(2012/12) Dec 2012

Chubbyfingers, thanks for putting me on the list. How did you do it?

Catherine, are you still hunting for gynae and comparing packages?

Mrs Heng, Dr Adrian Woodworth's the gynae who delivered my #1. His clinic at SK is small & crowded, and he doesnt't talk much, but I guess the convenience of going to him on Sat without the need to take leave overshadows everything. He increased his delivery charges by quite a lot compared to 3 years ago...
JLJ: Congrats and welcome!

As a general rule of thumb, avoid raw food, salads, caffeine, chinese herbs, pineapple etc. My gynae always say anything also can eat, but I prefer to be a little more cautious.
@Catherine and mamaling ~ thks thks

i've reduce coffee intake to 1 cup per day and just stop totally today. Sashimi and raw oysters are my all time fav food T_T

I taut sour things will help in preventing nausea but for me it worsen =.=''''
Wow i cant catch up with the thread... So fast & so much info liao. I juz hit 6 weeks today & starting to experience what u gals r feeling... Ms kicking in, puke tis morning and super tired... Plus checkup still 2 weeks later. Seeing u gals checking sac & heartbeat makes me really worried... Hope bb is ok.
Mama_Ling, I've got a gynae but I'm totally new to this package thingy. He did mention that he will let me know about OSCAR scan and etc in my 2nd appointment. So I'll see what he offers, then seek your advice here. Hee.
Mifmif, don't worry. You are more experienced since you are a 2nd time mummy already. My gynae's machine doesn't even allow me to listen to heartbeat, I think. Haha.

I bought guava juice and 100 plus to standby for my water intake for today already! Haven't had a chance to buy & slice lemons yet. Keke.
Thx mamaling, juz today i felt horrible. Feeling abit feverish too.thx for ur consolation. Gd idea to get 100 plus.. I shld get it later. Didn't manage to drink alot of water too, juz feel nauseous...
JLJ, so you will be going to Dr A Woodworth tonight. Must prep you. He is a man of few words. U have to prepare your list of questions and ask him. Or write down your questions on a piece of paper and show him, he will answer one by one. His consultations are always very quick, so if you don't prepare in advance, you will be out of his room in less than 2 mins
He is a very steady doc, but you have to get used to his style. His consultation package is quite reasonable and you can start the package from Day 1, unlike other gynae where you can only start from week 12/20? But I find his new delivery package a little pricey. But then again, I haven't really compared his delivery package with other gynaes.

Mifmif: You better rest and see doc if you are not feeling well. MS + falling sick + active boy to look after is a terrible combination.

Mrs Heng, my sis-in-law told me can drink. Last time her gynae asked her to drink 100 plus as she was puking too much and can't drink water. I guess drinking 100 plus is better than not drinking water at all and we might get dehydrated. I think water is still the best, but I don't know why, just cannot stand the taste of water now.
mamaling, if prepare a list in advance for sure will be a long long list, haha, too much questions to ask >< but anyway after lunch will prepare a list just in case.
Since this is your #1, I think he will be understanding. You should just pass the list of questions to him to speed up the process. Hahaha. If you ask him whether can eat this or can do this, he will say everything also can. Anything also can eat/drink, incl sashimi and coke. His rationale is Japs also eat sashimi and their kids are all born so cute.
chubbyfingers, can you help me input mine too?
Still blur about the table =P

Nick: kidomum
EDD: 4 Dec 2012
Baby #: 2
Hospital: TMC
Gynae: Dr Adrian Woodworth
Gender: TBA
Yes, sun_tan/sasayeo, that an tai yao is Utrogestan!!! So it is a hormones pill. I don't know what is it. haha...

Just now I ate yong tau foo half way full and feel like puking. Then I went to buy guava with suan mei fen, WOW! so nice!!! I find guave with suan mei fen can curb my nausea!! Everyone go try eating this when you feel nausea, really help!!
<table border=1><tr><td>No</TD><TD>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby #</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>e</TD><TD>1-Dec</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Ben Tham</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>JAJ</TD><TD>6-Dec</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Clifton Chan</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>sun_tan</TD><TD>7-Dec</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr John Yam</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>chubbyfingers</TD><TD>7-Dec</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Dr. Yeoh Swee Choo</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>sasayeo</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>East Shore</TD><TD>Loke Kah Leong</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>cath</TD><TD>8-Dec</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>Dr. Ben Choey</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Xta</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD>Dr Su Lin Lin</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Mama_ling</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>kidomum</TD><TD>4-Dec</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Mamaling, i juz had tom yum soup for lunch. Felt much better nw. Thx!
Jaj, i like guava with suan mei powder too but din noe can curb MS, will try tml.
Mifmif, tom yam soup works for you too! Yay! I thought I was the only weird one. Actually I have craving for assam fish head curry too!
Hi im taking utrogestan as well 3 times a day.... Today waiting my result for hcg n progestronemhope it will increasing much....

Can i join the table ?

Nick: san2
Edd: TBA
Baby: #1
Hospital: Mt. A
Gynae: Dr. fong Yang

Any suggestion what i should ask for 1st gynea visit?
Mrs Heng, same here leh. No mood to work. Don't know how to pass another 8 months. sigh. I already planning my ML liao... I will take a new week like start on Monday, easier to count.
i only craving for steamboat/shabu shabu, cant take in any spicy or fried food at all Just told my mama this morning, missing her steamboat haha. Everyday only can eat soupy food and fruits
JLJ, I am JAJ! wahaha... I also can only take soupy food and fruits this week. Sian.. if see too oily stuff I feel like puking liao...
Gambate, all mummies! Another few more hours to go!

Don't know whether anyone has experienced this before. I tend to puke when I brush my teeth and all my dinner will be gone.

I need help from the mummies here. My hcg not doubling but slow in raising. At first I was told by nurses if everything is ok, my baby gonna due end of this year but seems not so ok now.

This is my first pregnancy. I did my first hcg blood test on week 4 which shown a reading of 162.9 and the nurse told me that it is quite low where they are looking at 250 (kkh). For the 2nd hcg blood test, i got a result of 192.9 which was two days later. The nurse again said low on the borderline.

I am quite worry about this. Is there anyone know how to increase hcg level naturally others than med? They have given me oral med 10mg 2x per day duphaston to be taken for one month time. My the other question what is the chances of survival for my fetus? Did anyone ever encounter this in early pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby at the end?

Thanks a million if someone can really share with me their experience and how I should cope with this. Feel helpless and restless recently due to this hcg stress.

mama ling... yes i experience this during my #1...so far this round hv yet have any ms thing... touchwood...

now is just hard to tahan too long in office... keep counting the hrs....now so sleepy too..
No MS this morning for me, but just when I thought everything was ok, I almost puked when lunching outside halfway.
I am SO going to tabao back to office to avoid the embarrassment.
hiyo, poor thing, catherine! buy fruit to eat after lunch, it helps for me.

Mamaling, think you sensitive to the toothpaste leh. Some mummies will but I never. *touchwood*

niko, sorry I never experience such situation b4 so can't advise u. Hope there will be someone who can advise u here.
Anyone feel sleepy after taking the progesterone pills? They made me feel very nua and sleepy. These few days I feel like a piggy.. Eat sleep eat sleep. Doc gave me 2 days mc so I'm resting at home.
I also found my tooth paste a bit too overbearing this morning.. @_@ Feeling gross.. haha

I started to have some gross feeling, sometimes wondering if its hunger or MS i cannot differentiate lol!
Niko michi: u must stay positive..it's better for u n the bb. For my case I had cramp n bleeding n last sat my sac size is only 6mm which the gynae say it's not optimistic. I am going for another checkup this sat. I m trying to stay positive. If the bb is fated to b my bb it will s I m trying to sustain it. If not I may try again for the next pregnancy. Dun feel too overly depress s it's fated sometimes nothing's hinges u can't control. Hope every MTb with issues will b solve n deliver healthy bb by yr end.
<font color="ff6000">E, yours at 6.1mm is good mine is only 3.5mm seems so small. I check baby centre 6.1-8mm seems the norm....sun_tan at 6 weeks 6 days is 8.5mm. Dunno why mine so small....DH and I are both not small size leh.</font>

Next scan only in 2 weeks....i hope the size will grow healthily.

<font color="0000ff">sasayeo, dun eat too much soy or bean curd (not sure if your egg curd is same thing?) heard not good. I also abstaining from my fav steamboat and korean bbq as fear of uncooked food will have bacterial attack which is very dangerous to the embryo.</font>
I don even know whether If i had miscarriage until sat check up. Hope I will b lucky this time. Still bleeding n cramp but lessen Liao..always feel hungry n some fatigue...
happymok, we will pray for you! You must jia you and update us on sat after your check up k! Rest more and eat healthy in the meantime!
Thanks JAJ..i tink whole pregnancy us kinda worrying untill the bb is safety deliver..it's nature...I oso hope every single of us here will have a safe n smooth pregnancy!!!
Yes, happymok. As long as BB not out is worrying for us everyday. I hope all our Dec BB will be healthy, safe and mummies will have smooth pregnancy!
Totally agree, me have been worrying since the day i've decided to TTC and now when preggy i tend to worry even more.

Jia You to All the mummies ^^
I'm asking a silly question here. (I realized I didn't ask the gynae any question during my first visit. Goondu me.)

How do we 'decipher' the ultrasound film? On the top there is 3.5mm Pen., then at the bottom right there is GS 0.70cm. So which is the size you ladies are referring to? :p
Oh, according to google it should be the GS (gestational sac) measurement. So it's 0.7cm for me at 5 weeks 3days.

Haha, answer my own silly question.
I'm planning to get online from Old Navy or Gap. More affordable and greater variety, I think. Have to say 'Bye bye' to my bodycon dresses and skirts.
Mrs heng: u can get it from Vivo city, there is a lot of such shops there. Shopping mall oso got sell like mothercare.

There's a maternity shop "Perfect Mum" at Arcade Centre @ Raffles Place, sell nice maternity clothing too. I'm gonna visit them next mth! hehe...
