breethable, quick dry fabric keeps your baby comfortable and dry
• Protective shell structure with shades
Keeps your baby cool and protected from the elements
• Large diameter wheels and soft suspension system
Large wheels adds stability and absorbs shock for a comfortable ride
• Mesh window
Mesh fabric window located at the rear to keep your baby nicely ventilated
• Big sunshades
99% UV blocking shades keeps your baby safe from direct sunlight
• "Egg shock" seat attachment
A form-fitting, shock absorbent cushion attachment comes included with each stroller
• Two way positioning
Baby faces you in "shell mode" for better visibility and reassurance. Baby faces away in "upright mode"
• Zipped side basket
• 5 point seat belt
Secures and prevents your child from accidentally slipping off
• Extra durable
Strong frame makes this stroller much more stable and easy to use
• Shoulder Strap
• 170° Full reclining seat
Allows a near horizontal optimum sleeping posture
• Top window
Window opens above baby's head so you can see and talk to her any time
• Open Dimensions
W50 x D81 x H99.5cm (W19.7 x D31.9 x H39.2in)
• Folded Dimensions
W42 x D35 x H100.5cm (W16.5 x D13.8 x H39.6in)
• Weight (Heaviest "shell mode")
8.6kg (19lbs)
• Reclining Angle (in stroller mode)
• Approximate Age Range
1-24 Months
sn0wing, why not? If you can make sure u will hear BB cries. If not prepare a baby monitor. For me I am lazy to wake up and walk to another room then back again if process repeats. My #1 cried every hr for the first few days, then every 2 hrs for 1-2 weeks. It's super tiring to get up from bed and walk to cot then back to bed and up again. Even when the cot was in our room then. Bascially like no sleep for me loh. Terrible.
Noon ladies

Thanks all for concern. Jut back from gynae visit n he say I only week 5 lei.. Zzz. I thought 6 le. C the dot n he ask me go back 3 weeks later but I choose 2 weeks later.. Today still can't hear heart beat.. Sob sob..

Son is not toilet trained yet as he didn't attend childcare..

Abit sad that heartbeat can't be heard yet.. Sob sob.. A tiring n noisy day!!!

When home just now, son request to latch on n no choice but to quit breast feeding, mum rub ru yi oil on me. He got a shock n eyes big big..

Sigh my dear son, after 30 months of latching, it's time to
stop le.. Mummy love u..
Ya, y not. Like all ang mo, their bb is sleeping in their own room right from the start. Just that we are lazy lah. hahah...
Kong Kong, dont be sad. 5 weeks is still very early. so even if cant hear heartbeat, its normal. Your son wasnt on diaper last night? 30 mths is a very long time! Good for you to be able to latch your son for so long
kong kong, I feel for your son who latch on a ru yi yu nipple! omg.. why don't you just ignore his latching request? what if the ru yi yu went into his throat? My son like auto slowly wean off leh, I don't know why, he suddenly like don't like the taste of my bm. I still latch him when he desperate for milk but he wun latch long and will shake head say dun want. Then my supply also dropping dramastically le.
Sun tan: ya I'm trying to stop now.. Sighhh.. Bad day..My son is on diaper n havent been potty trained yet..Hope 7th week can hear heartbeat

Jaj: me heartpain too lei.. Bt mum insist her way .. Can't stop cos he insist to drink to zz. A habit for him
any mummies taking bbt after tested pregnant? sian, im still taking as sinseh needs it. n these few days bbt keep dropping, although still above coverline.. so worried now. not sure if its due to sleep deprive or what.. not easy to take care of a girl when pregnant by myself.. somemore my 1.5years old girl is having fever these few days.. so cant have proper sleep n rest. need me to carry too..haiz... still 1 week plus before the next checkup with scan..
Jaj: ur LS must be cause by Tom yam

I had spicy food n LS for 2 day

Gynae say no spicy food, no chilli, no food with coconut, no curry, no raw, no carrying of no 2

Told me just nw
Kong kong: Ya my gynae oso say that. No spicy, no coconut milk, no raw, watch intake of bread, rice, cabbage, beans. And cos I got gastric prob so I cant take milk, cheese, yoghurt and any other dairy products, soya bean milk also cannot..
No spicy? I took a lot of spicy food during #1. I just had Thai food for lunch. Tom Yum, curry etc..all very spicy. opps...
Catherine - wow such a coincidence! We stay in the same area

sun_tan - we are also thinking about our sleeping arrangement. #1 co-sleep with us on our bed. I think during 1st month, #2 sleeps with CL in one room. Then the maid move to study room to sleep. I sleep with hb n #1 like now.

after 1st month, i bunk in with #2 while hb sleeps with #1. maid con't to sleep in study room. i guess this is the only way.

snowing - cabbage & beans... is it they cause wind?

My MS is progressing to the negative side. I can always feel the food up my throat.
Mama ling/ Pommes: Yes cos will cause wind so have to watch intake. Can eat but dont eat too much. As he said preg mummies' digestion slows so food may not be well digested

I am also not sure about the sleeping arrangement when #2 arrives. Think I will need to get new beds.

If sleep together with CL and baby in the master bedroom, is the CL going to sleep on the double bed? A bit funny. If not, then how?
