(2012/12) Dec 2012

Mamaling, so far I don't have any backache, unless I carry my #1 too long. He is 10.3kg now btw. Many commented that my tummy flatten very fast, not sure if it's the binding and cream. I could only think of this reason. But also because my tummy shrunk too fast, I had stretch marks after 1 week of gave birth. Throughout pregnancy no. The cream is neither smelly nor oily, so I can use it everyday anytime. Try to latch more coz latching helps to contract your womb quicker too!

Catherine, take care! Hi-5, I also taken 3 days mc this month!

kongkong, I tell you hor, I did rebonding at 3 mths during my first pregnancy. But I told my hairstylist I pregnant and he didn't touch my scalp, only rebond from a distance away from scalp and down.

cannot do rebond during pregnancy? Can trim and dye hair anot ? Cos i was still plannning to go trim hair and dye my hair next wkend.
JLJ, no problem. Hope you gals like their service. I am just sharing what I feel is good. This thread has more mummies interested in pre massage hor? I very timid, scare massage during pregnancy will hurt the little one, so nv did.
sobs all my white hair will be showing soon. But trimming is ok ?

JAJ, well i believe she should know wat to do.
I miss massage so much now with all the backaches and tiring feet.
JLJ, don't be sad, I am worse than you, all my grey hair are out in full force because I wanted to color my hair in Mar but never got round to doing it after discovering the pregnancy. Next time when we get to meet, whoever has more grey hair gets a prize ok? And I have natural curls too!

JAJ: massage during 2nd trimester should be safe because the ML will know what to do.
wont cos when they massage, they would aviod on the tummy area. they will work more on shoulders, neck and our legs. Cos those are the most aching bodyparts during pregnancy.
mama_ling, me too wanted to colour my hair in Mar but I got no time to arrange. Now I dun think i wan to risk it already. My rebond was done last dec so hoping it will last for a year.
Jaj: gp told mi not to rebond

Suntan: no worry, sure save abit can de. I quit during my first pregnancy n jobless few months n with all savings spent!!

Found a job again till bb was 3 mths
Kong kong, ya I guess have to bite the bullet.

Gg for lunch now! Gg have my fav loh mee. Enjoy ur lunch girls.
Can i ask something ?

I'm being invited to 2 baby showers next week and would like to ask u all do i nid to inform the person tat invited me tat i am pregnant ? If I cant go, can my hubby go?

I know going hospital is a no no.
Haha mama ling, that's a good one! But for my case my gynae advised me not to do rebond. His pt of view is that no doubt there is no findings abt any effects but it's chemicals afterall. So better to play safe.
Probably I will engage my previous massage lady, my neighbour used he for all of her 5 pregnancies...hahahah. yeah, can meet up 1 day.
For 1st pregnancy, i started to wear maternity clothing at 2nd tri, #2 at 7-8weeks pregnancy, think this one will look super pregnant in a few weeks time, need to shop from now on
I already started buying some new one coz I see my old maternity clothes I dun feel like wearing them again. haha
Catherine hope u ok. Get something light to fill ur stomach. Im feeling abit quesy now also and got abit cramp feel.. I cant tell whether its stomache or gastric pain or womb cramp.. Kind of worried...
I just hate this feeling...from bloatedness to ms to cramping...

I just cant put any food in my mouth... can just go for liquid diet for the whole day...

My mood also effected very badly....omg...how long will this last....
Catherine, maybe chicken rice is too oily & hard to digest. go with plain food first, have some dry crackers (dun drink things with it). At least try to have some food in the stomach first..
i also felt really jia-lat if i eat chicken rice.
recently slice fish bee hoon type of soupy stuff is good for me. lightly and probably easier to digest.

and i think my baby loves bread!! haha..
Catherine, ya totally agree tat chix rice is too oily, go for something soupy ~

i only able to eat chix rice tat was cooked by my mama and i was craving so much i ate for the past 3 days for dinner ~ lols.
berryjay, yes, I think it's probably too oily although I asked for plain rice. Took some crackers coz my stomach is emptied already.
I dunno how am I gonna survive after my one week mc ended! I have been sleepin and naping non stop and I just wake up!

Catherine: you still drink tea? When I'm ttc I have stop all caffeine drinks! Hmm I realize really pathetic when we cannot drink tea coffee and coke! The available choice will be just soya milk ribenna milo and milk that all!
Jellow: rest more since u r entitled to... U have ms?

Catherine: y onli fish porridge? No appetite? Me too..

Jlj: drool, u make mi cravel too..wake up;)

Mamaling; sighhh I dono what to Hv for dinner.. Hw many u?

Mrs heng: last time I drink water also scare vomit lei

Snowng: try visiting toilet?
Mrs. Heng, I think they haven't add in the agency fee. After add in should be same as current market level.

Wonder why day confinement is more ex than stay-in?
I used GPLS before. I like the auntie they sent me. Cooked well and encouraged me in BF.

This time round, I think I will go for GPLS again, hope can get back the same auntie.

*tired and hungry*
Jellow, I still take tea (Dilmah English tea) with less sugar. I try not to take Chinese tea coz I tend to get dizzy. Not usually a coffee person before pregnancy anyway... But I read that if you take caffeine in moderation, it's ok.

Kong kong, yes, no appetite. And when I do eat something else, I puke (like today).
Pommes: can we choose the aunty instead they appoint one to us? btw u still remember the aunty name?

JAJ: maybe cos of the time travelling that is why more costly.
I don't kow what to eat at all, taste bud is tasteless..

Jlj: hw is checkup? Hw many weeks le? Can hear heartbeat?

Suntan: u hw many week le?

Catherine: today just start puking?
Kong kong: I will get hungry easily even in the middle of the night wake up I will feel my stomach roaring! Hahas. Other than that will be frequent urination. Hmm I got my first check up Alrdy going for another follow up this thursday. My Gynae is Esther Ng she deliver in mt A. Hmm actually quite dilemma which hospital to give birth. I'm staying at east side the nearest hospital is parkway east shore. Which should be a better choice. My hubby tell me becos he is a civil servant im entitle to give birth at KK at a very low cost. Hahas think I better don't worry about this after 2nd trimester!!

Anyway don't worry about no appetite to eat as during first trimester we shouldn't be gaining a lot of weight.

Catherine: yes in moderation!
